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Fandom Rapture: Rebirth Characters

Leman Russ
  • "I murdered thousands for the Emperor and he gave me nothing except his damning silence. Now his lapdogs yap for every life I take, while the gods promise me the galaxy! "

    Name: Daemon Prince Leman Russ

    Universe From: Warhammer 40k(Dornian Heresy)

    Other Names: The Brass Wolf,Kunnin Wulf Git,Former Brother,traitor,sum,etc

    Gender: Male

    Race: Daemon Prince

    Affiliation: Khorne

    Home Base
    : None at the moment


    Known for his fierce and sometimes barbaric personality, Leman Russ considered himself the Emperor of Mankind's most loyal son and executioner. He viewed his role as unquestionably carrying out the punishments requited by the Master of Mankind. Among the forces of Chaos he was known as "the Brawler." He has become but a twisted version of himself. A True Beast with an unrelenting and maddening rage. Despite this,Leman retained a certain...cunning and patience,Able to plan and manipulate events to come to one conclusion: Slaughter.

    History: Leman Russ' early experiences on Fenris left him with an abiding hatred and suspicion of sorcery, a feeling that was reinforced by what he saw during the Great Crusade. Concerned that the Thousand Son's magicks would lead them to corrupt even the Emperor, the Space Wolves attacked them to avert a worse fate. When Magnus' counter-attack brought them to the brink of destruction, Russ called out to his father for aid, but his pleas were instead answered by Khorne, the Blood God, the bane of all enchantments. The Space Wolves prevailed by giving themselves over to the beast within, revelling in bloodletting and bestial fury. Now, as Khorne's chosen legion, they have turned on the Emperor, who they see as the Arch-Sorcerer. They now slaughter all in their path, taking skulls and trophies from their fallen opponents for the glory of the Blood God.
    Powers/Abilities: -Khornate Fury: Basically,leman goes full berserk and abandons all tactics,skill,and sense. And will kill Anything near him,even his own allies. All in exchange for Triple the power,like cutting Titans into tiny tiny tiny pieces.
    -Call Of The Hunt: Leman has been granted the ability to summon the lesser servants of khorne. Although,this is at most a dozen or two of bloodletters and bloodcrushers.
    -Eternal Slaughter: Thanks to his daemonic nature he can never truly die,and can be summoned back into reality.....however he can only comeback in a place of war....
    0-No Sorcery: Magic abilities are unable to manifest around Leman,however. It appears it doesn't apply to items or weapons that have magical properties.
    -Unnatural Regeneration: The more blood he spills,the more he regenerates from his previous wounds.

    Weapons/Equipment: Daemon Armour of Elavagar - The warplate of Leman Russ was a suit of unique Artificer Armour whose origins can be tracked back to the mysterious period of bitter warfare which shrouds much of the Legion's history in the decades after the Primarch took over the VI Legion. It Supernatully fills the air with a aura of murderous chill around the Primarch at will.
    Axe of Helwinter - Russ' favoured axe, though less strange and potent than his darkly fabled blade, was no less a weapon of great beauty and lethality. It was a Frost Axe, a prince amongst its kind, its edge made with the kraken-teeth of the mighty beast which gave the axe its name; a legendary menace slain by Russ himself before the coming of the Emperor to Fenris. Its murderous edge was further amplified by a disruption field generator which was a masterwork in its own right, so that a well-placed blow could split the armour plate of a battle tank.

    Scornspitter - Once simply a Space Marine Legion Bolter, Scornspitter had been re-worked by no lesser hand than the Salamanders' Primarch Vulkan to form an outsized but perfectly balanced pistol suitable for the hands of the Wolf King. Though Russ and his Legion often stood apart from their fellows during the Great Crusade, this gift was one of honour, given after the two Primarchs' Legions fought the bitter campaign at San Katos together, and Russ held it and its giver in high regard.
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    Goro Akechi
  • “Why are you willing to do this, Akechi? Why do you seek JUSTICE?”
    “Because of sickening human beings...Yes, my contempt for such people drives my sense of JUSTICE. It isn’t some grand reason like society’s sake, or some lofty ideal. It’s simply an absurd grudge...And extremely personal.”

    Name: Goro Akechi

    Universe From: Persona 5 The Royal

    Other Names: Crow, The Black Mask, The Detective Prince

    Gender: Male

    Race: Human Persona User

    Affiliation: The Conspiracy (formerly, double agent), Phantom Thieves of Hearts (formerly, now estranged).

    Home Base: Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan.

    The charming Detective Prince Goro Akechi, famous celebrity, is a charming, well mannered young man with a keen interest in mysteries and puzzles, finding great satisfaction in solving problems and coming up with clever solutions.

    He’s intelligent, observant, patient, and cheery, with a strong sense of justice. Underneath the outward appearance, he’s a bit of a dork, getting sometimes overly invested in the things he finds interest in, and being known to ramble on for quite a while. He takes ire with the Phantom Thieves and their method of supposed ‘justice’, though one of his greatest desires is to become a hero like them, a wish he has held since he was a child. Additionally, he has been shown to be somewhat passive-aggressive at times, most notably outwardly insulting Makoto as ‘a good girl type of pushover’ and confronting Sae directly about her zealous investment in catching the Phantom Thieves. Additionally, he is deeply troubled by his past, and his apparent incapability to make any friends: He resents Joker for this, constantly asking how someone with a criminal record can have so many friends, and yet Akechi has none. This is also why he is so willing to step into the spotlight of fame and fortune; it all serves as a way for him to garner the approval and care of others.

    Crow is similar in personality to the celebrity Goro. However, there are some differences: As Crow exists as a sort of ‘superhero’ side to Akechi, his sense of justice is far stronger. He’s over the top, flamboyant, and perhaps a tad self-righteous and overzealous.

    Beneath the mask, Goro Akechi possesses one more facet to his personality: The Black Mask, a mysterious assassin who carries out the will of Conspiracy leader Masayoshi Shido.

    Black Mask is cold, calculated, cynical, lacking empathy, driven only by a desire for misguided revenge against his father, Shido. He’s especially psychotic, his attacks brutal and sadistic. He’s tactless, ruthless and insulting, having no qualms with openly speaking ill of those around him, viewing those more kind and caring as foolish and naive. Regardless of his unpleasant qualities when this side of him dominates the others, he’s not totally uncontrolled, and is still capable of working together with others, though that’s not to say the experience will be pleasant for either party involved.

    All three of these personalities are united under the arcana of Justice, a trait that rings true throughout: Goro Akechi seeks to bring criminals to justice, solving mysteries and crimes. Crow brings a vigilante justice to those above the law, striking in the Metaverse to force evildoers to repent. Black Mask is driven purely by personal justice, seeking selfish revenge against his father, and willing to do anything to achieve it. Together, they operate as one to embody the true Goro Akechi.

    Approximately two years before the events of Persona 5, an unknown influence caused Akechi to awake to the powers of the Wild Card, granting him the ability to summon his Persona. Seeking revenge against his father, he approached him about his powers, offering his powers to breach cognition to assist Shido. Roped into the Conspiracy, Akechi sought to enact his plan: He would get close to Shido, have him lower his guard, and then, when he was finally elected, exact revenge by killing him once and for all. The exact details of what happened next are muddy, but what is known is that Goro is implied to have been experimented on by Wakaba Isshiki, Futaba Sakura’s mother, in order to draw out his powers for Shido’s benefit, eventually warping him into a hitman to kill whoever the crooked politician commanded, with his first hit being the woman who helped create him. (These details are taken from the Featherman show in Royal, which, beyond the game world, is used toretell the story of the game and include hitherto unknown details disguised as subtle references.)

    From his years of experience, defeating the Phantom Thieves and moving along with his plans should have been a sinch, but with his scheme figured out, and a counter-plot set up to save Joker from assassinaton, he never saw it coming, and was foiled by the crafty thieves of hearts. In a final confrontation against the team in Shido’s Palace, he revealed his true nature, and was supposedly killed when he had a last minute change of heart and decided to defend his enemies, sealing himself off with a horde of angry Shadows and a murderous cognition of himself, which revealed that Shido was aware of Akechi’s plan to kill him all along.

