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Realistic or Modern Royal Metanoia {Closed}

Fern had been such a support to the siblings, that the next few days passed almost too quickly for both Sophie and Ewan. They had not fully accepted Ferns offer to take over the funeral process but had instead sat down with her to speak of their own wishes for their goodbyes. Late evening sunlight had filtered through the kitchen window as the group sat huddled around the table, papers askew as they worked through the plans. Ewan had taken his leave to wander outside and be with the small forgotten garden that the cottage boasted, leaving Sophie and Fern together.

With shimmering eyes the princess had taken Ferns hand and whispered her thanks and apologies for the first night.

"We couldn't be getting through this without you." Sophie murmured, her hand shaking slightly as she retreated from Fern to hold onto the warm cup of tea she had been nursing. "Thank you, truly for everything." With that the princess left the table leaving Fern to her lists and plans.


Outside Ewan sat on an overturned bucket and watched the clouds drift by as the sun basked them in golden warmth. Overhead he could hear the birds chatting away as they prepared to roost for the evening. In his hands he held a small pup he had extracted from an overgrown pothos. His clever fingers worked to remove the rot and overpacked dirt. The work soothed him, and kept his mind focused away from the future. Already Leo had pulled him aside and began the process for his official coronation.

He still could not wrap his head around the notion, in a few short days his country would lean on him more than ever. He was given stacks upon stacks of files to read through, and in the evenings when Fern dozed Ewan would switch on his bedside lamp and do his best to take in all he needed to be the king his country deserved. That his people needed.

"You'll be quite the plant when you're ready little sprout." He told the green little vines as at last he was ready to repot. He had found a small little grey pot with little decorative diamond markings around the rim. In a few short moments the new little plant was resting in some damp soil and ready to grow. With a little grunt Ewan stood and gave the clouds one last look. The wisps curled in and around themselves as the wind carried them off to the coast. It almost felt like dancing to him, the way the puffs of deep red and yellow sun stained clouds carried on. They reminded him of Fern and he found himself seeking out her presence.

He found her a few moments later, in the small sunroom that led out to the back porch, surrounded still by her papers and plans.

"For you." Ewan said reaching out to offer her the little plant.
Fern looked up as Ewan entered, and she smiled brightly at his little gift. Taking it gently in her hands, she looked down at the sprout with affection.

"Thank you, Ewan! It's beautiful." Placing the plant on the table, Fern stood and embraced Ewan tightly. After she released him, Fern took a break from her papers and spent the afternoon with Ewan, sitting closely and talking about nothing. Just being next to him seemed to ease his heart, so she was there as much as she could. Later that week they returned to the castle. Fern was reunited with her family, and She, Sophie and Ewan stood together as the announcement was made about the assassination. The weeks after were busy--too busy. After the funeral, there was barely time to breathe, let alone leave the grounds to practice for the show.

Too soon for her tastes, the coronation was upon them. Ewan was to be crowned King, and Sophie moved to the title of Crown Princess. The wedding was also moved up the timetable--in only a month after. Fern had dressed in a gown that was grand, but muted enough for the occasion. The royal family had yet to come out of black. A matching cape over her shoulders, she found Ewan in a sitting room adjourning the throne room where the crowd had gathered. He looked gaunt and frayed, even dressed up as he was. He stood when she entered the room, looking through her. Not really seeing. He had been like this since the news broke. Fern stopped a moment, putting her hand on her chin before an idea dawned on her. She strode across the room to him, grabbed him by the lapels and yanked his head down to meet hers. Their lips crashed together in a fever, and it took only a heartbeat for Ewan to respond.

It seemed that broke the damn. His arms circled her waist tightly and returned her kiss with his own. Deep and passionate. He was pouring all of his pent up feelings into the kiss--as was she. Right now, words wouldn't reach him. After some long minutes of kissing, they pulled apart, gasping for air. Fern pressed her forehead to his, her heart racing.

"Do you see me now, Ewan?" She searched his eyes, one hand resting over his own, hammering heart.
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She filled up every bit of him with that kiss sending shockwaves through his system that had his mind careening back down to earth. He had been floating away in a cloud of numbness. He was grateful to her and when she drew back he let out the first laugh since the accident.

"Yes Fern. I see you." Ewan said his voice warm as his hands cupped her face. He was about to lean down and kiss her once more when a throat cleared. Ewan glanced up to see his sister in the doorway. Sophie had adorned herself in a stunning black gown with lace and chain detailing.

"This really isn't the time or place for that nonsense." Sophie voice was a cold bucket of water over Ewan's head. His fingers twitched against Fern's skin and he hesitated a moment considering fighting with her a moment. Instead his hands lowered to his sides, slowly and in controlled motions. The silence in the room was broken by his deep steading breath and Ewan offered his betrothed another smile.

"Thank you Fern." Ewan said ignoring his sister. "I needed that."

"We are ready to begin." Sophie's voice was clipped, with her impatience and she tapped her manicured nails against the wooden doorframe.

"Yes we are." Ewan said as he took Fern's hand and the couple moved the entrance to the throne room. Through the closed door, he could hear the murmurs of the crowd and the occasional camera click as photographer and news teams readied their devices for this momentous occasion. Sophie and Fern were to enter at the start of the music, and he would follow a few moments after. Sophie gave the door a quick knock, signaling they were ready to begin. Within moments the sounds a soft cello music began and the door opened revealing the throne room. The space had been decorated with black roses and creeping ivy which clung to pillars and pews in artful arrangements. Candle light and early morning sun bathed the room in a soft orange glow. The music, though somber was chosen for its hopeful notes.

