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Realistic or Modern Rising Tides, Shifting Skies (Zombie Apoco)

Name: Major. Derek Pierce

Location: Lakeside


"Move your fucking arse, we don't got all day!" One of the soldiers yelled to his colleague that had his head popped out the front of the small Armored Personnel Carrier, or APC for short. The soldier doing the yelling walking up front, onto the road ahead of them, as the rest of the soldiers, of British origin waved on the three large, Army trucks behind. They'd stolen an abandoned civilian ferry in-order to transport some of their equipment from one side of the lake to the other. As they were in the middle of setting up a very temporary Forward Operations Base, in-order to rescue civilians from the town they were currently entering, to take the civilians they found back to their main base, which had been named Fort Collins two years ago, at the start of the outbreak. The convoy began slowly moving off of the ferry, led by the soldier at the front. Their destination was going to be somewhere on the outskirts, where less people went, to avoid as much danger as possible. "Alright, everyone load up, we're moving!" The soldier at the front yelled out again, as the rest of the Army Platoon nodded, slinging their assault rifles over their shoulders and hopping onto the backs of the trucks, a few getting into the back of the APC, that was at the front of the convoy.

Meanwhile Major Pierce sat in the passenger's seat of one of the large, transport trucks, a Corporal being the driver as the convoy started up and began moving, they were searching for supplies as well as people to add to their already hundreds strong camp, main mission being to restart civilization as best they could. And so far they were doing an alright job, being highly trained, heavily armed and strong in numbers worked to that advantage. Major Pierce, also known more casually as Derek (although he never was given his rank) Grabbed his radio and spoke into it. />"Sgt. Morgan, what's our ETA?"</ He asked, the reply being. />"Hard to say, depends on if we get held up anywhere, but I'd say around 10-20 minutes, sir."</ Derek nodded at his driver with this as the convoy moved off of the ferry, and onto the road. Saying into his radio again. "/>Alright Sargent, thank you. Tell the men to be on high alert, remember, we haven't cleared this area yet."</
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Name: Pandora

Location: Woods

Interacting With: Who knows
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c62d55363_Pandora19.gif.b37fa7cb6149ad927733b7a578564c7e.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="90393" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c62d55363_Pandora19.gif.b37fa7cb6149ad927733b7a578564c7e.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Pandora turned back around, clearly tired of this woman. "First, don't talk to my brother like that." She wasn't stupid, both twins realized they were attractive as was the other, but it just bugged her. Flirting during the apocalypse? It made about as much sense to her as trying to hijack an armed vehicle.

"You ask too many questions that you don't need the answer to." She glared at the girl, "but, no. It's not a zombie bite. It's not even a wound. I sprained it jumping off a roof." She rolled her eyes before turning to Kevin. "I haven't seen her, but then again, I don't focus on faces when I run across people. I usually focus on whether or not they're rotting."

She looked back at the other woman, "now if you'll excuse us, we're trying to get somewhere before the sun is completely gone."



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Name: Tamara Swan

Location: Woods

Tamara just raises her brow and cross her arms ''umm, no need to be like that, I mean we already have enough problems in this world so I don't think we need whining added on and... haha what? can't handle the truth..?'' she chuckle as her shoulders show a shrug ''between who the 'leader' of this group..?'' she sternly said while holding a amuse grin over her face ''well I had no idea, I just guess... but if it not a wound then store that for what lies ahead and whoa hold your horses! you say I ask many question that have nothing to do with me, but yet you stop me from getting that vehicle that probably had nothing to do with you... besides what wrong with hijacking?!'' she took steps towards her with her arms remain cross ''I don't think you'll get too far in the woods...'' she admitted inches away from her face, that was her opinion and after she spun on her heel backwards and look at her compose. ''You have kids here...'' she then spun back again, she was a chatterbox that could ramble about anything.. ''Isn't that stupid..?''

Name: Pandora

Location: Woods

Interacting With: Tamara specifically
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c62d669f2_Pandora20.gif.52941b639c79ea21d568dbafbda7bc7e.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="90396" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c62d669f2_Pandora20.gif.52941b639c79ea21d568dbafbda7bc7e.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>Pandora pulled her knife quickly and pressed it against the girl's throat. "Do not ever get in my face like that. Go and do whatever the hell you're planning on doing, and leave us alone. I stopped you because I didn't want to watch your stupid ass get killed. I have a little humanity left in me."

