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Fantasy Relics (Private)

Some Guy

I'm gonna fix that spaghetti.
(Note: only allowing players i already spoke with, please dont ask to join )

A recap of the events we left off on:

The Tattoo has been defeated at the tavern, and the group left the next day towards the enormous junkyard filled with buildings, cargo ships, and airplanes; The Heap: home of the Observer, their next opponent.

However, they are intercepted by a mysterious man wielding only a sword in front of the Heap. He began by rushing towards them, but suddenly disappeared right in front of them with a gust of wind. Now he reappeared behind Rebecca, aiming to slash at her neck. And this is where we resume out journey.

List of each member:

Naarga Lycus and Nala - A whip-cane wielding pimp monk accompanied by a powerful spirit that gives him power.

Evalyn - The last elf of her kind who specializes in magic and its combination with the bow.

Lok - A primordial amphibian with incredible strength and nigh impenetrable skin.

Rebecca - An experiment who attained incredible power through the manipulation of her cells into different forms.

Ant - A cybernetic man with incredible intelligence and an arsenal of makeshift weapons at his side.

Alex - A soldier that uses powerful crystals for different kinds of abilities.

Augusta - An assassin that controls a spirit that wields a rapier with unmatched speed and precision.
I didn't know about this little get together until a few days ago, I was deep in dragon meditation lol. However, the mans is here so everyone can rest easy.

You ain't no man, your just a boy, lol
( alright here we go! I'll reiterate the last reply i would have made so we can start off from there )

The man had disappeared, a sudden breeze of wind following his vanishing. Ant stared blankly in stunned confusion at what just happened as he stammered, "W...what?! What the hell?! He can't do that! He couldn't have actually just disappeared! The hell did he go?!" He swiveled his head back and forth as he tried to look for him, simultaneously swapping the lenses in his eyes with infra-red, x-ray, ultraviolet, and everything else he has stored in his head to try and find where he may be hiding. Lok blinked at what happened, unable to decipher what he saw. He only knew this opponent was going for a surprise attack, so stood ready to attack. His eyes darted around and his nostrils sniffed to try and track his scent. Augusta's eyes widened at what she saw, recognizing that move from their experience together. She glanced at Alex with worried eyes; both of them knowing who has powers like this and that they probably wont stand a chance, even with the whole group. She kept Chariot ready, aiming her blade at wherever their attacker may appear.

No one had noticed, but Rebecca felt a slight breeze of wind against the back of her neck. Behind her the attacker silently and effortlessly reappeared, aiming his blade at a downward strike against her neck.
( alright here we go! I'll reiterate the last reply i would have made so we can start off from there )

The man had disappeared, a sudden breeze of wind following his vanishing. Ant stared blankly in stunned confusion at what just happened as he stammered, "W...what?! What the hell?! He can't do that! He couldn't have actually just disappeared! The hell did he go?!" He swiveled his head back and forth as he tried to look for him, simultaneously swapping the lenses in his eyes with infra-red, x-ray, ultraviolet, and everything else he has stored in his head to try and find where he may be hiding. Lok blinked at what happened, unable to decipher what he saw. He only knew this opponent was going for a surprise attack, so stood ready to attack. His eyes darted around and his nostrils sniffed to try and track his scent. Augusta's eyes widened at what she saw, recognizing that move from their experience together. She glanced at Alex with worried eyes; both of them knowing who has powers like this and that they probably wont stand a chance, even with the whole group. She kept Chariot ready, aiming her blade at wherever their attacker may appear.

No one had noticed, but Rebecca felt a slight breeze of wind against the back of her neck. Behind her the attacker silently and effortlessly reappeared, aiming his blade at a downward strike against her neck.

Rebecca felt the breeze against her neck, she activated her armor which appeared on her body simultaneously (meaning it didn't start from one place and work its way around, it started all over) but if the attacker completed his attack before her power finished, he would cause Major damage, and cause her body to react in a defensive manner (devestator attack, btw) which would put everything living in a 40 foot area around in fatal danger

Alex had already started taking on his blue crystal armor, but even he could stop him in time
Rebecca felt the breeze against her neck, she activated her armor which appeared on her body simultaneously (meaning it didn't start from one place and work its way around, it started all over) but if the attacker completed his attack before her power finished, he would cause Major damage, and cause her body to react in a defensive manner (devestator attack, btw) which would put everything living in a 40 foot area around in fatal danger

