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Fandom ~Rookie's Stage~ | East Wing |

  • Death Room

    Lord Symmetry

    Ikki's answer the principal slightly smiled. "Glad I can trust you." And with that he rose, passed Ikki and moved towards the back of the room and a nearby shelf. "It will takes us some time to get there. But when we do, I'll need you to wear one of these." A slight gesture with the object in hand, was all the principal used to show that this item wrapped in cloth would be of something of importance later. "In case you're wondering, it's just a precaution for protection.

    If you don't have anything else to add, we should get going.
    Susanoo Susanoo

Ikki took the reaper advice, and took the cloth for whatever reason, protection? From what exactly? He was curious on what lurks beneath all of this that him and the reaper where to venture off. Ikki was on high alert and, was prepared to face whatever there is to face or unless there isn't really anyone particular to face at all. The atmosphere had gotten dense, and so did the pressure of the air. However these changes didn't take too much of an effect on him so it didn't really bother him at the slight chance. "What am I dealing with here? Are they like some sort of criminal or something?" These questions hardly came out clear, as they were more focused on whatever that is at hand. Ikki can sense quite the activity down in these Chambers, but these are Chambers after all.

The reaper had gently placed the helmet that was meant for protection, but from what exactly. Is there something that's going to shoot at them or something? They didn't seem to settle about whatever seems to be going on around here, but at the same time if it means to help him with this pull problem then he doesn't care. Ikki stopped at their destination along with the reaper, the reaper gave some decent information that ikki kept in mind. The reaper gave ikki something metallic to give them just in case. "What is this?" His curiosity has been highten like never before. Ikki decided to step inside. "Daisen I believe your name is, if you know about the magic pull that's putting a tole on my body, and nature. I do hope you can do something about it" ikki explained in a calm nature, well somewhat calm nature. The Regal Rper The Regal Rper Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul


Location: Library Dungeon
Tags: The Regal Rper The Regal Rper Susanoo Susanoo
Upon stepping onto the stone platform engraved into the catacomb floor, Ikki would find himself immediately immersed in a bright green, glowing light that corresponded with the key held in Lord Symmetry's hand--although that minute detail was likely overlooked. For good reason. Ikki was no longer in the dingy catacombs of the DWMA that alone took a half-hour hike with Lord Symmetry. Instead, he was in an elaborate and honestly beautiful library of enormous proportion whose design was comparable to a renaissance cathedral.

While there was plenty of scenery and majesty to take in, there was only one person in this room. A gentlemen in an ominous iron mask supported by a wheelchair. Aside from the mask that seemed embedded in his very skin, nothing seemed out of the ordinary with this individual; just a gentlemen in a blue button-down shirt and simple tan slacks. If anything, he appeared terribly plain compared to most of those in the DWMA.

"Lord Symmetry did not warn me of company, but I felt you two making your descent. Do tell him to inform me ahead of time when he visits so that I may research if need be," Daisensei told Ikki. He had an odd tone. Odd personality, really. It was rare anyone would just tell a student to give Lord Symmetry instructions.

"You are a student, I presume. Most students call me the Dai-Sensei or any derivative thereof. Chances are, I have provided training for someone you look up to. Though, my last student was... decades ago," he explained to Ikko in introducing himself. Although, he did provide another oddity. He hardly appeared more than thirty, yet he spoke of decades as fickle, fleeting moments.

"I cannot read your thoughts while you have helmet, but I can see your soul. I assume you're some type of half-breed of abomination. Which means you suffer the Pull of Magic... a very troublesome problem. Not as much as Madness, but still problematic. I will warn you that the moment you remove that helmet, your thoughts, your mind and even your heart will be mine to read. Furthermore, that helmet is protecting you from my own Madness. The Madness of Knowledge--part of why I'm locked in here. Do keep these things in mind for when or if you wish to remove it," Daisensei explained to him. Now came the wise, almost sagelike words one might expect from someone as revered as Daisensei. Someone that even Lord Symmetry seemed to respect.

"I do know a set of training that can aide you. It uses the Gate Control theory of pain management used by healthcare providers. Of course, that's within the most recent century--I've known about the idea far longer. The basic idea is that there are only so many roads to your mind and if you control them or have them preoccupied, unwanted tourists cannot traverse them. You have to understand Magic itself to know why this works. Or, at least what I believe the Pull of Magic really is, Daisensei continued on, yet again only highlighting his mysterious age and overbearing intelligence.

"The soul is an important thing. It allows you to manipulate mana which in turn allows you to use magic. See, I can use techniques that even Lord Symmetry could not begin to comprehend, yet I can never control mana. It is genetic. Built into your very flesh. You either have.. or you don't. Yet, you also use your soul for Resonance and other techniques, don't you? Your soul is the key to both. The Pull of Magic exists because mana is more like a living Aether--and I will call it such. It has a will and draws upon forces even I cannot explain. The more you use your soul to manipulate mana, the more the Aether corrupts your soul--the more you suffer the Pull of Magic. Such is the fate of nearly all magical creatures. There are a few exceptions. Eibon, for instance, suffers the Madness of Knowledge to a far greater extent than I and that Madness occupies the part of his mind you would expect the Pull. A Sound Soul Dwells within a Sound Mind and a Sound Body, after all. If his Mind was already taken, there was no way the Pull of Magic could ever reach his Soul," Daisensei continued on, ranting a little bit at this point, but also opening up plenty of academic doorways that he was sure Ikki had not considered.