She pulled her knife back, "don't try to stop us again or I will slit your throat." She turned and stomped away, Paxton following behind her chuckling. He knew how deadly his sister could be when she was angry, and this girl just made her incredibly mad.



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Name: Tamara Swan

Location: Woods

She mostly just remains silent listening to her threat as she walks away she just thought 'yeah.. what just happen...did she seriously just do that?' her arms unfolded and then she clicks her neck as she raises a shoulder.

She took a deep calm breath before shaking her head with stubbornness ''Oh so you think I'm that defenseless??'' She marches up and tap her shoulder, she always found it rude to start from behind ''threaten me and I'll make sure that knife goes up your ass, I had my chance getting that vehicle, but it went straight out the window when you came along!'' she had looked her up and down, judging, scanning the piss off girl, if she dares attack her she would be ready.. she just smirk. ''Are you the leader of this group anyway or just the jerk who can't keep her cool?''

Name: Pandora

Location: woods

Interacting With: you know who
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.jpeg.c7cb3bfae55f6dd7c0eaca2c02fb8cf2.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="90404" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.jpeg.c7cb3bfae55f6dd7c0eaca2c02fb8cf2.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Pandora spun, her fist hitting the girl's jaw. "Don't fucking touch me." She hissed, growling as Paxton separated the two. He stood protectively in front of Pandora, his height towering over the other female.

Pandora took a deep breath as she heard her brother start, "I will let her stick that knife through your jugular if you don't stop. You're instigating a fight and wasting our time. At this rate we'll have to sleep in trees tonight, and frankly, I'm not in the mood to sleep in a fucking tree." He was glaring at the girl and keeping his arm out to keep Pandora back. His gun had since been put away, but it was within reach and ready to be unloaded into her chest if he needed to.

The twins always had each other's backs, even when Pandora knew she could handle herself. Though, the girl wasn't worth her time, seeing as they had little time left to spare.
What kind of person just comes up and touches someone? Even in the damn apocalypse that's weird.



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Name: Tamara Swan

Location: Woods

As her fist hit her jaw she just pauses there with her head turn, she rubs where she most likely left the painful mark and was about to launch before her foot stop with dust as her brother got in the way ''Oh common!'' she curse mostly annoyed, she hated fight starting but not ending it was the worst thing ever... ''Maybe you need to put your 'girl' on a
leash'' she hadn't mentioned they were siblings cause how would she know.

Looking up at the tall man as again she folded her arms ''what are you going to do? pull your gun out and shoot? damn.. why couldn't your looks rot with your fucking brain..'' she roll her eyes as she had a smug expression ''Good for you, go and sleep in a tree for all I care'' she chuckle as she bites her tongue mostly ticked. She push past both the twins and left, she was going to find a town or somewhere decent before nightfall.
Kevin Huang

Quick CS

Location: Somewhere

Interacting With: People

Kevin, a former boy scout and victim of the zombie apocalypse has taken refuge in the trees using his knowledge of ropes and knots. When he saw Pandora get injured, he offered his assistance to Pandora, and Pandora invited him to come with her. He is now on the ground, following Pandora.

Morale (Slightly below normal)
Kevin watched the discussion turn to a disagreement to an argument to a fight with alarming speed. He was about to step in and try to put a stop to it, but the woman named Tamara suddenly walked off. Kevin sighed, slightly ashamed at himself for not being able to react fast enough but relieved that Tamara hadn't decided to fight back.

Turning to Pandora, who still looked completely pissed, he tried to sound cheerful while basking in her aura of fury. "Um... Shall we move on, then?" He asked. "I don't particularly enjoy not having shelter at night time."

Sighing to himself, he observed the way Paxton had protected his sister. Watching the two reminded him of Evelina, and if it was even possible he missed her even more. She had always been good at resolving conflicts, being the extrovert she was. The introvert in him always cringed when it came to disagreeing with someone.
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Name: Major. Derek Pierce

Location: Road>Smaller Town-Outskirts

The convoy of 4 vehicles, all heavily armored military ones of course, were now proceeding to their still unknown destination down one of the larger roads that led out of the smaller town, they needed to set up base on the outskirts in-order to not be regularly attacked by bandits or any of the sort, regardless of the fact that the British soldiers would easily be able to defend themselves and eliminate any threats from such an attack, it's not as if they were out looking for a fight. They were driving past a very heavily tree dominated landscape, a forest, or woods more or less, and the soldiers in the backs of the trucks raised their rifles slightly, looking out the back of their trucks to see if anyone were there, always vigilant, just in-case. Major Pierce narrowed his eyes as he looked at the wooded area, looking out for any possible threats as well.

