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Fantasy Relics (Private)

Evalyn lowered her weapon as she just watch all the fights unfold before her. This man was not human at all, and she could not pinpoint to what he could be. All she could see is that he was fast, he seemed to know where they were before they could even make their move. And then that sword of his, it had so much strength. She wasn’t sure was she could even do, she had seen him defeat all her companions with so much ease. She still could not wrap her head around how he managed to toss Lok up in the air like he weighed nothing.

The elves mind raced as she tried to think of a plan to defeat or hold the man down.
She could use her plant magic and intertwine the man with vines, though the man was quick and he would just doge her attempts in trying to catch him. Maybe if she trapped him within ice or her force field, though that sword of his. She could see all her plans backfiring and the amount of force that sword had. Her attempts to help might hurt herself, or worse her friends.

Evalyn sighed feeling frustrated as she covered her face with her hand. Her ears twitching as she heard the man's footsteps heading towards them. She looked over to him and took a few steps back before turning to Ant as he whispered to her. “Im not sure...I dont know what we can do..”

Ant narrowed his metal brow and said frustratingly, "Well fine. I'll take him on myself." He then pulled out his oversized cannon which he somehow hefted over his should and started to charge up with a whirring crescendo. He called out in a confident voice as it readied to fire, "Hey, cyclops! Cut through this!" The man stopped in place as the weapon was primed and aimed at him. When the whirring hit its highest pitch, the brilliantly blue beam launched from his cannon instantaneously almost immediately connecting with the man. However, the man was ready once more, and brought his sword upwards in front of him, runes glowing white again. The beam hit the blade, causing the electromagnetic stream to split down the middle, each half of it dissipating into thin air. Ant only noticed his attack was being entirely negated when the beam died down and the cannon overheated.

The whirring cooled down as steam poured out of the weapon, but Ant's confident smiling expression turned to one of total bewilderment as he saw it had no effect on him at all. He stared blankly at his weapon, then back at the man, saying weakly, "Oh. He did cut it. That was a jo-" But he couldn't finish his sentence as the man suddenly shot up right in front of him and aimed a swift kick under his jaw. With a hard PONK, his head flew off his body as the man's kick followed through. It flew into the air for a couple seconds before it smacked against the ground like a tin can. The now decapitated body stood frozen in place for a moment before it collapsed to the ground and laid lifelessly there. Finally, the man turned toward the last standing member and rushed at her, blade ready to strike. She had only precious seconds before he was about to reach her.
Ant narrowed his metal brow and said frustratingly, "Well fine. I'll take him on myself." He then pulled out his oversized cannon which he somehow hefted over his should and started to charge up with a whirring crescendo. He called out in a confident voice as it readied to fire, "Hey, cyclops! Cut through this!" The man stopped in place as the weapon was primed and aimed at him. When the whirring hit its highest pitch, the brilliantly blue beam launched from his cannon instantaneously almost immediately connecting with the man. However, the man was ready once more, and brought his sword upwards in front of him, runes glowing white again. The beam hit the blade, causing the electromagnetic stream to split down the middle, each half of it dissipating into thin air. Ant only noticed his attack was being entirely negated when the beam died down and the cannon overheated.

The whirring cooled down as steam poured out of the weapon, but Ant's confident smiling expression turned to one of total bewilderment as he saw it had no effect on him at all. He stared blankly at his weapon, then back at the man, saying weakly, "Oh. He did cut it. That was a jo-" But he couldn't finish his sentence as the man suddenly shot up right in front of him and aimed a swift kick under his jaw. With a hard PONK, his head flew off his body as the man's kick followed through. It flew into the air for a couple seconds before it smacked against the ground like a tin can. The now decapitated body stood frozen in place for a moment before it collapsed to the ground and laid lifelessly there. Finally, the man turned toward the last standing member and rushed at her, blade ready to strike. She had only precious seconds before he was about to reach her.
Evalyn watched Ant march off to face the man, the metal man as confident as always. She took a few steps back as he pulled out the oversize cannon. She hoped his plan of attack would work, but apart of her knew this would end bad. Her worries came true when she saw the beam that shoot out of the cannon was split in half.