"What you need then, young one, is to learn how to control your Soul to such a degree that the Aether cannot influence your mind. I could make the influence of the Aether go away, but that would require you remove your helmet and I suppress it myself inside your mind. I may still do that, but the problem is such would be temporary. You need a permanent solution. What I can teach you is the foundations of a technique called the Soul Seal. Through meditation and intense concentration, it is possible to manifest a rune on your body comprised of your own Wavelength. It takes years to master, but you don't need the Seal. You only need to the concentration. By focusing on your wavelength to such an intense degree, you can fend off the Pull of Magic. Avoid being corrupted by the Aether. It will take time and effort, but I believe it will be worth it for you," Daisensei explained. It was a lengthy way of telling Ikki there did exist a technique and training that could help him, but Daisensei was nothing if not thorough.

"If you have questions, ask. If you are willing, step forward, take off that helmet and give me your hand. If you do not believe me or are too afraid to try, go back to the floors above and do not waste my time. If you choose the latter, do give my regards to your Lord Symmetry," Daisensei told him with a certain sense of finality. There was no fooling around with this man. He made the current instructors of the DWMA look like mere children. To him, in fact, they were.

Sidenote: Susanoo, Lord Symmetry never actually told you Daisen's name. Keep continuity straight, please.
The room that ikki stepped in appears to be a library, but not your typical, normal library. It's like a library that someone that is obsessed with books and, knowledge that's within it. They could assume these are years worth of knowledge, so if ikki's questions were correct then what they're dealing with is someone that are in too deep with books. Guess you can call them a book worm. Upon fully entering, and helmet still in place a figure appears among him, steel mask, wheel chair, well dressed. Ikki was a little startled at first, but settle down afterwards once he introduced himself to ikki. The helmet that ikki is wearing must have to deal with the man in front of him, a mind reader? They wasn't sure about him or his capabilities, so ruling that possibility out didn't happen.

Ikki had done more scanning than rather paying little attention to what daisen was saying during the beginning. Beings such as ikki tend to get a little distracted when there's something that interests them, but after finishing their quick scan. He soon focused on what was at hand. After the man explained of his capabilities, guess ikki was right about him being some sort of mind reader and, address them about their helmet and, mind being vulnerable if taken off. They weren't so sure if they should take it off or not. Ikki's mind was everywhere right now, too much thoughts running in and, out like people getting things from stores and, getting out. So was he the one that made up these thories about the pull effect?

Ikki wasn't aware that such training is required to do this whole aether extravaganza, and to help with this pull situation that's going on currently. Their mind was definitely not safe, but if such things exist and, if it means to get better as an individual and, do more than what he's limited to then they don't care. Right now they're all about gaining power, and improving. This soul seal method sounds interesting enough, somewhat more unique than their soul breaking technique that has the ability to block the energy flow through ones body and, could force reject demon weapons. After many more explanations, the man soon gave them the opportunity to ask questions or proceed to get the party started.

Really he did have some questions, but they weren't really important. Ikki decided to slowly take off their helmet and, stepped forward, holding out his hand. This signal meant that he was ready and, turning back wasn't really an option. Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul


Location: Library Dungeon
Tags: The Regal Rper The Regal Rper Susanoo Susanoo
Every thought that coursed through Ikki now coursed through the mind of Daisen. Every question. Even his lack of attention. In this very moment, Daisen realized that Ikki hardly understood half of what he was told and barely listened to the other half. Ikki wanted to grow. Ikki wanted the mind-numbing strain of the Pull of Madness to subside. This is what Daisen picked up from Ikki.

"My, you do suffer from the Pull... it's been a while since I've felt it," Daisen said before he took Ikki's hand. In a heartbeat, the two were transported to a black field of ever-swirling chaos and colors. It was difficult to describe, not just in words, but in perspective. It was as if the two were standing upon glass in a world full of ever-shifting sand of colors of various dark hues, all making an odd sound of metallic grinding. Between what felt like gears behind the shifting shadows were the whispers of the Pull of Magic. The commands. The demands, really, of the voices that consisted of the Aether.

Daisensei chuckled. He was not sitting like in the Library. Instead, he stood. He stood in a large, dark blue robe that covered his body, not unlike the robes of scholars in universities. This was the mental image that Daisensei kept of himself. The only remnant of his real form being the mask he could never remove. In a single word, Daisensei changed the world:


Just like that, the nightmarish world around them changed. It faded away into obscurity, replaced by a perfectly white horizon. This was not just the world, either. It was the mind of Ikki. For the first time in ages, his mind was at rest. Silence. Serene. This was the power Daisensei possessed. Once they connected in his Soul Space, Daisensei overpowered the Pull of Magic and gave Ikki temporary peace.

"No wonder you paid me no attention; you had a dozen other idiots talking while I was. Now, you have no excuse, Ikki Kuki," Daisensei said, attempting to regain the focus of the young Meister. "Do you understand what I am capable of now?"

His question followed a whole new feeling. As if a painter inspired to paint or an writer inspired to jot down the most magnificent words he had ever dreamed onto paper as not to lose them, Ikki was filled with an odd energy. This was the Madness of Knowledge. It was nowhere near the level of a Kishin nor did it drive anyone mad. Not yet, anyway. No, Daisensei suppressed his Madness Aura the best he could so that those around him were inspired to learn, but only slightly. Only as much as they would on their best day. As if whatever subject they were presented with suddenly became their favorite.

Ikki felt like they were in a whole different world. It felt more like his, as they quickly found out there's a lot more going on than from the outside. Scratching their head a little and, press their index finger against each other in a sign of embarrassment from what daisensei called him out for being unfocused and, being everywhere at once. He sure seem like the big boss of everything, having to be able to quiet everything with no effort at all. "Seems to me you have more capabilities than Lord death himself" ikki says while raising a brow and, a playful smirk on the side of the felines face. It didn't matter what was going on around them, he still kept a playful version of himself while stuff is going on.