/>"King 1-1, this is King Actual, you got eyes on anything in the forest, over?"</ The truck second in the convoy radioed to the APC at the front of the convoy. />"Negative 1-1, all clear from my visuals, setting to thermal just in-case, over."</ Was the reply from the APC's communications officer. />"Roger, tell us if you find anything, out.</" The convoy continued to move along the road until they spotted a few infected stumbling across the path, a fallen down tree also blocking it, Major Pierce sighed and rubbed at his forehead as he said into his radio. />"1-1, this is Pierce. Can you send a couple of guys out to get rid of the infected and move the tree, over."</ The zombies out front noticed the convoy and began stumbling towards it. />"Copy sir, we'll send some guys.</ Was the reply, as 6 soldiers hopped out the back of the truck at the front, raising their assault rifles to the zombies ahead and firing at them, all headshots, all zombies dead within seconds. The squad then running up to the tree, where they began looking over it. "Yeah we can move it, give us a sec!" A Corporal yelled out as the 6 soldiers slung their rifles and began to wrap their arms around the tree, straining themselves as they moved it closer and closer off the path. 3 extra soldiers had gotten out of the second truck to provide security for the other 6, watching the trees.
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Name: Pandora

Location: Woods

Interacting With: Honestly no one but technically Kevin and Paxton (aka THE CREW)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c63347044_Pandora10.gif.0396bc9bb185118bd536755ef753e289.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="90627" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c63347044_Pandora10.gif.0396bc9bb185118bd536755ef753e289.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Pandora looked at Kevin silently. She had yet to calm down. She didn't respond, just turned and started back walking. It shouldn't take long to get there if they didn't run into any other problems. She could feel herself about to crash, but she didn't care. She was in a foul mood, and frankly, she wanted to rip someone's head off.

There was the sound of gunfire somewhere. It almost made her anxious, but then again. It didn't. If only because it would draw the zombies towards them and away from her and her companions.

She could see the trees thinning ahead of them. They were nearing the city. She'd be able to rest and hopefully calm down. Though, she didn't know if anything would calm her down, aside from alcohol. Hopefully the store still had some inside.

Name: Paxton

Location: Woods >> Small town

Interacting with: The Crew

Tag: @misterpersonguy123
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c6334c969_Paxton20.gif.d929404d4a823bba751e0051caced3ec.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="90628" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c6334c969_Paxton20.gif.d929404d4a823bba751e0051caced3ec.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> They were almost there, which was a good thing considering how dark it was getting. The place was mostly dark, aside from one small store. It must have been occupied. "Someone else is in town, we need to get somewhere in case they're dangerous." He lead the gang to a supermarket, smaller than a Walmart but very similar inside. Clothes, shoes, food. They had plenty of supplies in here, and somehow, it looked almost untouched.

That is, until he noticed movement on one of the aisles. "Hold up," he whispered, to no avail as Pandora headed in with a knife in each hand, ready to fight. "Or don't. For fucks sake." He followed behind with his gun at the ready. He motioned for Kevin to follow behind.



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Kevin Huang

Quick CS

Location: The Store

Interacting With: No One ATM

Kevin, a former boy scout and victim of the zombie apocalypse has taken refuge in the trees using his knowledge of ropes and knots. When he saw Pandora get injured, he offered his assistance to Pandora, and Pandora invited him to come with her. He is now on the ground, with Pandora and her brother Paxton. They have just entered a small store.

Morale (Slightly below normal)
Kevin noticed the movement even before Paxton said anything, and had already reached into his backpack to pull out a longer piece of rope. Using his fingers, Kevin quickly molded the rope into a trap, setting it up behind him. It wouldn't really injure anyone, but if it were tripped it would create a loud crack, which would alert Kevin of a potential intruder.