Alex had already started taking on his blue crystal armor, but even he could stop him in time
His blade was fast, and it seemed as though it was going to outrun her armor's speed to materialize. Soon it connected with her neck, but it didn't cut into her. Instead, it pushed against her like a blunt object. She felt like a mallet was smashing into her neck as the blade pushed hard into her and sent her flying to the side. She suffered no cuts, no attempts at piercing the skin, but only the pain of being hit really hard, followed by a powerful gust of wind as he followed through the swing. After this, everyone was aware of him and turned to see their attacker face to face. Augusta yelled out, "Behind us!" Ant cursed to himself as he readied his railgun. Lok was the closest next, so he roared and decided to make the first move. He swung his arm sideways in an attempt to hit him, but he instantly jumped over them and landed on his back. He moved with inhuman ease as he leaped off Lok's back and charged at Naarga head on with his blade ready to strike.

They finally got to see their attacker's appearance. His whole body was covered in metal rings tightly binded together to form unique steel grooves in his armor. His head was covered in wrapped cloth, leaving only a few strands of grey hair through the back of his head and one completely grey eye staring at them dauntingly.

(design of his sword)
His blade was fast, and it seemed as though it was going to outrun her armor's speed to materialize. Soon it connected with her neck, but it didn't cut into her. Instead, it pushed against her like a blunt object. She felt like a mallet was smashing into her neck as the blade pushed hard into her and sent her flying to the side. She suffered no cuts, no attempts at piercing the skin, but only the pain of being hit really hard, followed by a powerful gust of wind as he followed through the swing. After this, everyone was aware of him and turned to see their attacker face to face. Augusta yelled out, "Behind us!" Ant cursed to himself as he readied his railgun. Lok was the closest next, so he roared and decided to make the first move. He swung his arm sideways in an attempt to hit him, but he instantly jumped over them and landed on his back. He moved with inhuman ease as he leaped off Lok's back and charged at Naarga head on with his blade ready to strike.

They finally got to see their attacker's appearance. His whole body was covered in metal rings tightly binded together to form unique steel grooves in his armor. His head was covered in wrapped cloth, leaving only a few strands of grey hair through the back of his head and one completely grey eye staring at them dauntingly.

(design of his sword)

Rebecca collapses to the ground, struggling to breath as Alex went after him matching him speed for speed
Evalyn lowered her bow and looked around confused as to the man that had just vanished in front of them. Shaking her head she kept her bow ready as she looked around, her ears softly twitching as she tried to spot or hear the man.
Evalyn quickly turns as Rebecca was sent flying to the side, but before the elf could react to what had happened. Augusta's warning made he turn around and see their attacker. The man wore a strange armor as well as he moved fast, he could not be human.
His blade was fast, and it seemed as though it was going to outrun her armor's speed to materialize. Soon it connected with her neck, but it didn't cut into her. Instead, it pushed against her like a blunt object. She felt like a mallet was smashing into her neck as the blade pushed hard into her and sent her flying to the side. She suffered no cuts, no attempts at piercing the skin, but only the pain of being hit really hard, followed by a powerful gust of wind as he followed through the swing. After this, everyone was aware of him and turned to see their attacker face to face. Augusta yelled out, "Behind us!" Ant cursed to himself as he readied his railgun. Lok was the closest next, so he roared and decided to make the first move. He swung his arm sideways in an attempt to hit him, but he instantly jumped over them and landed on his back. He moved with inhuman ease as he leaped off Lok's back and charged at Naarga head on with his blade ready to strike.

They finally got to see their attacker's appearance. His whole body was covered in metal rings tightly binded together to form unique steel grooves in his armor. His head was covered in wrapped cloth, leaving only a few strands of grey hair through the back of his head and one completely grey eye staring at them dauntingly.

(design of his sword)
Naarga and Nala couldn't help but feel jealous of just how fast the man was, his movements were so quick it was hard to keep track of even with years of FPS and Starcraft training under their belts. Hearing the yell from their Spanish speaking friend The two turned around to see the man skillfully dodge Lok's attack and charge right at them, having their enemy in his sights Naarga began unleashing a flurry of strikes with his whip letting Nala track the man and guide his attacks.
Naarga and Nala couldn't help but feel jealous of just how fast the man was, his movements were so quick it was hard to keep track of even with years of FPS and Starcraft training under their belts. Hearing the yell from their Spanish speaking friend The two turned around to see the man skillfully dodge Lok's attack and charge right at them, having their enemy in his sights Naarga began unleashing a flurry of strikes with his whip letting Nala track the man and guide his attacks.
The man glared blankly with his pupil-less eye at him while continued forward, barely acknowledging Naarga's flurry of attacks as he got closer. He suddenly stopped right in front of the whip's range and stuck his oddly shaped sword right in the middle of his flurry, not minding his strikes. Naarga suddenly felt a swirling wind push against his face, and suddenly his whip was forced to wrap around the man's sword until it tightened up around it. The man skillfully made his move by pulling his sword back, forcing Naarga towards him, then following it up with a palm strike to his jaw as he was being pulled forward. Finally, using the brief moment while he was stunned, he reached behind Naarga's head, grabbed the collar of his jacket, and tossed him aside; beating him in the first engagement without appearing to use any effort.