"So is this the first stage of whatever I have to go through or is this like a place where you do your 'magic' in my own head" ikki ask while their arms where folded. Daisensei seems like an incredible person and, holds literally every knowledge there is. Sad to be caged up in a library, because of this madness knowledge whatever he had going on. It didn't seem equivalent to what ikki had going on, and from what it looks like he seems to be at peace. Well sort of. Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul


Location: Library Dungeon
Tags: The Regal Rper The Regal Rper Susanoo Susanoo
"In all reality, I've had more experience than Lord Symmetry as well; however, his father also conferred with me,too," Daisensei told him. It was a response to his initial remark and explained a lot. Of course, considering he spoke about decades like they were nothing, it was fairly easy guess he was the older.

"In all reality, I have done all I can for you. This silence is temporary. The moment you leave this place, the voices will slowly come back. Probably in a few days... so in that time, you'll need to focus on what I teach you here. I highly suggest you pay close attention and take this seriously," Daisensei explained. It was the truth. There was no 'magic' that he could perform to permanently shut down the Pull of Magic. That resided in Ikki and Ikki alone.

Daisensei extended one of his arms and from the large pockets of his robes appeared a tiny pebble. He tossed it to the ground and once it hit the pure white floor, a whole forest sprawled out from it. The entire process took all of a whole minute as rushing vines, trees, rocks, stones, birds, insects, fish--everything one could think of in a remote forest sprouted out from this stone. And, most important of all? A tranquil waterfall with multiple levels, although presently only a single, flowing current came down it.

"The Soul Seal effectively creates a pool not unlike water," Daisensei said. With the a wave of his hand, the water flowing from the waterfall diverged from its natural flow and onto one of the levels below it. There, it began to fill up the dirt and grass until a large pool of water formed and flowed over into the mouth below, meeting back up with the other half of the original stream.

"What the pool collects, however, is energy from your soul. Your wavelength. It's an unnatural store of power you should not have, so creating it is no small task. It requires you focus on the very flow of your energy and find the perfect spot to slowly but surely carve out a pool for it. Creating this hollow space is difficult, time-consuming and demands dedication. If you falter, slowly the pool will shrink and you will lose the seal. This means that even attempting to learn this technique is a life long commitment, else you lose any boon you may have from it. And, even then, just creating the pool is not enough: you must control the flow of your own soul so that it flows evenly into the pool, should it overflow, you will cause irreparable damage to your own soul and should it be too slow, then you will fail to reap the benefits of the Seal. As I said, the technique often requires years of training before it can be utilized in combat," Daisensei told him. The explanation he gave compared a soul to the flow of water and manipulated the landscape around to help understand. Each time Daisensei explained something, the pool and the flow of water changed to match what he said, giving Ikki something to watch and see as an example.

"I will give you the best help I could give anyone attempting this," Daisensei said as he stepped forward to Ikki. He extended his hand, placing it on the shoulder of the young Meister before immediately jerking it back--in doing so, quite literally ripping out his soul. In the disorienting moment that ensued, Ikki had the opportunity to see his own purple soul in front of him just as Daisensei saw it--and Daisensei saw it with absolute perfect clarity. "You may imagine a waterfall, but this is what you are really working with. This is your soul... and you must choose somewhere to make the focus of your life," Daisensei explained.

Taking in every bit of information that daisensei has to offer seemed alot, it was like learning magic based stuff all over again. A feline can get quite side tracked when someone is constantly talking, and explaining things from the ground up. He didn't want to seem rude, so they try to pay attention as much as they could for the time being. Daisensei showed off a trick of his, the ball dropping onto the white floor before him. Creating yet another world that they're now in, what it appears to them was a forest, like an actual forest being created out of a ball. Ikki doesn't know if it was one of his powers to do such, altering dimensions and such from in ikki. There was such amazement in the felines eyes, as if they had saw something like never before. He then shook his head and, payed attention to what else that was in stores for them.

Daisensei explained about the streams replicate ikki's power source. Having too much power to hold was something unexpectedly, and how things like these take years of training and, mastering. They understand that stuff aren't so easy and, things aren't just handed out to you. Being a street rat already taught him these sort of things. Having to survive on their own until taken in by the Wiccan community. There's a lot of information to take in, but he didn't expect anything more from a madman filled with knowledge that not anyone can witness. Daisensei placed his hand on ikki's shoulder and jerked it and, revealed his own soul. Ikki felt a little jumpy, and just looked at their own soul before them.

"So what I'm dealing with is beyond human understanding? What do you mean by choosing somewhere? Am I supposed to reshape it or something?" Everything felt confusing, and way too complicated but surely they can do it. Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul


Location: Library Dungeon
Tags: The Regal Rper The Regal Rper Susanoo Susanoo
"This may come as a surprise to you, Ikki, but I'm a human. No magic, not a weapon, not half anything else. This is not beyond human comprehension," Daisensei replied to the young Meister. Admittedly, a little frustrated. It seems he was slightly off course with what Daisensei was doing.

"Think about it, Ikki. You Meisters spend your whole lives feeling your own soul, but no mirror can reflect it. Not the water's surface or even the eyes of another. This is the first and likely only time in your life you will get to visibly see your own soul regardless of Soul Perception," Daisensei explained to him--and probably considerably better than he did the first time. "You likely spend countless hours meditating and training, focusing on your own soul. But, now you know what it looks like. When you spend those days or even weeks trying to carve out the first small pool--likely no more than a ten inches round--you will now know that the pool of water you envision is really a concentrated pool of energy in your own soul," Daisensei explained to him, further fleshing out why this was important.

A new idea sprung to him amidst this explanation. "I see no prior knowledge of the Seven Chakras in your mind, ikki, but they may help guide you," Daisensei went on and as he did, seven different layers of the soul that Ikki saw lit with different colors and a different symbol at the center of each. "This is one way of mapping the soul and I have seen it work for countless others. I will not delve deep into the seven chakras for I believe you should focus on one of two. The Vishuddha Chakra--known as the Throat Chakra. It represents speaking and expressing feelings, specifically the truth. The other is the Manipura Chakra--known as the Solar Plexus. It represents energy and vitality, closely tied with your ambition and sensitivity to the world. I believe you should choose one of these to focus on as you move forward. Exploring the chakra you are closest to will help you carve your first pool," Daisensei explained to him. His intellect extended into spirituality, it seemed.