“Ant!...no..” she gasped covering her mouth with her hand as she saw the metal man’s head get kicked off. She gasped as she felt her heart drop as the man turn to face her. She had to think fast as the man rushed over to her ready to strike with his sword. Lifting her arms out in front of her she formed a shield around herself as the sword stroked her.
Evalyn watched Ant march off to face the man, the metal man as confident as always. She took a few steps back as he pulled out the oversize cannon. She hoped his plan of attack would work, but apart of her knew this would end bad. Her worries came true when she saw the beam that shoot out of the cannon was split in half.

“Ant!...no..” she gasped covering her mouth with her hand as she saw the metal man’s head get kicked off. She gasped as she felt her heart drop as the man turn to face her. She had to think fast as the man rushed over to her ready to strike with his sword. Lifting her arms out in front of her she formed a shield around herself as the sword stroked her.

He swung down at her shield, but it bounced off of it at first. He readjusted himself, seeing this sudden defense he couldn't penetrate. He aimed his sword downward, this time the runes on his blade glowed again, and he thrusted it hard through the shield. It didn't go all the way at first, so he had to force it slowly downwards so he could split her shield open. She had no other way to defend herself and the man wasted no time in his attack. He delivered a swift and powerful kick to her stomach, sending her sling along the ground and knocking the wind out of her. She barely had time to get up and recover when the man planted his foot against her shoulder, pinning her the ground and aimed his sword at her neck. But he didn't attack, simply kept the blade inches from her throat, and stared at her with his single grey eye. At the same time, Augusta was wiping the blood from her nose and tried to get back up. Lok, too, was trying to pull himself off of his back, but he was still in pain from the fall. He muttered weakly, "No...hurt...elf..." Though Ant's body appeared to remain lifeless. The whole group has been bested by this one person, and now they seemed to be at his mercy.
He swung down at her shield, but it bounced off of it at first. He readjusted himself, seeing this sudden defense he couldn't penetrate. He aimed his sword downward, this time the runes on his blade glowed again, and he thrusted it hard through the shield. It didn't go all the way at first, so he had to force it slowly downwards so he could split her shield open. She had no other way to defend herself and the man wasted no time in his attack. He delivered a swift and powerful kick to her stomach, sending her sling along the ground and knocking the wind out of her. She barely had time to get up and recover when the man planted his foot against her shoulder, pinning her the ground and aimed his sword at her neck. But he didn't attack, simply kept the blade inches from her throat, and stared at her with his single grey eye. At the same time, Augusta was wiping the blood from her nose and tried to get back up. Lok, too, was trying to pull himself off of his back, but he was still in pain from the fall. He muttered weakly, "No...hurt...elf..." Though Ant's body appeared to remain lifeless. The whole group has been bested by this one person, and now they seemed to be at his mercy.
Evalyn grit her teeth trying to hold her shield together as the man's sword came down on it. She closed her eyes as she felt the sword hit the shield once again and as it cracked under the force. Before she could think or do anything else, she felt a strong pain her stomach that sent her flying across the ground. Laying on the group she held her stomach as she tried to catch her breath. She gasped as she tried to stand up, only to be held down. The elf looked up at the one-eyed man as he stared at her, the elf’s mind racing as the sword stayed within inches of her throat.
Evalyn grit her teeth trying to hold her shield together as the man's sword came down on it. She closed her eyes as she felt the sword hit the shield once again and as it cracked under the force. Before she could think or do anything else, she felt a strong pain her stomach that sent her flying across the ground. Laying on the group she held her stomach as she tried to catch her breath. She gasped as she tried to stand up, only to be held down. The elf looked up at the one-eyed man as he stared at her, the elf’s mind racing as the sword stayed within inches of her throat.
The man stood there for what felt like an eternity, staring with his remaining eye, barely blinking as it did, the blade swaying ever so gently by her neck. Strangely, the blade drifted away from her and left gently held by his side. He slowly released pressure off of Evelyn's shoulder and took a step back from her. Then he finally spoke, slightly muffled by the wrapping around his face, but his grainy and low voice was clearly audible. "This...is a warning. If I had it on my terms, you'd all be dead by now. Give up this crusade. The Harbinger is willing to be merciful in case you turn yourselves in." His tone was cold and emotionless, making everyone believe his words to be true. He turned around and began to walk away, the conscious members staring in awe of this man's sudden change in plans. He stopped with his back turned after a certain distance, then said lastly, "Do not expect another chance. You can die today, or live forever."

