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Realistic or Modern Rising Tides, Shifting Skies (Zombie Apoco)

Kevin Huang

Location: In the Trees Above the Woods --> Ground Level

Interacting With: Paxton, Pandora

Kevin watched the woman leave, pondering what she had just said. Go with them? He scoffed at how absurd that offer sounded. "I'm not Zacchaeus either," He muttered. It was as if Pandora thought she was Jesus, able to call people down from trees and change their entire lives by talking to them. He had lived in the trees almost his entire apocalypse life, and all his supplies were up there. What was he supposed to do, break everything down and move? It wasn't that easy.

And yet... Kevin kind of wanted to follow her. She seemed like the first sane person he had met since the beginning of the apocalypse, and he didn't know when he would have another chance to search for his girlfriend like the one he did now. Besides, if he was completely honest with himself, it was kind of lonely alone in the trees, and he found himself starting to crave a social environment. Kevin scratched his head and sighed. "I guess I can give it a whirl." He said, grabbing his hiking backpack and stuffing it mostly with rope and other essential items. He took his only weapon, a Gerber Pocket Knife, slipping it into his left pocket. He left a page of writing in memory of his home next to the platform, then left the treetops, using the pulley system to get to the ground.

Thank YOU!

Thank you, tree, for saving my fucking ass so many times. I know I've been impaling you with nails and choking you with my ropes, but the whole time, I promise I was grateful to you throughout the ordeal. Thank you, random stranger, for building a platform that was shaky and almost killed me when I first got up here. Thank you, random squirrel, for chewing through the rope system I worked so hard to put together. Thank you zombies, for forcing me to become a hermit and live in the treetops in the first place. And most of all, thank you, Scoutmaster, for giving me the ability to survive and look for my girlfriend.

Sincerely (Maybe,)

Kevin Huang

P.S. If someone finds this base, don't eat my skittles. I was saving them for a special event.

When he got to the ground, he saw Pandora talking to another man, whom Kevin assumed was her brother. "Damn, that is one fine beard," He muttered, rubbing his own non-existent beard enviously. He walked over to the pair, and introduced himself to the man. "Hello, I am Kevin. Pandora invited me to come with you guys, if you wouldn't mind." He then gazed at the scene which lay before him on the road, his eyes coming to a stop at the gut splattered car. "Wow, that's some civilization I haven't seen in awhile," He muttered.
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Name: Pandora

Location: Road

Interacting With: Everyone
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c619b527b_Pandora16.gif.7405cdc48e4ab5edc85b636654952943.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="89602" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c619b527b_Pandora16.gif.7405cdc48e4ab5edc85b636654952943.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Pandora watched the car and grinned. Turning to Leroy she talked again, "I think I'm more of an antihero than a superhero. I mean my main motivation in life is killing someone." She shrugged and grimaced afterwards. "Honestly though, we need to get moving. Nice doing," she gestured around them, "whatever this was. But it's time to go." She looked up as Kevin came forward, "nice choice."

Pandora grabbed her bag, bow, and quiver from the woods and came back to the road. "I'm not going to let Harold make too much ground on us, regardless of what shape I'm in. Let's go, Paxton."

"We can go, but not after him." Her brother stated. "Not yet. I will knock you out and carry you in the other direction if I have to. Now just stop. I know you're upset but this is not the way to release your anger." He spoke calmly, but Pandora knew the undertone was his 'I'm older than you' tone.

She crossed her arms, "fine. Fine. I don't care anymore, let's just move before a fucking horde gets here." For fucks sake they were all standing around talking like it was just a regular day and there weren't any zombies around.



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Interacting with: Pandora,Leroy,Paxton,Kevin

Location: Trees/Road

"Trust me,
bud,I'll fire another fucking arrow and I won't think twice about it." She said looking out at the man and his little minions. "Fucking psychotic. That's what this life is." She mumbled before walking out onto the road.

"Fucking zombies. Wish they'd all fucking die...nah,then I couldn't have fun." She said shrugging before landing another arrow in a females infected head. "Fuck,I need to clean these off." She said as she looked down at her bloody arrows. "Fucking discusting." She groaned before retrieving her arrows from the two down zombies.

"I think I'll like this life a lot better." She mumbled more to herself

- Leroy


- Road

•Interacting With•

- Everyone


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.gif.d39ee21930c46195fbde85cbadf77096.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="89603" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.gif.d39ee21930c46195fbde85cbadf77096.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Leroy smirked at the surprisingly similar female in the car, nodding his head slightly. He was about to say an 'anti-hero' statement himself, but the chick with the hole in her beat him to it. "
At least we have one hero here~ and I think it's time for us to part ways..." Joked Leroy, him turning around and walking slowly toward the Hummer. He walked sluggish, as if he tired from being awake too long, as well as probably being under the influence of alcohol. "Troops... Get in the truck. Next stop: Waterbank... Wouldn't want them freaking out about all the fucking gun-claps we be sendin' down range. Plus, I need a drink..." Sighed Leroy, his minor adrenaline levels lowering as the excitement died down. Groans and movement could be heard from the distance; meaning time was of the essence.