"so if I focus and meditate long enough on whichever layer I choose, I'll be able to carve out the energy into this pool?" Ikki wanted to get a little bit of understanding behind all this method of training, they don't know how long it would take, surely awhile before going back. Nothing else was important, so taking his time with this was a much better option than what they would pick previously. This sort of thing was something he's never dealt with in his life before. Ikki wouldn't call himself a Meister though, but it's whatever. "This still seem a bit frustrating to handle, and learn. I mean of course it would be tough to learn. And I still hardly understand it" ikki is a simple minded person that holds a lot of confidence in themselves, and including the words he say. Ikki placed their left hand on a tree that he was standing next to, and balance himself on the roots from the ground.

"I know I can do this, but to me this is more than just a simple task. Like carve it, and do all this mumbo-jumbo. I still need to know and learn more on actually doing it." He says jumping down and, crossing their arms with his left brow raised. "I'm still a young student chronologically" this will be an incredible long day that awaits him in this training. Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul


Location: Library Dungeon
Tags: The Regal Rper The Regal Rper Susanoo Susanoo
Impatience. It was the definitive trait that Ikki was displaying. Then again, Daisensei did provide him with a lot of information at once. It was a tough balancing act as a teacher, especially given the limited amount of time he often had with students. Although it was unseen, a sly smirk crawled across his face. Ikki needed a break from all of this. Something to reset his mind and Daisensei had just the thought.

Faster than the world sprawled out from the pebble that Daisensei once threw, it faded back into white. Even the smell of the fresh water left the air. Every sense was left abandoned.

"Young Ikki, you need not worry about knowing everything about what you are doing--you must merely know what it is that you are doing and why. Once you feel it work, once you feel that you can fight the Pull of Magic, you will not question the training and instead abide by it alongside whatever training or studies the school will provide. Do not worry, it will become like swimming to a fish or flying to a bird," Daisensei told him. He attempted to reassure the young Meister, although it was never clear if he hit his mark.

"I have another skill your Lord Symmetry does not possess. I can read your Soul well into the future and see an event that will transpire. However, once I see it and if I tell you, there becomes a chance that it won't happen. In the past, students have gained a lot of insight and even enjoyment from this practice... although Lord Death found it troublesome. What of you, Ikki?" Dainsei asked, effectively dropping another bombshell on the kid.

Seeing the world change beneath him once again, ikki had sat down with their legs underneath them and, listen to more than what daisensei has to offer. They were trying to get to the point of what daisensei was trying to say, carving out crap, fight the pull, etc. "So all I need to do is meditate?" Hopefully that is the case, it's not like he'll have to fight himself or something in order to get the pull of magic off of him for the time being. Ikki is filled with confusion, it sounds harder than what daisensei believed. But there's no time in giving up, not even the slightest. They didn't have the desire to go back and, live their heartless, predator ways. This is likely the only road to take, if he wants to get this feeling over with. Daisensei also mentioned a surprising ability that the reaper has no knowledge of it and, surely doesn't have enough strength to do such.

It's like he's a predictor. "So is there a certain length on how far into the future that you can see?" He was curious about the power that the ability holds, stuff like this you shouldn't carelessly tell. But it's not like ikki will try and see if they can achieve what daisensei has, in their eyes ikki is strong. At least stronger than most of the students at the academy, at full power it's unknown since they have no access to that length. If they did he would've used it on Kasper more than he would like to on taz. "How long have we been here? I almost forgot the time, since there's really no telling since we're in another dimension or whatever" ikki ask, it has been awhile since they left the surface for training. Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul


Location: Library Dungeon
Tags: The Regal Rper The Regal Rper Susanoo Susanoo
"Right now, Ikki, were inside a Soul Space I have created. Here, time flows at a one to one-thousand ratio. Meaning to say that one minute here is a thousand minutes out there. We've spent maybe a half hour here, but in total it has been less than three minutes since you left the entrance," Daisensei explained. Time was a fairly valid question. Time was a construct of the mind. Thus, once one entered a Soul Space like this, enough skill could alter the perception of time until it nearly ground to a total halt.

"Do not worry about your training right this second, Ikki; I think you need a moment to collect your thoughts. Instead, let's focus on your future," Daisensei said, reiterating the point that he thought Ikki needed to slow down in his ideas about training. He asked a lot of good questions, but he didn't really let what he was told 'settle'; and, until he did, he was far from the best type of student.

"I do not know of a limit to how far I can see in the future. I do know that I cannot actually control what I see. The visions given to me are like the brightest stars on a dark night. They are the moments that for whatever reason outshine the others in an endless sea of your life. Whatever I see about you, Ikki, will definitively be important. But, as I warn, the moment I tell you or show you what it is, you have the chance to change it--for better or worse," Daisensei explained. He made sure to emphasize his forewarning alongside answering the questions of the young Meister.

"So, what will it be, young Ikki?" Daisensei asked one more time.




Location: Room 2H

A sense of relief washed over Kasper at Mina's response as he lowered his hand back down to his side. A small smile spreading across Kasper's face. She wouldn't understand just how much those words meant to him after he had already lost so much. Truly, he didn't deserve her.

