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Premarital Canibalism? I think not.
001 Please be literate, and write at least one paragraph per post
002 Please keep all OOC talk and character sheets to the proper threads
003 Please do not make over powered characters. These will not be accepted.
004 While swearing is allowed, please do not use it in excess. If you do, you will be first warned, and next kicked from the role play.
005 Romance is allowed and encouraged, as long as it is agreed upon by both people, and it follows RPN’s guidelines
006 Please do not post until I approve your character

At What Cost?
I got this idea from the show, Reign, that follows Mary Stuart, or Mary Queen of Scots as she arrives back in France, set to marry the Dauphin of France, Francis. Mary has to contend with changing politics and power plays, as well as her burgeoning feelings for Francis and the romantic attentions of Francis's bastard half-brother, Bash. Francis's mother, Catherine de' Medici, secretly tries to prevent the marriage following Nostradamus's confidential prediction that the marriage will lead to Francis's death. The series also follows the affairs of Mary's Scottish handmaidens Kenna, Aylee, Lola, and Greer, who are searching for husbands of their own at French Court.

In this RP, you can play as one of the historical figures, or as an OC, whichever you prefer. I will play as Mary, as well as a Narrator who will move the plot along, probably from the perspective of Nostradamus, the court seer, but that remains to be seen. This RP will be realistic, and follow all of the details possible, and I hope to make it historically accurate. I know the historical rps aren’t everyone’s favorite, but I hope that this plot will keep you interested and engaged. I will be linking some resources in the lore thread, for those of you who are interested in learning more about this time period.


Prince Francis, Dauphin [Open]- Mary is engaged to Francis, and has been since they were six, as part of a political alliance. Will they fall in love, or will they be drawn to other people.

Lady Greer Kinross [Open]- Unlike the other ladies, Greer is not titled, yet her family is said to be ridiculously rich due to her families former success in the mining business. Her father sent her with Mary to France to find a titled husband to marry, and to raise her station, though she opposes this greatly.

Lady Lola Fleming [Open] - When first arriving at the French Court, she was excited to be reunited with Mary. Soon her boyfriend, Colin, arrived to surprise her. Thinking that everything was going perfect, Colin was soon executed for trying to rape Mary, on orders from Queen Catherineand Lola blamed Mary for it, so the two grew distant. Will they fix this bond, or still be bitter?

Lady Kenna Beaton [Open]- One of Mary’s ladies, who is known to be wild and carefree. The King takes a special interest in her.

Queen Catherine de Medici [Open]- Catherine learned from Nostradamus that Mary will cause Francis' death and has plotted to get rid of her in order to protect her son. The queen is ruthless in her love for power, and will do anything to protect her children. She is skilled in poisons, and covering up her messes.

King Henry II [Open]- Henry was determined to get his hands on England and have his son (Francis or Sebastian, he didn’t care which) and daughter-in-law rule over the three nations. He eventually spiraled into madness and he was then willing to go to extreme lengths to achieve this goal, whether it be crossing lines or not.

Sebastian de Poitiers [Open]- Bash is King Henry’s bastard son, birthed by his mistress, Dianne de Poitiers. The king’s favorite son, he is allowed to stay in court, even though he is shunned by most higher born nobles. His connections and knowledge of the Pagans is especially dangerous, especially since France is Catholic. If anyone knew, he would be burned at the stake, despite him being Catholic.

There are tons of other characters, but these are just the important ones. Here are some others: Character

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