    (Persona 5: The Royal spoilers below!)

    Goro seemed to have survived the fateful encounter in the palace, returning in the false reality to assist the Phantom Thieves in breaking out of Takuto Maruki’s world. However, the counselor claims that the Akechi allied with the Thieves is merely a fake, created out of Joker’s desire to save the detective from his demise in Shido’s Palace. Evidence points to this claim being false, however, as Takuto would have been unaware of the battle happening when the new world was created, and Akechi can be seen briefly in the background of the good ending. Ultimately, his fate is left ambiguous, though cut scenes suggest he survived and checked himself into a rehab centre.

    ‘The Potential’: Goro possesses the power to command a Persona, a magic power that manifests as a form representing the user’s subconscious and inner thoughts. Goro also possesses the power of the Wild Card, which allows him to hold multiple Personas within himself, granting him a variety of powers.

    With his Personas Robin Hood, Loki, and Hereward, Akechi can use:

    Physical skills (Megaton Raid, Lævateinn)
    Gun skills (Riot Gun)
    Curse skills (Eiagon, Mudoon)
    Bless skills (Kougaon, Hamaon)
    Almighty skills (Megidolaon, Rebellion Blade)
    Buff/Debuff skills (Debilitate, Attack Master, Heat Riser, Charge)
    Support skills (Samarecarm, Fortify Spirit)
    Additionally, Loki and Robin Hood possess the trait Tactical Spirit, occasionally decreasing the SP cost of support spells. Hereward possesses Ingenious Spirit, which extends the former’s effects to also include Almighty attacks.

    Altogether, Goro’s Persona skills afford him a variety of flexible strengths in combat, allowing him to take supportive and offensive roles while not possessing any major blindspots. The Potential also boosts Akechi’s own ability, allowing him to possess superhuman combat capabilities, greatly increasing his resistance to attacks that would ordinarily kill a person. However, his Personas do possess weaknesses, as Robin Hood, though resisting light, is weak to darkness abilities, and Loki and Hereward, although blocking dark (with Hereward possessing an added resistance to psionic attacks), are weak to light.

    Akechi is arguably one of the most skilled and experienced Persona users, possessing a mastery over the power: He has possessed it longer than most—since his early teens—and received special training from Masayoshi Shido’s cognitive psience division. He navigates Palaces and Mementos by himself, defeating the Shadows and killing the Rulers within. He also holds his own against the Phantom Thieves, taking the combined efforts of multiple members to defeat him. The Thieves themselves admit they would have lost against him had they not teamed up: He is very heavily implied to be equal to or even stronger than Joker, the leader, a Wild Card with access to many Personas and the power of the World arcana.

    Call of Chaos: An ability unique to Goro alone, Call of Chaos allows him to turn an opponent psychotic, causing them to go on a rampage and commit wild and scandalous acts.

    This also appears to make them far stronger, judging by how Akechi used it on both himself and two Shadows he had summoned, at the cost of self-control. Goro himself and anyone affected are presumably exempt from the wrath of anyone under the influence of the Call, as the Shadows he cast it upon ignored him and each other, instead targeting the Thieves. It is also likely only guaranteed to work 100% of the time on weaker targets, like regular people or Shadows, as Akechi did not use it on the Phantom Thieves at any point.

    Hitman Training: Under the guidance of Masayoshi Shido, Akechi received training to be groomed into a cognitive hitman for the corrupt politician.

    This has presumably given him confidence and prowess in wielding weapons, honed his stealth abilities, and improved his physical condition. He also boulders and cycles frequently, so it can be deduced he would very much be in shape, possessing impressive strength and stamina even disregarding the boost afforded to him by his Persona powers.

    Deductive Reasoning/Intelligence: Akechi is incredibly intelligent, with very high grades and knowledge on a variety of subjects he shares in conversations with the Thieves, such as history and philosophy.

    As a detective, he also possesses an astute intuition, clever cunning, and a keen eye for detail, which would of course be needed to crack cases. This is evident from several in-game instances: Goro cheats the system and secretly doubles the Thieves’ chip count in the Casino of Envy, duping the Palace Ruler and allowing the team entry into the highest floor. He acts as one of the brains of the team in the Cinema Labyrinth, solving various puzzles and riddles throughout the strange alternate realm. Despite not possessing a Navigator Persona, he is also able to act as a Navi for Joker and Violet, pointing out targets’ weaknesses and dispositions and continually assessing the battle—His skills in strategy no doubt compounded by his experience with chess.

    Victory Beam - A blue laser sword. Used as part of the Crow alter ego.

    Saw Sabre - A red, serrated laser sword. Used as part of the Black Mask alter ego.

    Moebius - A golden Mauser M712 Schnellfeuer, capable of firing blue laser beams. Used as part of the Crow alter ego.

    Ancient Day - A sleek, black, red-lasered handgun, used as part of the Black Mask alter ego.

    Sig Sauer P230 - Modified to be equipped with a silencer, used to assassinate targets per Shido’s orders.

    Smartphone - Possesses the MetaNav app, allowing travel between the real world and the Metaverse.

    “Please don’t troll me online for this.”

    Theme Song: No More What Ifs -

    Other: My interpretation of Goro Akechi is from the Royal timeline, specifically the true Justice rank 10 ending, with some select elements of the Proof of Justice OVA and Persona 5 Strikers incorporated. He is taken from present day chronologically, and is 22, meaning 4 years have passed since the end of Royal.

    “My skills exceed yours!”


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    Elsa Oldenburg
  • 1*Ickpkktso28nq-cy2y2l8A.jpeg

    "The cold never bothered me anyway"

    Name: Elsa Oldenburg

    Universe From: Frozen

    Other Names: The Fifth Spirit

    Gender: Female

    Race: Human

    Affiliation: (Formerly) Kingdom of Arendelle

    Home Base: None

    n stark contrast to her sister, Elsa is far calmer and more composed, and prior to accepting her powers, she manifested this demeanor in an extreme manner. Elsa thought out her words and actions with almost cold and calculating precision, taking great care to never reveal her emotions. To some, she appeared very detached and even unsociable, though in truth, she was still very much capable of acting playfully, as when she joked with Anna about the Duke of Weselton.

    Within her reserved exterior, Elsa concealed a great deal of guilt and was incredibly burdened by her magical abilities. Above all else, Elsa longed for the company of Anna but was haunted by the incident in which her sister nearly perished due to her powers. As such, Elsa tried her best to suppress her abilities; to some degree, she recognized that her powers were tied to her emotions and chose to adopt a guarded and withdrawn demeanor to conceal them. Despite the way she shut people out, Elsa genuinely cared for others and felt it was her responsibility to keep her distance and ensure everyone's safety.

    Nonetheless, Elsa's choice to suppress her true self by acting like the perfect child her parents envisioned had a heavy toll on her. She feared hurting anyone greatly, even to the point where she refused her parents to be near her, concerned that her powers could lash out accidentally. And rather than confronting problems head on, Elsa turned away from unpleasant situations.

    Appreciating her powers for the first time, Elsa resolved to leave the past in the past.

    When she nearly hurt innocent people at her coronation party, Elsa reached her breaking point and felt she no longer had any place in Arendelle, deciding to flee the kingdom. Due to the fact she had always shut herself away from others, Elsa was not particularly struck by the loneliness of her self-imposed exile, but rather saw it as a chance for liberation. For the first time in her life, she openly embraced her abilities and appreciated herself for who she was; at that point, Elsa chose to escape her painful past, resolving never to return.

    Determined to reside in peace, Elsa became far more liberal regarding the usage of her powers. When Anna refused to leave, Elsa turned to her abilities and created Marshmallow to physically expel her sister from the palace. And when the Duke of Weselton's thugs provoked her, after some initial hesitation, Elsa reacted with deadly force. However, the revelation that she had plunged Arendelle into winter caused Elsa to regard her powers with a sense of revulsion once more. Elsa's reversion to her old perceptions of herself was only made worse when Hans told her she had frozen Anna's heart, resulting in her death.