So caught up in this uncharacteristic flood of emotions, Kasper barely cared that Rodney or Zylon were watching from behind, this reassuring confirmation from Mina was worth the potential of ridicule he may be forced to endure under their watch; though he doubted Rodney would actually ridicule him and instead be the gushy hyperactive guy that ignored all aspects of 'personal space' and privacy. Zylon however... well there was no doubt in his mind that she would be the one to dish out the ridicule, though it was a small price to pay for the 'relief' Kasper currently felt. Not even the blabbering of the 'stoned out of his fucking mind Conor' was enough to warrant his full attention, if anything Kasper didn't even want to acknowledge that the guy who started all of this was even in the same room as them, even if he was currently making a fool out of himself in front of a Woman that Kasper did not recognize.

His silent musings however was put to a stop as the door to the men's toilet suddenly burst open and the Librarian Ethen stepped forward, momentarily stopping to glare at the current attendants in the room, before clapping and ushering them all to follow him. "Mina.. I can't get up.." he spoke, pointing out that he was still trapped in the chair as she straddled him

Rui Rui @GrieveWriter The Regal Rper The Regal Rper Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul RANGYOKU RANGYOKU
Time seems farely different, but it's not like they're in any sort of rush, just wondering how long it's been. Ikki was also curious about to their own future, once he came off of the ground and, stood up. Ikki placed their balled up fist, into the left palm of their hand. A sign of being ready for whatever they have to face in the near future. "I'm ready to see what obstacles I have to go up against, I don't care how tough it it might be. I'll do whatever to settle it." He says with a prideful look displayed on their face.

"I feel like I have everything collected by now, with literally a whole history lesson you taught me. I at least have a grip of what it is and, what I have to do." Ikki despite having little self control, and low on paying much attention. He does learn farely quick once these sort of things digest into their brain. They don't do much paying attention in class up in the surface, other than the soul stuff and, soul resonance. As an independent Meister he, they don't rely on any sort of side kick or should I say demon weapon to aid them in a fight. He's more than capable of handling people on their own, he was self taught in defending themselves while being on the streets for half of their life. Having this opportunity to be with Daisensei and, increase over time is a honorable gift. Being able to get ahead of the pack with such training. Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul


Biyu Li Fāng

Location— Hall 2

With— Conor O'Neill, Kasper Strauss, Mina Saito, Rodney Quinless and Zylon Kindleton

Mood — Eager

Reaching out to someone in such a poor state should have rung to her as a foolish thought, more so when sensing the eyes of others on her and Conor, as if to provide a spectacle of themselves. Finding comfort in her position as of now would only lead to her growing something akin to numb to all of it. So she took it in stride, giving the poor young man an awkward pat on his head, asserting herself as to her presence here among these rather . . . unique individuals. At times such as this, it would be best to resign to it and wait for things to go off on their flow. Such a foreign concept to her, if she were to ponder on it. But one's guess was that the branch of Nevada, such measures were an ideal of sorts. Adapting was the path she would have to pursue in favor of her mission here, so be it, she thought, resolute. Yet oddly complacent with it, as it would, her lips almost curled into a smile. How bizarre.

It would come forth in a sense of relief to find herself called out by a member of the staff at last, regardless. One step at a time, as her mentor would instruct her in the days of old. She promptly stood up, giving in to a sheer automated response to greet Ethan with a polite bow of her head, picking up her scabbard and once again approaching Conor. Assuring his stability as she would support his body with her own by placing his arm around her shoulders and lacing hers around his waist, she would drive her focus on the rest of the students gathered along side them. Biyu would take a few steps forward, as if to test her ability to transport Conor safely to the assigned room while following the Librarian. She could not help but frown ever so slightly at the choice of words, but it was but a reflex of her unfamiliarity with the branch, no doubt. Still . . . one can wonder how often this scenario occurs here. The whole blasé feel to it was unheard off for her. But she refused to question it any further, instead awaiting for Kasper and Mina to put their foreplay of sorts on hold for now.

The Regal Rper The Regal Rper Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul GrieveWriter GrieveWriter Phayne Phayne Rui Rui
Last edited:


Location: Library Dungeon
Tags: The Regal Rper The Regal Rper Susanoo Susanoo
"I should have killed you years ago," echoed through the Soul Space as the scene began. And, did it ever.

Without warning, the world around them thrust forward, gaining color and whirling around them as if a clock being spun forward a thousand times over. This was completely unlike the pebble growing. It was as if the very room itself was snaking through thousands of networks, climbing through an intricate spiderweb until it found the perfect spot. It was an odd feeling. One might be used to 'searching' for something themselves, but for the world they were in to almost be sentient in a similar search... that was new.

Once the world finally stopped, the picture that was painted was something quite unexpected. It was a grassy foothill against what appeared to be a stormy mountain range. It seemed clouds were brewing from the higher lands. What became far more evident was the powerful, downright wicked aura radiating from not far off. Once attention was turned, it was pretty evident just who it was...

An older, obviously more mature Ikki floated above the air, hovering over a set of what seemed to be three chained dogs--each radiating their own purple aura. Once more is the chains lead upward to Ikki and attached to a glove completely encompassed and comprised of the same pinkish purple aura that was created from his Dark Divine Blade. To top it off? His entire arm was that way. Nothing but transparent energy--otherwise, it appeared he somehow lost his right arm. In his left was a large staff--one that accompanied most sorcerers. Although this one was topped with the Dark Divine Scythe.

His opponent? None other than Tazmuir V. Klivoc, weaponless, older and matured as well--although it seemed in this future, he bore a scare down the right side of his face that gnarled him pretty severely. That was the source of the comment from earlier.

"You might right, Taz," Ikki replied after releasing a little cackle, "Because you surely can't kill me now, runt." Each one of the dogs below him barked. Roared, actually. They were no ordinary "dogs" and such made sense. Upon closer inspection, the glove that the future Ikki wore was hardly a glove, but a fist-like idol that replicated the use of an Enchanter's Glove. These were creations of himself, each imbued with his own magical energies.