Fern and Sophie both glided down the dark red carpet and towards the head of the room where one large chair and two smaller chairs flanked it's each side. The same greenery sat nestled on the tops of the pointed chairs. Three ministers stood, all dressed in the traditional garb of coronation. Ewan had always found the tall hats to be rather hilarious and he did his best to channel the regalness his mother had always carried with her. He did this now for her.

When Fern and Sophie reached the front of the room, they were both given a single item to hold. When Ewan was crowned it was up to his sister and fiancé to bestow upon him the items, signifying his new rank.

"Come forward Ewan crown prince of Ubor." The minster called once he was ready. Keeping his eyes on Fern and reminding himself to walk slowly yet with purpose; Ewan began his next journey.
Fern was handed the golden scepter, Sophie the gilded crown. They waited for him at the throne, one on each side, one hand on each arm. The gathered crowd spoke quietly as Ewan proceeded down the isle, music swelling as he stopped before the three short steps up to the throne. Ewan knelt when the minister motioned, and he began his speech.

"Today we gather here to witness the crowning of Ewan, first of his name, as the king of Ubor." He paused a moment before continuing, the crows feet around his eyes crinkling kindly as he looked at the prince's bowed head. "Raise your head, and speak after me. I, Ewan, swear upon my life and line, to uphold and protect the laws and customs of my kingdom as long as I shall live. I will shield and provide for my people above all else, and will use the wisdom of the gods to guide me." Ewan did, and the minister motioned for him to rise. He faced Fern, and she knelt as she presented him the scepter. He took it from her, and turned back to face the room. Fern took three steps back so she was standing behind the throne, looking demure. The minister draped a heavy cape around his shoulders, then stepped back for Sophie. Ewan knelt again, and Sophie placed the crown on his brow. Ewan stood and faced the crowed again, before sitting down on the throne. The room erupted in applause and cheers, Ewan giving a small smile and regal waive. Sophie's ceremony was slightly shorter, but none less grand--she was now officially the crown princess of Ubor.

The celebration was somewhat subdued because of the circumstances of the coronation, but it still lasted several hours. Once they were finally excused, the three exited the throne room through a back door. Servants helped Ewan take off the fineries, they weren't for everyday wear. Ewan clasped Fern's hand and gave her a warm smile--the first in days. She smiled back happily, but before she could speak, a small group of elderly men approached. She recognized some faces from her studies, they were the royal advisors. They would be taking a more active role in Ewan's rule until he got a better handle on everything himself.

"Your majesty, your highness." They greeted, bowing for the royals. They ignored Fern, but she smiled none the less. She knew well of her reputation in the palace--there would be no respect for her until she was Queen. "I understand it's been a tiring day for you both, but we have some matters to discuss with you that are urgent, forgive us." Sir Jones was the one who spoke, and old, spindly man with thick glasses and a cunning smile. "The lady should retire to her rooms. And...distasteful displays of affection should be withheld, even within the palace." He eyed the couple's twined hands with thinly veiled disgust. Fern released Ewan's hand instantly, and gave a deep curtsy to the group.

"I'll keep that in mind, my lord." She replied evenly. "Goodnight, everyone. Sleep well and pleasant dreams." She turned on her heel and went down the hallway towards her rooms. Sir Jones coughed lightly and resumed speaking as the group began to move in the opposite direction.

"You majesty, if we may offer a humble word of advice?" Ewan nodded curtly "We suggest that you distance yourself from your...fiance, until after the wedding. The slightest move could be construed as improper. The country's eyes are on you now, you can't afford to make mistakes at the present time. The royal linage must not be called into question." He turned his shrewd eyes to Sophie "Your highness, you, too, must begin to make sacrifices for your position. The casual dating you have participating in will cease immediately. You must begin the hunt for a husband in earnest, and start to repair your damaged reputation with the people."

Fern would not see Ewan again for some time. Though she was allowed out to attend practices for the ballet, she was not allowed to do much else. Confined to her room and assigned a new maid, her lessons seemed to be happening less and less frequently than before. Her family was sent home as soon as it was deemed appropriate, and forced to take Peaches with them. It was the thought of the advisors that such an animal was wrong for the image of the future queen. Fern flopped down onto her bed with a heavy sigh, and sent a text out to him. Just to soothe the loneliness beginning to bloom in her chest.

[I miss you.]
The time after the coronation was more than busy for Ewan as he made public appearances and signed more papers and documents than even thought possible. While it certainly kept his body busy, Ewan found his mind adrift more often than not. his thoughts a winding river that always seemed to lead back to the same destination. Fern. He wondered what she was doing, as he bent over another lengthy document detailing some rather large event to hosted at the palace.

"It's all in order of course." Sir Jones told him as he slid another folder of papers towards him. "I can assure you." The man made a small motion that he hurry it along and just sign the damn thing. Ewan's brows furrowed and he thought of reprimanding the man but Sir Jones spoke before he could. "These are all papers needing to be signed today sir, it's already well past ten in the eve..." The main trailed off and gave a meaningful look at his watch. Feeling thoroughly foolish Ewan did as requested, despite the ringing in his ears. He signed the remained of the papers not bothering to read the rest of the titles, just wanting to be rid of the overly helpful man.

