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Fandom Red Vs Blu: The Very Retarded Battle. (TF2 Roleplay.)

Class: Soilder

Name: Private Pothead (or joey)

Gender: Male.

Favoured Weapon: Shotgun.

Skill Level: This american boot just kicked your ass.

Team Color (Maggot it is spelled color!): Red (no wait......thats blood....)

(will add an image when my computer get back up ( -_- "))

Stainless pot

Kringle collection

Under his pot is a battle bob (quite majestic looking i might add)

Skills: the only i can really note for him is he actually is pretty clever... Some how......

Oh yeah he has a strange rocket launcher and stuff.
Name: Archie

Class: Sniper

Team: Red

Skill level: Piss(On a scale of 1-10, he's about an 8)

Favored weps: The Huntsman, Strange Festive Jarate, Tribalmen's shiv

Other: Wears a chronomancer, a team colored Proffesional's Ushanka, and a Triad's Trinket. Based off of my sniper class and skill.
TheOnlyCatbug said:
Name: Archie
Class: Sniper

Team: Red

Skill level: Piss(On a scale of 1-10, he's about an 8)

Favored weps: The Huntsman, Strange Festive Jarate, Tribalmen's shiv

Other: Wears a chronomancer, a team colored Proffesional's Ushanka, and a Triad's Trinket. Based off of my sniper class and skill.
Here is some news you might want to hear.you have been accepted. congrats!

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