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Fandom Red Vs Blu: The Very Retarded Battle. (TF2 Roleplay.)

Ikr m8 also because pyromania and charred shiz and because I'm too narssisistic to admit that I'm uncreative and I just want to curl up and watch Doctor Who instead of thinking of character names.

SUPER SECRET PLOT TWIST: Charlotte is a pyro when she grows up and isn't dead! Just in case she dies in Everlasting, this particular line is not canon. Probably.

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Class: Demolitionist

Name: Tonto

Gender: Male

Favoured Weapon: Anything explosive ^-^

Skill Level: YOU SHALL SEE!!!

Team Colour: Red (Because of the hair of course)
[QUOTE="Sinister Clown]

Class: Demolitionist

Name: Tonto

Gender: Male

Favoured Weapon: Anything explosive ^-^

Skill Level: YOU SHALL SEE!!!

Team Colour: Red (Because of the hair of course)

You shall be dominated by the Bonkmeister! Blu team will take advantage of your lack of soldiers and destroy you, or maybe die a horrible, fiery, drug-induced, bullet-through-the-head. Whichever comes first.
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Name: only the administrator and miss pauling know, he prefers people to call him shadow

Age: unknown, probably around 20 years old

Weapons: pistol, poisoned blade, strange looking sappers (in non pistol hand), dead ringer and cigarette case

Looks<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/2015-11-02-21-27-57-1170019397.jpeg.53b93a6b219863c97fcf85c915533b95.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="83348" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/2015-11-02-21-27-57-1170019397.jpeg.53b93a6b219863c97fcf85c915533b95.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>(idc it's the watchdog's main character pic)

Class: spy

Gender: male

Skill level: badass hacking ghost

Team: red

(Can I replace grace with this oc? I'll keep using grace till you say)



  • 2015-11-02-21-27-57-1170019397.jpeg
    5.8 KB · Views: 54
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Class: Pyro

Name: Nathaniel C. Vincent "Reaper"

Past-Name: Captain Reaper

Gender: Male

Favoured Weapon: Hales own Turbine Torcher, Strange Detonator, Powerjack

Skill Level: UGC Approved, Elite Pyromaniac and Mastered Pyro Nuff Said...

Team Colour: Viva La Red Team




Past: 3rd to the Right

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Accepted. I don't think Charlotte will be very happy with you "Stealing" her magical unicorn hammer. Just saying.

Class: Soldier reporting for... you know.

Name: Finnly

Gender: Last time I checked, it was male.

Favored Weapon: THE BEGGARS BAZOOKA! I call mine Consumer of Ammo.

Skill Level: I have fought in many battles, a.k.a. about 2. I lost 4 teammates in total and killed a lazy spy and two medics.

Team Color: Builder League United, or as everyone referrers to, BLU.

Other: I got this suit from a decapitated ally and also use a pick axe.
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Class: Worlds best soldier, at your service!

Name: Jack Holverson.

Gender: Umm...If it isn't obvious already, I'm a guy.

Favoured Weapon: I'm the unstoppable master of the Air Strike.

Skill Level: THE BEST MOTHERF***ING SOLDIER EVER!!! Does that answer your question?

Team Colour: Red! The best color!

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