When finally the job was finished Ewan bade Sir Jones good evening and sank back into his chair. There was a moments peace until the vibration of his cell phone made a loud rumble on the desk. Picking it up he read the three words and smiled.

[ I miss you too. Sneak up to my room tonight? ]


Elsewhere the rhythmic thump and grind of the printing press continued its work. Pamphlet after pamphlet of proclamations were being printed to hang about in government buildings and community centers. Within a month it seemed registration and descriptions of talents were now to be provided on all personal identification.
Fern's heart leapt at the response he sent, a smile spreading across her face. She jumped up from the bed and slipped on her shoes, then hovered by the door as she listened to the sounds in the hallway. After about fifteen minutes, silence met her ears. Slowly, slowly, she eased the door open and watched, waiting with baited breath. Nothing happened, so she pushed the door open all the way, then closed it behind her.

Fern ran as fast as she could, dodging security and maids as they came. Finally, she had reached the staircase leading to Ewan's tower room. After rushing up, she knocked on his door with urgency. Ewan opened it, and Fern leapt into his arms, holding him tight against her. He stumbled back, and managed to push the door closed before embracing her. A joyful laugh bubbled from her and she buried her face into his neck, enjoying the warmth of his body and the feel of his heart.

"Gods, I missed you." She murmured. "I missed you so much. How are you?" She pulled away and lifted her hands up to cup his face, searching his eyes. "Have you been eating? Sleeping? You look pale." Ewan was smiling ear to ear, and pulled her into another hug. He buried his face into her hair, which was in a soft, puffy fro. "Ewan," She scolded halfheartedly, pulling away again after another squeeze. "Truly, you look awful. What can I do to help? Please, tell me everything." They sat down on the messy bed together, and Fern held his hands in hers, gently massaging his palms with her thumbs as she looked into his face.

Before he answered, Ewan took one hand back and cupped her cheek with it, grasping her skin softly. He leaned in and pressed a tender kiss to her lips--the action filled her from her ears to her toes with adoration.
The sweet kiss filled him with such a sense of peace Ewan found he lingered moments longer than he had intended. Fern was always such a caretaker and it meant more than he could possible know that she always asked him what he needed help with. His thumb stroked down the apple of her cheekbone and he looked into her soft brown eyes which looked just as weary as he assumed he looked.

"Fern, I want to ask the same of you. Is there anything I can do for you? I want to hear about all of your dancing and activities. Hopefully they haven't been driving you ragged." Ewan let his hand drop from Fern's face and he shifted so that his head lay in her lap and he looked up at her. He let out a contented sigh as her fingers dover into his hair and her nails scratched lightly at his scalp. "It's been so busy." Ewan muttered the word 'so' accentuated from how long he held the O sound. "I think my hand might fall off if I have any more papers to sign. Sir Jones, I don't know how he does it. Today we didn't even stop for lunch. I felt like a school boy when he asked me where I was going when I needed the bathroom."

Ewan tucked his head in closer to Fern and he breathed in the sweet scent of her. "I want to hear all about you though. I can't wait to see you dance opening night. It's been too long since I've seen you dance."
Fern smiled as Ewan settled into her lap like a happy cat. She carded her hand through his hair as he spoke. When he mentioned his hand, she took it in both her own and began a massage, starting at the palm, moving up his fingers and then down his wrist. He asked after her, and her smile faded as she thought of how to tell him of her feelings.

"Honestly, Ewan? I feel trapped. My teachers have all been sick for more than a week, and it seems no one is interested in finding substitutes. I'm not allowed to leave my room unless it's to rehearse or deal with wedding plans. I understand not wanting me to be in the way--I'm all for it. I would hate to be a nuisance. But, I wasn't even informed of your past three press conferences, Ewan. I feel like I'm being shut out of your life." Her forehead wrinkled and she worried her lip, still massaging his hand. "And...are you sure you'll be ale to make opening night? I was told you and Sophie wouldn't be attending." Fern did her best not to let the hurt she felt creep into her voice. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to complain. I just want to be of help to you, Ewan. Not a burden."
The news that Fern had shared rocked Ewan to his core, he had been so wrapped up in his own duties to see the treatment of Fern was unacceptable. Ice flowed through his veins and he stiffened despite the comforting touch of his betrothed.

"I want to make sure I understand Fern." He voice came out even and controlled. "You've been shut away in your bedroom despite this being your home?" Unable to stay where he was Ewan lifted his head and sat up. When Fern followed up her mentions of her treatment with an apology Ewan gently reached out to grasp her hand. "This ends now Fern. I will not allow for any of my staff to treat you this way." His brow wrinkled as he thought hard for a solution. It came to him moments later and had him moving to his feet.

"Let's go get your things shall we? I think it's high time you moved into my wing with me." At Fern's surprised look Ewan could not help leaning down to kiss her softly. "Press and public opinion be damned. I'll marry you tomorrow if the people demand it, but I will not be kept from you. This king is nothing without his queen." Ewan clasped Ferns hand and together the two of them walked out into the tower hall and began to make their way towards where Ferns quarters were. Everything in Ewan wanted him to sneak around and tuck Fern away so she would not have to deal with the pressures facing them, but he could not imagine his mother would approve. Sara was a woman of action and she made sure her head was held high the entire time. Ewan could not help but hope that he was making her proud in this very moment of action.