Augusta rushed forward in this moment to try and utilize the opening while he was distracted to have Chariot send her rapier into his back, but the man was more than prepared. He quickly unfurled Naarga's whip from his sword and clashed against Chariot. She cursed at the sight of her opening closing in a moment, "Mierda!" She had Chariot unleash its flurry of quick stabs in the next moment to overwhelm him. A continuous gust of wind followed the man as he spun his blade quick enough to keep pace with Chariot's strikes. Though he quickly outdid her in speed, and soon Chariot was struggling to keep up with the man's movements. When she could no longer keep up with his speed, he focused on slices at Chariot's body, cutting into both Chariot's and Augusta's arms. While they were recoiling from the wounds, the man spun around and gave a decisive kick to her face, knocking her down hard to the ground, causing Chariot to disappear and drop her rapier. She stayed on the ground as she tried to recover. The man simply turned back around the remaining standing members, waiting for their move. Ant stared in disbelief, not knowing how to make the next move and looking anxiously at his comrades. Lok only stared back at him in a snarl, also trying to figure out what to do.

The attacker had already grounded three members of the group, and he hadn't even broken a sweat.
The man glared blankly with his pupil-less eye at him while continued forward, barely acknowledging Naarga's flurry of attacks as he got closer. He suddenly stopped right in front of the whip's range and stuck his oddly shaped sword right in the middle of his flurry, not minding his strikes. Naarga suddenly felt a swirling wind push against his face, and suddenly his whip was forced to wrap around the man's sword until it tightened up around it. The man skillfully made his move by pulling his sword back, forcing Naarga towards him, then following it up with a palm strike to his jaw as he was being pulled forward. Finally, using the brief moment while he was stunned, he reached behind Naarga's head, grabbed the collar of his jacket, and tossed him aside; beating him in the first engagement without appearing to use any effort.

Augusta rushed forward in this moment to try and utilize the opening while he was distracted to have Chariot send her rapier into his back, but the man was more than prepared. He quickly unfurled Naarga's whip from his sword and clashed against Chariot. She cursed at the sight of her opening closing in a moment, "Mierda!" She had Chariot unleash its flurry of quick stabs in the next moment to overwhelm him. A continuous gust of wind followed the man as he spun his blade quick enough to keep pace with Chariot's strikes. Though he quickly outdid her in speed, and soon Chariot was struggling to keep up with the man's movements. When she could no longer keep up with his speed, he focused on slices at Chariot's body, cutting into both Chariot's and Augusta's arms. While they were recoiling from the wounds, the man spun around and gave a decisive kick to her face, knocking her down hard to the ground, causing Chariot to disappear and drop her rapier. She stayed on the ground as she tried to recover. The man simply turned back around the remaining standing members, waiting for their move. Ant stared in disbelief, not knowing how to make the next move and looking anxiously at his comrades. Lok only stared back at him in a snarl, also trying to figure out what to do.

The attacker had already grounded three members of the group, and he hadn't even broken a sweat.

(So no response to Alex? Got it)

Suddenly the man felt a right cross impact his face as Alex zoomed by
(So no response to Alex? Got it)

Suddenly the man felt a right cross impact his face as Alex zoomed by
( sorry i wasnt sure what you meant with what alex was doing )

The sudden hit didn't phase him much as he stood there blankly for a moment before tightening his grip and his stance in place. A gentle current of wind surrounding him continuously as he waited. He could sense where Alex would be, and Alex would not be able to defend himself.
( sorry i wasnt sure what you meant with what alex was doing )

The sudden hit didn't phase him much as he stood there blankly for a moment before tightening his grip and his stance in place. A gentle current of wind surrounding him continuously as he waited. He could sense where Alex would be, and Alex would not be able to defend himself.

The crystal turnes to green as Alex slowed down, and he charged at him
The crystal turnes to green as Alex slowed down, and he charged at him
The man sensed right where he came at him from, spinning himself while keeping his leg at a pivot in place. He dodged Alex's attack without any trouble, but moved his knee right into his stomach to knock the wind out of him. In the next moment, he clamped his face with his free hand and slammed him head-first into the ground. There was barely any time to react when he heard the bestial roar of Lok charging behind him.

