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Realistic or Modern [ redux ]

Hi there lovelies! Good luck dearest! And the day is going eh.. I'm forgetting everything
Originally, I thought a rock band... but then after seeing some of the characters, I started having second thoughts...
Well, the way someone looks doesn't exactly determine the type of music they like/play, but it is a fair question
Mock soldier is absolutely rock alternative with slight pop influence. Passing decade is a bit more pop influenced. Co-lapse had a bit indie hint to it.

Welcome to the club, friend
Are you still taking characters? Seeing that the ever-lovely Sarah is playing a lesbian, I thought maybe I could make a lesbian member of another band and start some draaammaaaaa >.<
As far as I know? Do you have to set it to active?? I'm new to this site. Sorry. But like I made the first post days ago.

And I'm not sure which spot is open. On mobile. Someone help!
[QUOTE="local dreamer]As far as I know? Do you have to set it to active?? I'm new to this site. Sorry. But like I made the first post days ago.
And I'm not sure which spot is open. On mobile. Someone help!

You don't have to! Some of us just don't know if we can start posting on the thread! :) like if the character is accepted and when they can post, if you give the acceptance and an okay, then that means they can post and RP.
Okay, which band should I make my publicist for?
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Basically, I'd count forms that are done or at least have the basics done to be accepted. They can be prettied up later on. I'd love to see someone's post up tonight so we can really actually get rolling.

As for publicist, I'm afraid I'm not exactly sure what you mean by that? @TheWeirdPhilosopher

Also, Eleanor Cormack is the hair, makeup, and clothing stylist for all three bands.

Also, Eleanor Cormack is the hair, makeup, and clothing stylist for all three bands.
A publicist is the person who gets the bands name out on social media and stuff, sets up like arranged couples between celebrities, and plans places for the bands to make appearances and whatnot.

Basically, they're the ones who are meant to keep the media interested in the group.
Ideally, I would love to see posts that are at least a chunky paragraph or two long, but longer are welcome. Really, so long as I'm not getting two sentence posts, I'm happy. While I understand that we do get writers' block, I intend for this to be just under the detailed mark. Originally, I was going to have it detailed but figured that might be a bit too difficult to start out on.

Mm, okay, I thought that was the band manager's job tbh ^^"

we also need a tour manager, someone that's literally just in charge of ensuring that everything is going on schedule and that things don't go to hell
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