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Realistic or Modern [ redux ]

my fucking fish died. My freaking awesome betta fish with the killer personality and the wicked battle scar died. He's been sick for a little while but I had medication running through the tank and I guess he didn't take to it. Ugh.

Well, time for anew fellow. I caved and bought a new one because i hate an empty tank. Got a gorgeous halfmoon tail betta. still thinking of a name but i tweeted josh dun, asking for him to name my fish. i swear, if he replies, i will cry and print that tweet out and tape it to the tank and that will be the fish's name.
[QUOTE="local dreamer]my fucking fish died. My freaking awesome betta fish with the killer personality and the wicked battle scar died. He's been sick for a little while but I had medication running through the tank and I guess he didn't take to it. Ugh.
Well, time for anew fellow. I caved and bought a new one because i hate an empty tank. Got a gorgeous halfmoon tail betta. still thinking of a name but i tweeted josh dun, asking for him to name my fish. i swear, if he replies, i will cry and print that tweet out and tape it to the tank and that will be the fish's name.


i'm sorry for your lost my sweet Dre. I'm sure he loves you a lot and loved that you took care of him until the end<3.

Hmmm. Luna, maybe?
I'm going to be distraught if my fish dies. I'm so sorry Dre, losing fish is hard. I send my sincerest hugs and kisses and a box of chocolates. *MWAH*
Mm, thanks for the name suggestions. If Mr. Dun doesn't respond, then I'll probably just name him something like Anathema or like an ocean deity or something. idk.

gonna work on a post even though i've got nothing. hmm.
[QUOTE="local dreamer]oh god my post is so pitiful i'm so sorry

I couldn't resist writing Chelsia like that. It was way too cute and I let

My characters guide me when I write :)

AWWWW! I KNOW THEY NEEDA CHILLLL. (They tugged on my heartstrings)

Hahaha, aw Mason! (Don't be antisocial!)
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[QUOTE="Quiet Is Violent]Im going to have to force sticky not to explode.

I'm going to force Ziggy to make him explode ☺️
Oh no Mason has been pushed out of the ship. Nooooo. ;n; chelsia was so perf for him xD

Oh well

He will go bug emelia since she isn't doing too much.

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