As the three marauders entered the hummer, they started to drift the hummer ever so slightly, not leaving the presence of the group. Leroy poked his head out of the passenger seat, spitting toward the ground before he spoke. "
Now, I don't usually recommend this... Y'all could meet us at Waterbank if you wanted a safe place to Han your head. Of course, you'll have to work for your food and supplies, but we offer plenty of 'amazing' things that I'm sure you have been missing." Said Leroy, almost ready to tell the driver to move.



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(That fucking gif is making me laugh so hard idk)


Interacting with: Pandora,Leroy,Paxton,Kevin

Location: Trees/Road


She looked over at the others in the trees before back at the hummer. "I'm not in charge of this so I'll just...back off?" She said and looked towards the others.

The groaning was becoming closer and louder. "How many fucking zombies are there?" She half yelled and looked down the road,her eyes squinting to see them slowly getting closer and closer. "I would say we should go,but we do kick ass,so I don't know." She said shrugging
Tag: @QueenColey @KPnightmare @Taylor152

With: Everyone

Mentioned: Leroy, Kevin, Pandora, Paxton, Tino, Lyric

Location: Road
Karayan Sioux

Karayan watched as various members of the strangers made themselves known. She glanced at male who commented on her seemingly other-worldly vehicle who introduced himself as Kevin. He seemed to be an interesting character, though she wasn't sure where he came from. The trees, perhaps? It wasn't unheard of; she, herself, had spent many nights in the safety of high up canopies, away from the reach of desperate walkers and out of sight of raiders and thieves.

The brunette he spoke to, Pandora, seemed to be eager to take action against... someone. Paxton—who she assumed to be the female's brother—told her it wasn't a good idea. Kara knew the male was correct; the girl was injured with a nasty bullet wound, and now she wanted to go off and track down someone named 'Harold'? It didn't seem like the brightest of ideas. Luckily, she had her sibling to persuade her not to get herself into some stupid bullshit.

A young boy—he looked no more than sixteen—approached the tree-dweller. The sight of such a young boy being out in the wilderness alone surviving in a world full of thieves, killers, tyrannical rulers, and walking corpses caused a pang of sympathy to enter the Russian girl's heart. She understood what it felt like to be alone, but she had grown used to it. Her family didn't want her anyway; they
did sell her to a wealthy family without any second thoughts or remorse.

Kara's attention returned to Leroy as he returned to his men and own vehicle. She admired his authority over the situation; at least
someone knew what they were doing in this post-apocalyptic world. He then shocked her with a proposition: inviting the entire group, including her, to his safe-haven. The Sioux girl's multi-coloured eyes narrowed in suspicion. What was he planning? What ulterior motive did he possess? There was no way he was allowing these people in so easily. "I usually don't recommend this..." Was that the absolute truth, or a cover-up for a plan that sought to bring harm?

A blonde female broke her out of her thoughts with an unnecessarily loud exclamation. Karayan followed her gaze down the road, taking note of the ever-growing horde of walkers approaching. The rogue raised one eyebrow in a way that said "Are you serious?" "
Yeah, we could go for it," she responded. "If we were stupid." Her cold gaze bore into the blonde girl, unwavering with the blunt truth. "Soon enough, we will tire, and then we will be at the mercy of those hungry motherfuckers." Kara paused, allowing the words to sink in. "I, for one, would like to not die today."

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Kevin Huang

Location: In the Trees Above the Woods --> Ground Level

Interacting With: Paxton, Tino, Leroy, Karayan, Lyric

Kevin glanced at the boy who had asked him the question. "Um... who are you?" Why had the boy approached him? He thought the boy looked rather young, but then again, so did he. The boy must have survived somehow, so he wasn't about to judge him based on appearances. He kept a wary eye out in case the boy attacked him.

He looked back at the man and his goonies. "Ugh, that guy still has time to put in earrings?" Kevin asked, amazed. "He must live somewhere where he doesn't have to worry about safety the entire time." Addressing the man and his offer, he responded, "That sounds like an amazing offer, minus the fact that you look like Slim Shady without the hair." He paused, then mused, "Well, I guess everyone I don't know looks suspicious to me these days."

He looked back at Paxton, whose beard simply radiated leadership. "Should we follow them?" He asked.