Getting back up, he hurried to catch up to Paxton, not wanting to be left behind. As he walked, he pulled out a small piece of rope and wrapped it around the handle of his knife. He wasn't good at any kind of fighting, but he was used to throwing ropes with things attached to the ends. He had done that in Boy Scouts to get his ropes to higher elevations, and had used it when creating his base in the trees as well. Gripping the knife in one hand and the end of the rope in his other, he braced for an attack, hoping that one would never come.
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Name: Sofia

Location: Supermarket

Interacting With: The Crew

Time and Date: November 22nd, roughly 8 pm

Wearing: x
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c634580a6_Sofia3.gif.a71bcfaac57a2bc6d7936a3eecb72740.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="90660" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c634580a6_Sofia3.gif.a71bcfaac57a2bc6d7936a3eecb72740.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Sofia heard the door open and tried to hide, but it was too late. They had seen her. "Great." She murmured, pulling one of her katanas and preparing herself for the incoming threat. A tall girl rounded the corner, probably two inches taller than Sofia, knives in each hand. There were others behind her and it scared the shit out of Sofia. "If you put the knives away, I'll put the sword away." Sofia called out, hoping the other female was rational.

"You first." The girl responded, as two males joined her. Both armed.

"Seeing as it's three on one, it's only fair that you go first." Sofia rationalized, and the girl must have agreed, as she put up the knives and motioned for the boys to do the same. Sofia sheathed her katana and looked the group over. "I'm Sofia, and I really don't want to kill any of you, I would greatly appreciate you give me the same curtesy." She cracked a smile at the group, fixing her beanie.




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Kevin Huang

Quick CS

Location: The Store

Interacting With: The crew + Sofia

Kevin, a former boy scout and victim of the zombie apocalypse has taken refuge in the trees using his knowledge of ropes and knots. When he saw Pandora get injured, he offered his assistance to Pandora, and Pandora invited him to come with her. He is now on the ground, with Pandora and her brother Paxton. They have just entered a small store and encountered a woman.

Morale (Normal)
Kevin sighed in relief, glad he didn't have to fight someone. He untied the rope from his knife, slipping the blade back into his pocket and the rope back into his backpack. Shifting to a more a comfortable position, he smiled a hesitant smile at Sofia, not sure what to do. "Hi? My name is Kevin, nice to meet you. I also enjoy not dying."

He glanced at the weapons Sofia was carrying. "Woah, where did you get those?" Kevin asked, surprised anyone even managed to find swords. "They look like they could pack a punch." As he looked at the katana and the way Sofia had calmly wielded it, it occurred to him that he was the weakest of them all. If they were going to leave someone behind, it was probably going to be him. Sighing in shame, he vowed to find his girlfriend as fast as possible so he didn't have to live with the risk of being abandoned.

As his adrenaline from the encounter wore off, Kevin began to realize how tired he actually was. His less-than-mobile lifestyle above in the trees had made him physically unfit for a zombie apocalypse, and all the movement had started taking a toll on his body. Yawning widely, he turned to Pandora. "C-can we sleep here?" He asked slowly, stifling yet another yawn.

I also enjoy not dying.
Kevin Huang
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Name: Sofia

Location: Supermarket

Interacting With: The Crew

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c63613454_Sofia6.gif.feb7d98a62697ea54a323cffaba55199.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="90695" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c63613454_Sofia6.gif.feb7d98a62697ea54a323cffaba55199.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Sofia smiled, a little sadly, at Kevin's comment about her assorted weapons. "They were my father's." She spoke softly. The thought of her parents made her slightly sad, but they would have been proud of her. That's what was important in the long run.

"I'm Pandora," the girl introduced herself. She seemed very authoritative. She might have been the leader of the group, but then, the taller of the two men could have been as well.

"Paxton." He spoke afterwards. Not nearly as friendly as the other male.

"Well, it's great to meet you all. And don't worry, I have no intention of interfering with your plans to stay here. I've been holed up here for about a week, it's pretty well fortified." The girl spoke quickly, a little nervous around actual living people.

The other girl, Pandora, seemed conflicted. She shifted her weight from foot to foot. "Yeah, okay, that's fine." She nodded, "we'll stay here." She answered Kevin's question. "Do they have an employee washroom here, and if yes, does it still work?"

"Surprisingly, yeah. It does. It's one of the few I've come across that still worked."