    Elsa learned to value her gift and share it with everyone else.

    Ultimately, Anna's unconditional love was able to dispel Elsa's fear. When Anna sacrificed herself to save Elsa from Hans' sword, she was able to reverse the effects of Elsa's curse and thawed out. Realizing that love was capable of thawing, Elsa suddenly understood how to control her powers and was able to restore summer to Arendelle. Though it took many years, Elsa was finally able to appreciate herself without compromising her relationships with those she cares about. In the months leading up to Anna's nineteenth birthday, Elsa became more outgoing and less reserved, allowing her to interact with others more readily.

    History: Elsa

    Elsa was born with the magical ability to produce and manipulate ice and snow. Despite struggling to control her powers and the low frequency of their use, Elsa is still capable of many feats. At the age of eight, Elsa was capable of freezing the entire floor of the Great Hall with just a touch of her foot. She also produced enough snow to make a snowy hill large enough for her and Anna to slide down. Pabbie noted that Elsa's power would only continue to grow, an observation that proved true, as Elsa was, unwittingly and without any conscious effort, capable of freezing the entire kingdom in the middle of summer. Elsa was also able to construct an entire palace for herself in mere seconds after she fled Arendelle.

    Elsa can use her powers to perform a wide variety of techniques, such as the rapid creation of ice structures like sheets, spikes, and walls. She can use her magic to propel herself across an icy surface. Elsa also displayed the ability to create snow creatures and imbue them with life, enabling them to move of their own accord. This ability can manifest itself consciously, as was the case with Olaf and Marshmallow, or involuntarily, as was the case with the Snowgies. Elsa's powers extend to the manipulation of winter weather, as she was able to generate a blizzard with powerful gusts of wind and create a small snow cloud for Olaf to stay cool. Furthermore, the winter weather Elsa creates is self-sustaining, changing only if Elsa wills it to.

    When her magic struck people, it had adverse effects; though she did not intend to do so, Elsa struck Anna in the heart with her magic and started a process that would end with her sister becoming an ice statue. The resulting statue was made of such compact ice that it not only resisted a blow from Hans' sword, but also shattered the blade into many pieces. The statue was also extremely cold, as it caused Hans' blade to frost over prior to impact.

    Elsa also stated that she was not bothered by the cold, indicating her powers afford her resistance to frigid air; she was seen rushing out into her own blizzard wearing a dress made of ice without exhibiting any signs of discomfort. And during Elsa's conversation with Hans in the dungeon, only the prince's breath was seen condensing, a further indication of Elsa's affinity to the cold.

    Due to her fearful state, Elsa transformed her pristine palacesanctuary into yet another prison.

    Perhaps the most notable aspect of Elsa's powers is their dependence on Elsa's emotional state: When Elsa is calm or feels love, she has complete control over her abilities and is capable of producing beautiful magic. But when Elsa is stressed or feels fear, her powers are unstable and can be dangerous to those around her. Despite their instability, Elsa's powers are especially potent when she feels fear; with sheer instinct alone, Elsa was able to intercept an arrow speeding at her with a wall of ice. Elsa was also able to create a massive snowstorm even while her hands were shackled. However, when she felt love, Elsa was able to completely reverse the effects of her winter spell and brought back summer in mere moments.

    Other skills

    Elsa built her entire palace around a snowflake base.

    Elsa demonstrated herself to be an incredibly fast learner; despite facing two armed thugs and having no formal training, Elsa was able to defeat and nearly kill both men with her magic. And despite not using her magic for a long time, Elsa was able to gather enough confidence after producing a few blasts of snow to build an ice staircase and an entire ice palace. Elsa also was able to magically weave herself a new dress and cape.

    Even though she has magical powers, Elsa is physically formidable as well, having had enough endurance to run well into the night from Arendelle all the way to the North Mountain.

    Elsa also possesses a degree of artistic skill, as she was able to base an entire palace design on a snowflake. In fact, Elsa repeatedly showed herself using the same snowflake design; it appeared not only on the palace floor, but also on the palace doors, ice chandelier, her clothes and hair accessories, and even on Anna's frozen form. In another showcase of her artistic skill, Elsa froze the water in the courtyard fountains into an intricate design and used ice to decorate the whole castle.

    Weapons/Equipment: None
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    "You Need Not Remind Me. It Was The Crowning Moment Of Our Time Together. But That Was Then, And This Is Now."

    Name: Sephiroth (Pre- FF7 Sephiroth, when he was still a good guy-)

    Universe From: Final Fantasy 7

    Other Names: E.g. The One They Fear, Anticitizen One, etc. Can also include nicknames.

    Gender: Male

    Race: Human

    Affiliation: None

    Home Base: None

    Personality: Prior to his madness, as shown in Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII-, Sephiroth maintains an outwardly aloof and professional demeanor during his time at Shinra, known for hardly mingling with anyone but his friends Angeal Hewley and Genesis Rhapsodos, and being indifferent toward his fans. He can act humane and caring in contrast to his reputation, befriending Zack over their shared reluctance to hunt down their friends and desire to bring them back, and asking Cloud how he felt to be back in his hometown, having no familiarity with the emotion himself. Sephiroth is intelligent and respects those he deems worthy—he considers Professor Gast a great scientist, but scorns Professor Hojo. Well-spoken and graceful, Sephiroth is calm, collected, and in control, and has a dry sense of humor. Rarely, he can be frustrated and caught off-guard. As the strongest SOLDIER alive, Sephiroth is confident to the point of arrogance, yet has no interest in personal glory, as he tells Genesis, who envies Sephiroth's reputation, that he can have it.

    Sephiroth was born to Professor Hojo and Lucrecia Crescent approximately twenty-seven years before Final Fantasy VII (exact date of birth unknown[2]). Hojo and Lucrecia were working as assistants to Professor Gast, Shinra Electric Power Company's top scientist, on the Jenova Project that studied the remains of an extra-terrestrial entity. Jenova was mistaken as one of the Cetra, an ancient people who had the power to "talk to the planet". Hojo injected cell samples from Jenova into the pregnant Lucrecia and her unborn baby. She carried Sephiroth to term, his fetal form merging with the Jenova cells as he developed. During her pregnancy, she would have frequent pains, fainting spells and recurring nightmares of her son committing atrocities. After the baby was born, he was taken by Shinra scientists and Lucrecia never had a chance to hold him.

    Sephiroth never gained the ability to talk to the planet, as he is not a Cetra descendant, but his exceptional physical prowess was noticed by Shinra, who raised him to be a super soldier. Sephiroth's success still advanced the Jenova Project, leading to the creation of SOLDIER. Shinra told him nothing of his true parentage, and he grew up believing his mother's name was "Jenova". Sephiroth felt different from other children, but didn't know of the experiments that had created him. Sephiroth came to respect Professor Gast, deeming him a great scientist, but despised Professor Hojo, considering him a hack scientist compared to Gast and a "walking mess of complexes".

