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Realistic or Modern Rising Tides, Shifting Skies (Zombie Apoco)

Name: Sargent Wells

Location: Supermarket

Interacting With: @QueenColey

Sargent Wells jerked his head in direction of the confrontation that was happening on the other side of the supermarket, near the entrance, the two solders behind him nodding as they slowly crept up, suddenly hearing a metallic clanging noise against the floor, one of the soldiers, a Private, noticed that something had been thrown, yet where it had been thrown from was hard to determine, given the angle the soldier had seen it from. "It's a distraction." The Private whispered to his superior, the older Sargent nodding and replying. "I was thinking the same, Langley, check it out." He said to the other soldier, who nodded and slowly sidestepped across a small distance, he was a little nervous, not knowing who he could be up against, he looked to his Sargent who nodded once again, in an almost encouraging way, the soldier then giving an affirmative nod back and calling out quietly. "Whoever's there, come out with your hands up, I won't ask a second time." As to not attract attention from the other men. "We're not here to loot you." He added on, knowing very well that being raided for supplies was a pretty big concern nowadays.
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Name: Sofia

Location: Supermarket

Interacting With: The Crew and

Time and Date: November 22nd, roughly 8 pm

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c6eaec6cd_Sofia4.gif.e3d1d90020a01ab64dd2756ebdfd2730.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="97380" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c6eaec6cd_Sofia4.gif.e3d1d90020a01ab64dd2756ebdfd2730.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Sofia and Pandora exchanged a look before slowly making their way to the other exit. Far enough away they wouldn't be spotted, but close enough they would be able to keep tabs on the situation. Sofia watched the other girl climb onto a shelf, her whip in hand as she positioned herself in a secure spot. Almost entirely out of sight. The pale girl nodded at her companion to signal she was ready.

Drawing her sword, Sofia walked out. "Fine, if you're not here to raid us, what are you here for?" She called out. They were slightly outnumbered, but Pandora's whip would add a bit of an advantage in the long run. Long range weapons were much safer than Sofia's swords. Though, it didn't stop her from using them.[/border]



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