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Realistic or Modern Rising Tides, Shifting Skies (Zombie Apoco)


faerie sightings
when responding please include the character's name, location, who they're interacting with, and any other information you see fit

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Name: Pandora

Location: Woods

Interacting With: No one


Time and Date: 10 AM on November 22nd
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c6051396f_Pandora13.gif.4119f281de22c8a3b811478576f7f019.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="88793" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c6051396f_Pandora13.gif.4119f281de22c8a3b811478576f7f019.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Pandora walked slowly through the woods. She had snuck out of the small house she was staying in with her twin brother. The two of them had been there a few days, but it seemed safe enough. It wasn't cold yet, they were far enough south that despite December fast approaching the cold hadn't reached them. She kept her jacket on though, the knives in the pockets made her feel secure. She had a small bag on her back along with her quiver.

She watched around each barren tree to make sure she was alone. Pandora ran a gloved hand through her curly hair, knowing it would straighten back out the next time it got wet. She was okay with that, she didn't care that much about her appearance. Aside from her never ending love for makeup. But that wasn't really for appearances, so much as just wanting something to make the world feel normal again.

The sun pierced through the trees and made the dust in the sky glow. It was almost beautiful. If she hadn't known better, she would have thought she was on a family camping trip. The young woman couldn't even pretend hard enough to believe that. Especially when every step sent a searing pain through her injured ankle. Sticking the landing sure sounded cool, but it hurt like hell. She sighed as she walked, putting enough distance between herself and the house that she felt a bit of privacy. There were no sounds around, and it was almost peaceful.

Almost. Then she heard that awful growling. She drew her bow immediately.



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Name: Paxton

Location: Safe house

Interacting with: No one

Wearing: Just sweats

Time and date: 10 AM on November 22
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c60517a62_Paxton13.gif.ea91145da2970a23103c87bfa452fec5.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="88794" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c60517a62_Paxton13.gif.ea91145da2970a23103c87bfa452fec5.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> When Paxton woke up, Pandora was already gone. He didn't like when she did that, but he was pretty used to it. She needed her space sometimes, especially when the flashbacks were getting bad again. The nightmares sent her off more times than he could count, so he learned to just let her. He couldn't help being protective of the girl, not only was she his twin, she was the last bit of family he had left.

He decided he may as well make use of his time and began his usual workout. Push up, lunges, and pull ups on the door frame. Thankfully, the door frame in this house was large enough he could get a good grip. Older houses always had the best frames to work out with. He was just finishing when he heard the growls. He grabbed one of the shirts from the floor of the house and pulled it over his head, he wasn't a great fit but it was good enough. He grabbed his pistols and headed out the door. "Pandora!"

"Here!" He heard his sister's voice before he saw her. She was heading his way, bow in hand. "There were only two, I took them out easily."

He sighed in relief and lead her in the house. "We need to get moving from here, gather up what we can fit in the bags." Paxton spoke gently, as he ripped the shirt off to find one that actually fit him. Raiding the house was quick, there wasn't a lot of food in the house, but they took what they could and a couple of supplies. Lighters, kitchen utensils, any kind of medicine they could find, things that might be useful.



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"I walk a lonely road,the only road that I have ever known.." The blond headed girl sang softly as she headed down a long,winding,dirt road. It had been a while since she had had any interaction with a living person,so she would sing to keep herself sane,remembering the old days before the fucking infected took over. She kicked a couple rocks as she walked along,keeping a very close eye on the tree line to her right,watching for anything...out of the ordinary,like a zombie looking for its next victim.

A couple days ago,Lyric had a dog traveling with her,which she had found wandering along the old roads,not knowing what hell was breaking loose in the human world. Just after a mere 2 days of having the dog,it was attacked after a small herd of about 4 infected came by. Lyric killed 3 of them with her bow,but the last one already had the dog down before she could do anything.

Erasing the memory from her mind,she continued walking on down the road.

Name: Pandora

Location: Woods

Interacting With: Paxton and....

Wearing: See previous

Time/Date: Roughly noon, November 22
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c60ab4a45_Pandora11.gif.e461f932fcd84e7203c0c337bfdd4c86.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="89014" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c60ab4a45_Pandora11.gif.e461f932fcd84e7203c0c337bfdd4c86.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>Pandora and Paxton left the safe house quietly. She wasn't sure why he wanted to leave already, but it was probably because of the zombies. If there were one or tow, there was a horde nearby. For whatever reason they travelled together. It was a little weird, and a lot disgusting. She shuddered at the thought of it.

