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Realistic or Modern [ redux ]


I'm at work for a couple more hours and expected to work on my old room for a little longer after work but we shall see if I can't sucker my way out because my contact is bothering me horribly. Old contacts. DX
oh. I'm sorry. Have an internet hug

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/upload_2015-11-2_14-38-0.png.c92f8b5276a39c5d04be7fa628944469.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="83328" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/upload_2015-11-2_14-38-0.png.c92f8b5276a39c5d04be7fa628944469.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • upload_2015-11-2_14-38-0.png
    71.5 KB · Views: 372
I'm not sure at the moment. Ack. I have issues navigating on mobile.

Gonna try to head home. Removed my right contact so now I'm partially blind and about to head thru rush hour traffic. God save us all xD


i may be wrong

I just realized that my avvie kinda looks like Daine. hmm interesting
DURRR. Um. Hang on, lemme go check.

Well, for sure the drummer from passing decade was taken by ducky girl. so that's out, sorry, red!

Red had said either lead singer of co-lapse or drummer of passing decade but that was the first spot claimed aside from my own spot.
Side note: Watching horror games while working on your homework is a bad idea
So is there a specific CS, or do we just make it ourselves?
Just make it yourself but be descriptive-ish. I'll be sure to update that post thing. Srry, distracted.

Gonna go make dinner real quick and I'm gonna go to a Yoga class for 8:30, which is in an hour and a half. Um. Anyway, yeah. Parents gave me the day off from cleaning, mercifully.
Yogi? Didn't realize that was the term. XP Just started going recently. I do a revitalizing class, where we just hold the poses for 3-5 minutes. It's absolutely wonderful, although sometimes I feel sore the next day because I'm not used to it yet. Augh, nooooo. I'm gonna have to borrow a mat. DX eugh

mine is in my stepmom's car and she's at work. Welp, hopefully I can nab one that hasn't been used during the prior class. That one's a hot class and the last time I used their mats, the one I grabbed was wet with sweat >.<
Oh hot yoga, i always die in those sessions. Thats great! Treat yoself ^^
damn, i'm so lazy, i legit just took my forms from another site and changed the font size and moved like three things and boom, my forms are done cx

chow time
Oh shoot. I should come up with a tour schedule. Duh. When j get home I'll do that.

Just got outta yoga. My fave instructor subbed tonight. <333
Fairly well. At work once more but possibly gonna be out early. But will be at my mother's once again to work in my room.

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