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Realistic or Modern ♡ rivers & roads ♡

z e p h y r

professional thrower of shade



Basically, this roleplay is going to take place over the last month or so of the school year. There is going to be a group of ten seniors, (and yes, they're all going to be very stereotypical because why the hell not?) and some of them might be super close friends but others might be total strangers with everyone else in the group. So they're all sharing this common nostalgia of all the good times they've had at their high school, and so they get to talking and basically make a bucket list of things that they want to do before their time in high school is over. Some of the bucket list items might be school-related (i.e. break into a classroom, spray paint the walls, etc.) or outside of school (i.e. go cliff diving, rob a store, etc.) and make it their goal to do everything on the list. Possibly while falling in love with each other or getting into huge fights or whatever happens u feel me? (hint hint)

Character Slots (there's five because there will be a male and female of each)

Prep Everyone knows these kids--they're everywhere. From cheerleaders to fratboys, they're the ones with more friends than even seems humanly possible. And, whether or not you're willing to admit it, you're jealous of them--their looks, charisma, popularity, wealth, and maybe even their equally gorgeous significant other. But if you're not from their side of town, they can't be seen with you, so you best stay away.

Artsy These kids are the next Pablo Picassos, Frank Sinatras, and Barbara Streisands. Whether their work is going to show up in the Smithsonian American Art Museum, Broadway, Madison Square Garden, or on the big screen, they're going somewhere. You may know them, you may not. Where the art students are typically more withdrawn and to themselves, the drama kids are usually more out there. But feel free to disprove this theory. No matter what their personality is, they've got what it takes, and they're going to make it.

Stoner Don't let the name stoner mislead you--not all of these kids smoke weed. It's an umbrella with many stereotypes within the name, but no matter what, there's one thing the stoners never fail to do: party. These kids are usually slackers who don't give a shit about school or whatever else, but that doesn't matter, because these guys can bring on the booze. They're your go-to for parties, weed, and fake IDs. Just make sure not to get caught.

Geek Did someone say pythagorean theorem? Just kidding. Geeks doesn't necessarily mean straight-A's, though it usually comes with the package. Ever wonder where to find a geek? Just check ComicCon. Or the anime section of the library before school. Whether they make straight-A's or just specialize in Captain America, they're geeks nonetheless. Unfortunately, they're normally the victims of vicious bullying, but not always. Ah, geeks--gotta love 'em.

Punk "My Chemical Romance is, like, my life." I mean, not all punks are into the emo phenomena, but as long as you fit the "I either have a piercing or want one" and the "I would dye my hair if my mom would let me", you're a punk. Let's be honest, sneaking out is what you do best--aside from moshing, of course. These kids tend to be the more rebellious type, and, surprisingly enough, they stereotypically come from suburban families. Oh well--everyone's got rebellious nature, right?


So this roleplay will be roughly based off of the song Rivers and Roads by The Head and the Heart because it's awesome as fuck and I've been thinking about making a roleplay like this for a while, so when I heard the song I got more ideas and figured "why don't I just hop back on RpN (and after realizing I forgot my password I just made a new account haha) and make this shit" so here we go!

so i'm sorry but i've decided not to do this idea right now, i'll probably do it in the future but for now i'm more focused on my other rp, which is very similar to this one. you can find it here

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