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Fandom Roleplay the fandoms!

Ob1Kenob1 said:
Would you still be interested in the Fullmetal Alchemist roleplay?
I would depending on a few things though. What character you would like to play, your writing style, and the like.
SeverusX said:
I'm interested in these: Naruto, Bleach, Death Note, FMA, or Attack on Titan.
I lean more towards Naruto because I have many characters set aside for it but any of these is fine if you're good with roleplaying the characters. Just pm me an idea and a preference.
[QUOTE="Lycan Queen]I would depending on a few things though. What character you would like to play, your writing style, and the like.

I can write up to several decent sized paragraphs (I can usually match my partner), I can write first or third person and the character I would most like to play is Envy but I would be up for debating that :)
Ob1Kenob1 said:
I can write up to several decent sized paragraphs (I can usually match my partner), I can write first or third person and the character I would most like to play is Envy but I would be up for debating that :)
You should totally pm me so we can talk about this :)
I'd love to do a Creepypasta rp, with either of the pastas you're interested in.
RandomSURoleplayer said:
Would you be interested in doubling for OHSHC? ^>^
And if not, an OC x OC?
I might be interested in an OC X OC. Mostly because I'm not completely finished with the show and wouldn't feel right trying to take on the canon characters yet. Pm me to plan something :)
ReddShark said:
Hey I'd be interested in doing Soul Eater with you if you're still looking
For Soul Eater I have different OC's depending on what character you would like to play so is there any in particular you have in mind? I prefer Kid, Free, Giriko, or Stein but I can probably work with others. And I can use males as well with Maka and Liz in mind. Pm me about it.
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I'd love to do a Criminal Minds Rp if you're still looking and if you're cool with doubling up...!
I'd be interested in Twilight or Harry Potter if you're up for doubling!

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