She had hardened to a lot of these things, but she was only human. She noticed something out of the corner of her eye and turned quickly. Someone, or something was walking on the road beside the woods. Pandora was certain they couldn't see the twins, due to the tree coverage. But that also meant they didn't see the zombies breaking through the foliage ahead of them. She quickly pulled and shot an arrow into the first zombie to reach the road. "Time to party," Pandora chirped, loading another arrow.



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Name: Paxton

Location: Woods

Interacting with: Pandora and....

Wearing: See gif
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c60ad1522_Paxton4.gif.c273d6c968393f2d38e257789e52b9d3.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="89016" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c60ad1522_Paxton4.gif.c273d6c968393f2d38e257789e52b9d3.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>Paxton knew his sister wasn't happy to leave the house, and neither was he. But, if there were zombies nearby it usually meant there were people nearby. He didn't feel like being caught off guard, and being in a house wasn't as safe as being out where they may be able to strike first. Especially with his sister's archer eye.

He saw Pandora's eye shift before he noticed the human on the road, and long before he noticed the zombies ahead. She shot the first one down as he pulled his rifle, "good eye, Panda." He sent a bullet flying into another zombie, and the whole horde went nuts. Two of theirs were down and they could smell all three of the humans, but headed for the road. The twins followed suit, to get a good aim. "I don't know who you are, but I sure hope you know how to fight a horde." He called to the stranger, before firing another bullet.




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Leroy Balthazar Cecil

•Undisclosed Location, Camp Waterbank.

•Interacting With: NPC's

•10AM, Nov 22nd.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.gif.0ed4bf328b5bb614c765f75f61b7fb3e.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="89015" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.gif.0ed4bf328b5bb614c765f75f61b7fb3e.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"Don't touch anything, scrub. Nobody wants to clean up after your nasty ass... Wait until you shower, like everyone else." Said Leroy, directing his words toward new arrivals to the camp. He was the head of security for this make-shift camp made from lucky individuals who happened to have had the resources at the time of the outbreak. Anyone could have heard of this camp, since they have been broadcasting 'we will help' messages over the radio for the past two weeks. The camp was somewhat booming at this point, despite the leadership being somewhat of the corrupted nature. Guess crime lords ran the world now.

The camp itself wasn't really a camp at all, but a fenced off neighborhood in the middle of a not-so-populated town before the outbreak. It wasn't too much of a challenge to secure the area, and even the small town around it to an extent. There was always more that came however... Nowhere was ever safe for long. And even with the 5 houses the camp possessed, safety was a matter of luck and discipline. Large groups have a habit of always having that one person who messes it up for the whole group...

Leroy directed the new individuals passed the armed gate and had them await outside a wooden-espaid building. The building itself looked like it used to be a bathhouse, yet the cheesy signs were ripped off. An Asian woman walked out of the building with a bag of towels and soap which was obviously looted from motel storage. "
Everyone grab a freakin towel and soap thing. Then get your smelly ass into the bath house and wash yourselves... Miss Audey will wash your personal clothes as you clean up. You'll be wearing standard sweats until your shit is done being cleaned. After that? Await further briefing." Leroy said, grabbing his inhailer and taking a cool and calm intake of it, following with a sheepish sigh. "Welcome to waterbank... If you cause any trouble, I'll fucking paste ya."



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She walked on,that was,until she unexpectedly seen a man and woman pop out of the tree line. She looked ahead and didn't even notice the horde of the infected until the first shot brought it down. She pulled her silver and black bow from her back,quickly aiming and firing,knocking a zombie to the ground.

She repeated this process 9 more times,then she was out of arrows and no way was she going into that without protection. She quickly walked over to the closer zombies,her hand knife now unsheathed and in her hand. The infected made the usual growling/gurgling noise and tried to come after her. She wouldn't have that. She kicked it once,making it stumble a little,then stabbed the knife through its head,watching as it collapsed to the ground.