With that, he bent his knees and crouched in what looked like another attack position. A vortex of wind encircled him, coursing powerfully around him as he crouched there in waiting. The next moment, the vortex blasted upward like a geyser of wind, and the man was gone, just like how he attacked Lok. But he could not be seen in the air, nor did he seem to come down after a few moments. It appeared that he really did disappear this time. After they were sure he was gone, Lok and Augusta pulled themselves up, grunting through the pain they just endured. Lok got to his knees and hands, but his limbs were shaking from shock. He never experienced power like that in all his long life. Augusta stumbled over to where Evelyn lay, and offered a hand, asking, "You alright, hermana?" She still had blood stains under her nose and mouth even though she wiped most of it off. Ant, however, seemed to stay unmoving, head and body still seperated.
The man stood there for what felt like an eternity, staring with his remaining eye, barely blinking as it did, the blade swaying ever so gently by her neck. Strangely, the blade drifted away from her and left gently held by his side. He slowly released pressure off of Evelyn's shoulder and took a step back from her. Then he finally spoke, slightly muffled by the wrapping around his face, but his grainy and low voice was clearly audible. "This...is a warning. If I had it on my terms, you'd all be dead by now. Give up this crusade. The Harbinger is willing to be merciful in case you turn yourselves in." His tone was cold and emotionless, making everyone believe his words to be true. He turned around and began to walk away, the conscious members staring in awe of this man's sudden change in plans. He stopped with his back turned after a certain distance, then said lastly, "Do not expect another chance. You can die today, or live forever."

With that, he bent his knees and crouched in what looked like another attack position. A vortex of wind encircled him, coursing powerfully around him as he crouched there in waiting. The next moment, the vortex blasted upward like a geyser of wind, and the man was gone, just like how he attacked Lok. But he could not be seen in the air, nor did he seem to come down after a few moments. It appeared that he really did disappear this time. After they were sure he was gone, Lok and Augusta pulled themselves up, grunting through the pain they just endured. Lok got to his knees and hands, but his limbs were shaking from shock. He never experienced power like that in all his long life. Augusta stumbled over to where Evelyn lay, and offered a hand, asking, "You alright, hermana?" She still had blood stains under her nose and mouth even though she wiped most of it off. Ant, however, seemed to stay unmoving, head and body still seperated.
Evalyn on the ground perfectly still unsure if she should try anything to get herself out. Known that if she did one wrong movement her head would be cut off. To her suprised the man slowly moved her sword away from her neck. In shock she just closed her eyes as she gently held her neck with her right hand. She did not turn to look at the one eye man as her spoke or as he made his exit. She just layed there, eyes closed hand on her neck as she just listen. Feeling most relfed when the man left, as her heart finally stoped racing.

Evalyn slowly opened her eyes as she heard in even footsteps coming over to her. She saw Augusta standing over her holding out her hand. "I believe so?.." she softly said still feeling unsure about what had just happened. Sitting up she took Augusta's hand "thank you...your alright?" She asked as the women helped her up.
Evalyn on the ground perfectly still unsure if she should try anything to get herself out. Known that if she did one wrong movement her head would be cut off. To her suprised the man slowly moved her sword away from her neck. In shock she just closed her eyes as she gently held her neck with her right hand. She did not turn to look at the one eye man as her spoke or as he made his exit. She just layed there, eyes closed hand on her neck as she just listen. Feeling most relfed when the man left, as her heart finally stoped racing.

Evalyn slowly opened her eyes as she heard in even footsteps coming over to her. She saw Augusta standing over her holding out her hand. "I believe so?.." she softly said still feeling unsure about what had just happened. Sitting up she took Augusta's hand "thank you...your alright?" She asked as the women helped her up.
"I can't believe it" Naarga muttered as he finally stood up he was rubbing his face checking the extent of the damage caused by the tacky man's attack, while his face was perfectly fine his pride wasn't "That Nig . . . dude came in and handed me a grade A wholesale ass whooping and left like I wasn't shit! I was just treated like a bitch, this is cruel irony"

Nala sighed as she walked to where Ant's head was and picked it up "It seems as if he was one step AHEAD of us. We need to get our HEADS in the game and not lost our HEADS over one defeat. Ok I'm going to stop now ho ho" Nala skipped her way to Ant's body and jumped up placing the head on top of it but backward.
Evalyn on the ground perfectly still unsure if she should try anything to get herself out. Known that if she did one wrong movement her head would be cut off. To her suprised the man slowly moved her sword away from her neck. In shock she just closed her eyes as she gently held her neck with her right hand. She did not turn to look at the one eye man as her spoke or as he made his exit. She just layed there, eyes closed hand on her neck as she just listen. Feeling most relfed when the man left, as her heart finally stoped racing.