    During the Wutai War Sephiroth was instrumental in ensuring Shinra's dominance. He rose to the rank of SOLDIER First Class and was admired and respected as a great war hero, while those in Shinra considered his strength unequaled even by other First Class SOLDIER members. Many young men, including Cloud Strife and Genesis Rhapsodos, idolized Sephiroth, and sought to join SOLDIER to become heroes like him, making Sephiroth useful for Shinra as a propaganda tool.
    Near the end of the Wutai War Sephiroth had two close friends within SOLDIER, Angeal and Genesis, the three being the most famous SOLDIERs in First Class. They would visit the training room when the Second Class SOLDIERS were off to access the virtual realityJunon for training purposes.[22] Their training sessions involved one of them having an apple on their head while the others would throw their swords to pierce the fruit, with Sephiroth always winning.[23] In one particular training session, Genesis challenged Sephiroth one-on-one, using powerful magic to enhance his weapon, but Sephiroth remained stronger. The fight ended inconclusively when Angeal intervened before either hurt the other too badly. The small wound Genesis took did not heal and Sephiroth offered his blood for a transfusion, but was told it was not compatible.
    In the months after the war the anti-Shinra group Avalanche intensifies its actions, raiding Junon. Sephiroth engages the Avalanche leader, Elfe, who asks if he fights for a reason, which has a profound effect on Sephiroth; the results of Sephiroth choosing to fight for a reason would one day threaten the planet's existence. During the assault on Fort Tamblin, Sephiroth saves Zack Fair, Angeal's student, from Ifrit, dispatching it with one blow, and discovers Genesis has defected with a Shinra scientist Hollander, creating an army using copy technology to graft Genesis's cells onto other traitor SOLDIER members with which to rebel against Shinra. Angeal goes rogue torn between his loyalties, and Angeal and Genesis are both declared killed in action.
    As Sephiroth participates in the AVALANCHE Insurgency and Genesis War, his loyalties and emotions continue to be thrown into turmoil, leading to him refusing missions concerning Genesis and Angeal. But as he searched for information on Project G, he was taken a strange new world......

    Powers/Abilities: Sephiroth is regarded as the greatest SOLDIER 1st Class of all time, whose legendary accomplishments in the field of battle inspired many to join SOLDIER.[note 2] His greatest strength is his swordsmanship and inhuman physical prowess stemming from his success as a byproduct of the Jenova Project, his power having inspired Shinra to create SOLDIER in the first place.[12] Hailed as the strongest swordsman,[13] he is the only one capable of effectively wielding his Masamune, a nodachi that is longer than he is tall, which he uses effortlessly with a single hand, ambidextrously able to shift from his left to right hand with no loss of efficiency. He seems to be less strong then normal however, but still formidable, and would likely win against most other sword-fighting opponents.

    Having been injected with Jenova cells while still a fetus, and thus exposed to pure Jenova cells undiluted by human DNA, the abilities Sephiroth gained from such a direct method of exposure make him the superior specimen of the Jenova Project. Surpassing the abilities of Genesis and Angeal, Sephiroth cannot degrade, and also cannot be copied as his genome cannot be broken down. However, Genesis believes Sephiroth can pass on his immunity to degradation as a cure for others. Similar to Genesis and Angeal, Sephiroth can manifest a single black wing in his right shoulder, and in the Remake, he can use its feathers to attack his enemies.

    Sephiroth is genetically stronger, but Rapture weakens his strength- he still has above human strength and speed, but its weaker now. The most likely explanation of this is because of how back he is from Gaia.

    Sephiroth can empower the Masamune to cast powerful blades and waves of energy.. Sephiroth is well-versed in using magic both with materia

    Weapons/Equipment: Sephiroth's weapon, the Masamune

    Theme Song: One Winged Angel
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    Deishuu Kaiki
  • 1614520369665.png"Given the real thing and a indistinguishable fake, which is worth more? The fake is of far greater value. In its deliberate attempt to be real, it's more 'real' than the real thing."
    - Deishuu Kaiki

    "Just as there isn't a problem that can't be solved by being right, there isn't a problem that can't be solved by money."
    -Deishuu Kaiki

    Name: Deishuu Kaiki
    "Kai" as in a mound of clamshells. "Ki", as in a dead tree.

    Universe From: Monogatari Series

    Other Names: Suzuki
    "Suzu", as in a bell on a collar, and "Ki" like giving a blunt answer.

    Gender: Male

    Race: Human

    Affiliation: None, formerly the Occult Research Club.

    Home Base: Unknown, presumably somewhere in Japan.

    Personality: Kaiki has a very gloomy personality and subscribes to the view that there is nothing in the world that is inherently true. The only absolute in life for him is money, as it is replaceable and can replace any thing. A schemer at heart, Kaiki has an opaque mind to outsiders. He is fluent in the arts of lying and subterfuge, so his reasoning behind what he says is constantly blurred. He explains his name as "Kai" like a mound of clam shells, and "Ki" like a dead tree.

    Kaiki is an individual who prides himself in having no pride. He openly admits to being a conman and an impostor amongst other things. But this is to his advantage as someone who deceives with wordplay extremely well. His interactions with others are very fluid, and he is willing to give and take in order to maximize the outcome, or cut his losses, in his favor.

    In Koimonogatari, much more of his character is revealed, especially his own thought process. He keeps his promises despite his lying nature, and has an unexpected system of morals that he adheres to - but only if motivated to do so because he must personally benefit from the situation. Kaiki seems to take warnings or "pieces of advice" as challenges, such as when Gaen and an unknown messenger (later revealed to be Senjougahara) had told him to "pull out" of his current job. Senjougahara explained to him afterwards that she had purposefully did it to motivate him.

    Despite the fact that he is very scheming, he seems to miss obvious conclusions. When he found the letter in his hotel room, he assumed that some third party (that wasn't Gaen or Senjougahara) had found a way to get in, but it was pointed out by Senjougahara that it could be as simple as throwing the envelope under the door. When trying to deceive Nadeko, he came up with the simple scheme of earning her trust so he can tell her that Araragi and co. were in a traffic accident so that she wouldn't kill them. It is worth mentioning that Kaiki already knew Araragi is almost immortal; and Nadeko had beaten him within an inch of his life many times within a short period, so she would have some idea of how much punishment his body can actually take, making something like a traffic accident seem less than lethal. During a discussion with Hanekawa, she described Nadeko as "snubbing everyone out", never letting others get close to her. Kaiki didn't change his plan despite knowing that she had never trusted others, and subsequently failed at deceiving her.

    History: Kaiki is a fake specialist who knows about paranormal creatures, but does not believe in them, so he prefers working as a conman by manipulating those who believe in oddities or just using his knowledge to make money by fooling people. He went to the same college as Meme Oshino, Yozuru Kagenui, Tadatsuru Teori and Izuko Gaen where he learned about paranormal activity in the Occult Research Club.

    Kaiki was the first of five conmen that Hitagi Senjougahara consulted to treat her weightlessness problem prior to Oshino and Koyomi Araragi helping her with it, but he tricked her father, took all their money and left without any help. It is later revealed that the reason he tricked Hitagi's family to the point where her parents were forced to divorce was because he thought that Hitagi had no future as long as her mother was still in that family. Basically, he did all of it for Hitagi's sake.

    He also appears to have a friendly relationship with the Gaen household. When considering whether or not to help Koyomi and Senjougahara, his only motivation was that he was helping Suruga Kanbaru, Izuko Gaen's niece indirectly. It is revealed that in the past, he had feelings for Tooe Gaen (Suruga's mother) and made a promise to keep her daughter safe before she died.

    Master of Deception:
    Claims there is no human he cannot deceive, which throughout the show appears to be accurate. Kaiki's deception goes beyond just lying however, as evident by Flame Wreathe Bee where he convinced Karen of a fake oddity's existence which either because of hypnosis, a placebo, or because Karen believed the Oddity into existence, the fake oddity effected her the same way the fake stories pretrained it. His most notable feet is deceiving a god.

    Knowledge of Oddities:
    Kaiki can be classified as a Oddity Specialists, with the likes of Meme Oshino, Izuko Gaen and Yozuru Kagenui, however does not believe in them. He uses his knowledge to manipulate and con those for monetary gain or sometimes self interest.

    Weapons/Equipment: Mobile Phone, Notebook & Pen.

    Theme Song:

    Other: Be mindful of what is the truth and what is a lie. In other words, always doubt yourself.

    (I may or may not do a few edits of this however any major edits, such as Powers/Abilities or Weapons/Equipment, will be announced to the GM beforehand)
  • You see: Myron! Myron, baby, Myron!
    "Yeah, what do you want? Can't you see I'm thinking here!"