Despite their lack of secrecy they were not encountered in the halls and made it to Fern's room with not a single interruption. Together the two of them got out Fern's suitcases and began to pack up her things for the short trip.
Fern was more relieved than she could say at his response. A small part of her had worried he was aware of her predicament and said nothing to keep peace within the palace. Not that she would have blamed him for it. The walk back down to her rooms seemed to be much faster than the journey up to his--perhaps it was her anxiety. As they began to pack, her new maid entered the room behind them. A small gasp escaped her lips and she curtsied hurriedly before bolting back out the door.

Fern looked to Ewan worriedly, but he gave her an encouraging smile and calmly continued to place the garments in her closet within a large dress bag. Not ten minutes later, Sir Jones, the head butler and several servants nearly burst through the doors. The lord was still in his nightclothes.

"Your majesty." He said, his voice shaky from his run. "What on earth is happening here? Do you know how inappropriate this is? If she had a problem, she should have informed her maid." Still, he refused to address her. Fern could see anger flicker across Ewan's face. Sir Jones visibly composed himself and stood straight before continuing. "Your majesty, I speak only with the best intentions. You must not be left alone with the intended before your wedding--especially at night. Gods forbid your heir be conceived before the ceremony, do you understand how badly that would reflect on the throne? I don't know what she's been telling you," He cast a thinly veiled look of disgust at Fern "But you cannot give into your urges. I understand that you are a young man with little experience in romantic endeavors and she must be very alluring, but this is entirely unreasonable. " He heaved a sigh, rubbing his hand over his face.

Fern's face burned with his unspoken accusation. Of course, she had seduced him, and was not attempting to circumvent royal traditions to secure the throne for herself. He was implying that they were already intimate and she was controlling him through that. Of course he would think that. Fern balled her hands into fists and dug her nails into her palms to fight the tears stinging in her eyes. She saw Ewan nearly about to burst, and quickly crossed the room to his side. She began to reach for him, but a small scoff from Sir James stopped her. Frustrated, she returned her hands to her side and took a breath.

"The lord is just concerned, your majesty." Fern said evenly, looking into Ewan's eyes. "Take a breath and steady yourself."
The anger coursing through him had the thrumming of blood echoing through his ears. With each passing word and accusation Ewan found he wished for nothing more than to throw each and every person who gathered there out of the grounds and into the streets. How dare they seek to control every aspect of Fern's life and sequester her away until she was needed. He knew all to well the toll it took, and vowed he would never let such a thing happen to her. He was about to wonder what his mother had ever seen in the man when Fern drew him back to the present. He focused on the fire he saw in her eyes, and the collected calm in her voice. Visibly his shoulders drooped a little and he let out the breath he just realized he had been holding.

"Indeed he seems most concerned with our public image." Ewan growled out the word, his eyes never leaving Fern. Something shifted in his eyes, the anger joining with a tender light. "Sir Jones." At the mans name Ewan lifted his gaze to meet the gaze of the man in question. "You can be assured that Lady LaRose and I have taken into consideration the fears you have put forward. Despite this we will be moving forward with Lady LaRose's move to my quarters, we need not explain our actions further to you." Ewan turned to fetch the dress bag. "Fern have you got your things?" Ewan asked as she gathered up two bags full of her items.

"I really must protest! This is entirely inappropriate sir." Sir Jones made a move to stand in their way and Ewan stopped up short.

"Your King demands you leave." Ewan gazed hard at Sir Jones and then at the staff around them. "All of you." He said darkly.
Fern gave Ewan an encouraging smile as he spoke his mind, and breathed a heavy sigh of relief once the others filtered out of the room on his command. He held her hand tightly as they walked back to his chambers, and Fern could feel the anger still radiating from him. They reached his room, and once they set down her things she turned to hug him as tight as she could, burying her face into his chest. They stood embracing for some time, until both had calmed, somewhat. Ewan ran his hands through her hair and muttered soft apologies to her, his voice now mournful.

"Ewan, please don't apologize." She said, pulling away. Fern hadn't even realized that tears had been falling from her eyes until Ewan gave her a startled look. "It's absolutely not your fault." She gave him another squeeze before pulling away and wiping the tears away with the heels of her palms. Fern went and dug her bonnet out of one of the bags, and tied it around her hair. The familiar motions calmed her. She crossed the room and sat down on the bed, before looking up at Ewan with an almost sarcastic smile. "Besides, it's not like I can get pregnant, anyway. So their fears are largely unfounded."
It felt good to touch her, everything about her deserved to be stroked and soothed. Her tight grip around him made him feel anchored to this moment, and he basked in it until she drew away to begin her nightly rituals. Ewan saw the shine of the tears on her cheeks and he went to the bathroom to grab a tissue. He returned and found her on the bed with a wry smile. He was quiet for a moment, handing her the tissue and settling on the bed in front of her. The mattress dipped and she shifted slightly to accommodate for the feeling. Fern dabbed at her eyes and Ewan tilted his head watching the graceful movements.