"This is the most fun I've had in 6 months." She said,continuing to take down the infected with her knife,collecting some of her arrows as she did so.
Apollo kept low behind the tree watching the group of three carry on there onslaught agaisnt the horde of zombies. As soon as the blonde headed girl ran out of arrows he reached down grabbing the handle to the knife he had tucked in his boot only to see her get up and slice the rest of the horde down.

Apollo smirked when she said she had fun and was glad he wasn't the only one enjoying this new lifestyle.

Apollo stood up and reached into his backpack putting an apple into the palm of his hand, he walked slowly and carefully behind the boy and the girl keeping eye contact with the blonde. "Nice work blondie" he teased taking an obnoxiously loud bite out of his Apple breaking eye contact to look at the other two strangers.

Name: Pandora

Location: Road

Interacting With: Paxton and two strangers

Wearing: refer above

Time/Date: refer above
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c60d5fd89_Pandora10.gif.7477ab491742b8f87959c0dcdaffb411.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="89117" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c60d5fd89_Pandora10.gif.7477ab491742b8f87959c0dcdaffb411.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Pandora loved the feeling of taking out zombies, and between the three of them, the horde was gone quickly. "What's your name?" She called to the blonde girl. Though, she didn't have time to get an answer before she heard a new voice enter the mix.

Pandora turned, arrow already pointed and ready to kill. "Who are you?" She called, holding the arrow in a position that would kill the man instantly should she release it. Though, she was running low on arrows and wasn't in the mood to kill a living person. Until she found
him that is. Nothing would stop her from driving her knife into his skull.

Name: Paxton

Location: Dirt road

Interacting with: Pandora and two strangers

Wearing: See above

Time/Date: See above
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c60d68c8b_Paxton3.gif.1b60992ca730d2b579e8ddbf0d3dbc16.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="89119" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c60d68c8b_Paxton3.gif.1b60992ca730d2b579e8ddbf0d3dbc16.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Paxton grinned as the final zombie was taken down. He and his sister had good aim, so even when the stranger got in close range, they didn't hit her. Only the zombies. He heard the newcomer behind them before he even spoke, turning at the same time as Pandora.

"Calm down, he's probably not going to try anything." Paxton reassured his sister, who was more than willing to sink the arrow through his head at the drop of the hat. "Isn't that right, stranger?" He didn't want a fight, surprisingly the calmer of the two. Though, many people thought opposite based on their appearances.




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He let out a small chuckle and finished the bite of apple he had in his mouth not wanting to be rude. "Easy princess, I don't hurt the living.." he said regretting that he said that right after he said it. He then looked over at the man "As I said, I have no intentions on hurting anyone, however I have a few apples to spare if any of you want them." he said taking another small calm and collective bite from his apple.

He didn't care what the girl would do. He reached behind his back and grabbed his bag and tossed it gently in between the three of them, "apples, apples, apples. Eat up I'd hate to see anyone starve" he said looking at the back row where the blonde girl was standing.

He herd a noise from the distance a muffled call, he kept a grip on his apple turning to the noise of the male voice pulling the small but sharp knife from a homemade pocket in his black hoodie grabbing the end ready to throw at a moments notice.

Interacting with: Paxton,Pandora,Apollo

She felt much,much better when the horde was dead and gone,for good this time. A male emerged from the tree line,like the others had and she looked at him. "Thanks." She said walking over to the others.

"Well,since we just kicked some zombie ass together,I think it's time for introductions. Call me Lyric,or Lyr. I'm up for nicknames,that is,if we stay together." She said,not really caring if they became a group or not. Sure,it was safer,but that meant more people to feed,and she barely survived on what she had.

Speaking of food,the guy with the apples threw his bag at them,offering them some. She thought about it being some kind of trick,but she went forward anyway and collected herself an apple. "Thanks." She mumbled awkwardly and bit into it.
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He gave a small laugh knowing how weird it would be from there perspective of a stranger giving them apples. But he was glad that the girl trusted his apples enough to eat one. Or she was just hungry enough to trust it.

He held his non apple eating hand out to the Lyric.

"Nice to meet you, My names Apollo." he soon after looked at the two others curious as to what there name where so he didn't have to keep calling the girl princess and the guy stranger.
Leroy Balthazar Cecil

•Undisclosed Location, Camp Waterbank.

