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Rifts Adventure - IC Thread

GunMan2 GunMan2 Psychie Psychie Sherwood Sherwood

Leisurely sitting nearby, carefully sipping from a container of orange juice, Dreamy does a lot of listening and quiet thinking. One doesn't need sight to put pieces together and she is not only paying full attention, but with an occasional "mmm!" here and there, she is clearly coming to her own realizations and conclusions.

(Quotation marks mine.)

"I'd rather keep my hands free and not carry a flag. How about on my cloak? Say, big on the back and on the sides of my hood?"

The Ninja Undead Hunter gives Oleg an appreciative smile. "Thank you, Oleg! My writings to myself tell me enough innocent people had their lives turned upside down back in Turner Town. I'd rather not harm anyone who doesn't have it coming."

"What is the name of this smuggler?" Dreamy motions to the others in her team. "I probably won't know his name, but maybe you might?"

Dreamy finishes off her juice and carefully makes her way to wherever one rinses out drink containers. "Mr. Colson? Or maybe I called you Rab in my past life?" She runs a hand through her hair in thought. "How well do you know this territory in case we have to rabbit?"
Rab looks over at Dreamy and says, "Yes, I don't see any reason why that having the recognition symbol on your cloak would be a problem. Besides, with so many of us having the symbol on us and on our vehicles and are traveling with us, it will help to grant you the benefit of the doubt and you will not be attacked straight off." He nods at your comment, adding, "I completely understand and agree with what you are saying. I wouldn't wish it any other way, to avoid doing harm to any person, be them a DBee from some far removed place or human, so long as can be avoided."

He leans back and stretches, then says, "Our smuggler friend is Captain Dennis Morris, and we have made use of his services on many occasions. There are many challenges on the open sea that Capt. Morris has much experience in dealing with. There may be a time or two that we will have to use force to defend ourselves, but with any luck our voyage will be uneventful. And if there is an y trouble with our approach to our haven on the coast, we can run, but we can also call for help from the guards of the Order there. Between our own capabilities and those of our guards, there will be very few threats that we will not be able to deal with."
"Oh! All right," she rises and stretches her healthy limbs. "I say let us go onward then!" Dreamy smiles with youthful eagerness and points completely in the wrong direction. Then she pauses, waiting for movement from the others. She has no idea which way to go and knows it. Still, she's smiling - living in the moment.

From time to time, being sightless came with little moments of embarrassment. But it was a small price to pay for being free and alive on Rifts Earth!
Raven asks, "Rab, is there anything I can do to assist you in getting things ready for our final leg to your temple here?"

Psychie Psychie
Rab nods with a smile. "Of course! More hands makes even hard work much easier to finish, and this is hardly hard work. I will show you the symbol so you can put it on your Mountaineer, and I will take a chalk pencil and mark on Dreamy's cloak, so she can keep her hands free as requested. It will not take us long at all to be ready to move out."

Just as promised, Rab shows Raven the special symbol so he can put it on his transport, and then he puts the proper markings on the back of Dreamy's cloak. All in all, it takes only a few minutes to get set to go.

Once Rab is satisfied with the way the markings look, he gives his approval and everyone is ready to set out if there are no other concerns.
Just as promised, Rab shows Raven the special symbol so he can put it on his transport, and then he puts the proper markings on the back of Dreamy's cloak. All in all, it takes only a few minutes to get set to go.
Dreamy stays close as she doffs her cloak. "Mr. Colson? Would you trace my fingers over the design? I'd like to know what it feels like if that's O.K.?"

The Altarian Ninja Undead Hunter seems not only ready to go but eager to do so!
Dreamy stays close as she doffs her cloak. "Mr. Colson? Would you trace my fingers over the design? I'd like to know what it feels like if that's O.K.?"

The Altarian Ninja Undead Hunter seems not only ready to go but eager to do so!
Rab shakes his head and holds his hands up. "I cannot touch you, due to the oaths taken when I went into the Order. But Oleg can. Come here, my boy, and help out our friend."

Oleg nods, saying, "Yes, sir. Ms. Dreamy? I'll show you, if its ok with you, of course."
Rab shakes his head and holds his hands up. "I cannot touch you, due to the oaths taken when I went into the Order. But Oleg can. Come here, my boy, and help out our friend."

Oleg nods, saying, "Yes, sir. Ms. Dreamy? I'll show you, if its ok with you, of course."
Psychie Psychie
"Oaths?" thinks Dreamy as she seems to ponder deeply for a few moments. "I'm glad he decided to have Oleg before he joined his Order, but I hope those oaths don't include providing medical treatment to women - bullets and bombs don't discriminate."

"It's more than O.K., Oleg!" With an affectionate and trusting expression, Dreamy offers her strong and able hands.
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The young man takes Dreamy's hand and shows you the shape of the symbol on her cloak several times to make sure you are confident you can recreate it yourself, maybe not perfectly, but well enough to get the message across.

When that is all done, Rab asks, "Are we all ready to make the final push into New York to our safe house?"
Raven says, "I see no reason to wait. We can make it there in, what? An hour or two driving? So long as we don't tangle with anyone going in, keep moving forward quickly with Oleg's psi power keeping us from being noticed, we should have no problem getting to the safety of your temple. Unless I'm missing something that anyone else can see that I don't?" He looks around at his fellow travelers, waiting to hear from them as to their opinion on the options ahead of them.
The young man takes Dreamy's hand and shows you the shape of the symbol on her cloak several times to make sure you are confident you can recreate it yourself, maybe not perfectly, but well enough to get the message across.

When that is all done, Rab asks, "Are we all ready to make the final push into New York to our safe house?"
Psychie Psychie Altarians are not like humans in that their sensitivity to certain matters is greater - touch being just one. Dreamy allows Oleg to guide her hand, openly smiling as she lets her fingers become the bridge between learning and the unknown. Once she understands the shape and is able to recreate it (imperfectly, but well-enough), Dreamy gives Oleg an affectionate pat on his shoulder in thanks.

"You're a good teacher, Oleg! Just like your father!"

Dreamy thinks hard on Mr. Colson's question. Then suddenly, like a flower in bloom, a question rises in her own mind. And so, she asks. "Oleg? This... strain your power will put on you - is it a matter of internal energy? Or "Inner Strength?" If so... might there be some way I could share some of the burden by allowing you some of mine?

(See O.O.C., please.)
Purr Purr

The young man lets out a sigh as he says, "I don't think that there is a way to share such powers, at least, I don't have any way of doing so. It is not like magic where other people can tap into the energy of spellcasting from one another. This task is a burden that I have to face on my own, but I thank you for your kind offer, Ms. Dreamy."
Takuma thought about it for a bit. "Maybe you should try to meditate and try to get a grip on your power, get more control. That way you could manage how much the strain can affect you." He listened to the conversation quite attentively. "Maybe we should prepare for the eventuality, have a quick escape route ready"

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