"You know, that doesn't make you any less of a woman in my eyes." He told her, his gaze shifted down as he suddenly could no longer meet her eyes. His own shame coloured the tips of his ears and nose. Sir Jones words echoed in his head. "Does... Does my inexperience make me less of a man?" He asked softly.
Fern immediately cupped Ewan's face in her hands, forcing him to look into her eyes. "Don't you ever think that, Ewan." She said sternly. "Intimacy does not make us whole. Besides, I've never slept with anyone, either. Just because I've had more partners than you doesn't mean I'm any more experienced than you are." She pressed a tender kiss to his forehead, before gently releasing his face. "We're going to figure this out together, alright?" He nodded, looking less somber than he had before. After they finished up thier nightly routunes, the two crawled into bed together for the first time. Ewan seemed nervous, so Fern cuddled close to his back and wrapped one arm around him. She pressed her forehead to his shoulders and gave a small sigh. "Goodnight, Ewan. Sweet dreams."
They remained twined around one another the entire night, finding comfort in the others touch. Ewan could not remember another night in which he had slept so well, despite the days events. When the following morning arrived there seemed to be a weight to the air that had not been there before. Fern's addition to his room seemed to be a subject that was treated like a bomb that might go off at any moment. The maid who entered the room rolling in a breakfast tray kept her eyes down and exited as soon as she was able, the door closing with a firm snap behind her.

Ewan sat up in the bed rubbing his eyes before he turned his gaze down to the still dozing Fern beside him. Today would be different he told himself, he was going to advocate for his future wife and her freedoms. Ewan caught the soft curve of her cheek bone and unable to help himself he reached out to trace the soft swell. His fingertips danced lightly over her skin, making her wrinkle her nose in her sleep. He chuckled as Fern groaned at him and shifted.

"Sorry." He whispered. Deciding to see what the maid had brought for breakfast Ewan padded over to the tray table and peered at the two plates of omelets and orange juice. He took one of the plates and went over to his desk to open up his laptop. When he powered it on Ewan took a moment to take a great bite of the fluffy egg mixture. The laptop made a noise as it came to life and Ewan went immediately to open the internet. The front page which often held little news stories on plants and other topics of his interest was instead filled with breaking news.

New law set in motion last night, citizens asked to register their powers into a central database.

Ewan frowned at the headline and clicked for the news story. His chewing slowing as he took in the information.
"What on earth?" He muttered to himself as he quickly back up and clicked another headline with a similar story, it detailed a deadline for the citizens, saying there was month for all to comply. "Or citizenship will be taken into question?" He read the final line of the article aloud softly and leaned back in his chair. He hadn't approved that. Had he?
Fern stirred soon after Ewan left the bed, and rose to take her breakfast plate. Before she could even utter good morning, Fern saw the computer screen. She went to him, putting one hand on his chair as she leaned over to read the article. It was the bottom half, but she could gather the gist of it. She exchanged a worried look with Ewan before sitting down on the bed again.

"How did this happen?" She asked him "Is Sir Jones moving behind your back?" Before he could answer, another maid entered the room and curtsied. "Your schedule for the day, your majesty, and a letter from the royal advisors." She placed the two envelopes on the tray where the breakfast sat, curtsied again and left. Fern delivered the schedule to Ewan, and with permission opened the letter. She began to read aloud.

"Good morning your majesty, we hope you slept well. As you can see, your schedule for today is tight, so we hope you will be ready early. After the press conference to discuss the new laws passed, we humbly ask you join us for a meeting to discuss further steps. We regret to inform you that your fiance's presence will not be needed, as many in the cabinet are uncomfortable considering her powers. Until she is joined to you, registered and signs an agreement stating she will not use her powers during discussions of state."

Fern gave Ewan a dumbfounded look, which quickly turned into hurt and then worried. "I don't want you to do this alone." She said, standing. "I'll register right now so I can go with you before the press and advisors."
Ewan dragged a hand down his face as he listened to Fern reading aloud the letter, his head leaned back against the head of his chair and the sigh that had been gathering for long moments let itself of his lungs. It occurred to him that his mother and father had never had problems like this, at least not that he ever saw. His heart sank a little at the notion he would never get to ask them for advice, perhaps he might never King his country deserved. Fern stood then and with a determined glint in her eyes she spoke of registering. He thought for a moment to stop her, but he could not find the nerve to skirt his duty, despite how wrong it felt.

"I will go with you." Ewan said standing as well. "It is only right I do the same." They dressed quickly in relative silence, a tension had filled the room as they both contemplated what this new law would mean for the future. Ewan pulled a plain grey shirt over his shoulders and glanced over at Fern as her clever fingers sorted through her curly locks. His gaze softened and he found himself drawn in by her. Unable to resist he went over to her as she sat down on the stool in front of a vanity. Their eyes met through the mirror and he tilted his head curiously.

"Does this feel right to you? This law?" Ewan let his hand reach out and he traced the soft curve of her spine with a gentle finger. Behind them a number of orchids that rested happily along a tall shelf began to bloom ever so slowly, as the pad of his finger moved along her ebony curves.


Outside of the city a number of small towns prepared to open their community centers, volunteers prepared sheets and scanners. Security patrolled the soon to be open doors as a line slowly grew outside. Townsfolk frowned and spoke among themselves as they clutched their identifying documents to their chests, some wondered what had changed. Why would their king demand this of them? So long the country of Ubor had been a freedom forward thinking amalgamation, what on earth would Ubor's neighboring countries think?
Fern gave Ewan a smile smile as he touched her gently, but stilled at his question. Her expression dropped and she fiddled with a makeup brush as she thought of her answer. Taking a breath, she met his eyes through the mirror.

"No, Ewan, it doesn't. It feels as though we're invading the privacy of our people in a wretched way. And everything that this law opens the door for scares me." She turned in her chair and took his hand, laying kisses across his knuckles. "When we've finished with putting out the fires today, can we please talk about this more? I want to figure out how this happened." Ewan gave her a nod, and she could see the gears of his mind turning as he thought. Fern finished readying herself and then took his hand. They made their way down to the lobby of the castle, and from there entered a town car. After registering, and fighting through the press back, the couple attended the first meeting of the day. Sir Jones and the other advisors looked pleased with themselves.