Evalyn slowly opened her eyes as she heard in even footsteps coming over to her. She saw Augusta standing over her holding out her hand. "I believe so?.." she softly said still feeling unsure about what had just happened. Sitting up she took Augusta's hand "thank you...your alright?" She asked as the women helped her up.
"I can't believe it" Naarga muttered as he finally stood up he was rubbing his face checking the extent of the damage caused by the tacky man's attack, while his face was perfectly fine his pride wasn't "That Nig . . . dude came in and handed me a grade A wholesale ass whooping and left like I wasn't shit! I was just treated like a bitch, this is cruel irony"

Nala sighed as she walked to where Ant's head was and picked it up "It seems as if he was one step AHEAD of us. We need to get our HEADS in the game and not lost our HEADS over one defeat. Ok I'm going to stop now ho ho" Nala skipped her way to Ant's body and jumped up placing the head on top of it but backward.

Augusta chuckled and replied, "Heh, soy bueno. But that hurt like hell. He wasn't lying when he said he could have killed us all if he wanted. He was going easy on us. Me and Alex know him personally." She limped over to where Alex landed, grabbing him by the arm and shoulder, yanking him up to his feet. She said with a grunt, "C'mon, muchacho. Don't tell me you actually thought you could take on the Swordsman by yourself. You couldn't beat him with everyone to help either!" Lok managed to pull himself up on his feet, though his balance was still off a little bit. He just tried to look around and understand what happened.

A few seconds passed after his head clicked back onto his torso like a tinker toy that his eyes flickered back to his normal blue irises and his whole body reanimated again like nothing changed. First thing he did was sit up, put his hands on his hips, and replied annoyingly, "I heard that. Those were all awful." He then forced his head off with his own hands and continued while he spun himself in the air and put his head back on the right way. "I wasn't really out of it. More sleep mode, or playing dead. Defense mechanism if I know I don't gotta chance. Like a possum!" He picked himself off the ground, brushing the dust off his body and picking up his overheated weapon to sling it over his back again. He continued, "Though I am pissed about one thing: no one could actually do that. Split the beam, I mean. That amount of highly concentrated electromagnetic energy from my railgun is supposed to cut through any kind of matter like butter. But for some reason some jackass ninja with a nifty lil' sword could negate it. I would explain all the details on how scientifically impossible that is, but I'm not gonna waste time on non-intellectuals."
The group was forced to wait so they can recover before they continue. They sat around on the ground, trying to settle themselves and heal from the wounds they sustained. Lok picked up Rebecca and set her down by the group. Then he sat down himself, wishing he had a body of water to dive into and relax in. Ant mostly just spent time making minor adjustments to his railgun, fiddling with parts and spinning it around so he can see every part to it. Augusta sat Alex up and called to Evelyn, “Evelyn! You can heal with your magic, yeah? Would you mind helping out Alex with his ribs? He gave them a hard crack during the fight.”
The group was forced to wait so they can recover before they continue. They sat around on the ground, trying to settle themselves and heal from the wounds they sustained. Lok picked up Rebecca and set her down by the group. Then he sat down himself, wishing he had a body of water to dive into and relax in. Ant mostly just spent time making minor adjustments to his railgun, fiddling with parts and spinning it around so he can see every part to it. Augusta sat Alex up and called to Evelyn, “Evelyn! You can heal with your magic, yeah? Would you mind helping out Alex with his ribs? He gave them a hard crack during the fight.”
Evelyn just stood there arms crossed thinking things over. The past incident going through her mind as she looked over at her companions. Her heart ached as she saw the condition of her fellow teammates after their last fight. Her attention got pulled away from her thoughts as Augusta called out to her. "oh...yes!...yes I can" she answered making her way over to Alex.

The elf kneeled down next to Alex as she sliped off her gloves, setting it besides herself. "okay Alex ill need to lift up your shirt.." she let him know before moving his shirt up, exposing his brused sides. She gently placed her hands over his ribs and closed her eyes, as she whispered to herslelf. Her hands glowed transfering her healing magic to Alex as his sides started to glow and his ribs started to slowly heal. Rcticwolf Rcticwolf
Evelyn just stood there arms crossed thinking things over. The past incident going through her mind as she looked over at her companions. Her heart ached as she saw the condition of her fellow teammates after their last fight. Her attention got pulled away from her thoughts as Augusta called out to her. "oh...yes!...yes I can" she answered making her way over to Alex.