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Kevin Huang

Quick CS

Location: The Store

Interacting With: The crew + Sofia

Kevin, a former boy scout and victim of the zombie apocalypse has taken refuge in the trees using his knowledge of ropes and knots. When he saw Pandora get injured, he offered his assistance to Pandora, and Pandora invited him to come with her. He is now on the ground, with Pandora and her brother Paxton. They have just entered a small store and encountered a woman.

Morale (Slightly above normal)
Kevin looked at Sofia's expression, embarrassed. He hadn't meant to make her remember her father by complementing the weapons. Scratching his head, he quickly responded, "I'm sorry. I... I didn't know." He remembered how hard it had been for him the first year after his mother's death to cope with his loss. The slightest mention of family had tipped him off back then, one of the reasons he had decided to isolate himself in the first place instead of taking refuge with survivors. Wanting to make up for his mistake, he earnestly added, "If it helps, you can talk to me about it. I watched my entire family die in front of me."

Kevin grinned when he heard they were staying in the store, and let out a whoop of excitement when he heard that there was a working washroom in the store. "Woo! Goodbye, stinky old me!" He never had a chance to take a full-on bath above in the trees, simply using the rainwater for short rinses that never kept the smell away. He absolutely hated it. He almost made a move to rush to the washroom, then remembered his manners. Stepping aside, he cleared his throat and said, "I mean... ladies first."

•Interacting With•

- NPCs


- Nov 22nd, late-ish?


- Waterbank


- The workload is getting to be too much of a chore for Leroy, missing his off-time. He's close to saying "fuck the world", and returning to his room for a much deserved nap.

42% Health


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.jpeg.441a23375cc91228c72c6c823c91ad8d.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="90735" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.jpeg.441a23375cc91228c72c6c823c91ad8d.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Once returning to the all familiar base of operations, Leroy had to stop at the gate - like everyone else. He was absolutely exhausted, and didn't have the patience to go through the motions of having his hummer searched. Sure, procedure saved their life before, but Leroy wasn't having it today. "Can we hurry this up...? I don't have all night." Annoyingly said Leroy, taking out his EH, then putting it back into his pocket once he realized he didn't need it. It almost became second nature to take it out whenever he became too irritable, even if he didn't need to use it at that particular time. The guards gave Leroy a thumbs-up, allowing him and his rifleman to enter the base-town known at Waterbank.

Once the car was parked, Leroy stashed his AA12 in the armory and slowly walked toward the bathhouse. He needed a sauna treatment ASAP, Leroy couldn't afford an asthma attack. Sure, Kim was able to help him out somewhat last time, but every time something like that happened; it was extremely detrimental to his health. The sun was now down, and the lights flittered Waterbank. The Diner was booming with costumers, some even drunk. "Leroy! Come get a drink, asshole!" Yelled a random patron, Leroy walking past the outside benches next to the Diner. Leroy simply waved his hand like the prince of England, pretending he had more important business to attend to. He adjusted the nightstick attached to his belt, finally making to the bathhouse. The wonderful Asian woman known as Kim walked out wearing a bathrobe, helping Leroy into the bathhouse. "You can't keep working this hard... You're going to peel over one of these days." Cautioned Kim, the two of them walking through the steamed-up hallways of the bathhouse. Leroy didn't say anything, him just trying to maintain his era of cool, not wanting to look weak around Kim; the only person who had been helping him personally since this whole thing had started. His friend Carlos had also been with him, but Carlos was more of a trigger-man than anything.

The two made their way into the sauna, Leroy removing his clothes and giving them to Kim. Leroy had absolutely no care in the world when it came to privacy, Kim not exactly minding his bravery. "I'll get these washed for you, Balthie... Just relax, okay?" Winked Kim, her closing the sauna door on her way out. Leroy slowly walked to a bench in the room, resting his elbows on his legs and looking down toward the floor. He breathed out of his mouth to allow the steam to do its work, often coughing whenever he had minor buildup.



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Name: Pandora

Location: Store

Interacting With: Sofia mostly
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c637ac8ab_Pandora5.gif.0356bad53e47c158189871bdf7626c1b.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="90772" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c637ac8ab_Pandora5.gif.0356bad53e47c158189871bdf7626c1b.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Pandora kind of laughed at Kevin's chivalry. "Thanks." She shook her head as Sofia lead her to the washroom. The store was missing some things, but seemed relatively untouched. "How is this place so stocked?"