Kevin's gaze lingered on the black-haired person who had just attacked the blondie. "Um, are we even in a group together?" He asked. "It looks like you guys had just met." Kevin decided to introduce himself, thinking that a name wouldn't even help anyone in the apocalyptic world. "I'm Kevin, by the way. Nice... meeting you?" He stated, unsure if they were even supposed to meet him.

Name: Pandora and Paxton

Location: Road

Interacting with: Everyone

Time/Date: November 22nd at some time who knows it's the fucking apocalypse
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c62708e92_PandoraandPaxton1.gif.56d6482d68f7e2eb23d34522b2b31238.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="90150" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c62708e92_PandoraandPaxton1.gif.56d6482d68f7e2eb23d34522b2b31238.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> "Why is everyone looking at me?" Paxton quirked a brow. "Last I checked there weren't any bosses in the apocalypse." He shook his head and sighed. When it was just the twins, they made their decisions together. It wasn't just the two of them anymore, and apparently people thought of him as a leader.

Pandora looked at her brother and frowned, she knew he wasn't a fan of leadership. And that was fine. They had usually worked as a team. She looked at the people looking at him and cleared her throat. "I have no intention of staying-" she gestured at the group of armed men "-wherever they're headed. But we do need to move. Anyone who wants to go with him, go. If not? There's a small town about two miles that way." She pointed into the tree line, opposite of the way Harold went.

"There's only a couple of stores, but we could get supplies. It's where we were headed before shit hit the fan. Go whichever way you want, but I'm not going to stay in one of these fortified towns, been there done that." She rolled her eyes. The previous town they had stayed in was run by Harold and his crew. Bandits ran the place and took whoever they wanted. It wasn't any safer there than on a road.

Paxton appreciated that his sister could take charge, no matter the situation. It was due to her apathetic tendencies, but that was just who she was. Much less sympathetic than he was.



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Name: Tamara Rain

Location: Road

From where she was, it was very silence, only a few zombies to be known that she could easily take out but she just flew past them as they were all the same... well she couldn't really hear nothing though so it was kind of peaceful, since she had earphones stuck in her ears, along with some random sunglasses she found that was attached to the motorbike she had been riding on for hours ''Fuck you~ fuck you very much~'' the girl was casually just singing to herself, today hadn't been so bad.. as she hasn't seen any zombies and her bags was filled with goodies which luckily she had no one to share them with.

Though... she was going extremely fast on this bike which was a mistake she shouldn't have made, there was a kid in the road.. a zombie kid, and she hated them the most, she debated while she was getting closer if she should reach for her bat and try to smack it head off, just to put it out of his misery. well she did do that anyway but her movement was hesitant.. she stare mostly at the zombie kid before even grabbing her bat with spikes, she took too long and the front tire on the bike
'pop' the bike spiral out of control.

She regret taking notice and wish she could continue on the road with her bike, but it was in a horrific state, it was like trying to ride a bull, she flew past the kid rolling along as her rucksack flew off to the side and her bike scraping along the concrete with the worst loudest noise ever going ''Shit..'' more could be here soon as she muttered under her breath, she place her cut palms on the ground as she throbbed her head up once she sat there for a moment, watching as the zombie kid crookedly waltz towards her, slow enough for her to catch her breath.

Her eyes observe the unfortunate ''please just stand there and be a good boy..'' she place her hand out was hoping it would just stop but she knew it obviously wouldn't, So she lean over and grab her bat, standing over him and then
'SPLAT' launching from the side of his head like any baseball. The body drop and she could only glance away cleaning her bat with a handkerchief before putting it to her side and walking over to her rucksack.

She seems to pull out some fresh bread ''I think I deserve this!'' She walks along the road after tossing the rucksack over her shoulder, once she had no earphones on for a minute, she could hear noises? people??

She pauses while she had the bread in her mouth ''Oh... they better not try and raid my belongings...'' she tear it off the half she was holding then she shook her head as she thought while she walks down the road, she had thought she was going whether they like it or not.
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- Leroy

Interacting With

- Everyone


- AA12 Shotgun (60 rounds)

- Extendable Nightstick


- Yes


- Tired and not feeling too well. Has minor shakes, and is suffering minor withdraws from cocaine. He isn't having problems breathing at this time.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.gif.8eccccbb012547f1c9de6a6841a2ce6a.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="89806" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.gif.8eccccbb012547f1c9de6a6841a2ce6a.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Slim shady without the hair...? Is this fucking kid serious?' Angrily thought Leroy, him grabbing a bag of sunflower seeds from the glovebox in the hummer; putting a handful of them in his mouth. "Guess I'm going to take everyone's silence as a no. Just to be clear, I honestly don't give a shit wether or not y'all want to come. Honestly, I'm only under orders to recruit any survivors that showed promise. Waterbank needs a couple extra security officials with the increasing threat of raiders in the area... Personally, a raider would be off his meds to attack Waterbank, but you know, powers that be and all..." Sighed Leroy, occasionally spitting out sunflower seeds as he talked. Leroy looked toward the driver, signaling him to move forward. As the hummer moved up the road, Leroy playfully stuck half his body out the window. "Later, scrubs!"



