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Realistic or Modern [ redux ]

BRO. I mean there is still opportunity but everyone is shipping her with Alex xD

Yeah. I mean. I guess we open that spot back up. And we give @Peachypants another few days to post before their spot is opened back up since it has been a while. I know life gets busy and all.
local dreamer]BRO. I mean there is still opportunity but everyone is shipping her with Alex xD Yeah. I mean. I guess we open that spot back up. And we give [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/6235-peachypants/ said:
@Peachypants[/URL] another few days to post before their spot is opened back up since it has been a while. I know life gets busy and all.
Okie dokie! We can deff open Limbs spot if she/he has been gone for that long&& we can wait for Peachy :)
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.jpg.e8b46511f60c324a9e850f0d8f6de6bb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="89154" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.jpg.e8b46511f60c324a9e850f0d8f6de6bb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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[QUOTE="Quiet Is Violent]Sorry, homework and hi human sister! Not much, just moosing around my homework and not doing it and I'm the worst hehe moose kiss!

Awww! Moosing around? Hi dear .

&& hi red!

I wanna see the drawings
[QUOTE="Quiet Is Violent]Hey guys, supperfubb isn't going to be on for a bit.

That's fine <3 come back soonn
Shit sorry guys! Life caught up with me and I've had my hands full lately, but I'll try to have a post up as soon as I can!
Peachypants said:
Shit sorry guys! Life caught up with me and I've had my hands full lately, but I'll try to have a post up as soon as I can!
I totes understand

[QUOTE="Quiet Is Violent]Well, last night was painful. Good morning, family. How are you doing?

tired. Hope you're qwll
Visited my papa. He was being sassy for the nurses. Shame on him. Lucky my mom works in the same hospital. She can come yell at him on her breaks.
[QUOTE="local dreamer]Visited my papa. He was being sassy for the nurses. Shame on him. Lucky my mom works in the same hospital. She can come yell at him on her breaks.

[QUOTE="local dreamer]*grandpa. Sorry. I forget some people call their dad "papa" xD

oh no. it's okay.

@_@ im just losing it <3. SORRY.

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