Then the world paused. Like an old VHS abruptly stopping.

"Are you sure you want to proceed, Ikki?" Daisensei asked. He looked at the young man quite sternly. "It seems you failed to fight off the Pull in this future. I don't know who you're fighting, either, but by what I can read, he must be someone you know. I'm not honestly sure whom is on the side of evil here. I don't know who will win, either," Daisensei explained.

That voice it was hardly ever identifiable could it have been from taz? It sounded way more deep and mature, so it couldn't be. As their world was going through what it appears to be a time portal to what ikki had requested in order to know what he will face in the future. What he ask was received, as their Iris colored eyes widen to what appears to be their true self and, taz himself. So it was taz voice that he had heard. "No.." ikki couldn't believe it, but this was his harsh fate and, reality as the pull of magic won him over. "That's not possible" how could he of all people would have to face someone that he thought he would actually have a future with. Someone that he's sort of warming up to, despite how stupid he maybe and, how careless he may seem. Looking down at his two open palm hands and, right back at their future and more evil self. "I guess this is what my father had wish for all this time. He feared that I would be just like my mother, abandon what I was initially made for. For chaos." Their words trembling in fear of their true self and terrifying form.

Ikki sucked up their feelings quicker and, nodded. "I want to know more" Soon enough ikki will want more knowledge and, more ways to avoid these things and, not get sucked up in this predicament. Does it mean that he has to force himself to not use their forbidden transformation? No he can't rule that out, he's always certain that they can get out of shitty situations like this. "What I imagined was just less than me and him fighting, if anything I want to get my hands on Kasper." He says, forming a fist with their right hand. But those evil ambitions will lead them towards this path. Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul


Location: Library Dungeon
Tags: The Regal Rper The Regal Rper Susanoo Susanoo
"Oh, Ikki, Ikki, Ikki, you're gonna wish I killed you years ago..." Taz replied to him with a diabolical smirk crossing his face. The scars that once gnarled the right side of his face began glowing blue and in doing so almost brought new life to his skin--their new appearance almost making him look whole. "Because now I don't want you dead... I want to know who you work for. You're gonna tell me everything about that hybrid freak of nature one way or another," Tazmuir explained as he took a more rigid stance.

Ikki meanwhile noticed the shift in Taz and his stance. The time for words was over. A younger version of himself might have tried to toil along a little longer with some witty wordplay, but that was precisely how he lost his arm. Once the fight started, this Ikki became a malevolent beast. The purple aura that surrounded him stiffened into a sharp, pale pink one and the scythe on his staff vanished--focusing purely on his higher tiers of magics. The beasts below him lunged forward. The head of the pack midair... before it exploded, sending a shockwave of magical force back up into enchanting gauntlet.

What was left? Pieces of broken clay all around, scorched from the fist of Tazmuir. A quick smirk followed as the next second was filled with two more of these blinding dashes. Each time, the ground below him was left not just with ruts, but with steaming, black scorch marks. Shattered pieces of clay laid all around. The once lifelike beasts were now made into black and white bits of dirt and minerals. Their magical bonds broken by intense heat and force. This was unlike what Ikki saw in any of his former comrades last time. This was faster than Conor. More vicious than Kasper. More deadly than Mina. And whatever this hellish heat was, it was something he never saw in Tazmuir.

Whatever Mr. Klivoc was doing now, it was something that neither the present or the future Ikki had anticipated. In a fit of what looked like intense rage combined with a sense of frustration and worry, the futuristic Ikki lifted up his staff and in doing so the Earth itself trembled. Quakes all around were followed by a large hellhound erupting from a new hole in the ground. The three broken chains connected to a collar around each one of the necks of this new beast. Standing nearly three stories, considerably longer than an average bus and as wide as three full lanes of traffic, this new beast was a different force to be reckoned with. "Cerberus..." Ikki whispered. Not only that, he began to channel his Dark Divine energy into the beast, allowing it to radiate with a pale pink energy that tried drawing the life force of everything around it inside it.

The grass wilted. The air dried. Nothing nearby was immune. Except for Tazmuir.

"If you think this mongrel will save you, I hate to tell you that I've fought larger," Tazmuir said. As he did, he slid off his large overcoat. As it felt to the ground, he then unzipped the zipper on his undershirt. As odd of a design as it was, it existed for a reason. When his skin started to steam from his long scar, it prevented the light blue glow from burning through his shirt. It was a design of function, not aesthetic or comfort. "Just tell me now, Ikki. If you transform, you'll shave off even more of your own life force and from what I see, you don't have any to spare. You're running on stolen energy as it is now..."

Something about those words struck and obvious chord in this futuristic Ikki. Like an animal in a corner, he commanded his beast to lash out. The middle head breathing fire down onto Tazmuir, but it didn't impede him. No, instead, Tazmuir whisked his hand in front of the flames, expelling minute amounts of his wavelength into the air and creating an overbearing heat that forced even the hellhound's flame back at it. In the flare caused by this motion, Tazmuir dashed forward and struck his entire right arm through the left flank of the enormous beast. Hanging on for just a moment showed the skin and leg of the beast turn a dry white before cracking off--proving to be the same clay the smaller beasts were made out of. Then, with a violent tug, Tazmuir ripped off the front left leg of this Cerberus and threw it at least ten yards in the opposite direction.

"H-How... how are you doing that? Cerberus can stand in fire, walk on lava. What are you doing to him?" Ikki asked with an obvious quake in his voice.

"What can I say, Ikki? I guess he's not as hot as you thought after all. Now, be a pal... come down here. Have a chat with me. 'Cause I'm sure whatever your so called 'boss' will do to you has nothing on what I will if you don't tell me precisely what I want to know," Tazmuir said, reiterating his threat. Meanwhile. Cerberus fell on his front torso--his remaining haunch completely unable to support the weight of his upper body. The beast laid their whimpering. Roaring. It was hard to tell if it felt pain or it was just the mechanisms of Ikki.