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Tamara Swan


Before she continues walking she look at her wreck bike, she was disappointed cause she had to walk now, she wasn't going anywhere in particular just trying to survive, but the crash made enough noise to lure some brainless, lifeless, carnivores this way, she had to move quick and carefully but right now she was taking her time, she was overconfident in her abilities surviving in the apocalypse.

Once she had finished the small piece of bread she dusted her hands from the crumbs clinging on, indeed this was delicious and she had plenty more where that came from, but after that though she quickly swoop down to her mini assault rifle and stood her ground, she was alert once she heard the moving vehicle and
''Later scrubs!'' she was debating though whether to hide behind a tree.. but what if a zombie sneak up behind her? that wouldn't be good, but it would be better than getting run over.

She slowly took steps to the near side as she raises her shoulders along with the mini assault rifle as she aims carefully ''Stop the vehicle. Now!'' she demanded, giving the man a signal as well as she pointed out of the car but then back, so she was giving him a chance before she dares shoot and cause more conflict. one shoot though and it will definitely hit since she has a good opening with him hanging out of the vehicle.
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Name: Pandora

Location: Road

Interacting With: Everyone

Time/Date: November 22nd at a time that is not known because clocks don't exist anymore
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c6271419a_Pandora5.gif.74381fe190c4cf8f1e8946cac6d81a76.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="90152" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c6271419a_Pandora5.gif.74381fe190c4cf8f1e8946cac6d81a76.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Pandora's head jerked when she heard the new voice. "This is fucking insane," she shook her head. She had no intention of making a habit of saving people but still, she walked to where she had a good aim and slung her whip, knocking the newcomer's weapon from their hand. "Get out of the road, or I use the bladed side on you."

She wasn't trying to save anyone at this point, she just wanted everyone to get moved and be out of here. "Why would you engage a moving vehicle during an apocalypse? They clearly have more resources than you." She rolled her eyes, swinging the whip round and round. She was still on a high from the pain killers and wanted to get moving before it wore off. Her shoulder was going to give her hell before long.

"There's a horde moving in, you might want to get moving." Pandora turned to the people she was with, "if you're coming with me, let's go. Now. I want to be in town before night falls, I'm not sleeping in a tree tonight."



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Name: Tamara Swan

Location: Road

Tamara raises a brow as her grey orbs were lured to the teen, she slightly turns her head to think
''Umm.. what does she want..?'' She just thought as she pointed her gun towards the girl that walk over but just dropping it near unfortunate near her feet ''shit'' well that was unexpected. She grabs her wrist looking where her whip seem to had catch her, not like it was stinging enough from where the concrete scrape most of her hands ''what is your deal??'' she curse, flicking that made her wrist seem to clicks ''and... really? who are you to even threaten me out of the blue?'' she didn't take it lightly, she reach down to pick up her gun again and then she pointed it towards her.

''Why would I stroll on the road when they're an apocalypse with dozen of zombies in this area?? easier to just ride through them honestly. I mean I rather not travel in the woods anyway'' throwing her hands in the air ''I need a ride so I'm- borrowing. Why are you getting in my way?''

As she turns her back she slams the front of her assault rifle in her other handle which she grip with both and was settle aiming at her back, she was really puzzled as she narrows her eyes ''so... now you're walking away? I can continue with what I was doing?'' but now she thinking will she be able to anyway?
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Name: Demi

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.jpeg.6d2e95adb6d06345c1d14c338445fab3.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="90010" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.jpeg.6d2e95adb6d06345c1d14c338445fab3.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Overall Health

Interacting With: Raiders

Date: Nov 22nd

Location: Walmart

Demi stood in the Walmart, an American store well-built and fortified for most natural disasters. Of course, it now served as a base for the Blackfoot Raiders. Most of the crew had machetes and AK variants, and a stockpile of ammo in the safe. Demi only had a baseball bat, them often making fun of her uselessness when it came to raiding. Joke was on them though, her making a killing this time around. She came back with a lot of odds and ends from beating down a small group of survivors with her two faithful companions; Great Jack and Clover Ace. Great Jack was an interesting character, redneck as redneck could be, yet, slightly amazing at shit-talking. Clover Ace was a little bit of a whore, but she also preferred melee weapons; making her a great coupling with Demi. Clover was a sword lover, having an interesting weapon that most wouldn't have heard of unless they were Amazon addicts. It was a gunblade, a contraption that utilized a cylinder from a revolver to add vibration to the blade once the trigger was pulled. It wouldn't actually shoot a round, but it just looked badass. It also made a mess of the zombies, which grossed Demi out every time one was chopped in half.