"Good morning, your Majesty and Lady LaRose." Sir Jones greeted. "Before the press conference, we should go over your talking points. Your majesty should be the one doing the majority of the talking. You should reassure the people of the new law and the precedents that are to follow." Fern traded a look with Ewan. She accepted a cup of coffee presented to her by the attending maid, and took a sip before speaking.

"Precedents, sir Jones?" The man gave her a smile that looked more like a sneer.

"Yes, my lady. After the population has registered, we have a few new plans ready to take place. We'll offer job options based off of powers, encourage army recruitment for those who fit, and screen dangerous powers to be watched." Fern gave Ewan an alarmed look.
Sir Jones looked immensely pleased with himself as he spoke of the future for the country, there was a merry glint in the older man's eyes and those that surrounded him that seemed entirely misplaced for the situation. Ewan met Fern's alarmed gaze and he reached out a hand to place on her shoulder, both in an act to steady himself and offer comfort.

"What on earth makes a power dangerous?" He questioned.

"Excellent question." Another man quipped, he eagerly stepped forward and ushered Fern and Ewan to a nearby table that held a computer screen ready with a slideshow. "If you will turn your attention to the screen I'll be happy to explain." The man said after Ewan and Fern had both seated themselves. They shared another look of trepidation and then focused. The presentation took no more than ten minutes and outlined a number of studies linked to violence and the powers a person possessed. The numbers shared those with powers linked towards fire, strength, and most of all psychological influence were ten times more likely to have a criminal background and a history of aggression. OVerall while short and sweet, it did link real life examples and the future benefits of a more cohesive society.

"Naturally we aren't quite ready yet to reveal this much, but we hope now you might understand what your mother and father were working towards." The man who had present said.

"My parents knew about all this?" Ewan asked. Sir Jone's stepped forward to answer his question.

"Indeed, they were the ones who spearheaded this campaign." Sir Jones paused to wipe away at something under his eye. "The week it... happened, they were supposed to start unveiling the new changes for Ubor. It was their greatest action plan, your mother was quite proud."

"I wonder why she never told me." Ewan said, the authority in his voice faltering a little at the mention of the past King and Queen.

"Of course she didn't tell you, boy." Sir Jones said shaking his head. "It was not ready to be shared, now here are your cards. The press is waiting." Sir Jones pushed the cards into Ewan's hands and the next thing the couple knew they were pushed out into the open. A large podium was placed, laiden with multiple microphones and wires. The flash of cameras and shouts greeted them as both Fern and Ewan walked towards their place. The advisors had helpfully placed little X's for Ewan to stand and another little X further back out of arm's reach for Fern. With a heavy heart Ewan bent his head and did his best to bring his people the reassurances and hope his people so clearly craved.
The press conference was a massive slog from start to finish. Fern felt utterly useless, as she was only allowed to answer certain types of questions and couldn't even touch Ewan during the conference. After the outcry about the new laws, the press badgered them about their relationship--they were interested in the rumors about Fern's move in juxtaposition with their seemingly distant actions during the conference. Fern and Ewan held firm, but it rather felt like they were being eaten alive.

The couple trudged back inside, exhausted. Fern turned and wrapped Ewan up in a tight hug, wordlessly. The defeat he felt was coming off of him in waves, and she felt helpless. They both had packed schedules today and wouldn't see each other again until nightfall. She pressed a kiss to his cheek before being pulled away by her assistant. Fern attended her lessons--which had started back up again thanks to Ewan--until late afternoon where she was taken to rehearsal. On the way, she stopped by Sophie's chambers. She entered, and gave the princess a curtsy.

"Good evening, your highness." She greeted. Sophie looked up from her desk with mild interest.

"Hello, Lady LaRose." She replied "What can I do for you?" Fern straightened and gave a strained smile.

"I have a request for you, Princess Sophia." She said. Sophie's perfectly arched eyebrow quirked up at the statement. "I was hoping, if your schedule allowed, that you would dine with his majesty tonight, since I will be away until late. He doesn't eat well under stress, and he skipped breakfast and most likely lunch as well. His majesty is in dire need of comfort today, it's been hard for him. I think he would appropriate the company." Sophie placed her chin inside her manicured palm as she thought, eyeing Fern.

"I'll consider it, Lady LaRose." Fern gave another curtsy.

"Thank you very much, your highness. I hope you have a pleasant night." She left then, not wanting to be late.
Ewan spent the rest of the day with Sir Jones and the rest of the advisors, what with the wedding and the opening night of Fern's ballet coming up the castle was quite busy preparing for the numerous events that were to occur. A ball was to be hosted the night of opening, welcoming all the cast and crew members and celebrating them for their accomplishments. According to Sir Jones it was to be quite the event, meant to connect the royal family with the artistic community tenfold.

Ewan was also outfitted for an entirely new wardrobe, the publics polling having the opinion that he looked rather frumpy and much like a slob. Ewan took the critiques with a face of stone, the only motion being the slight quirk of his brow as his inadequacies were laid upon him. Finally when the time came to retire for the night Ewan resisted the urge to leap up and dance for joy. When he left the room, the branches of the trees outside seemed to relax a little, a number of leaves swirling to the ground as the trunks settled.