"Aside from the small group that I watched break the chain on the door, I don't know that anyone has been in here." Sofia shrugged. "Which, that doesn't bother me. It's great hideout, at least for a little while."

Pandora just nodded, heading into the employee washroom to clean herself up. She paid close attention to her wound especially. It was starting to hurt again, but, it wasn't as bad as it could have been. She sighed to herself as she stared at her reflection. She was dirty, scarred, and looked exhausted.



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Name: Major. Derek Pierce

Location: Smaller Town>Outskirts

Another half an hour of driving after the soldiers had gotten rid of the tree blocking their route, and the Major was finally happy with a location to set up shop temporarily. It was a small group of houses, and a few sheds just outside of the town, close enough to walk, yet far enough to not be bothered for the most part. The 3 trucks and the APC drove into the small patch of grass in the middle of the 4 houses, the soldiers hopping out the backs of the vehicles and instantly raising their rifles, being split up into 4 different squads before being sent into each house, multiple gunshots were heard soon after from each house, after a minute, all squad leaders yelling. "House clear!" From their own respective house, presumably having to kill a few infected that were still lingering within the houses. It didn't take long after the elimination of the unwanted guests, for the soldiers to roll out their various crates of food, water, and various other supplies that were all calculated to last for 3 days at most, the soldiers not expecting to be there for any longer than that. Soldiers were stationed on the perimeter to guard their new base, and temporary fencing was set up around the small area to keep any stray zombies out.

Major Pierce stood in the largest of the 4 houses, on the bottom floor, in the living room. Which was now the FOB as it was named's command center. Arms folded as he looked over a map of the surrounding area, key areas circled on the map, his combat vest laying on the couch, rifle on the table, and his usual red beret sat on-top of his bald head, before one of the Sergeants came up from behind him. "Sir, Fort Collins' is on the line." With an Army radio phone in his hands, the Major nodding and extending his hand. "Hand it over." He ordered, the younger Sergeant nodding and handing his superior the phone, Major Pierce putting it to his ear. "This is Major Pierce, what do you need?" He asked, before the Comms officer on the other end replied. "Just a news update sir, we've nearly got the solar panels up'n running, but we're in need of more tools, screwdrivers strangely enough, the ones we've got now are getting old and hard to use." Pierce nodded and replied. "Excellent news, Lieutenant. I'll tell my men to be on the look out for them, out." Before handing the phone back to the Sergeant, who nodded and left the room.

"Gentlemen we're heading into the town ahead of schedule, well more importantly. Alpha Team is heading into town ahead of schedule." Major Pierce announced loudly as he exited the house moments later, the soldiers all gathering up around him, with the 6 members of Alpha Team groaning in annoyance and muttering curse words under their breath. "And if Alpha Team has any issues with this, then they'll be on toilet duty for a month when we get back to Fort Collins." And with that, the previous disgruntled team of soldiers all put on exaggerated smiles. "You'll be heading into the commercial district, IE the shops, stores whatever you want to call 'em. Grab whatever you can find that works, be on the lookout for screwdrivers and other hardware tools, we're in need of those. And if you can, grab some toys for the kids back at the Fort, it's nearly Todd's birthday." The Major said with a more than serious expression, but a smile coming to his features as he mentioned the part about the toys.

Name: Sergeant Wells

Location: Heading into the Smaller Town

The soldiers of Alpha Team all nodded before being denied permission to use the trucks for their quick mission, due to it being a waste of fuel and too noisy for such a quick mission. The 6 man team grabbed their combat vests, put on their helmets, checked their radios, and readied their L85 Assault rifles before leaving the FOB, walking across a rather large field that separated the FOB from the outskirts of the town. It was a 15 minute walk but it was nothing for the soldiers, they hadn't even bumped into any zombies which was always a good thing, upon seeing the town, the Squad Leader, Sergeant Wells raised his hand, in a clenched fist, signalling the rest of the team to stop. "What's up, boss?" One of the soldiers asked. "Mm..nothing, thought I saw something, keep moving, keep it quiet." Wells ordered, before the team carried on moving.