•Interacting With: NPC's

•Noon-ish, Nov 22nd.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.gif.6e7d87ff14c800581ce98f925bda490d.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="89151" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.gif.6e7d87ff14c800581ce98f925bda490d.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Leroy stood on guard-tower watch, mostly looking out into the further roads and forests. Sure, the camp was in the middle of a small town, but there were still small forests and such throughout it. The hordes were ever present also, making the job of head-security fairly challenging. Leroy told his men not to fire upon any hordes that weren't attacking the camp however, saving ammo was a priority. Leroy shot up out of his chair, holding his binoculars close to his face after hearing distant gunfire. That was sure to draw every zombie for miles toward the sound. Leroy didn't feel sorry for whoever fired the weapon regardless, since he/she wasn't a member of the camp, it wasn't his problem. Everyone has a fair shake at Waterbank. If they plan on earning their way though... Nobody gets in for free.

Pretty sure that shot was at least a mile out... Fucking retards, hope they have a small armory with them. They're gonna need it." Spouted Leroy as he sat back down in his chair. Lighting a cigaret, Leroy took a drag that would make the rest of his shift fly by. He honestly hated being in charge of anything, and preferred his old position of just following orders for easy money. Leroy wasn't getting paid for this gig, he was accepted for it. Waterbank was a place he called home, and he hardly had to do anything besides boss people around and shoot zombies. Hell, half the time he would order the sniper Carlos to do it.

Leroy started to feel very tired, and developed a little trouble in keeping his eyes open. He didn't know why he occasionally felt tired, but it wasn't normal. Maybe he had another physical defect that wasn't diagnosed yet? He had no idea, but when the drowsiness hits, the cocaine helps. Leroy quickly took out a small vial and metal straw, snorting a little substance from the said vial. Leroy stashed it back into his pocket, trying to avoid looking too jittery and shaken. Leroy felt like he was on top of the world now, lighting another cigaret without even having to use his emergency inhailer after the prior one. "
Shit... If only I had some vodka out here. I'd probably go hunting..." Laughed Leroy, talking to himself out loud. It wasn't that he was crazy or anything, he just felt like he was the only true company he needed in life.



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Names:Pandora and Paxton

Location: Road

Interacting With: Lyric and Apollo
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c60f42f6a_PandoraandPaxton1.gif.3dd9c0563ba9edd0fd74a84e26ff19cb.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="89194" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c60f42f6a_PandoraandPaxton1.gif.3dd9c0563ba9edd0fd74a84e26ff19cb.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> "I'm Pandora," she introduced herself, lowering her bow. "Call me princess again and I'll personally rip your voice box out."

"Excuse my sister, she's not much of a people person." Paxton patted her shoulder. "I'm Paxton. No thanks on the apples, but I appreciate the offer. It's been a long time since we've met someone like that." Truthfully, it had been years. Since right after their parents died. But, those people died not long after they extended their kindness.

Pandora's head jerked, she turned towards the woods. "Someone's in there. I heard a voice." She put her arrow in her quiver and hooked her bow on her back. "The zombies will move in soon, your silencer isn't on your gun again. We need to move."

The girl turned to the others, "you two are welcome to come with us, it's safest to travel through the trees. They can't climb them and often run into them."

Paxton was surprised his sister had offered for them to join in, but he didn't mind either. It was always nice to have a little company. Being each other's only company was starting to drive him mad. "Are you heading anywhere specific?"



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Name: Pandora

Location: ^

Interacting With: Paxton, Apollo, Lyric, and Tino

Time: ^
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c60f47f26_Pandora6.gif.ccc6ca045ef627d16c1fe5d8698700a9.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="89195" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c60f47f26_Pandora6.gif.ccc6ca045ef627d16c1fe5d8698700a9.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Pandora heard the small voice and turned. A kid. Shit. Not even she was cruel enough to turn her back on a kid. He wasn't that young, but he was still young.

"Hey, kid." She called out, "you alone?" She didn't want to end up with a big group, but maybe it'd be safer. Probably not, but whatever.

She waved the kid over, "what's your name?"
Please don't let him be bitten.[/border]



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Apollo laughed at Pandora's remark "Well, its nice to meet you Pandora" he said rolling his eyes as he almost called her princess again but didn't want to come off as disrespectful. He gave a small chuckle at Paxton apologizing for his sister. He nodded his head as a sign of it being alright with him.