"You don't know what you're getting into... He isn't after power. He w-" Ikki began explaining, but it wasn't enough. Not for Taz. No, Taz thrust himself into the air off the fallen body of the hellhound in front of him. Ikki was quick, but not quick enough to dodge a demon like one in front of him. Both of them were knocked do the ground, but Taz flooded Ikki with his own wavelength, cutting off his connection to his magic. Taz and Ikki hit the ground, Ikki losing his staff and prosthetic enchanter's gauntlet in the process.

"Ikki... " Taz said. It was ominous. For good reason. The burning, steaming hand of the man pinning Ikki down was being pressed closer to his face. The sheer heat beginning to make the skin on Ikki's face crack and bleed. "...stop wasting my time. My hunt is far from over--and you aren't the trophy," Taz told him, instilling absolutely nothing but terror in the older Ikki.

The world then faded back to white, slowly crumbling around them like a watercolor washed away by bleach.

"It seems you have all the more reason to fight off the Pull," Daisensei said. It was a somber moment. To see such a thing for a future. To see failure. To see power. To see someone right this second considered your comrade... be so malicious. To cause such pain--to you, even if not the present you.

As his request to know more about this battle he would eventually have with taz in the upcoming future, unless he can rewrite it with his own two hands in order to prevent this from ever happening. Ikki watched every second of this fight, and all they could see themselves as one of their fathers success in becoming whatever they had become? A kishin? His father's exact plan was to turn ikki into a kishin,which is one of the fastest ways to gain power greater than anyone could imagine. What the hell were those things? Hell hounds? That's what it looks like after taking a good look at it. After analysing Taz in this futuristic battle of theirs, they soon got a good grip of what to look out and, what to avoid. Ikki had a fear of losing one of their limbs since they were a kid.

Ikki summoned their scythe and, placed both of their hands on it. He then out of anger slashed upwards, creating a purple stream of energy. Creating noise that broke the quiet atmosphere, the noise that appears to be ikki's thoughts just flying through the room. "I've had enough of this, what else is there for you to show me before I break this place. Don't say I can't because I'll try my da-" before he could finish, their headache had interrupted them from saying anything further or saying anything reckless. Stumbling and, trying to regain their balance.
Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul


Location: Library Dungeon
Tags: The Regal Rper The Regal Rper Susanoo Susanoo
[Daisensei lifted his hand yet again and with it completely dispelled all of the power Ikki had. His magic. His ability to express his wavelength. The purple energy faded, his scythe dwindled into nothing, even the quaking of the sky vanished. Then came an almost intimidating aura off of Daisensei. Most comparable to a teacher forced to send a student to the office; one that had no qualms reprimanding their students. The difference was, this was no classroom and there was no office. This was the sheer authority Daisensei could release.

"No, Ikki, I will tell you precisely what you can and cannot do," Daisensei told him. He gave the young Meister a moment to adjust; before he dispersed his magic, it was obvious Ikki had over-exerted himself. "Regardless of what you saw, you need to control yourself. Your lack of control, in fact, is what will likely to cause you to walk down the path set before you. Set by your father, it seems. That is not just his fault. It is your own. It is why I am teaching you a technique for control--you need it. Not just your wavelength or magic, but your attitude," Daisensei told him. His voice cut deeper than any of the ones called by the Pull of Magic ever did.

"Every minute here is a thousand or so out there. That means if Lord Symmetry gave you five minutes before he came, maybe ten, I have five or ten thousand here. I'll spare you the math: if I will it, you could be stuck with me in the Soul Space for days before someone comes to help you. That is why you required protection coming in here. So you listen close because by Lord Death himself, I will show you what the hard way really is," Daisensei continued on, only making the intimidation he gave off even more valid. Reality sunk in soon, too. Lord Symmetry may have been the God of Death in the real world, but in this world? There was only one God and his name was Desmond.

"Your problem is not the voices in your head. It is the Ghosts of the Past. You think your life has to revolve around the petty things your parents thought or did. You're not the first that I've seen like this nor likely the last; it's not special or unique, just annoying. I have another solution for you, but I highly doubt you'll like it. Until you can learn self control, I can seal your connection to mana. It will take more than the time Lord Symmetry is willing to allow, but if you bring him here and I explain, I'm sure he will bend his rules. Without your magic, you will be able to learn control far easier. More importantly, if you refuse to rely on your magic, your chances of turning into the version of yourself you just saw are next-to-nil," Daisensei explained. This was completely unlike what he was discussing earlier. Before, he was talking about teaching and training, but with this vision of the future and the outburst from Ikki, it seemed his attitude shifted. He was providing a completely different type of approach.

"I wanted to preserve your magic, but it seems to me that very trait does you more harm than good. You need to stop using it as a crutch. Just there, you used it in a fit of rage--the exact type of thing rogue Witches do. The type of thing Kishin do. What you need is to stop seeing yourself as what you were intended to be and figure out just who you really are. Until that day, I don't think you're safe to possess your own magic," Daisensei explained to him. It made an unfortunate amount of sense. Ikki spent this entire time defining himself by what his parents wanted. Even when he decided to lash out and refuse to be that, he did so embracing his magic and rage--things that would only lead him down a darker path. With some self-reflection, it might be more obvious...

...Ikki wasn't quite yet mature enough for the power he possessed.