They made it into the town, the abandoned cars, empty houses and all around apocalyptic vibe of the town creeping the soldiers out, regardless of the fact that they'd seen much worse, it just never got old really. They moved on however without complaint throughout the town, heading onto one of the larger roads, still small though, and creeping down it slowly, before seeing a sign on the front of a small, department building. Meaning it could only be a store, Wells nodded with a content hum before pointing to it. "We'll check there in a moment, Peters, scope it out, the rest of you, cover him." He ordered, the young Corporal of the group, Peters, nodding and jogging along to the other side of the street, careful not to make too much noise, before hearing voices from the inside, people were there. He gave a short point to the inside of the store and jerked his head, before raising one of his hands, two fingers stuck out, facing downwards, wiggling them, showing a person walking if looked at properly. Wells and the rest of the team nodding and raising their rifles at the store from behind a few parked cars across the street. Now they were to simply wait for the right moment, if it ever came that is..
Kevin Huang

Quick CS

Location: The Store

Interacting With: Paxton

Kevin is currently traveling with Pandora and her brother, Paxton. He hopes to find his girlfriend somewhere, and believes that she somehow survived the apocalypse. The crew has just stopped in a store to stay for the night, meeting a woman named Sofia. Currently Kevin is waiting for his turn to take a shower, exhausted.

Morale (Normal)
Kevin leaned his back against the wall with a sigh, using his hands as a rest for his head. He almost closed his eyes, but the things that had happened throughout the day kept flashing through his mind. He had just made a major decision to leave the safety of his trees and travel with a brother-sister pair. Was it the right decision?

He wasn't sure, and every time he saw the they had together he was continuously reminded of his "outsider" status. He had been slightly more cheerful when he saw that Sofia was an outsider as well, but he had watched as Sofia had walked off with Pandora, appearing to almost immediately fit in. He hadn't exactly made the best first impression upon Sofia either.

Deciding he should get to know the people he was traveling with a bit more, he turned to Paxton. "Hey Paxton, I haven't really gotten to talk to you yet. How is the apocalypse holding up for you?"
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Name: Paxton

Location: Store

Interacting with: Kevin

beautiful gif ahead

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c63a45039_Paxton19.gif.7eba16cdfd66ec43211fd30da14c5a09.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="90888" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c63a45039_Paxton19.gif.7eba16cdfd66ec43211fd30da14c5a09.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> The male was concerned about his sister being on her own with a stranger, only because of her injury though. She was probably fine, but he was always overprotective of her. He also really didn't want her to have kill the other girl, she was kind of cute.

Paxton looked at his new companion and chuckled. "I guess it could be worse. And yourself?" He appreciated the other male's attempt to get to know him. Especially since they were in a group now. He was a little glad that it was no longer just the twins. He loved his sister, but being in only her company for over a year was getting to him.

"I never thanked you," he stated. "You know, for helping Panda." He sighed and closed his eyes. He would've gone crazy if she had been killed, he was lucky Harold's crew apparently had shitty shooting skills. "I owe you one for that and I know she feels like she does too."



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Name: Sergeant Wells

Location: Store

Interacting with: Alpha Team, @QueenColey, @Edric Yuma

After a few more moments, Wells spoke quietly into the radio. />"Peters, move in, hold them up. We'll cover you if anything goes wrong."</ And with that, the Sergeant saw the younger soldier nod from his position by the outside of the store, hiding behind it's exterior wall, just next to the doors, before he raised his rifle, flicked off the safety and slowly entered the building, the rest of Alpha Team creeping up to the store as well, flicking their safeties off and raising their rifles fully as they stood by the door, listening in for anything that would suggest that something had gone wrong, and that Peters was in trouble.

Peters entered the abandoned store, yet it was still full of more life than most of the town. Before he noticed some men, or maybe a boy and a man, he couldn't really tell yet talking. Two of them, he called out. "Both of you, hands up!" In a commanding tone, his distinctive Chelsea accent quite clear in what he said, the aggressive British tone never ceased to intimidate. He was ready to fire at a moment's notice, he had his rifle trained on the one that was currently leaned back against the wall, yet his aim changed to the man opposite him from time to time, making sure to keep both of them well within his sights. "Don't make me ask you twice." He added on.