    Universe From:
    Fallout 2

    Other Names:
    Creator of Jet



    The Mordino Family

    Home Base:
    Fallout Wasteland, specifically New Reno

    Being a teenager living in a harsh city in the middle of a wasteland is sure to make you greedy and immoral. Not many people can stay kind at the face of such a grueling world. Though, make him a drug wizard working for The Mordino's: You get something worse. And that person is Myron. Myron is the bane of the New Reno prostitutes and also The Chosen One if they decide to let him stick around in the party. He is intended by the designers in every way to be unbearable; he's annoying, depraved, amoral, has a grating voice, green-tinted skin, and has a huge ego.


    Intelligence and the ability to make drugs, including the obvious one: Jet

    Needler Pistol, a couple of Stimpacks, and Jet

    Theme Song:

    This takes place after Myron got stabbed to death by a Jet Addict​
  • "Just cuz I rusty don't mean I can't put up a fight!

    Name: Victor


    Universe From: Fallout: New Vegas

    Other Names: Metal-Cowboy, Metal-Man, Vic.

    Gender: Programmed Gender Male

    Race: PDQ-88b RobCo Security Model 2060-B Securitron

    Affiliation: Goodsprings, The Strip, Courier Six.

    Home Base
    : Anywhere and Everywhere.

    Personality: Victor is a really friendly, but mysterious securitron model. Unlike other Models he seems to be mainly a Sentient version, Showing different expressions of his Cowboy picture on his screen. If he chooses he does like to follow and Spy on people seemingly of Importance and likes to break up fights.


    Good ol' Victor can use all the built-in weapons: the 9mm submachine gun, the rapid-fire G-28 25mm grenade launcher, the M-235 missile launchers, and the X-25 Gatling laser system. However but Sadly, outside of the Lucky 38 basement demonstration, it only ever uses the last 3.
    The single wheel equipped on Victor can turn in all Directions, Proving to be quite useful in Sneaking and In Ambushes. He is also equipped with a Built-In radio, Allowing for tuning into Stations and listening to his favorite songs!

    Theme Song:
    Subject Delta
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    (Johnny Topside)
    Subject delta

    Universe From:

    Other Names:
    big daddy



    Affiliation: Independet, he servers the daughters.

    Home Base
    : Rapture

    Due the the fact Delta cannot speak due to being turned into a Big Daddy, much of how Delta thinks is left to the players interpretation and choice. If Delta chooses to show mercy then Delta is portrayed as a forgiving individual that will be selfless whenever the chance allows it, but if he chooses to take revenge he's portrayed as a violent individual that will hunt down all those who crossed him. However it is possible to get a mix depending on how often the player chooses to kill those who can be spared to where he acts as what Eleanor describes as a symbol of Justice that will save those who deserve mercy yet kill those who cause harm the innocent. No matter what the choice of the player however Delta will always be shown to be very protective of Eleanor to the point he'll kill any Splicer who attempts to harm her even when his bond has been fatally disrupted. Delta is also shown to be rather clever at times by realizing and maximizing the surrounding area to his advantage along with being able to hack the advanced technology around him.

    Much of Subject Delta's past is unknown except he was once an underwater explorer that unintentionally found Rapture in one of his adventures. While Andrew Ryan was skeptical of him, the man that would become known as Delta was given the nickname "Johnny Topside" and became something of a celebrity to the residence of Rapture. One day a journalist by the name of Stanley Poole gave Andrew Ryan a story which convinced the already skeptical leader that "Johnny Topside" was working for the governments to exploit the underwater city and take it over. Due to this fear and anger Ryan had "Johnny Topside" captured and subjected to cruel experiments until he was transformed into a powerful creature called a Big Daddy. When subjected to these experiments where concluded the man was stripped of his identity and free will, through these experiments he became the first Big Daddy who was permanently bonded to a Little Sister, this Little Sister was Eleanor Lamb to whom he was extremely protective of. Eventually in one of their regular routine gatherings of ADAM, Eleanor was attacked by a group of Splicers who eventually hit him with a mind control Plasmid. Upon being hit by the Plasmid Sofia Lamb stepped out of the shadows and told Delta to kill himself with her gun, unable to break free Delta opened his helmet and shot himself in his skull.

    As a Big Daddy, Delta is shown to be able to take damage that would otherwise be fatal to anyone else as well as superhuman strength. Delta is also shown to be skilled with a variety of weapons including a wide variety or firearms and a large power drill. As with most residents of Rapture Delta has a wide variety of other superhuman abilities due to the drug ADAM, a highly addictive drug that grants the ability to shoot fire, electricity, telekinesis along enhancing the durability strength. While most those who use ADAM only have one set of powers Delta is shown to be able to use any combination of them at a moments notice, due to this along with already being granted superhuman attributes as a Big Daddy Delta can be considered arguably one of the strongest characters in the series. One of the unique traits is unlike most the residence of Rapture, Delta can be revived from any violent death inflicted through a Vita-Chamber, however it is proven he's not rendered immortal as a death through a disrupted bond is said to of been permanent since it's a "natural" death which the Vita-Chamber seemingly can't undo. However while his bond with Eleanor is proven to be arguably his biggest weakness it also gives him the ability to communicate with her, see through her and Little Sister's eyes, and even allowing him to occasionally see their genetic memories.
    The classic bouncer drill
    Thomas “Sev” Sevjanco
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    “You can do that?!”

    Name: Thomas “Sev” Sevjanco

    Universe From: Killzone 3

    Other Names: Sev

    Gender: Male,

    Race: Human/Vektan

    Affiliation: ISA

    Home Base: Vekta

    Personality: Sev is known as a Idealist, wanting to protect his homeland of Vekta under his own pretenses. He is good with technology, a bit of a flirt, fun loving, techie, smart and resourceful when needed.

    History: Tomas Sevchenko

    Powers/Abilities: N/a

    Weapons/Equipment: Any Helghast or ISA branded weapons

    Theme Song:

    Other: Details such as trivia. Optional.
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    Greyson Ryder
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    Art by HoshaseiKaku

    "Listen, kid. The Wilds out there beyond the walls? Dangerous as all hell. You ain't gonna get far without a good gun, a
    sharp blade, or keen eye. If you wanna be a Hunter, you gotta learn how to be one."

    — Grey to his late partner Elyse when they first met​

    Name: Greyson Ryder

    Universe From: Destiny

    Other Names: None

    Gender: Male

    Race: Human Guardian

    Affiliation: Last City Guardians, Dead Orbit (Formerly)

    Home Base: Grey's Homestead, Exodus West

    Personality: Burdened by the loss of his partner years ago, Grey is highly cynical and grumpy most of the time, along with being brutally honest and blunt and fairly abrasive. He largely lost much of the drive he once had, with only his duty as a Guardian keeping him going. He suffers from rather crippling depression, being rather antisocial (except with other Hunters), and also chronic alcoholism and a gambling addiction. He largely spends his time going on bounty missions to get paid and then spend it all on alcohol and gambling. However, he also maintains a cool head and even temper, even in the face of danger. He has significantly fewer qualms about killing people than Chance.

    Most often, he behaves much like a cowboy of the old Wild West in the United States long before the Golden Age. He enjoys watching old cowboy movies, reading cowboy literature, singing cowboy songs, and just about anything related to cowboys. As such, he's constantly drifting from bar to bar and gambling, and sometimes challenging random Hunters to duels if drunk enough.

    Still, he is personable enough, even if somewhat of a jerk at times. Speaks with a smooth and smokey southern drawl, which may or not be related to the fact that he smokes a little too much.