Demi and the gang walked toward the back of the store, treasures looted in hand. Most of the other raiders left Demi alone because of Jack, him not being the most tolerable man to ever live. "Demi... Hurry the fuck up! I'm trying to get some god damn sleep before we get at it again. You know how I get without my fucking beauty sleep." Yelled Jack, him putting his AK on safe. He wasn't an expert at firearm safety, once shooting his own raiding partner by mistake. "Quit being a little bitch, Jack! She knows what she's doing..." Spouted Clover, crossing her arms as she walked. "You're lucky you got tits... I'd have fuckin' knocked your ass out by now, talkin' to me like that." Said Jack, sternly and seriously. Demi ignored the both of them, just wanting to stash the shit and probably lay down. It was a long day.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.jpeg.aed3da50af83f00299e7f1b2bd593e8c.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="90041" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.jpeg.aed3da50af83f00299e7f1b2bd593e8c.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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•Interacting With•

- Everyone


- Nov 22nd, late-ish?


- Is extremely intolerable and volatile. The added pressure is increasing his heart rate, increasing his chances of having an Asthsma attack.

63% Health


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.jpeg.daaab4a58e3ce273fe505260d1aac7cf.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="90121" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.jpeg.daaab4a58e3ce273fe505260d1aac7cf.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Leroy was surprised, yet, angry at the woman stupid enough to draw on a hummer full of armed personnel. Sure, Leroy wasn't paying attention, but his men were; one of them firing his weapon out of the open window into the air as warning shots. The hummer got away and drove down the road aways. "Did that stupid woman just try to jack us? She's lucky we don't want civilians dying on the roads and shit... Last thing we need is a zombie with a grudge." Sighed Leroy, him continuing to eat his sunflower seeds. The guard that fired the warning shots put his body back into the hummer, still holding his M4 Carbine at the low-ready.

"So... What's the story on these fuckboys, huh? They on their period or something?" Joked one of the bodyguards. Leroy chuckled a little, almost choking on one of his seeds in the process. This chain reaction of laughter caused the whole hummer to uproar with chuckles and giggles. Life was good, almost too good...



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Kevin Huang

Quick CS

Location: In the Trees Above the Woods --> Ground Level

Interacting With: Pandora, Tino, Paxton

Kevin, a former boy scout and victim of the zombie apocalypse has taken refuge in the trees using his knowledge of ropes and knots. When he saw Pandora get injured, he offered his assistance to Pandora, and Pandora invited him to come with her. He is now on the ground, trying to make sense of the events unfolding around him.

Morale (Slightly above normal)
Kevin nodded to Pandora. "I'm sticking with you, you were the one who got me down here." Looking back at the kid, he smiled, no longer wary. "Hey, I'm Kevin. Nice to meet you too. How are you holding up in this artificial Hell?" He asked, concerned about the kid. "You must have a pretty strong will to survive, even my mom couldn't take it." Kevin chose not to mention the fact that if he hadn't had a girlfriend he probably would have stopped trying to survive as well.

When Kevin turned back to Pandora to ask her where they were going, he saw that a woman was now having what seemed to be a heated discussion with Pandora. Deciding not to dive headfirst into the discussion, he instead turned back to Paxton. "Hey, um... Can we leave? I don't know where we're going, but I don't want to stay here."

He stuck his left hand into his pocket, holding onto the pocket knife which resided there. He wasn't sure what was going on, but holding a weapon made him feel better, even if he had no idea how to use it.

How are you holding up in this artificial Hell?
Kevin Huang

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Name: Pandora

Location: Road >> Woods

Interacting With: Who knows at this point

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c62719b83_Pandora17.gif.57b78142691f54d53e2616a4b00a7fff.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="90153" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c62719b83_Pandora17.gif.57b78142691f54d53e2616a4b00a7fff.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Pandora lead the group into the woods, whip twirling lightly. Her brother was by her side, pistol pointed at the ground, waiting to go if he needed to shoot. "I don't like putting this much distance between us and Harold." She muttered, looking over her shoulder towards where he headed with his group. She wanted to take him out.

