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Realistic or Modern [ redux ]

[QUOTE="local dreamer]They left him at the Waffle House in South Carolina xD

"Not again. This happens every tour!"

Meanwhile Mason gets to add yet another story to tell at interviews of being left behind on tour.
[QUOTE="local dreamer]"Not again. This happens every tour!"
Meanwhile Mason gets to add yet another story to tell at interviews of being left behind on tour.

YO long time no see

someone post or something

i'm so bored, no one on any of my RPs at any of the sites on on has posted in days and i am dying, kthxbai
I didn't get aany notifications and I've been cleaning all week xD

I wasn't posting for Emelia because I was waiting for Chelsia's post, but now that I know crucial's busy, I might post.
i couldve sworn i was gunna be able to ginish, but i didnt, so ill have it up tomorrow lvoes
Good morning beautiful people
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[QUOTE="Quiet Is Violent]Good morning mommy!! I made nutella pancakes!

That sounds amazing! I'm so tired
[QUOTE="Quiet Is Violent]I pulled a muscle stage fighting last week and I have to fight again tonight... wish me luck?

Uhhhh fighting?

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