    History: WIP

    Powers/Abilities: Like Chance, Grey has the ability to wield the Traveler's Light as a weapon. He is of the Hunter class, and primarily uses the abilities of the Gunslinger subclass, Nightstalker, and rarely, Arcstrider.
    • Gunslinger Abilities
      • Golden Gun: Summon a flaming pistol which disintegrates enemies with Solar Light. The signature super of the Way of the Outlaw and Way of the Sharpshooter paths. Grey Supercharges his Light and summons forth a flaming version of The Last Word. The gun fires pure Solar Light hotter than the sun, allowing it to disintegrate enemies from range. Six-Shooter allows for the gun to be rapidly fired six times, with each kill returning a bullet and extending its duration. Crowd-Pleaser drops an Orb of Light with each precision hit.
      • Blade Barrage: Spring into the air and throw two barrages of throwing knives, causing massive damage and burning. The Super of the Way of a Thousand Cuts path, Grey springs himself into the air and throws two barrages of throwing knives crafted from Solar Light. These knives explode on impact and deal massive burn damage to surviving targets.
      • Throwing Knife: Grey throws his Hunter Knife. Proximity Knife explodes after impact with an enemy or surface. Weighted Knife does additional precision damage. Knife Trick has Grey throw a fan of multiple knives.
    • Nightstalker Abilities
      • Shadowshot: Tether foes to a Void Anchor, slowing, weakening, and suppressing them for you and your allies. The Super of the Way of the Trapper and Way of the Pathfinder, Grey summons a Dusk Bow, firing a shot that creates a Void Anchor that Tethers enemies caught in its radius, stripping them of their powers and suppressing them. Deadfall turns the Anchors into traps that wait for prey, and increase its range and duration. Moebius Quiver allows Grey to fire multiple Shadowshots, which also deal bonus damage to Tethered enemies.
      • Spectral Blades: Summon a pair of deadly void blades and stalk the battlefield in a veil of shadows. The Super of the Way of the Wraith, instead of a Dusk Bow, Grey summons a pair of Spectral Blades, which turn him invisible and grants him to ability to track enemies.
      • Smoke Bomb: A thrown bomb that creates a cloud of smoke. Snare Bomb attaches to surfaces and detonates when enemies are nearby, slowing and suppressing them. Vanish in Smoke turns Grey and any allies invisible upon entering the cloud. Corrosive Smoke causes the bomb to explode in a line, damaging enemies from afar.
      • Vanishing Step: Dodging grants invisibility for a short period of time.
    • Arcstrider Abilities
      • Arc Staff: Form a staff of pure Arc energy and acrobatically take out your foes. The Super of all three Ways, Grey summons an Arc Staff and blitzes enemies at close range. Lethal Current leaves a damaging aftershock with each impact after performing a dodge. Whirlwind Guard deflects all oncoming projectiles, and increases damage by three times. Lightning Reflexes allows for less damage to be taken while dodging.
      • Combination Blow: Melee kills with this ability triggers health regeneration and increases melee damage.
      • Tempest Strike: Grey delivers an uppercut with a weaker version of his Arc Staff, dealing damage in a line. Ebb and Flow electrifies targets, and meleeing them disorients them and gives energy for abilities.
    • Class Abilities
      • Grenades: Grenades formed from Light, three with each subclass.
      • Jump: Allows Grey to perform a double or triple jump in the air.
      • Dodge: Grey rolls into cover or dodges enemy fire while reloading his weapons.

    • Austringer: Kinetic Hand Cannon. Its Perk Outlaw allows for faster reloads with each kill, while Demolitionist awards grenade energy for each kill. Full Bore increases range.
    • Sole Survivor: Arc Sniper Rifle. Does Arc damage. Its Perk Fourth Time's The Charm returns two rounds to the magazine on precision hits. Firing Line increases precision damage when near two or more friendlies. Arrowhead Brake controls recoil.
    • The Prospector: Exotic Arc Grenade Launcher. Its Intrinsic Perk Excavation allows its grenades to stick to walls and surfaces and detonate simultaneously when the trigger is released. Comes with the Perk Full Auto Trigger System, making it a full-automatic grenade launcher.
    • Hunter Knife: Exclusive to Hunters, these knives are forged by each Hunter early in their career. Every Hunter has one. Knives lost are recreated with the Light.
    • Lucky Pants: Exotic Leg Armour. Its Intrinsic Perk Illegally Modified Holster loads a round into stowed Hand Cannons upon precision hits. Hand Cannons will also be ready faster and more accurate after swapping to them.
    • Saratoga: Grey's Ghost. See above. Saratoga is just as snarky as Grey.
    • The Bronco: Grey's personal Sparrow.
    • NS22 High Water: Grey's personal jumpship. Armed with Solar missiles and cannons.

    Theme Song:
    Sadon Merek
  • images (26).jpeg
    "Kneel before me,as death will save you....."
    Sadon Merek
    Universe From:
    For Honor

    Other Names:
    The Gatherer


    The Order of Horkos

    Home Base
    Since The Order of Horkos is always on the move, none.

    Sadon Merek or better know yet as,'The Gatherer' is a rather more quiet and a rather more 'cold' individual than other's , he is know for being a great and loyal champion of Horkos, and better yet know for his mystery of his identity, only rare number of occasions have seen his face, and prefers to keep his helmet on at all times. He doesn't speak as much as others, and has a code of honor always giving it a fair fight especially in a 1v1 duel, he is smart in battle strategies and know's what is happening at all times.

    Currently a work in progress.

    Enhanced physical body an Speed:
    Like many people in this world, he has a immense amount of strength and durability, though he is much faster than other warriors from thier own respectable factions they belong too, he gives much faster attacks and is able to get more lighter weight of a hit on other combatants, because of his 'lesser armor' he can move his sword quite faster than people and able to get more blocks in and making him more faster.
    Fate of the gatherer
    The fate of the gather lets Sadon having the ability to have more heavier and critical strikes increasing more damage on the opponent, easier to create combos,also giving him the ability to take more heavier hits from other opponents in a duel or engaged in melee combat with him.
    Body Abstract
    This ability grants Sadon to push others off his blade or the ability to complete a tackle sending a heavier opponent away from him, also allowing him to heal a small amount of health when the opponent is away from him.
    Arrow storm
    Able to call in an group of arrow strikes , dealing damage to certain area's chosen.
    A one time ability that let's him revive himself back to max health.

    Gather's sword
    A much lighter sword than others but not too light, able for him to get more hits on foe's it is a little shorter than the warden's sword.
    Draconite infused Plate and chain armor
    Standard chain armor but merged with Draconite for more defense and lesser weak spots that would be useful and protects him from other magical attacks from other opponents and foes from their own respectable faction they are apart of.​
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    Tanya von Degurechaff
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    Universe From: The Saga of Tanya the Evil

    Other Names: E.g. The Argent, White Silver, Mithril

    Gender: Female

    Race: Human

    Imperial 203rd Aerial Mage Battalion / Salamander Kampfgruppe

    Home Base: The Empire

    Tanya has a lot of sociopathic traits; cold, calculating, and often sees others as objects she can use to her advantage. This allowed her to rise rapidly through the ranks of her careers in both lives. Sometimes, this trait also becomes a disadvantage to her, such as her lack of empathy that disables her from putting herself in other people's shoes. In particular, her lack of insight of possibility that the people she offended by her callous dismissals would take revenge on her.

    History: Tanya von Degurechaff

    Magic: Magic is the phenomenon where mages use their mana to interfere with the world, a method that allows apparition of phenomena by giving appropriate stimulation to the point of application. Modern magic is achieved through technology Operation Orb, unlike the era of legends, this allowed people to clearly understand in detail the where, the how, and to what degree of power to interfere with reality. Some of the aspects of magic in Youjo Senki universe are noted to be a mystery such as fundamental principles related to mana and interference formula. Mana signals can be detected by using magic, and it seems most artillery units in this world have equipment to detect mana signals and conduct magically guided bombardment. In Rhine Front, a number of Imperial recruit mages got blown away in trenches by Republican artillery because they leaked mana signal by deploying magic shield.