"I know, Panda, I know." Paxton whispered. He was waiting for her to break, she knew that much. But she was stronger than that. She wouldn't be breaking anytime soon. Not until she had some alcohol in her system, anyway. The walk was going to be long, but it would be worth it. They'd be able to fortify a small store and be safe for at least a night or two. Maybe they'd have a chance to plan an assault on Harold's men. If these people were going to be with her, they were going to help her kill the man who ruined her life. Other than the apocalypse, that is.

She hummed lightly, twirling her whip as they went. She was starting to feel her ankle again, which was meant the painkillers wouldn't last much longer for her shoulder. "We need to hurry. Before the pain comes back."



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Name: Tamara Swan

Location: Road ->woods

Tamara watch as the warning shots went off, then the vehicle she was about to try and steal got away, She bite her bottom lip as she tried not to loose it with the girl ''Now this is just great!'' her glance lured towards the group as they disappear.. ''Catching up with that group would waste my time. it would most probably be the same as the last groups I was with... I'll take my chances on my own'' she put her assault rifle away and took out her compose ''right then, I could continue going north or tag along west with them trouble makers so...'' It was an obvious decision.

But she then thought where the hell would they be heading off, she would want to steal that vehicle very much for herself ever since she first laid eyes on it but those thoughts had pause, suddenly a buzzing was coming from her pocket
''Tam?? Tamara??'' her hand dive into to pull out her phone ''Kaiden?? Is that you?! where are you!'' soon the signal went and was mostly static ''shit..'' she shove her nearly, dead phone back into her pocket.

She knew her friend was alive and that was a big relief, now she needed to find where he was and fast before anything happens to him. She then thought ''
Hey... why don't I make a trade'' she wonder into the woods to try caught up with the strange crew.

Then she toss her bag in front of her and pull out all kind of medicines that could be useful and show them in her hand ''did you need supplies?''
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Name: Paxton

Location: Woods

Interacting with: The Crew and Tamara
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c62b0b59b_Paxton18.gif.93a836980fa7a0cffe9b65bcd51d1efe.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="90305" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c62b0b59b_Paxton18.gif.93a836980fa7a0cffe9b65bcd51d1efe.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Paxton heard the girl following them and sighed. "Did you need supplies?" He heard her call out. He and his sister turned to face her. Pandora squinted at her and the medicine in her hands. She had been limping again, and the girl must have noticed.

"How do we know we can trust you?" Paxton called out, defensively. He stood slightly in front of Pandora, his gun still pointed at the ground, but ready to go if need be. He was far more trusting than his sister, but he wasn't an idiot either.

"I already have painkillers, what's in this for you?" Pandora scrunched her brow, whip never faltering. The blade at the end could cut through bone if aimed right. His sister had excellent aim and cat like reflexes, he didn't doubt her ability to take down a threat, even without her bow.



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Name: Tamara Swan

Location: Woods

''Trust me? pff! uh of course, you can trust me... I mean, how the hell you want me to prove that?'' she sarcastically asks ''You're all don't have many supplies and eventually you're going to run out, I notice that much and with that wound on your ankle it gonna get infected so... I'm offering you a freeway ticket to health here, antibiotics
if! you can tell me what way the men were going with that vehicle''

Even when they had weapons in their hands, of course she was going to be a little shaky on the defensive side but also calm as a pickle, she needed to be. ''Tamara the name, if that make you feel any better'' she nodded in greeting. ''So what do you say?'' she smile as she waves the medicine in her hand.

Name: Demi

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.jpeg.11f5f255d12715610ba99e0b8384bba8.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="90291" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.jpeg.11f5f255d12715610ba99e0b8384bba8.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Overall Health

Interacting With: Clover Ace

Date: Nov 22nd

Location: Walmart; Demi's bedroll. It's on isle 5. :3

Demi and her crew dispersed around the Walmart after storing their stolen goods in respective shelves. Believe it or not, the Walmart was positively booming with random assortments of stolen goods and food. It looked more like a GoodWill store these days, but that was a moot point. Demi removed her blood-stained red converse, walking through isle 5 barefoot like some sort of tramp. She had wore skinny blue jeans that day, but gravely regretted the decision after getting some blood on them as well. Thankfully, the staff room had a couple of washing machines; that sole reason alone being the reason Demi had stuck around individuals which most would avoid for so many days.