The elf kneeled down next to Alex as she sliped off her gloves, setting it besides herself. "okay Alex ill need to lift up your shirt.." she let him know before moving his shirt up, exposing his brused sides. She gently placed her hands over his ribs and closed her eyes, as she whispered to herslelf. Her hands glowed transfering her healing magic to Alex as his sides started to glow and his ribs started to slowly heal. Rcticwolf Rcticwolf

Alex hissed and groaned at the pain, but didn't stop her as she did what she could to heal him
Alex hissed and groaned at the pain, but didn't stop her as she did what she could to heal him
Evalyn's ears twitched, slightly dropping down as the man hissed in pain. Healing bones ever so more painful with magic, it was at times to quick for the body to cope with the healing. Many pass out due to the large pain the alining of the bones cause. "Sorry....it will be all over soon" she softly said knowing the pain would soon die down.

After what seemed hours of pain it was gone. There was a lingering of discomfort and strange feeling on his side but the man would be alright. The elf opened her eyes and moved her hands away from his side the glowing fading from his side's and her hands slowly went away. "You will still feel a bit of discomfort for a few hours but with some rest you will be back to normal" she spoke with a small smile placing back her gloves
Evalyn's ears twitched, slightly dropping down as the man hissed in pain. Healing bones ever so more painful with magic, it was at times to quick for the body to cope with the healing. Many pass out due to the large pain the alining of the bones cause. "Sorry....it will be all over soon" she softly said knowing the pain would soon die down.

After what seemed hours of pain it was gone. There was a lingering of discomfort and strange feeling on his side but the man would be alright. The elf opened her eyes and moved her hands away from his side the glowing fading from his side's and her hands slowly went away. "You will still feel a bit of discomfort for a few hours but with some rest you will be back to normal" she spoke with a small smile placing back her gloves

"Thanks" he smiled and went over to Augusta
"Thanks" he smiled and went over to Augusta
"you're very welcome," she said with a smile as she watched Alex make his way back over to Augusta. Glad to have been able to help Alex she removed her bow and quiver, setting it next to her before sitting cross-legged on the ground.
"you're very welcome," she said with a smile as she watched Alex make his way back over to Augusta. Glad to have been able to help Alex she removed her bow and quiver, setting it next to her before sitting cross-legged on the ground.
Augusta was sitting down and smacked him on the side, sending a sharp pain through his abdomen briefly before she playfully said, "As good as new! Good thing we got a healing caster with us, no?" At this time, Ant decided to set his railgun to the side and sidled over to where Lok laid Rebecca down. He split his arms into four thinner limbs and started feeling around her neck, observing her injury properly to see if there was anything broken or if he could fix anything on his end. His careful and observant eyes studying any visible issues. But while he did so, he yelled out to Augusta and Alex, "Hey! You said you knew that guy? Mind explaining that a bit more?"

Augusta's smile faded when she heard Ant. She looked around at the group a moment, took a deep breath, then started to reply, "Verdad. He is...was our superior. You may know him already as the Swordsman, the Harbinger's right hand man. Also known as Yamoto. He's been a personal assassin and peacekeeper under the Harbinger's rule. If no one else can stop resistance against him, Yamoto is the last one called in to end you. He's also the only person who directly speaks to the Harbinger. Alex and I have never seen him personally, so Yamoto passes the orders along to us. We've seen him in action, so we never attempted to best him. I don't understand how his power works, he just somehow manipulates the wind to his will. And that sword can somehow negate other forms of magic or magic if it glows like that. There's some wicked power imbued in that blade. I could tell he was going easy on us. No doubt we'll see him again. Lo siento, I should've let you all know earlier, but I had no idea he'd make a move so soon. He's always been the last line of defense. I just hope we're ready next time we have to fight him."
Augusta was sitting down and smacked him on the side, sending a sharp pain through his abdomen briefly before she playfully said, "As good as new! Good thing we got a healing caster with us, no?" At this time, Ant decided to set his railgun to the side and sidled over to where Lok laid Rebecca down. He split his arms into four thinner limbs and started feeling around her neck, observing her injury properly to see if there was anything broken or if he could fix anything on his end. His careful and observant eyes studying any visible issues. But while he did so, he yelled out to Augusta and Alex, "Hey! You said you knew that guy? Mind explaining that a bit more?"