He found himself in an empty dinner hall and sighed a little at the recollection that Fern would not be able to join him this evening. A maid poked her head in the room and greeted him.

"Your Majesty, welcome."

"Ewan please, Diana."

"Of course sir." Diana said cheerily, it was a conversation they had most nights and Ewan rolled his eyes as the maid once again refused to use his name. She clucked over him, pouring him a healthy amount of wine and ensuring the napkin was placed perfectly over his lap. She left a moment and returned with a heaping plate filled with all sorts of goodies. Ewan recognized the zucchini from the garden and happily dug into it. When Diana finally left Ewan waited a few moments, listening attentively just in case he heard the footsteps of her return. When a minute passed and he heard nothing Ewan quickly got up from his seat and went to the window. He unlatched all of the locks and opened each window as wide as he could, the fresh evening air filling the room. With a sneaky little smile Ewan pulled out a joint from his breast pocket. He licked his fingers and made sure he had wrapped his unique combination of herbs correctly.

Mugwort and raspberry leaf for those vivid dreams and another special little plant that gave him the best body high Ewan had ever experienced. He lit his little treasure and took a deep inhale. Of course since it had been a while since his last time so he was rewarded with a coughing fit. Reaching for the wine of the table Ewan let the red liquid soothe his sore throat and he attempted another drag. Already the high was settling in and his eye lids felt blissfully heavy.

"What have we here?" A voice shocked him into jumped and Ewan quickly made a motion to hide the joint, stopping when he saw it was his sister. Surprise filtered through his features and he found he was immensely grateful for her company. Lifting an arm he offered the joint to her.

"Sophie, hey. I thought you usually ate in your rooms." His voice was still a little raspy from his cough attack.

"Hey yourself." Sophie took a deep drag, perfectly of course and blew the smoke out the open windows. She shrugged a little and didn't meet his gaze when she spoke. "Just wanted a change of pace I guess." A content silence took over the two of them and they quickly finished the joint between the two of them. Sophie rang for service and settled herself next to Ewan. He tucked into his meal and groaned as the first taste of garlic butter potatoes.

They managed to get through most of the evening in pleasant conversation, until the wine and smoke loosened his tongue a little too much.

"I'm just saying, this doesn't feel right to me. I think I need to do something about these laws and changes." Ewan leaned back, his plate empty now, his third glass of wine in hand.

"Shut up Ewan." Sophie snapped. "Don't you fucking say another word. This is what mom and dad wanted and I won't let you ruin their legacy like you ruined most things." Sophie's cheeks were tinted pink and Ewan could have sworn he saw a flash of anger in her eyes. Then he felt the warmth seeping through him and Sophie's voice turned melodic. "You aren't going to mess this up. Right Ewan?" He knew what she was doing and there was silence for a moment as he resisted her influence over him. His fingers turned white around the wine glass and he bit back the agreement his mind so desperately wished to give. Sophie held on a moment longer before she let her power slide away.

Ewan breathed out a sigh of relief as his sister stood and marched to the door. He had gotten quite good at resisting her during their childhood, however it always left him feeling weak and like a train had run over him. At the last moment she turned around and her gaze pierced into him. "Pour the wine over your head Ewan." The warmth filled him again and he was helpless as his own hand lifted and he dumped the red wine over his red hair.

Groaning in frustration Ewan shoved away from the table and made his way back to his rooms and right for the shower.
Practice was just short of a disaster for Fern. Though she preformed well, most of the cast treated her coldly or tried to pepper her with questions about the new laws. Whispers seemed to weave their way around her from the very floorboards her toes touched. Theodore was friendly as always, but even his sunny smile wasn't enough to battle the chill in the air. Fern would have liked to think the director was unfazed by it all, but she kept Fern after late, repeating Odette's death scene over for almost two hours.

Exhausted, frustrated and feeling gloomy, Fern finally returned to the castle close to midnight. Part of her almost wished for Ewan to be asleep, so she wouldn't taint the last of his day with her own foul mood. When she pushed the door to Ewan's rooms open, she found him sitting on the windowsill, a towel around his shoulders and his hair still slightly damp from a shower. A blunt between his fingers, and smoke gently drifting out into the night air. Fern put on her best smile for him, and when he approached her for a hug, she declined for a squeeze of the hand instead.

"I'm all sweaty, let me shower first." Ewan looked a little hurt but nodded. The shower helped immensely, and while she wasn't feeling chipper, she was far more relaxed. Fern fell into bed, and when Ewan joined her, she tugged him down to spoon. Burying her face into his shoulder, she breathed in his scent gratefully. Feeling his body heat and heartbeat calmed her.

"Fern, has something happened?" Ewan asked. Fern gently squeezed him around the middle, before lifting her chin to rest on his shoulder.

"It's nothing, Ewan." She assured "Practice was difficult today, and I missed you." She could feel his skin flush slightly at her words, and giggled. "Did you eat at least two meals? Did you drink plenty of water?" Ewan laughed as well, shaking his head.

"Do you really worry that much when you aren't with me? I'm not a child you know." Fern scoffed gently.

