Experiences Reading Other Writers' Roleplays


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I don't know if this has been asked before, so forgive me if it has.

I imagine with forum style roleplay, we're generally focused on our own stories and creations, but have you ever come across someone else's roleplay and you couldn't get enough of it?

Like, you're officially their number one fan. You get as excited about new posts as the writers, and you find yourself hanging on every word. And then when the inevitable comes and the rp dies, it breaks your heart. 😭😭

In a world where we can create our own happy endings, do you feel tempted to recreate that story on your own? Or do you simply pine away and wonder about what could have happened if it continued?

I don't know, maybe it's silly, but in a forum that has thousands of members, I find myself wondering if anyone's ever come across one of mine and ended up as invested in the story as I was.

Edit: typo
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Personally, there’s rarely been a time when I’ve read another person’s roleplay. When I did I was usually evaluating a potential partner. I just have a bit too much curiosity for my own good, which is a big reason why I always have something to do, which in turn means that I end up not doing things like reading other people’s roleplays.

That being said, I absolutely share the sentiment (and perhaps hope) that people came across my roleplays and enjoyed them. One of the reasons I roleplay in threads is because one of my main goals in RP is precisely to share my ideas and what I come up with, and so it really makes me happy when I learn that someone enjoyed something I made.
I used to read other roleplays when I was new to this and wanted to understand how all that worked, but I don't think I was attached to any of them. Sometimes I might read roleplays of a potential rp partner if they have them in threads, just to see if we match in style. But that's about it.

And I wouldn't ever consider thinking of different endings or developments of someone else's roleplay. I don't perceive them the same ways as published books, they're something more personal, and I don't think I have the right to touch that 'personal' story with my own ideas if I'm not a part of it.
I can imagine how frustrating that would be, if you’re really invested in a story (in any format) that suddenly stops abruptly or never reaches a conclusion. 😖
I read through threads but rarely do I stalk them long term. But there is a thread between 2 people atm that I read every time they post. It’s so good!🥹 And I hope I get to see its conclusion. 😫😩 Would I recreate it? No, typically threads I follow are writing something I wouldn’t do myself.

Edit: And as soon as I posted this a notification pinged for a new post. 😂 YAAAASSSS!!!!
Yeah I've never read any RP I've not been involved in myself, however I am very confident IF I were to look and find one that hooks me; yeah I'd be... Well, hooked
I am guilty of reading people's fandom RPs as makeshift fanfiction when I was like 14 or something, since fanfiction writers poof without finishing a lot of the time RPs I've read not finishing never bothered me

Also my tiny ass RP somehow has 8k views which seems weirdly high for something with only 100-ish posts, idk if that is actually indicative of people outside of the players reading it but I hope whoever did read it liked it.
I have a friend who used to occasionally link her 1x1s to me, or sometimes I'd look them up to enjoy her and her partner's writing. It usually wasn't a committed interest, just flights of fancy and a way to bond or make her feel good. Although I will say, in one, it was fun to see how well and believable her partner was in playing a lawyer where my friend's character was accused of her husband's--the mayor's--murder. If I remember right, she left it in her partner's hands as to whether it really was her who committed the crime, which I think is a pretty cool idea. I was a bit sad that the guy got busy and the story died.

It is delightfully surprising when lurkers reveal themselves. I enjoyed it when two commented on my character once, and it almost would have resulted in a 1x1 if I had had the time. If someone ever wants to make someone's day or make connections, it can be a nice way to do it.
I like to read some as well and not get involved. It’s like reading a book, ya know?
Very seldom, and I never find myself wishing to recreate what I read to validate my own subjective wants or wishes: that is simply not how it was meant to be.

I do, however, read and experience peoples' growths through sporradic observation of the Writing-section.

It makes me feel both old and young, every so often. Not that I am, age-wise, very old. But I do feel it, more often than not.

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