Augusta's smile faded when she heard Ant. She looked around at the group a moment, took a deep breath, then started to reply, "Verdad. He is...was our superior. You may know him already as the Swordsman, the Harbinger's right hand man. Also known as Yamoto. He's been a personal assassin and peacekeeper under the Harbinger's rule. If no one else can stop resistance against him, Yamoto is the last one called in to end you. He's also the only person who directly speaks to the Harbinger. Alex and I have never seen him personally, so Yamoto passes the orders along to us. We've seen him in action, so we never attempted to best him. I don't understand how his power works, he just somehow manipulates the wind to his will. And that sword can somehow negate other forms of magic or magic if it glows like that. There's some wicked power imbued in that blade. I could tell he was going easy on us. No doubt we'll see him again. Lo siento, I should've let you all know earlier, but I had no idea he'd make a move so soon. He's always been the last line of defense. I just hope we're ready next time we have to fight him."
(Do you know what Lo Siento means?)

Rebecca's body was already at work fixing the damage done to her neck, but remained unconscious

Alex on the other hand hissed in pain when Augusta smacked him "hey easy! Its still sore" he griped
(Do you know what Lo Siento means?)

Rebecca's body was already at work fixing the damage done to her neck, but remained unconscious

Alex on the other hand hissed in pain when Augusta smacked him "hey easy! Its still sore" he griped
(Yeah it means “Im sorry” )
(Do you know what Lo Siento means?)

Rebecca's body was already at work fixing the damage done to her neck, but remained unconscious

Alex on the other hand hissed in pain when Augusta smacked him "hey easy! Its still sore" he griped
Augusta was sitting down and smacked him on the side, sending a sharp pain through his abdomen briefly before she playfully said, "As good as new! Good thing we got a healing caster with us, no?" At this time, Ant decided to set his railgun to the side and sidled over to where Lok laid Rebecca down. He split his arms into four thinner limbs and started feeling around her neck, observing her injury properly to see if there was anything broken or if he could fix anything on his end. His careful and observant eyes studying any visible issues. But while he did so, he yelled out to Augusta and Alex, "Hey! You said you knew that guy? Mind explaining that a bit more?"

Augusta's smile faded when she heard Ant. She looked around at the group a moment, took a deep breath, then started to reply, "Verdad. He is...was our superior. You may know him already as the Swordsman, the Harbinger's right hand man. Also known as Yamoto. He's been a personal assassin and peacekeeper under the Harbinger's rule. If no one else can stop resistance against him, Yamoto is the last one called in to end you. He's also the only person who directly speaks to the Harbinger. Alex and I have never seen him personally, so Yamoto passes the orders along to us. We've seen him in action, so we never attempted to best him. I don't understand how his power works, he just somehow manipulates the wind to his will. And that sword can somehow negate other forms of magic or magic if it glows like that. There's some wicked power imbued in that blade. I could tell he was going easy on us. No doubt we'll see him again. Lo siento, I should've let you all know earlier, but I had no idea he'd make a move so soon. He's always been the last line of defense. I just hope we're ready next time we have to fight him."
(Hot damn I didn't get emails about all the post I missed lol)

"It would have been so great to know about the right hand man of our enemy sooner, instead we find out by him literally beating the hell out of us. Master ain't raised no bitch but if I knew about his powers I would have called for a tactical retreat, at least then I would have kept some of my pride" Naarga sat on the tree as Nala shook her head "Stop being so dramatic, we're alive and now we have more information and will be better prepared. Now what's our next move?"
Evalyn looked at her team mates as they all sat in their own corners. She understood how they must all feel after what had happened. She was still confused what had happened to them not that long ago, it all just happened to fast. She was clueless to what they could do to defet the swords men.