"Of course I do. You're to be my husband, how could I not?" His skin flushed again and she nuzzled into his neck, pressing soft kisses to the juncture of his shoulder. "It's late, we should get some rest." She could feel her eyes getting heavy already, "Sweet dreams, my king."
They slept tangled together for a few peaceful hours. There was something so comforting in the way that despite their differences in size they seemed to fit together so perfectly. Ewan's knee rested against Ferns thigh while her head fit perfectly in the crux of his shoulder. The juncture where Fern's ribs met the slope of her stomach was made for his hand, his fingers curling lightly into her skin. When the morning sun filtered through the half closed curtains Ewan stirred from his dreamless night. Their alarm had not rung, and Ewan stayed still, his eyes closed as he took in the feel of Fern cradled around him. Her soft breath tickled his collar bone. With a soft smile Ewan moved slowly, shifting his head so that he could peer at his future wife as she slept.

She had come so far, he thought to himself, recalling the small boy of his past. He sought out those childhood features that linked the person from the past to now. Even as a child Fern had striking cheek bones that were perfect for adults fingers to pinch, now they shone with the morning light and made her seem eitherial. The gentle sweep and upturn of her nose was the same too. Ewan had spent many moments looking at the profile of that nose as they lay in the feilds not far from the castle. How perfect she had become, honouring her truths, how humbled he was to call her his.

The faint tinkling of the alarm stirred Fern as their phones let out a chorus of bells and electronic noises meant to bring about a cheerful morning. Ewan wished he could throw the damn thing out the window. Fern stirred against him and he remained still as she stretched against him, reveling in the feel of her.

"Morning." He said, his voice gruff.

"Ah Ewan, good morning." Fern patted him gently and shifted to sit up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. Ewan also sat, shifting slightly as his body came to life. As was routine a knock came at the door and a maid wheeled in a cart of breakfast for the both of them. They had about an hour before the both of them would be collected for their days. The thought made Ewan feel a bit like a child being told where and what to do and it made his nose crinkle. He leaned over the bed to snag a pastry off the tray as well as a glass of orange juice.

"Would I be able to visit your practice today?" Ewan asked, needed to find some form of control in the day before him. He would work hard for most of the day but the evening was his. "It's been too long since I've seen you dance."
Fern smiled as Ewan made his suggestion, taking a bite of the sliced fruits that were arranged before them. Before she could respond, an array of stormy thoughts crossed her mind and she deflated, looking down at her plate.

"Uhm, are you sure you could make it? I know how busy you are, and I don't want you to push yourself too hard." Ewan shook his head, mouth full. "And..practice isn't exactly the most pleasant right now. Everyone is tense because the ballet opens soon." Ewan reached over the cart and slid his lithe fingers under her chin, gently forcing her to look up at him.

"Something happened last night, didn't it?" She could see the anger begin to bubble in his gaze. Fern placed her hand over his, intertwining her fingers with his as she removed it from her face.

"No, Ewan, nothing happened. Everyone is stressed because of the opening and the new laws. I wouldn't want you to get any backlash from the company or have them start rumors about you shirking your duties for me. Dancers can be very catty and unforgiving." She could see the disappointment saturate his features almost instantly. Fern brought their joined hands together and kissed his knuckles softly. "I'm so sorry, baby." She murmured, unconsciously using the pet name. "We just have to hold on a little longer. Once the wedding passes and things settle down, we'll be able to be together more often. Just promise you'll be front row opening night, yeah?" She gave him the best smile she could, though it was tinged with her own sadness.
The sadness emanating from Fern had his heart aching for her. The intrusive thoughts in his mind spoke of offering to end things and offer her the freedom from this hell he'd born into. However he found he was a selfish man, and her company would make the torture that much more bearable.

"Just a little longer." He murmured in agreement, enjoying the pet name she had given him, sliding one hand from the clasp of hers. Carefully his palm slid against the length of her jaw, his fingers stroking the tired lines under her eyes. Fern leaned into his touch letting her eyes close for a moment. An idea occurred to him then and he waited a moment longer before giving Fern a friendly wink, he stood. As a force of habit Ewan reached for the house robe that lay over the arm of a loveseat and stepped into the raggedy slippers nearby. He haphazardly tied the knot and went over to his desk.

Ewan had done his best to clear away the space and share it with Fern, but already some of his mess was creeping over the line he had created. Muttering softly to himself Ewan found the few items he needed and turned to his wall of plants. A large arrangement of marigolds was near the bottom and with a twist of his fingers a few of the blooms seemed to brighten and stand at attention. With practiced hands he snipped two of the blooms and twisted the stems together. Approaching Fern with his little treasures he slid the flowers behind her ear, the bright yellow blooms making the golds in her eyes ever more apparent.

"Marigolds for good fortune and protection." He told her, taking one final moment to adjust the blooms, before settling back and offering her his next treasure. "I know it generally isn't your style. But here... just in case things need to calm. All the drivers are cool with you taking a moment with it in the cars." Ewan handed her a little rolled joint, tucked away in protective tubing. The last item in his hand was in a small case, and he took a moment to reveal it was a small little instant camera. At Fern's bemused expression he lifted the small device and chuckled through his demand she smile. The camera flashed and he waited for the polaroid to pop out before handing the camera over to her. It was clear he also wanted his picture taken when he plaster a goofy smile to his face and lifted his hand in a pose that he had seen too often on social media.

Fern laughed, automatically raising the camera but pausing, she gave him a look over the lens that made Ewan's heart warm. His hand dropped and the goofy smile turned warmer, his eyes glinting as he looked at the woman who brought him so much joy. The camera flashed and he blinked away the spots. A few minutes later when the pictures had developed fully and their breakfast was done Ewan took the photo of him and gave it to her.

"Now we can carry each other through the day." Ewan took the photo of Fern and brought it close to his chest.

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