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Fantasy Relics (Private)

(very little happened, after the fight with Yamato the Swordsman they entered the heap, found an empty hideout with a dummy inside, the Observer ran out into the heap and playing really loud music and now old rusty robots are coming out of the ground)

"certo che ci sono dei robots!" Alex stated angrily then blinked at the sudden unfamiliar saying "where the hell did that come from? Regardless lets get this over with" he replied as he readied himself for the fight

Rebecca did the same
"certo che ci sono dei robots!" Alex stated angrily then blinked at the sudden unfamiliar saying "where the hell did that come from? Regardless lets get this over with" he replied as he readied himself for the fight

Rebecca did the same
Augusta paused and turned her head towards Alex when he said that, just while Chariot was clashing blades with another robot, and asked, "When did you know how to speak Latin?" Immediately after, Chariot sliced the robot in half and moved onto the next one.

The first robot that attacked Rebecca was a tall lumbering lugnut that barely managed to stand upright. Still, It raised a giant industrial cleaver that made up its right hand to aim down a deadly slash on top of her.

Another robot charged head first with two giant drills attached its arms directly at Alex that would impale him if he did not retaliate.

Evalyn smiled as her electricity arrows were still the key to defeating the metal beings and the metal spikes seemed to work as well. She took a few steps back as the robots stuck in the spikes tried to claw and swipe at her. Though as she moved back she did not hear one of the robots detached himself and toss himself at her. She had not noticed the robot until it latched onto her shoulder. The idea of using the sheep wool to cover her ears, worked wonders to keep the banshee noise away but was making it hard for her to rely on her hearing as she normally did. She cursed as she reached up grabbing on to the robot's arm stopping the dirty buzzsaw just inches from her face. She tried to pry the robot off her and she pushes up on his arm trying to move the buzzsaw from her face. The elf had to think quick as she moved her right hand off the arm of the robot bringing the buzzsaw back close to her face. She quickly places her hand on the robot's face and yelled as electrical sparks flying from the elves hand and into the robots head.

The robot's head grew to extreme temperatures of heat before the electricity blew out his whole cranium. The saw just barely nicked her nose before it stopped. The limp mechanical husk slipped off her body and crumpled into a smoking mess of scrap. Luckily there wasn't any more after her for the moment, but more were still coming after the others.
Augusta paused and turned her head towards Alex when he said that, just while Chariot was clashing blades with another robot, and asked, "When did you know how to speak Latin?" Immediately after, Chariot sliced the robot in half and moved onto the next one.

The first robot that attacked Rebecca was a tall lumbering lugnut that barely managed to stand upright. Still, It raised a giant industrial cleaver that made up its right hand to aim down a deadly slash on top of her.

Another robot charged head first with two giant drills attached its arms directly at Alex that would impale him if he did not retaliate.

The robot's head grew to extreme temperatures of heat before the electricity blew out his whole cranium. The saw just barely nicked her nose before it stopped. The limp mechanical husk slipped off her body and crumpled into a smoking mess of scrap. Luckily there wasn't any more after her for the moment, but more were still coming after the others.

"I have no fucking idea!" Alex shouted as he formed a shield with his green crystals, blocking the drill bits from the attacking robot

Rebecca caught the massive cleaver as it came down, then pushing it to the side causing it to crash in the dirt, before she jumped to its arm and disarmed it, she then grabbed the cleaver and sliced the robot in 2, right down the middle
Augusta paused and turned her head towards Alex when he said that, just while Chariot was clashing blades with another robot, and asked, "When did you know how to speak Latin?" Immediately after, Chariot sliced the robot in half and moved onto the next one.

The first robot that attacked Rebecca was a tall lumbering lugnut that barely managed to stand upright. Still, It raised a giant industrial cleaver that made up its right hand to aim down a deadly slash on top of her.

Another robot charged head first with two giant drills attached its arms directly at Alex that would impale him if he did not retaliate.

The robot's head grew to extreme temperatures of heat before the electricity blew out his whole cranium. The saw just barely nicked her nose before it stopped. The limp mechanical husk slipped off her body and crumpled into a smoking mess of scrap. Luckily there wasn't any more after her for the moment, but more were still coming after the others.
Evalyn kept her hand pressed against the robots face as it overheated and sparks flew out of his head. She let out a sigh of relief, as the buzz saw was milaminers of sawing her face in half. That had been way too close for comfort of the elf. Cursing under her breath as the robot fell to the ground and crumbled into a smoky pile of scrap. She closed her eyes as she recollected herself from what had happened, as blood from the nick of her nose dripped down her cheek.

Pulling off her glove of her left hand she placed two fingers over the ridge of her nose. Before casting a quick and minor healing spell over her cut. Placing her glove back on and wiping her cheek she looked around. Both checking her surroundings and as well to cheek on how her companions were doing.
"I have no fucking idea!" Alex shouted as he formed a shield with his green crystals, blocking the drill bits from the attacking robot

Rebecca caught the massive cleaver as it came down, then pushing it to the side causing it to crash in the dirt, before she jumped to its arm and disarmed it, she then grabbed the cleaver and sliced the robot in 2, right down the middle
The drilling robot tried to break through his the shield and at first just got his weapon stuck in his crystals. But it didn't stop. The drill slowly pushed into the shield until the tip broke through to the other side. The robot was bound to get too close quick.

The giant robot split vertically in half, both halves sliding down to the side and crumbling into scrap. Though it wasn't long before another large robot grabbed ahold of her arm and pinned her to the ground. This one was painted black and had heavier armor, with a very tight grip around her arm. It aimed to smash her with its other heavy arm while she was still pinned on her back.
The drilling robot tried to break through his the shield and at first just got his weapon stuck in his crystals. But it didn't stop. The drill slowly pushed into the shield until the tip broke through to the other side. The robot was bound to get too close quick.

The giant robot split vertically in half, both halves sliding down to the side and crumbling into scrap. Though it wasn't long before another large robot grabbed ahold of her arm and pinned her to the ground. This one was painted black and had heavier armor, with a very tight grip around her arm. It aimed to smash her with its other heavy arm while she was still pinned on her back.

Rebecca chuckled and grabbed the robots arm that had her pinned and slowly crushed it before picking it up and hurling it at the other robots

Alex grimaced as the bit punctured his shield, he formed a red gauntlet on his right hand and did a maneuver that brought him closer to the bots chest, thinking that's where the power core was and he punched a hole through it

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