She shook her head as she made her way over towards were Ant examen Rebecca and keeled down next to the women. "Is she recovering well?.." she asked the metal, keeping her stare towards Rebecca
(Hot damn I didn't get emails about all the post I missed lol)

"It would have been so great to know about the right hand man of our enemy sooner, instead we find out by him literally beating the hell out of us. Master ain't raised no bitch but if I knew about his powers I would have called for a tactical retreat, at least then I would have kept some of my pride" Naarga sat on the tree as Nala shook her head "Stop being so dramatic, we're alive and now we have more information and will be better prepared. Now what's our next move?"
( did you want to double check if you have notifications on? i know they sometimes need to be manually turned on for individual threads )
Augusta lowered her head at hearing Nala's words. She couldn't help but feel guilty that she put her comrades at risk. But she could look back up, trying to look more confident and reply, "We have to keep moving. No matter what comes our way, we can't stop now. The Swordsman said his master would grant us mercy, but the Harbinger does not offer mercy to traitors. Trust me. Alex and I would have known. We'll just need to be ready to face him again. Whenever he decides that will be. Once Rebecca is on her feet again, we shouldn't waste anytime moving into the Heap."

Evalyn looked at her team mates as they all sat in their own corners. She understood how they must all feel after what had happened. She was still confused what had happened to them not that long ago, it all just happened to fast. She was clueless to what they could do to defet the swords men.

She shook her head as she made her way over towards were Ant examen Rebecca and keeled down next to the women. "Is she recovering well?.." she asked the metal, keeping her stare towards Rebecca
Ant didn't look up as he attempted to make a small incision with his finger scalpel against Rebecca's shoulder, only finding it would not puncture the skin, but he replied studiously, "She's recovering by herself it seems. Her cells are unlike anything I've ever seen: repairing itself at an incredibly higher rate than any human can. All the body mass she absorbs makes sense as her metabolism to keep up this kind of reproduction. I'd take a sample to study by myself, but her skin doesn't seem to be budge that easily." He paused and looked up at Evelyn, giving her a bored look from his metal face and blue-ringed eyes. He continued harshly, "You probably don't understand any of this do you? In other words, she'll be fine." Lok was sitting next to them, curious at how she could sustain such a severe blow, but he did not understand anything he was saying. He could only deduce that some humans could be very strong. He huffed, and stared into the sky, trying to listen to birds, seeing how little wildlife he could find.
( did you want to double check if you have notifications on? i know they sometimes need to be manually turned on for individual threads )
Augusta lowered her head at hearing Nala's words. She couldn't help but feel guilty that she put her comrades at risk. But she could look back up, trying to look more confident and reply, "We have to keep moving. No matter what comes our way, we can't stop now. The Swordsman said his master would grant us mercy, but the Harbinger does not offer mercy to traitors. Trust me. Alex and I would have known. We'll just need to be ready to face him again. Whenever he decides that will be. Once Rebecca is on her feet again, we shouldn't waste anytime moving into the Heap."

Ant didn't look up as he attempted to make a small incision with his finger scalpel against Rebecca's shoulder, only finding it would not puncture the skin, but he replied studiously, "She's recovering by herself it seems. Her cells are unlike anything I've ever seen: repairing itself at an incredibly higher rate than any human can. All the body mass she absorbs makes sense as her metabolism to keep up this kind of reproduction. I'd take a sample to study by myself, but her skin doesn't seem to be budge that easily." He paused and looked up at Evelyn, giving her a bored look from his metal face and blue-ringed eyes. He continued harshly, "You probably don't understand any of this do you? In other words, she'll be fine." Lok was sitting next to them, curious at how she could sustain such a severe blow, but he did not understand anything he was saying. He could only deduce that some humans could be very strong. He huffed, and stared into the sky, trying to listen to birds, seeing how little wildlife he could find.

Once her body finished repairing the damage to her neck she gasped awake then sat up and stretched her neck "you know I could hear you Ant, and no, my skin does not give that easily" she added
Once her body finished repairing the damage to her neck she gasped awake then sat up and stretched her neck "you know I could hear you Ant, and no, my skin does not give that easily" she added
Ant backed off but replied unintimidated, "You say that like I care. But you're awake now, so let's get moving. Spent enough time waiting on your ass." Augusta got up and concurred, "Yes, let's get moving. The longer we wait, the more time the Harbinger's forces have to prepare for us. Vamanos!" As soon as everyone got ready to move again, Augusta led the group towards the looming pile of forgotten scrap. As they approached it, they found there wasn't a clear entrance as they came face to face with the edge of the Heap. They were only met with a 30 foot wall of compacted metal. The top of the wall seemed to be a ledge for the actual ground one could walk on, though it would just be on top of piled up metal.

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