Seeing him dispell ikki's powers due to a small bit of rage they had within him was just mere child's play. It didn't take any sort of effort to do such, expecially towards an averagely strong half witch such as ikki himself. Walking back and forth, with an ill-tempered attitude going on trying to distract himself as daisensei gave off another lecture. When did he ever stop giving ikki a lecture? This is what happens when you're in a room with a guru type of person that can do more than what meets the eye. Talking about self-control, his past, and even threatened to take their powers away in order to make it easier for them to learn self-control. "I can't afford losing my powers over something that I know I can do. There's things out there that only I can handle, and being powerless at a time like this is not something in mind." Ikki says while having their arms crossed and, looking away like a child. "Besides I know self-control, and I can use it anyway I can, I can use my powers with self-restraint. I'll show you self-restraint"

No matter what ikki is always passionate about what he can do, and if they can't do it then he'll just find another way to do it. "You know what, maybe we should hold this off. Have you ever thought about what I wanted, not what is required for me? Because surely being in here like it's some sort of prison for who knows how long isn't what Lord death had in mind" it's sounding like ikki would rather hold off this training with daisensei and, find their own way to learn what he needs to learn on their own terms. "Maybe it's time for me to learn things on my own, besides there's a time that I will be tested soon. Learning spiritual stuff and being 'one with the wind' is not something for someone as impulsive as I am" surely daisensei will understand what ikki is coming from and, let them decide on what they want to do, not what's best for him. They're beginning to sound just like their parents. Always thinking they're going to do something that'll end up making matters worse. "There's no way I'll ever have my father get the best of me and, become a kishin" he says in a prideful and, honest way. Ikki begins to display their casual fist to Palm gesture that shows confidence.

"Just watch me."
Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul


Location: Library Dungeon
Tags: The Regal Rper The Regal Rper Susanoo Susanoo
"No, you're an arrogant child, Ikki," Daisensei replied with a stern, flat voice. There as no falter. "Dozens of impish, petulant children just like you have stood before me ranting precisely like you are; only two have ever motivated themselves by this speech alone. The proof is in what you see: if you could do it alone, the future would not have been what it was. You are not logical, you are not spiritual; you are self-centered and impulsive," Dainsensei told him, being forthright and honest.

"You will get people killed. Your teammates, your friends, your partner if you ever get one. You are irresponsible. What you want does not matter; the world does not cater to you. I have lived through and seen times of war. Real war. I have seen the minds of boys younger than you that had seen women and children starving, children that had worked full-time jobs and the deviance of the world. You have seen nothing. You don't know evil. You think it's some Kishin, some big evil being... but you don't know Humanity, Ikki. Evil is all around you. Constantly tempting you. If you think you can get by without self-control, you're worse than the Kishin you were born to be,"

It was at that precise moment, the physical Daisensei shot out a telepathic message from beyond his room. Lord Symmetry likely had not considered the range of his abilities, but within the catacombs, he could still communicate. "Enter the room, Symmetry. I would like speak with you as well," Daisensei told him with a purely serious tone.

"Your attitude makes you a threat to others. I can read your mind, you know. I know that you don't care about anything that could help you if it not immediate or what you want. If Lord Death were still the Shinigami, you would be in a cell. You don't know what's best--period. You refuse to listen to reason--period. I will not stand here and listen to you whine like the insolent child you are. I will tell your Lord Symmetry everything about this meeting and suggest you no longer be taught by the DWMA," Daisensei told him. His voice still flat. There was no anger. There was no hostility. It was as if he was reading facts out of a textbook.

"You cannot say one thing and act another, Ikki. Evil is blind onto itself..." Dainsei told him, now allowing time to flow at its normal rate. He had control over that perception. He was just waiting for Lord Symmetry at this point. His conversation with Ikki was an absolute waste of time.

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  • Library Dungeon

    Lord Symmetry

    Studying the architecture of these walls, would have to be done at a time more available, because right now- from that tone Lord Symmetry could tell, everything had gone wrong. In hindsight, perhaps-- no, he should have seen this coming. Ikki was difficult at best, incorrigible at their worst. Judging from Daisen's tone alone, their meeting hadn't gone as well as he had expected. Even worse, Lord Symmetry now had to see just how bad things had gone.

    Helmet still under arm, Lord Symmetry entered the room, ready to hear or see what his guest had to say about their little impatient friend.

    Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul Susanoo Susanoo

"Don't speak like you've known me from the start" their frustration had turned into bitter anger by just having enough of what the man daisensei had to say. It was pointless right now to reason with ikki, and their impulsive behavior is reaching it's climax. "I don't care how long you've been in this world, don't think you know how it feels to be in my shoes to know what humanity is" moving their right arm in a more aggressive manner left visible electrical circuits flying around the room. "This is as much as I can get from humanity, I've done nothing but being someone's puppet in their big ass sceme" the electricity started to grow rabidly from the ground up, seeing that their hands and feet were sparking up from their anger and frustration.

"I'm tired of people like you who thinks whatever fucked up thing you believe in is either right or wrong, I don't care if you're God's. Don't tell me about the shit I know. As of you're right, I don't care and I never fucking will" ikki's yells and burst of lightning could be seen traveling at high speed, covering a small portion of ikki. As their tail sported an electrical coating on the edge of it. Things can get far much worse than it is now, but ikki knows that they're holding off a far amount of energy than he wish to attend to. Because counciously he knows who he's dealing with, but at the same time he doesn't care. Ikki is smart enough to know that he's wrong and, he should have never came here in the first place. Everything about ikki that daisensei had said was right, only thing that's surrounding him is just peer evil at this point. They're not even better than Kasper and or Mina who holds wicked hearts, but not at the same level as ikki right about now.

Their heart is filled with poison, their mind clouded with confusion. It's best for him and for the both of them to forget all that this had ever happened and, let ikki decide their own fate. Maybe their fate has already been decided by the stunt they just pull. Ikki couldn't go out there and let taz and the others look at the state ikki is currently in, this is just a small percentage of what really ikki will become very soon. Their fathers goal is just at the tip of his fingers, just a little while longer.
Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul The Regal Rper The Regal Rper

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