Other RP Ideas that never work out

Band rps (in 1x1)

Where we start a band or band based rp and then it never takes off.

That or in particular I will contact someone to do a band rp, and then either that person found someone, or I never get a message back.

So then I have this band rp craving that cannot be filled.

if you still want to, feel free to message me. I''d love to do a band RP and have tried 2 or 3 times but didn't get past a few messages
I have been trying to recruit for two of my group rp ideas. One being a group of misfits that have clasped together as a second family heading into their final year of high school that deal with the obstacles of inner and outer challenges in a corrupt type town. Then my other idea being a college group role play where individuals are paired together in co-ed dorms with going down whatever path they choose in being a good or bad individual. Both have been done in the past. It just seems like many aren't as open minded in playing in groups which is sad, because group role plays had been so fun for me. I love creating a setting, challenges for others, and drama was always fun for me. Well here's to optimism in 2024....
I'd say ones about cults but is that going to stop me from trying again on this site? NOPE!
I've had quite a few ideas over the years that never really took off, mostly dystopian and post-apocalyptic type settings. That sort of thing just doesn't seem to be super in demand unless it's zombies or Fallout-esque. My ideas were neither.
Same, it's really hard to pull off and I am not a fan of zombies so I suppose the lackluster of my own interest can be it's downfall
nerdy tangents nerdy tangents That murder mystery plot sounds really interesting to me, my World's Worst Gift Shop roleplay actually has multiple plotlines planned that sound similar. Can I have more info on what you had planned?

mousecreant mousecreant Ah T.T I'm all about world exploring

Jannah Jannah I'd like to hear your ideas on non-Fallout non-zombie related roleplays, considering I'm writing one right now
It used to be much easier to create roleplays when I was a teenager, possibly because teenagers will see anything cool and go 'COOL!' and just go ham roleplaying mecha or superheroes or mutants or wolves or pokemon or whatever. But from what I've seen, this roleplay community is mostly full of adults.

I have a personal theory that in order to get a roleplay that adults (or audiences of a higher maturity level) are interested in, that AREN'T romance, you have to buff the worldbuilding so everyone knows what to do once they start. Either that, or you have to pick up on the worldbuilding of another series. If doing a fandom roleplay you have to be careful about the series you pick and how accessible the most relevant information is to everyone.

I'm not doing a fandom roleplay, instead I'm engineering in a lab the best roleplay setting I possibly can, and this will either be legendary or be a total flop. I'm okay with either result :D
I’ve had a few late night urges for roleplay. Where I came up with something on the wims. But I’ve kinda started to give up on finding anyone for anything. Because so far? I get crickets for almost EVERY post I do. And when ever I do find someone interesting that I’m really hoping to roleplay with. They always tell me it’s not gonna work out for what ever reason they give. Or they end up vanishing off the face of the earth. Now mind you I’m a very patient person and know life gets busy so I’ll wait a while before poking. And if I don’t get a response I assume it’s dead
Harem RPs. For 1x1 specifically. And mxm, also specifically. In a pre-established universe in a game or anime where you kinda have to do some character development so those characters can fit or write them very ooc'ly.

Could do with groups, but eh. Most people prefer to rp as their own character and not canon characters. So it just depends.

Usually these things would fit into a fanfiction, so Google docs I go 😅

It's also hard finding someone to do one of these things who don't immediately try sexualizing it just because it kinda feels like a sausage party. I just want feel good stuff sometimes, man 😩
I had my first experience with one of these with a 1x1 partner fairly recently, actually! I didn't know what was coming, it was set up where she knew the plot, but I only knew what was relevant to my character. It was surprisingly good and sweet!

My character had lost his memory and didn't know how to deal with having four already very loving boyfriend/guardians, who also loved each other, so he was trying to slowly get to know them all again. That was a lot of fun, but I don't think it'll ever be finished, so I guess it fits here too.

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