• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern - REGENESIS - (A John Wick/HANNA spin-off)


living paradox
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Welcome to Project:
In the year 2000, an underground society known as, "The Coroane" had sought out the best of their assassins/hitmen. For an exchange of a moderately-sized sample of their DNA, The Coroane would give them a chest-full of the society's currency—that being gold coins with Latin and Romanian engravings. Those who donated their DNA were rewarded as promised; and for the ones who turned down the offer, well, they missed out on the reward of a lifetime. Now with the DNA of, practically, the world's best assassins, The Coroane moved forward with their plan. The ultimate goal was to produce the offspring of these master assassins, with the added benefit of physiological/psychological modifications. To continue their plan, The Coroane needed women, in order to completely produce the desired offspring. And that's where our story begins.

To recruit women into this operation, The Coroane hired nearly a dozen men and women to scour and find the most desperate, and then proceed to present them with the offer of relieving their troubles in exchange for their service of delivering the newborns. Most of the women that the Recruiters had come across agreed without an ounce of thought. For the few women who had refused, well, they were much luckier than those who had agreed. As it would turn out, the women would give birth, but only minutes after were they exterminated by either the delivery doctors or the ones who had recruited them into this operation. Fortunate for one mother, however, she was spared from the taking of her life. Her savior? Her recruiter. He snuck the new-mother out of the facility in which everything took place, but it didn't go unnoticed. The Coronane, despite not knowing who helped the sole survivor escape, put a bounty on the mother, out of fear that she would leak the organization's activities to the press—which would cause a large disturbance within the organization. Three years pass and the next generation of babies is born, this time, unlike the last, no mother was able to survive.

Out of the guilt that plagued the Recruiter for the past three years, the Recruiter decided to capture and take as many children as possible. Once his actions were discovered, they escaped with the seized babies, only to meet up with a few former friends that had worked with him in the past on a variety of missions—both in the Army and in their mercenary work. In the following years to come, the Recruiter and his old allies trained the seized children, educating them and teaching different martial arts styles. For the babies that had not been taken, EuGenics—the company that was hired by the Nine to oversee the workings and in-depth science of the enhanced children—trained the children in forms of combat and education just as the Recruiter was doing. The children were being raised to wage war on each other, and the storm is fast-approaching. What leaves everyone worried is: Who. Will. Survive?
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Welcome to Project:
You know. Da' rules to follow by, and uphold:
  1. No Insta-Killing of characters. Where's the fun in that?
  2. No OP characters. Everyone has their faults, so let's express them, eh?
  3. Be reasonable with the way your character(s) acts and interacts.
  4. No Infinite ammo. If you run out, you run out. Unless you scavenge bodies . . .
  5. I don't care for romance or mushy-mushy schmooze, but don't make it your No. 1. For crying out loud we're the biologically enhanced children of master assassins, I think we can do better things than concentrate on getting extra, extra close to someone
  6. For the most part, I'll try to influence some events or actions, but I'd like for this to be as open-world as possible.....although I should mention that I'll be controlling where people are placed (and I promise to be fair with it)
  7. Please follow the rules. No one likes a party pooper.
  8. Yes, you may play as a CIA agent or even a Coroane assassin
  9. Keep the drama to a minimum. We're all good people. Besides, there's enough trouble goin' around, no need to stoke the fire
  10. Respect the community.
  11. (sorta not of a rule, but oh well) I'm looking for a Co-GM, so PM if you want to snatch the position.
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Welcome to Project:
A little bit of Lore for 'ya:
  • The Coroane is an underground, secret organization/society that is completely comprised of the best mercenaries, hitmen, assassins, master thieves, and all alike. They operate on a strict set of rules, rules placed by their leading heads, also known as "The Nine". Operating on a gold currency, the average price of each gold coin is roughly $1,400 USD, but could increase should the owner have a high reputation. In addition, the gold coin represents a symbol of loyalty between the carrier and the society and all of their assets.
  • "The Nine" is a council that runs and oversees The Coronae society. It's referenced as The Nine because all nine Heads of the most powerful mob families in the world sit on this council, and make it up entirely. They set the rules, dictate the orders and operations of the entire society, and try to maintain the security and well-function of the society.
  • EuGenics is a multi-billion dollar company that had been hired by The Coroane to oversee the operation of Project Regenesis. The facility at which the children were born and trained is located in Romania. The crazy gossip around said-facility is that The Nine are thinking about initiating the production of a Third Generation
  • The Coroane had gotten to developing two generations of enhanced children.
    • The First Generation has a strengthened physiology, beyond the Second Generation. However, most First Generation babies have different aspects to their enhanced physiology. For example, one G1 baby may have strengthened muscle fibers, allowing them to lift heavier weights; and another G1 baby may have a denser tissue structure, allowing them to be more durable against blunt trauma and small cuts or so. (Should you need help with ideas, let me know).
    • The Second Generation is augmented on a more psychological side. The G2 babies, while still being physiologically better than your standard person, are below their G1 counterparts on the physical plain. Instead, their minds are better. So, for example, a G2 baby could have a faster brain process; and another G2 baby could have a sixth sense (same thing applies here. If you need help with thinking of a special aspect for your character, just let me know).
  • When the children had become proficient in their training, and are at least sixteen, they're eligible to own and customize their own sidearm. It's a tradition within the Coroane society and is seen as a rite of passage
  • The CIA—just recently—discovered the society's strange activities. This off-the-records CIA branch wants to avoid the mainstream agency, and seek to capture and employ the children for their own agenda.

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Welcome to Project:
current taken and open spots will be posted here. [this doesn't represent all of the open spots. I just listed some spots]
Noah | G2 | #121 | The Recruiter | snakeg0dd snakeg0dd | completed
Daniel | G1 | #089 | The Coroane | snakeg0dd snakeg0dd | 40%
Pete | G1 | #046 | The Recruiter | Grim Wraithe Stjerna Grim Wraithe Stjerna | completed
Lex | G1 | #107 | The Coroane | Caffeine Freak Caffeine Freak | completed
name | role | faceclaim | uername | sheet status
name | role | faceclaim | uername | sheet status
name | role | faceclaim | uername | sheet status
name | role | faceclaim | uername | sheet status
name | role | faceclaim | uername | sheet status
name | role | faceclaim | uername | sheet status
Stella | G2 | #106 | The Recruiter | copacetic copacetic | completed
Joselia | G2 | #269 | The Recruiter| Hunhown Hunhown | completed
Jia | G1 | #009 | The Recruiter | Epiphany Epiphany | completed
Wilhelmina | G2 | #207 | The Coroane | sophie. sophie. | completed
name | role | faceclaim | uername | sheet status
name | role | faceclaim | uername | sheet status
name | role | faceclaim | uername | sheet status
name | role | faceclaim | uername | sheet status
name | role | faceclaim | uername | sheet status
name | role | faceclaim | uername | sheet status
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Welcome to Project:
Fandom Interest Check: {f} Interest Check
Modern/Realistic Interest Check: {m/r} Interest Check
Character Sheets: The Character Sheets for this crazy ride
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