The enormous amphibian swung his fist from the left aimed to crash into him only for the man to simply swipe it away with a swing of his sword against his mighty arm. In his stunned state, the momentum of his arm continuing forward over the man's head, the man lunged underneath Lok and swiped into his vulnerable underbelly. At first, Lok was shocked that he let his guard down and that this man was going to end his life so quickly. But, once again, the blade did not cut into his body, only pushed forward hard against his skin. As he followed through, a powerful amount of wind gathered underneath Lok, so much so that in the moment where it felt there was so much pressure that air itself was going to explode, the man lifted his blade all the way upward, and Lok suddenly vanished. No one could tell what happened in the split second when the man brought his blade upwards. The man brought his sword to his side again, standing patiently as if he waited for something to happen. Then after ten seconds, they heard an inhuman wailing gradually getting louder. Once it got to its loudest, Lok had smacked onto the ground on his back, sending dust and dirt into the air. The man somehow shot the enormously heavy guardian into the air and had now just plummeted back to earth. Lok stayed on his back, barely making any noise as he tried to deal with the pain he was experiencing for the first time. Finally, the man aimed his single eye at Ant and Evelyn, the last standing members, and began marching towards him. Ant whispered, "Well shit, any plans to stop this guy?"
The man sensed right where he came at him from, spinning himself while keeping his leg at a pivot in place. He dodged Alex's attack without any trouble, but moved his knee right into his stomach to knock the wind out of him. In the next moment, he clamped his face with his free hand and slammed him head-first into the ground. There was barely any time to react when he heard the bestial roar of Lok charging behind him.

The enormous amphibian swung his fist from the left aimed to crash into him only for the man to simply swipe it away with a swing of his sword against his mighty arm. In his stunned state, the momentum of his arm continuing forward over the man's head, the man lunged underneath Lok and swiped into his vulnerable underbelly. At first, Lok was shocked that he let his guard down and that this man was going to end his life so quickly. But, once again, the blade did not cut into his body, only pushed forward hard against his skin. As he followed through, a powerful amount of wind gathered underneath Lok, so much so that in the moment where it felt there was so much pressure that air itself was going to explode, the man lifted his blade all the way upward, and Lok suddenly vanished. No one could tell what happened in the split second when the man brought his blade upwards. The man brought his sword to his side again, standing patiently as if he waited for something to happen. Then after ten seconds, they heard an inhuman wailing gradually getting louder. Once it got to its loudest, Lok had smacked onto the ground on his back, sending dust and dirt into the air. The man somehow shot the enormously heavy guardian into the air and had now just plummeted back to earth. Lok stayed on his back, barely making any noise as he tried to deal with the pain he was experiencing for the first time. Finally, the man aimed his single eye at Ant and Evelyn, the last standing members, and began marching towards him. Ant whispered, "Well shit, any plans to stop this guy?"

The hit from the man didnt do as he expected, since Alex had his green crystal armor (including a chest plate) the hit that was supposed to knock the wind out of him, only cracked the crystal chest plate, but Alex still fell to the ground acting like he was knocked, and while he was distracted by the machine and elf Alex got up and sprinted at him with his blue crystals while readying his fist to hit him, and just before impact, he switched the blue crystal on his right hand into a red crystal, sending the man flying away from the elf and machine, but causing a small radioactive explosion due to the reaction between the red and blue crystals
The hit from the man didnt do as he expected, since Alex had his green crystal armor (including a chest plate) the hit that was supposed to knock the wind out of him, only cracked the crystal chest plate, but Alex still fell to the ground acting like he was knocked, and while he was distracted by the machine and elf Alex got up and sprinted at him with his blue crystals while readying his fist to hit him, and just before impact, he switched the blue crystal on his right hand into a red crystal, sending the man flying away from the elf and machine, but causing a small radioactive explosion due to the reaction between the red and blue crystals
The man brought his blade up as Alex was about connect with him, blocking the punch with his sword and not being moved from his spot. When the explosion was about to occur, the runes etched into his blade began to glow a brilliant white. The radiation that would have blasted outwards seems to just be directed into his sword and absorbed it. Instead of an explosion, nothing really happened, and his rune's glow faded back to normal. The man shoved him backwards and instantly swiped at him despite he was already distanced by the man's push. But a highly pressurized gust of air was sent following the blade's arc at Alex's chestplate. The wind split it in two, like scissors through paper, but left his body unharmed. He didn't have any time to follow up as the man rushed him and dropkicked both of his boots into Alex's chest. A powerful current of wind pushed behind the man, adding a higher impact to his attack, hitting Alex hard enough to hear cracking in his ribs. He was sent flying in the other direction, down for the moment. The man deftly returned to his feet, and aimed his attention back at Ant and Evelyn.
The man brought his blade up as Alex was about connect with him, blocking the punch with his sword and not being moved from his spot. When the explosion was about to occur, the runes etched into his blade began to glow a brilliant white. The radiation that would have blasted outwards seems to just be directed into his sword and absorbed it. Instead of an explosion, nothing really happened, and his rune's glow faded back to normal. The man shoved him backwards and instantly swiped at him despite he was already distanced by the man's push. But a highly pressurized gust of air was sent following the blade's arc at Alex's chestplate. The wind split it in two, like scissors through paper, but left his body unharmed. He didn't have any time to follow up as the man rushed him and dropkicked both of his boots into Alex's chest. A powerful current of wind pushed behind the man, adding a higher impact to his attack, hitting Alex hard enough to hear cracking in his ribs. He was sent flying in the other direction, down for the moment. The man deftly returned to his feet, and aimed his attention back at Ant and Evelyn.