"We really should go see who that is" he admitted looking towards the woods again where he originally herd the noise. He felt a lot more confident that Pandora called out to him before he did. "Hey, we wont hurt you" he called out now noticing that Pandora was right about it just being a kid. "I have food if you haven't eaten in awhile.." he called out softly grabbing the handle to his throwing knife again in-case this kid was more adult acting despite his voice.

Interacting with: Pandora,Paxton,Apollo,Tino

Location: Road

She looked as a kid came out from the tree line. He seemed a few years younger than her,which had to be pretty young considering she was only 17 at the moment.

She decided to ignore him for a moment. "I guess I could travel with you guys,makes us all safer." She said shrugging,not really caring about anything at the moment.

She looked back towards the kid and wanted answers out of him. "How long you been alone?" She asked curiously. How did a kid survive on his own out here in hell on earth?

Name: Paxton

Location: Road

Interacting with: Pandora, Lyric, Apollo, Tino

Wearing: ^

Time/Date: ^
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c60f56ce5_Paxton12.gif.e709fcef66c9d4536016df7ed17c9386.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="89199" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c60f56ce5_Paxton12.gif.e709fcef66c9d4536016df7ed17c9386.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Paxton looked at the kid, feeling compassion for him. He was young, that much was obvious. He was scared. He was alone. "I'm Paxton, and this is my twin Pandora." He felt really sorry for this kid, and felt the need to protect him.

He'd let the others introduce themselves, he was more concerned with making sure the kid wasn't injured or infected. "Are you injured? We have some first aid supplies." His compassion was probably going to be bad in the long run, but for now, this was a child. A teenager, probably, but a child. He could even tell Pandora was concerned, though he noticed her palming one of her knives. The obsidian one. She must have thought there was a chance Harold was nearby.

Surely this kid wasn't involved with him. Though, it was always an option. Pandora was just feeling anxious with so many people around, that was Paxton's best guess at the situation.



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Interacting with: Pandora,Paxton,Apollo,Tino

Location: Road

"I'm Lyric." She told the boy. "Call me either Lyric or Lyr,or any other nickname,I don't really mind." She said shrugging then looked down at him.

She started remembering her life before the apocalypse happened. It was a trash life and she was kinda glad that it was over. Always shooting up heroin,smoking marijuana,partying every night. Wasn't exactly a good lifestyle for a 17 year old,or anyone.

She pushed those thoughts away and looked up and down the road. "Kinda wanna kick some more zombie ass." She said,smirking lightly
•Leroy Balthazar Cecil

•Undisclosed Location, Camp Waterbank.

•Interacting With: NPC's

•Noon, Nov 22nd.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.gif.6d325b5b4a461273d242d11a2cff8f8a.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="89237" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.gif.6d325b5b4a461273d242d11a2cff8f8a.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Leroy's guard shift had ended, but his work hadn't. He had to check the cellar of the "Diner", making sure the food was being prepared sanitarily. Nobody wanted to eat infected food, or food that wasn't prepared right. They didn't have a lot of food at Waterbank, but it was rationed through credits earned doing work around the camp. Give the people incentive to work, and they will. That's how it's always been...

Leroy wasn't too fond of leaving the tower after hearing the distant gun shots, but he figured Carlos had it covered. That was his only job after all, it's not like he had to Shepard the losers around like Leroy had to. It wasn't long until Leroy had entered the sweet-smelling cellar underneath the diner. The alcohol and meat stained the air and made it welcoming. Leroy walked over to a liquor barrel and poured himself a mug of Jack. "
Everything still good down here...? If I have to send another scav team so quickly, I'd assume we were in trouble." Laughed Leroy, taking a fairly strong drink of his Jack. The main cook was named Hanson, and he was more or less of the raider type. "Bastards have been stealing, Leroy... We don't have chips or small snacks anymore. I'm getting sick and tired of these scabs." Said Hanson, chopping at a large stake with his trusty cleaver. 'Fuck... More work for me.' Thought Leroy, him finishing his Jack and walking out of the cellar. Guess he couldn't go a day without getting his hands dirty after all. As he walked out, his posse followed suit. Everyone of the security team was briefed on the situation, the investigation being underway.