After a lot of wild eyes from passing raiders, Demi finally reached her clean-and-prestine bedroll. Or, at least it
was clean. Multiple dots of melted chocolate littered the roll, almost making it look like the Cookie Monster had an orgy on it. Demi dropped her converse, taking a step back and trying not to scream out of pure anger. Too late. "WHO THE FUCK ATE GODDAMN CHOCOLATE ON MY FUCKING BED." Yelled Demi at the top of her lungs. Small spouts of stifled laughter could be heard throughout the Walmart, but the whole building became dead silent. Clover blissfully walked behind Demi, grabbing her from behind and raising her up from the ground. "PUT ME THE FUCK DOWN, I'LL BUTTFUCK YOUR FATHER WITH YOUR MOM'S CRUCIFIED CORPSE!" Yelled Demi, her body squirming around, not being able to get out of the hold she was put in. "Quiet, babe! It was a joke... Not a dick. Quit taking it so hard." Sang Clover, Demi's body slowing down the squirming once she figured out who had grabbed her. More laughing could be heard from the Walmart, followed by the silence breaking shortly after.

Demi took a sharp object from the shelf, taking it to her bedroll and scraping off the melted chocolate that littered it. Clover helped and also took the blame off whoever did the deed, since she didn't know herself. She knew Demi would have felt embarrassed if she were getting picked on though, and felt the need to play it off as a joke from her rather than tell the truth. "Why would you do this to my bed... I... I don't like my shit being messed with." Said Demi rather sadly, not finding the whole thing funny at all. Clover was pissed about it too, but she had to take the blame. Clover would later find out who did the bullshit. "I just wanted to see you get a little angry... Frankly, it turns me on~" Flirted Clover, scraping off the last bit of chocolate and poking Demi's cute little nose. Demi didn't say a word back, only looking down at the ground. She had a feeling Clover didn't do it, but she wouldn't say anything. After all, Clover and Jack were the only reason Demi wasn't completely destroyed by these raiders at this point. Sure, they tried to have their fun once in a while, even though every case and incident ended very badly for the perpetrator.



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Name: Paxton

Location: Woods

Interacting with: You already know the answer dammit
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c62b10384_Paxton9.gif.d29a3339e68147064611f30719c92778.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="90306" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c62b10384_Paxton9.gif.d29a3339e68147064611f30719c92778.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> "What wound on my ankle?" Pandora's eyebrows scrunched. She shook her head, "whatever, give us the medication and we'll tell you what you want to know." She reached out and took the bottles of pills, whip stopping momentarily.

Paxton sighed and looked at the other girl, they didn't have time for this. "They're heading a mile that way," he pointed in the direction of the city. "They've got some kind of fortified city. Have fun trying to steal a vehicle." He shook his head and nudged the rest of the group forward. They didn't have much longer to make it to the city before it got dark.

"Let's get going," he called out. The twins turned and started back on the trail. They needed to keep moving.



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Kevin Huang

Quick CS

Location: In the Trees Above the Woods --> Ground Level

Interacting With: People

Kevin, a former boy scout and victim of the zombie apocalypse has taken refuge in the trees using his knowledge of ropes and knots. When he saw Pandora get injured, he offered his assistance to Pandora, and Pandora invited him to come with her. He is now on the ground, following Pandora and still trying to make sense of the events unfolding around him.

Morale (Normal)
Kevin nodded a greeting to Tamara, following the twins as they continued walking. He looked around him. "Can we introduce ourselves?" He asked. "I find it uncomfortable to talk to people I don't know the names of. I'm Kevin." He thought about what else to say, but decided to simply remain silent. He didn't enjoy all the hostile talk; it was making him uncomfortable.

Remembering the reason he had actually come down from the trees, he pulled out his journal and flipped to a page with a picture attached to it. "Have any of you guys seen this woman? Her name is Evelina, but she prefers to go by Eve." He showed the picture to everyone, hoping that someone had by chance seen his girlfriend.


After he finished showing the picture, he stuffed it back into his journal and continued walking, twiddling with a complex knot he had created in his spare time. He still wasn't sure what to think, and was starting to doubt his decision of abandoning his long term base. However, he had to leave that base some time, so it was better now with people he could work with (hopefully) than never.

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(Yee. Long posts. o-o)

98% Health
Tag: @QueenColey @xkeyxx @Sister

With: Everyone No one

Mentioned: Kevin, Leroy, Pandora, Tamara, Demi(ish?)

Location: Road Larger town, Home Depot

Current Outfit: [Link]

Karayan Sioux

The Russian allowed her gaze to shift over to the tree-dweller, who officially introduced himself to her and those who hadn't heard him previously. He seemed fairly confused by the situation, and it looked as though these strangers were forming a group unconsciously—that is if they hadn't established one already. Kara wasn't too sure, though; she had just encountered these individuals a mere few minutes ago.

She didn't answer as she watched the events unfold with slight amusement: the asthmatic male and his henchmen driving off, another stranger attempting to hi-jack their vehicle—rather idiotically, if she were honest—, the brunette, Pandora, disarming the new female and allowing the male and his men to escape. The sequence of events humoured the androgyne; humans still managed to be capable of stupidity even when faced with the threat of impending death around every corner.

