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Fandom Red Vs Blu: The Very Retarded Battle. (TF2 Roleplay.)

Class: Sniper

Name: Lee Harrison

Gender: Male

Favoured Weapon: Sydney Sleeper

Skill Level: Is completely capable of headshotting, but usually chooses not to (read: can't).

Team Colour: BLU

Hates: SPIES.

I'm geniunely wondering if you know nothing about TF2 or are trolling. Please, brush up on it before blindly jumping into a roleplay.
"TASTE MY GRAFITY HAMMER! IT IS VERY AFFECTIVE!" Said the ninja named ChooChoo as she ran around defying the laws of grafity.
Class: Pyro

Name: Lt. Pyrecter

Gender: Male

Favoured Weapon: Strange Festive Backburner, Strange Detonator, Strange Powerjack, Axetinguisher(Duel Wields)

Skill Level: 1st lieutenant of the Pyro Division of the oWn

Team Colour: o.W.n. Black




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(He look like a normal spy, but instead of a mask he uses a red bandana and a fedora.)

Class: Spy

Name: Alex (No last name)

Gender: Male

Favoured Weapon: His good 'ol knife

Skill Level: Classy Spy

Team Colour: Red
Class: Sentry Gun (level 1)

Name: .....*beep*

Gender: aluminum and wires

Favoured Weapon: Single-barrel heavy-caliber machine gun.

Skill Level: Autotargeting bastard. Somehow figured out how to move on its tripod.

Team Colour: RED

Other Notes: Apparently respawns instead of being constructed.


does this make me retarded?
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[QUOTE="Kalashnikova Squid]Class: Sentry Gun (level 1)
Name: .....*beep*

Gender: aluminum and wires

Favoured Weapon: Single-barrel heavy-caliber machine gun.

Skill Level: Autotargeting bastard. Somehow figured out how to move on its tripod.

Team Colour: RED

Other Notes: Apparently respawns instead of being constructed.


does this make me retarded?

Yes. It does make you retarded.

But hey, this IS The Very Retarded Battle! *impossibly fabulous salesman wink*

Sentrypai is ready for attack and other crap. Now, someone else make a sentry character and they can be a sentry couple fighting for sentry rights.
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Dawn2Dusk said:
Yes. It does make you retarded.
But hey, this IS The Very Retarded Battle! *impossibly fabulous salesman wink*

Sentrypai is ready for attack and other crap. Now, someone else make a sentry character and they can be a sentry couple fighting for sentry rights.
if I knew we could rp as building would have done that and is my own character accepted?
Class: Engineer

Name: Lt. Ethan North

Gender: Male

Favoured Weapon: Festive Jag, Strange Gunslinger(under glove), Frontier justice, Lugamorph, PipBoy PDA

Skill Level: Quick Witted and quicker trigger one of the best Engies in the game

Team Colour: o.W.n. Black


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Class: Soldier


Sgt. Anthony Christian

Gender: Male

Favoured Weapon: Beggars Bazooka, Half-Zatoichi(duel wields), the Concherer

Skill Level: Great at rocket jumping greater at killing

Team Colour: o.W.n. Black


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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Sniper.jpg.6d96c771cda7b0faf4df9f0cb0c48749.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="102238" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Sniper.jpg.6d96c771cda7b0faf4df9f0cb0c48749.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Class: The best bloody marksman in all the outback, mate.

Name: Conn Dempt (Pronounced: Condemned.

Gender: Raised a boy, die a man.

Favoured Weapon: A good old 7.62 to the head.

Skill Level: Marksman.

Team Color: Red. Like blood.



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Class: dispenser

Name: *clunk*

Gender: blue lead paint

Favoured Weapon: the terrifying psychological weapon: fear

Skill Level: wants to be a sentry, but is incapable of affecting the opposing team

Team Colour: BLU
Class: Medic

Name: Ubel Wolfgang, prefers to be called Uber or Ubermensch, or, you know, his real name.

Gender: Male

Favorite Weps: Syringe gun or Blutsuager,

(Hint, click the name.), and the Bonesaw or Ubersaw
Skill Level: Licensed Doktor

Team Color: Blu

Appearance: Usually wears a fedora, Plague Doctor mask, or a normal doctor's face mask. However, when he does not wear this, he looks much like the normal medic. Just a bit more crazy.

Personality: A bit like the medic in the video, a bit crazy, kinda uncomfortable to be around, ready and willing to do what he has to do to accomplish his goals, and he also employs a sense of humor, however he can be as serious as a mad doctor possibly can. He walks around with a twitch sometimes, usually because he's ticked or happy. A mad doctor he may be, he is a smarter one of the mercs, especially when it comes to human anatomy, and, he even taught a class in the field, before he was fired for dissecting a student, and decided to become a merc so he could be payed to do just that. He also has a violin that he carries around somewhere in his outfit that he uses to taunt at the enemy, and knows many songs on the instrument.
Denied because my eyes are bleeding because of the video. I expect you to pay the medical fees.

(Just kidding, you're accepted.)
Class: Engineer

Name: Dean Harper

Gender: Male

Loadout: Pomson 6000, Short Circuit, Gunslinger

Skill Level: Average

Team Colour: BLU

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/Screenshot_2016-02-27-22-44-24.png.73ec30ac44d47b0fdbe31aba7967ed59.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109700" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/Screenshot_2016-02-27-22-44-24.png.73ec30ac44d47b0fdbe31aba7967ed59.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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DaManofWar said:


Favoured Weapon:Mini-Gun

Skill Level:Moderate

Team Colour: Red

Garbacca said:
Class: Engineer
Name: Dean Harper

Gender: Male

Loadout: Pomson 6000, Short Circuit, Gunslinger

Skill Level: Average

Team Colour: BLU

Cosmetics: The Chill Chullo, the Winter Backup, the Builder's Blueprints, the Tools of the Trade, and the Roboot.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.96d9d1013e2f71c5f7d3ae5796ce122d.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107874" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.96d9d1013e2f71c5f7d3ae5796ce122d.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Class:Mobile turret/The rage machine.


Gender:I don't know let me check,(looks under it)Apples.

Favoured Weapon:The two turret guns and the rockets hidden behind it,and it's trackers it uses to camp(spys consider its trackers rage inducing)

Skill Level:Let me check is too.(Throws a random blue in front of it and it shoots a rocket at them making them explode then giggling after it killed the blue.)Enough for nightmare fuel.

Team Colour:Red.(Red is painted behind it and a red skull on the front of it)

Some extra info:It has an AI running it,the AI's voice is one of a little girl.



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