    Examples of spells:
    • Penetration Formula: As implied in the name, enhancing penetrating power of the rounds.
    • Homing Cluster Shot: Any bullets that imbued with this formula will split into several homing projectiles upon reaching a certain range and will seek out the target.
    • Artillery Shots: Any bullets that are imbued with this formula will have its firepower enhanced to be comparable to artillery shots. It needs several layers control equation to converge the power. With Type 95, Tanya can shoot the magic bombardment that has similar power to 28 cm gun.
    • Optical Decoy Formula: Creates an illusion that will interfere with the visual senses of those around the user when cast. Skilled mages can easily differentiate between what is real and the illusion, especially since this formula is inclusively targeting sight and nothing else.
    • Observation Formula: Processes data of a Mage's surroundings, uses vary from locking on target coordinates, detecting observational waves, and analyzing an enemy's mana signature. In the anime, this formula takes the form of a holographic screen while in the manga it's akin to a halo above the user.

    SIG MKMS sub machine gun

    Elenium type 95 operations orb:
    Developed by Adelheid von Schugel and his team of Elenium Arms as the first multi-core operational orb. It uses 4 cores as opposed to using only 1 like normal models do, quadrupling the output of an Operation Orb that uses mana in place of fuel, but at the cost of the mana consumption rate increasing by four-fold. The Type 95 is an experimental revolutionary Orb which theoretically allows the user to reach an altitude of 18,000 feet and cast multiple spells. Its final goal is to achieve Mana Fixation. However, it is very unstable and fragile, with a very high chance of exploding. It manga chapter 31, its power output is mentioned as unmeasurable.

    Elenium Type 97 'Assault Maneuver' Operations orb: An Operation Orb with 2 cores developed by Professor Schugel, a product version of Tanya's Elenium Type 95 that couldn't be mass produced. The principle of this orb is the same as Elenium Type 95, but more stable and far inferior output. However, this Orb is still a generation ahead of existing Orbs used by other countries. It is a revolutionary model that was hard to handle for single-core users. In manga chapter 31, its power output is 300 kt

    Theme Song:

    Other: She is addicted to chocolates, coffee and sweets
    Fuuko Izumo
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    Name: Fuuko Izumo

    Universe From: Undead Unluck

    Other Names: Unluck

    Gender: Female

    Race: Human

    Affiliation: None.

    Home Base: None.

    Personality: Fuuko loves romance manga, being resolved to finish her favorite series before committing suicide, which didn't happen before that. She has unyielding determination and conviction towards her goals, no matter how tough the situation may be. Overall, she is a friendly person to be around but can be sulking and bashful at times.

    History: When Fuuko was 8, her parents died along with 270 people aboard the plane they were on. Sometime later, Fuuko kissed her grandfather, who then got sprained legs and died 3 years later. From then on, now, as an 18-year-old girl, she attempted to commit suicide once but was stopped by Andy, and her misadventures with him have begun.

    • Unluck: Fuuko can negate the luck of anyone who touches her bare skin, causing them to suffer great misfortune and, in some cases, death. The ability won't trigger by touching her through her clothing, and the misfortune will only begin after the afflicted person has stopped touching her. Her ability's effects are altered by how intimate the touching was and by her relationship with the person in question.
    • Evasion: As a result of her history of needing to avoid physical contact with people, Fuuko has developed the special skill of slipping through groups of people cleanly.
    Weapons/Equipment: Fuuko wears the standard Union suit, which is bullet-proof, stab-proof, and all-around tough in general. The only equipment she has at the moment.

    Other: As shown in the picture above, the katana that Fuuko is carrying is not hers. That's Andy's.
    The Engineer

  • WsF0mX5.png

    "Goggles Off"

    "Hey look, buddy. I'm an engineer — that means I solve problems.
    Not problems like 'What is beauty?' because that would fall within the purview of your conundrums of philosophy.
    I solve practical problems."

    | "Dell Conagher" |

    Universe From:
    | Team Fortress 2 |

    Other Names:
    | "The Engineer" | "Engie" |



    5’7" [173.7 cm]
    125 lbs [56.7 kg]

    Mann Co

    Home Base:

    A soft-spoken humble Texan with a knack for all things mechanical, Dell Conagher is a highly intelligent and well-mannered man. His obsession with engineering has made him more reserved compared to his fellow mercs, but is also considered to be one of the nicer and more approachable to conversation. He enjoys talking about his creations, history, or philosophical subjects. Bits and pieces of a "mad-scientist" motif can be seen while he's working on his most ambitious projects, usually regarding the projects in question and the techniques he utilizes for them. However, when push comes to shove, the Engineer is willing to show his prowess through any means necessary... even if he has to do so by force.

    TBA (Ignore TF2 Comics)

    • High Intelligence
    • Engineering Skills
    • Talented Gunslinger

    • - Shotgun: One's typical stock a pump-action sawed-off shotgun; this weapon works best when in close range of its opponent.​
    • - Pistol: A stock semi-automatic pistol sidearm with a fixed hair trigger that fires bullets from a cartridge magazine. Can come in handy when in a pinch.​
    • - Wrangler: A specialized piece of equipment that allows manual remote control of a sentry gun. A shield surrounds the sentry to deflect incoming bullets and projectile; however enough damage can disable it. In addition, when the wrangler is turned off, the operating sentry would be forced to shut down for a few seconds before the shield turns off and regain automatic control.​
    • - Wrench: A typical railroad monkey wrench. Allows the Engineer to build and fix his creations as well as a decent blunt-force weapon. Tool bag included.​
    • - Gunslinger: A robotic prosthetic right hand, this mechanical limb is usually concealed by a welding glove. Can work as a substitute for the wrench in the event that he doesn't have one. Can be utilized as a makeshift weapon; via pulling the cord and making it spin wildly before plunging it into his enemies.​
    • - Construction PDA: The build tool electronic device that allows the user to build several types of buildings, provided they have enough metal/resources for them. All buildings of any level can be quickly packed up and hauled to a different location while keeping their levels, health, and resource gages. All buildings are weak to electrical weaponry/devices and will not work when disabled The following are buildings that can be created using the build tool:​
    • - Sentry Gun: An automated turret that fires at the closest enemy within its range and line of sight; the sentry gun can be updated to three levels for 200 metal each. Level 1 is a single barreled machine gun; Level 2 upgrades to add twin-mounted Gatling guns; and Level 3 adds rocket salvos on the top. Can be manually aimed and fired when using the wrangler.​
    • - Mini-Sentry Gun: The smaller cousin of the normal sentry gun, the mini-sentry is a single-barreled automated turret that costs half the metal [100]. While weaker than even a level 1, it does build faster and has a faster rev up time. Can be manually aimed and fired when using the wrangler.​
    • - Dispenser: A building that provides a near-endless source of health and ammo to all nearby players within 1 meter.​
    • - Teleporters: Two components make up a complete and functional Teleporter set: the Teleporter Entrance and the Teleporter Exit. Those who stand on a fully charged TP Entrance are instantly transported to the corresponding TP Exit in a flash of light and team-colored particles. After a brief period of recharging [5 seconds], another character can pass through.​
    • - Destruction PDA: The antithesis of the Construction PDA, it's used to destroy active buildings if deemed necessary. Useful when he doesn't want any of his tech being utilized by the enemy,​
    • - Welding Goggles: The Engineer is usually seen wearing welding goggles at nearly all times. Very few instances does he take them off (ie: when he is sleeping, taking a shower, etc).​

    Theme Songs:

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    Jotaro Kujo
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    "If this were the Wild West, the hero would say "It's High Noon." Now get off the ground and draw your piece, DIO. You're getting one shot."

    Name: Jotaro Kujo

    Universe From: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable

    Gender: Male

    Race: Human

    Affiliation: Speedwagon Foundation

    Home Base: The place your character sees as home. If they don't have one or are constantly on the move, put none.

    Jotaro is introduced as a rough delinquent, but he has a gentle heart, and is loyal to those he likes. He is highly perceptive, intelligent and quick-witted while keeping a perpetually cool, slightly neutral or disinterested attitude.