Name: Paxton

Location: Store

Interacting with: Kevin and Sergeant Wells

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c63c60219_Paxton7.gif.7adf81669ec1e70da419c54072e0a9d2.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="90975" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c63c60219_Paxton7.gif.7adf81669ec1e70da419c54072e0a9d2.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Paxton turned, looking at the man who had barged in and ordered their hands up. He raised his pistol and stared back at the other man. "Drop your weapon." He called out. "Or, if you'd rather, I'll signal my crew to blow you to pieces." Paxton was more talk than anything, but he knew Pandora (and probably Sofia) could easily sneak up to take this man out. Should they return quick enough. He put himself in front of Kevin, as to shield him from any bullets.

"I don't want a fight, we can both calmly put our weapons away and talk instead." His voice was eerily calm. That of a man not afraid of death. That of a man who knew he had a grenade within reach if it came to it. He'd raided dead military men before, and had plenty of ammo and a couple of grenades because of it. "Who are you with?" He didn't realize there was any military left in this hell of a world, and that's what this man looked like. He whispered to Kevin, "did you dismantle that trap?" He had noticed Kevin set a trap, and was hoping it was still there.



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Kevin Huang

Quick CS

Location: The Store

Interacting With: Paxton

Kevin is currently traveling with Pandora and her brother, Paxton. He hopes to find his girlfriend somewhere, and believes that she somehow survived the apocalypse. The crew has just stopped in a store to stay for the night, meeting a woman named Sofia. Currently Kevin is waiting for his turn to take a shower, exhausted. They have just been invaded by Sargent Wells.

Morale (Below Normal)
Kevin felt a surge of gratitude towards Paxton. He seemed genuinely thankful that Kevin had patched up Pandora; Kevin had almost forgotten about it. Just as he had opened up his mouth to assure Kevin that thanks wasn't needed, some random British dude with a letal weapon came up and threatened them, telling them both to put their hands up. Trying to keep a calm facade, he replied calmly, "I just wanted to take a shower. Please leave us alone."

At Paxton's question, Kevin shook his head. "It doesn't actually damage anyone, though. It just creates noise." He whispered back. "I might be able to trip it from here, though. It could serve as a distraction, or just to alert the women." He picked up a glass shard, having memorized where he placed the rope. Even the smallest nudge could trip it; he just had to get remotely near the area.
Name: Sergeant Wells/Alpha Team

Location: Store

Interacting With: @QueenColey, @Edric Yuma

Peters simply chuckled and shook his head, light smirk present on his features at how nonchalant the two men ahead of him appeared. "D'you two think you're a couple of hard men do ya?" He questioned jokingly, it was obvious the two were seemingly disturbed on some level, not that it fazed Peters, hell he couldn't blame them, this kind of world would do that to a person. His weapon had turned back to the man with the pistol aimed at him, he was a clear threat, and Peters' finger was squeezing ever so slightly on the trigger, always ready to fire first. "Coming from the bloke who answered me with his own gun, and I don't need to answer t'you, mate."

Meanwhile outside, Alpha Team had heard the commotion on the inside, and had agreed to split up. Two of the soldiers ran into the front of the store, beside Peters, one side-stepping to the far left of the two men, the other soldier side-stepping to the far right of the two men, both soldiers with their rifles raised, now trapping the 2 men in a semi-circle. Meanwhile Sergeant Wells and the other two soldiers ran into the back of the store, using the cargo-bay where the deliveries were dropped off to get in, they kept the back exit secure, and were ready to react in-case anything up-front occurred, or in-case there was anyone else in the back of the store. Sergeant Wells whispered into his radio to Peters. />"Remember Corporal, we're here to rescue civilians, not shoot them."</
Name: Sofia

Location: Supermarket

Interacting With: Pandora and

Time and Date: November 22nd, lateish

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.jpeg.43f6fc9cec9bf215f3c0e3dca6e29891.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="94917" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.jpeg.43f6fc9cec9bf215f3c0e3dca6e29891.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Sofia heard the noise long before Pandora seemed to, so she quickly, albeit quietly, rapped on the door. "There's someone else here, we need to see what's going on." She whispered, the other girl emerging immediately. Her hair was still wet, but she seemed otherwise finished. The two girls readied their weapons and peered around a corner. There were two men. The girls could probably take them out if they needed.

Sofia tossed a can of spray paint down an aisle, hoping to cause a distraction. They'd soon know if the men were hostile. They hid behind the door to the washroom and waited.[/border]



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