Karayan's eyes observed the newcomer warily. She had just tried to hi-jack an oncoming car during an apocalypse where it was everyone for themselves. What's to say that she doesn't try the same with her? Letting her foot off the break, she put her pedal on the gas and spun around expertly. The engine rumbled and cammed with raw power as she allowed the Trans-Am to catch up with the sudden movement then, once she was aligned on the road, she flicked her finished cigarette out the window and sped down the road in the direction she was heading when she left the small town.

The next town was much larger than the one she had left that morning and was comprised of larger stores and more buildings. Surely, most of the places have already been raided or taken over, but there should be plenty of places to fortify and spend the night.

With the gas pedal practically to the floorboard and with almost no walkers roaming the roads, the ride to the next town was quick and void of any obstacles. Blood and guts covered the muscle car after ramming into the walking corpses with her fortified vehicle, but their rotting bodies were no match for the power of the Trans-Am's 220 hp V8 engine.

Once she was nearing the town, Karayan steadily put on the breaks and coasted into the settlement, thankful for the muffler she put on the exhaust to make the car much more quieter when going fairly slow. She drove down the streets slowly, looking at the various buildings around the area. There were many large stores, such as another ammunition shop, a Target, a Walmart, a Home Depot and a Lowe's conveniently placed across the street from each other—for competition purposes most likely—, and some fairly smaller stores, such as fast food restaurants, dollar stores, convenient stores, and other miscellaneous shops. The Sioux girl took note to stay away from the Walmart, however, given that there was movement from inside. She wondered who was occupying the "buffet supermarket". If it wasn't full of walkers, then it was taken over by a gang or group of some sort.

The sun was going down quickly, so Kara drove to the Home Depot. She needed to re-stock on various supplies that would aid in maintaining her car and to perhaps upgrade its capabilities, anyway. The black-haired androgyne drove the car to the back of the Home Depot and parked it in the darkness. She turned the car off by undoing the wires underneath the steering wheel. Grabbing the tarp, her backpack of supplies, and her crossbow, she hooked up the alarm via wires and set up her nail bomb. The Russian made sure the red light that indicated in the alarm was activated or not was off and put the bomb completely out of sight, but still in a spot where it would be effective. If someone were to try to open the door or hi-jack the car, the Pontiac's alarm would sound, alerting anything within a mile radius, and if that didn't get their attention, then the nail bomb would detonate, the loud pop resonating on top of the alarm as pieces of shrapnel tear apart the thief or raider. To put it simply, they would get fucked.

Once set, Kara tossed the tarp over the car and made sure it was completely covered and hidden as best as possible. She shouldered her backpack on entirely and grabbed her loaded crossbow, heading to the back door of the Home Depot. Carefully opening the door to make sure there were no alarms or other traps, she peered inside the dark store. There were only a few walkers, but nothing she couldn't handle. Silence followed after she opened her door, and she shouldered her crossbow, unsheathing her machete. A walker noticed her presence and began hobbling towards her with a desperate groan. She approached it and raised her weapon, allowing the sharp blade to slice through the rotten flesh and weak skull. Its brain now destroyed, it crumpled to the floor in a lifeless heap. She did this with the other eight walkers in the store, clearing out the entire building in a matter of minutes.

After doing one last once-over of the place, Karayan made her way to the roof access, grabbing a foldable chair on her way out. She settled on the roof again, locking the access door similarly to the way she had back at the ammunition shop in the last town. Once everything was fortified, she went to the front of the building and unfolded the chair about five feet from the three-foot high wall that separated the roof from the two-story drop that led to the ground. She retrieved her bottle of vodka and another cigarette, settling down in the chair and laying her crossbow on her lap. After taking a swig of the alcohol and lighting her cigarette, she simply allowed her head to loll back slightly to stare at the stars that began to dot the darkening sky.

Name: Tamara Swan

Location: Wood

She wondered how they could be so alert cause of her arrival, how could little Tam harm all them people when she ain't even got her weapon out, she wasn't that screw in the head, well.. maybe just a little but she knew when she was out number, If it was just the girl on the road before she might have shot her in the back.. though she would of prefer her front.

''Meh... Um.. yeah~'' as Paxton mention how hard it was probably going to be to get there she was silent rolling her eyes then '''Okay then Mr.hottie'' a grin approach on her lips as she tosses the bag back over her shoulder ''where are you guys heading?'' she question as they turn their backs yet again. She thought to herself was there any point in trying, she would have to be really skilled in sneaking but.. that wasn't her specialty.

''And.. is that wound a zombie's bite by any chance?'' not like a zombie would just kneel down aiming those chompers at her ankle but... just a hunch of curiosity.
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