(Its physically impossible to drop kick with both feet)
(Its physically impossible to drop kick with both feet)
(There's a fox ghost, elf, four armed monster, robot guy, magic, shadows that can turn into tanks and dinosaurs, people that can change their body into weapons, and necromancy. Out of all of that THIS is the thing that seems impossible, you have to admit that's a bit funny lol. Also it's plenty possible to drop kick with both feet, I do it all the time and it's pretty easy.)
(There's a fox ghost, elf, four armed monster, robot guy, magic, shadows that can turn into tanks and dinosaurs, people that can change their body into weapons, and necromancy. Out of all of that THIS is the thing that seems impossible, you have to admit that's a bit funny lol. Also it's plenty possible to drop kick with both feet, I do it all the time and it's pretty easy.)

(Well guess your having fun falling on your ass)
The man sensed right where he came at him from, spinning himself while keeping his leg at a pivot in place. He dodged Alex's attack without any trouble, but moved his knee right into his stomach to knock the wind out of him. In the next moment, he clamped his face with his free hand and slammed him head-first into the ground. There was barely any time to react when he heard the bestial roar of Lok charging behind him.

The enormous amphibian swung his fist from the left aimed to crash into him only for the man to simply swipe it away with a swing of his sword against his mighty arm. In his stunned state, the momentum of his arm continuing forward over the man's head, the man lunged underneath Lok and swiped into his vulnerable underbelly. At first, Lok was shocked that he let his guard down and that this man was going to end his life so quickly. But, once again, the blade did not cut into his body, only pushed forward hard against his skin. As he followed through, a powerful amount of wind gathered underneath Lok, so much so that in the moment where it felt there was so much pressure that air itself was going to explode, the man lifted his blade all the way upward, and Lok suddenly vanished. No one could tell what happened in the split second when the man brought his blade upwards. The man brought his sword to his side again, standing patiently as if he waited for something to happen. Then after ten seconds, they heard an inhuman wailing gradually getting louder. Once it got to its loudest, Lok had smacked onto the ground on his back, sending dust and dirt into the air. The man somehow shot the enormously heavy guardian into the air and had now just plummeted back to earth. Lok stayed on his back, barely making any noise as he tried to deal with the pain he was experiencing for the first time. Finally, the man aimed his single eye at Ant and Evelyn, the last standing members, and began marching towards him. Ant whispered, "Well shit, any plans to stop this guy?"
Evalyn lowered her weapon as she just watch all the fights unfold before her. This man was not human at all, and she could not pinpoint to what he could be. All she could see is that he was fast, he seemed to know where they were before they could even make their move. And then that sword of his, it had so much strength. She wasn’t sure was she could even do, she had seen him defeat all her companions with so much ease. She still could not wrap her head around how he managed to toss Lok up in the air like he weighed nothing.

The elves mind raced as she tried to think of a plan to defeat or hold the man down.
She could use her plant magic and intertwine the man with vines, though the man was quick and he would just doge her attempts in trying to catch him. Maybe if she trapped him within ice or her force field, though that sword of his. She could see all her plans backfiring and the amount of force that sword had. Her attempts to help might hurt herself, or worse her friends.

Evalyn sighed feeling frustrated as she covered her face with her hand. Her ears twitching as she heard the man's footsteps heading towards them. She looked over to him and took a few steps back before turning to Ant as he whispered to her. “Im not sure...I dont know what we can do..”

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