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Name: Pandora

Location: Road

Interacting With: Apollo, Paxton, Tino, and Lyric

Wearing: ^

Time/Date: ^
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c610d28eb_Pandora4.gif.11349353bbe85f16e0f3b9d5466d87e7.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="89264" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c610d28eb_Pandora4.gif.11349353bbe85f16e0f3b9d5466d87e7.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Pandora heard the girl's comment and smirked. She liked her style, "you'e in luck. Hear the growling?" It was a loud rumble, and that meant there was quite a bit. She pulled her arrows from the zombies. "We've got an incoming horde."

She slid her knife back into her boot. She was hoping for the chance to finally get at Harold, but that was't going to happen tonight apparently. She pulled her bow off her back and loaded it. Paxton put the silencer on his gun and loaded it. That's when they heard another sound. "What the
hell is that sound?" If she hadn't been in the middle of a zombie apocalypse, she'd think it was a vehicle. There was no way, right?



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Apollo noticed that Pandora and the other man had one way covered so he turned around having his back facing there back. He no longer kept the throwing knifes in his pocket he had six throwing knifes wedged in between his fingers, he was ready for the horde of zombies to come out.

But it was a few seconds afterwards where he began noticing the sound was no zombie horde. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion hearing the rustling of a vehicle maybe vehicle's. He had no idea what was going on. He just hoped that these people who had vehicles were either passive or friendly.

- Leroy Balthazar Cecil


- Waterbank, the streets


- Noon, 22nd Nov


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.jpeg.4d4554dee43a8e496e35ac3f13bf0024.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="89279" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.jpeg.4d4554dee43a8e496e35ac3f13bf0024.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

It wasn't long during the investigation that Leroy received a call over his walki-talki. "Black-Lung, this is; Headshot. Come in, over." Said Carlos over the net. Leroy quickly smirked, then answered back. "
Roger, this is; Black-Lung." He awaited a response, but didn't need a rocket scientist to figure out what it was about. He heard vehicle(s) moving out in the distance, and knew the camp hadn't dispatched any of their own. Someone else was out there, and they had enough resources to get a vehicle up and running. "Audible contact from the north, where the horde was walking towards... Thinking its vehicles. What's next? Over." Reported Carlos, sounding a little anxious over the net. Leroy felt tired again, he walked over to a chair next to the diner and took a seat, pressing the call-button on his walki. "We're gonna have to take a look... I'll go on this one, and we'll take a vehicle of our own. There's a lot of noise happening around this area, so I doubt any of those fucking scabs will be drawn to ours. Out."

Leroy and two other masked personnel entered a hummer and drove out the main gate. Leroy was sure to quickly snag an AA12 shotgun from the armory, along with two drum magazines which held 30 shotgun shells each. He was packing light, but his crew had M4's with plenty of ammo to back him up. He didn't feel like carrying a lot of weight either, considering the fact he was now working overtime, and wasn't feeling too well. Leroy wasn't the one driving, but sitting in the passenger seat. He took a quick inhail from his EH and looked around as the hummer drove down the road. He was fairly interested in what was going on outside the camp, and only hoped there wouldn't be too much excitement.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.jpeg.72bf6cd94cab535e7352d77d7e21fa35.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="89281" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.jpeg.72bf6cd94cab535e7352d77d7e21fa35.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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Name: Paxton

Location: Road

Interacting with: Pandora, Lyric, Apollo, and Tino

Wearing: ^

Time/Date: ^
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c61145bee_Paxton3.gif.0791a69d4252c4daf8e0ffb1c99bad43.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="89280" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c61145bee_Paxton3.gif.0791a69d4252c4daf8e0ffb1c99bad43.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> "Pandora, don't." Paxton saw his twin switch the arrow for one of her obsidian ones. "We need to just get off the road, now. There are other lives at stake, don't put them at risk for our revenge." He grabbed her arm and forced her to lower her bow.

He looked at the others, "you can follow us or not, but trust us when we say if there are vehicles coming, they're not good people." Every group of bandits they'd encountered had had vehicles. He didn't think any of them were running, but he could be wrong. Gas stations were still able to be raided. "Let's move, Panda, now."

He watched her shoulders sink, "fine." She put away her bow and arrow and quickly moved to the tree coverage, ushering the others to follow. He knew she wouldn't risk more lives just to avenge their family's. It's not what they would have wanted. They could follow the vehicles if they noticed Harold among them.



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