    Jotaro's nerves of steel destabilize D'Arby

    Jotaro's most noticeable trait is his seemingly aloof nature. He is a quiet individual, often satisfied with expressing himself in short phrases. His bio explains that he thinks anyone can tell his emotions just by looking at him, and probably thinks further effort in portraying how he feels to be a waste of time, making others tend to perceive Jotaro as callous.[6]Related to this, Jotaro is an extremely cool individual, able to keep his composure in even the direst situations. The best example of his coolness would be against Daniel J. D'Arby, playing a dangerous game of poker during which he successfully bluffs the expert poker player into folding even if he didn't know what cards he had and wagered the souls of every companion and ally involved.[13] While he was shown to be mildly anxious when something unanticipated happens, Jotaro almost never goes as far as to lose his cool. (This is part 4 Jotaro btw)

    History: Jotaro_Kujo

    Powers/Abilities: Star Platinum

    • Super Strength: Star Platinum possesses immense strength, being able to throw a Jeep carrying four men and a girl out of the path of an 18-wheeler with one hand, later pulling the same Jeep out of a canyon with only a car as a counter-weight,[4]
    • Super Speed: Star Platinum boasts phenomenal speed. It was able to intercept a bullet fired from point-blank range,[2] briefly contended with Silver Chariot (whilst it was using Anubis),[6] and is stated to exceed the speed of light.[7]
    • Self-Preservation: Star Platinum possesses the awareness and reaction speed to protect Jotaro in many instances that he himself seems unaware; halting a bullet he experimentally shoots at his own head;[2] protecting him while frozen by DIO's Time Stop; reviving him from near-death by directly pumping his heart.[3]
    • Precision: Star Platinum is incredibly precise; it can surgically remove an object embedded in a person's skull without ill effect, catch both a bullet and a minuscule Stand like Lovers between his thumb and forefinger in midair, and create a near photo-realistic drawing of a small Egyptian fly from a dark, blurry photo.[8]
    • Enhanced Eyesight: Star Platinum utilizes eagle-like eyesight throughout Stardust Crusaders. Jotaro has used Star Platinum's eyes to see four kilometers across a desert,[9] as well as identify meaningful details, such as a specific type of fly in high-resolution images.[10] It can also follow a card shuffle performed by a professional gambler, subsequently recounting the entire new order of the deck.
    • Enhanced Breath: Star Platinum inhales with superhuman power, capable of sucking in the entire fog Stand Justice and holding it long enough for its user to suffocate.[11]
    • Ora Ora Rush (突きの連打オラオララッシュ Ora Ora Rasshu, lit. "Barrage of Strikes"): Star Platinum's primary method of attack. It throws an extremely fast but precise barrage of powerful punches to pulverize an opponent or destroy objects.[12]
    • Star Finger (流星指刺スターフィンガー Sutā Fingā, lit. "Meteor Finger Thorn"): Star Platinum can forcibly extend its middle and index fingers to a length of one or two meters, allowing it to perform sneak attacks and stab opponents from afar.[13] The technique's frequency of usage decreased as the battles intensified.[1]
    Time Stop: When activated, Star Platinum is able to halt the flow of time for a brief moment, causing everything around him to appear frozen in place. During this time-lapse, Jotaro is able to interact with any object or person within his range. Measures of time during Time Stop correspond to normal measures. He is unable to use the ability consecutively, requiring at least a minute between each usage

    Star Platinum: The World stops time

    In Jotaro's prime, the ability lasted 5 seconds,[15] but decreased over time due to neglect from its user. Ten years after its initial use, Jotaro is only able to stop time for half a second,[16] but eventually extends it to 1-2[17] seconds throughout the later half of Diamond is Unbreakable. (So basically, only 1-2 Seconds)

    Weapons/Equipment: NA

    Theme Song: PreviewPreview3:15Jotaro (Star Platinum) Theme - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (PSX ...YouTube · METJun 11, 2016

    Other: Part 4 Jotaro



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    The Hunter
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    Never! I'm not getting frozen again!’

    The Hunter

    Universe From:

    Other Names:
    The Pilgrim, Ma’am, Prof



    Chronological age due to cryogenic freezing:

    Biological age:

    None as of the moment.... currently wandering from place to place.

    Home Base:

    The Hunter is a rather interesting individual... as rather being a part of the modern ‘future’ and used to it... she instead, comes from the distant past.... and at first, was rather confused of how humanity has gone, but have gotten used to the weirdness of the future and the tech it holds. A brave and fearless individual... with her experience within the Gungeon and her facing off against powerful foes had trained her mind time and time again... making her more used to the evilness and weapons that the Gungeon holds. Of course, she is a large fan of pets and small animals, especially animals such as dogs... occasionally being found petting a nearby dog or animal, even trying to befriend one at times... but still has a certain place in her heart for her loyal companion, Junior ll, being very defensive of her dog friend and even bringing forth a wrath never seen before when he is hurt.

    In the end, the Hunter is a loyal ally to the end, and while she has her own certain views at times and is rather reckless when acting within certain situations, she is still a good friend to those she befriends, and doesn’t think much of what someone used to be unless affects the present in a way.

    1,147 years prior to the Hunter's adventure into the Gungeon, she travelled to Blacksword Manor to defeat Dr. Wolfenclaw; however, she was captured and stored in a Cryo Pod until the events of Enter The Gungeon. It is unknown how she escaped the Cryo Pod.

    Past Kill
    If the Bullet That Can Kill The Past is used on The Hunter, she will be brought back to the front entrance of Blacksword Manor before her capture. After entering the manor the Hunter will eventually come across a strange machine. Dr. Wolfenclaw will appear and greet the Hunter, saying that he's thrilled to be able to use her in his latest experiment. The Hunter responds by saying that she will not let him have his way with her and that she's come to stop him and his twisted religion. Dr. Wolfenclaw will then summon a circle of bullets, trapping The Hunter. The player will be given the option to use a Blank to destroy the trap. Dr. Wolfenclaw will initially be surprised by such advanced technology, but claims that it won't matter and decides to unleash his monster upon The Hunter. Should The Hunter defeat the monster, she will be relieved that it is finally over and leave the manor with Junior.

    A simple dodge roll, while it seems like it does nothing but being an effective dodge that travels a few feet, it is instead, a useful tool, for if the Hunter dodges over a melee or ranged attack, her will simply continue the roll without any damage to her form, making it a useful move if she is about to be hit. But for 2 seconds at the end of the roll, it leaves the Hunter vulnerable to attack, and without a dodge roll until 2 seconds later.

    A large handsized pistol round colored blue, when it’s top has been pressed, it will let forth a shockwave, that while it does not harm foes directly, merely pushing them back 20ft, the shockwave is capable of destroying any projectile, be it a simple pistol round all the way to a laser beam, will be destroyed. The downside is that the Hunter only starts with 3 blanks, and can’t begin recharging her blanks until fully using the reserve up, to which, she has to wait 5 minutes (4 posts) in order to recharge all 3 uses.

    A form of armor that is invisible unless struck, it functions exactly the same as the Blanks, but instead of being activated by being pressed, it is instead, activated by being having the individual attacked. Useful in situations that she cannot activated blanks in, or if she cannot react quickly enough to an attack. Downsides is it’s conditions for it to be used, and once attacked, a shield will disappear and cannot be gained back during combat, even with time. But the Hunter starts with two shields.

    Ser Junkan the Holy Knight:
    Ser Junkan is a living bag of trash, who seems happy to travel around with the Hunter, acting like a curious being with everyone and everything new it meets. But in battle, instead of being the clueless and energetic bag he is, he becomes a force to be reckon with, using spin attacks with his blade to damage his foe, and using nearby blanks when the Hunter is about to be hit, be it by foe or bullet, and if the time calls for it.... will even sacrifice his own life to protect his Master. He doesn’t seem to do much other than follow the Hunter and fight in battle.

    Armor Synthesizer:
    Every time combat ends, the Hunter gains a shield made placed it within her reserve. Useful for going for going back into combat as soon as possible.

    Junior II:
    The Hunter’s dog and main companion... Junior ll doesn’t seem to do far much as abilities for, but it does have a knack for looking for hidden and underground items, as well as alerting his master when a threat is nearby... such as a mimic.

    The Casey is a melee based weapon... a shotgun with an shotgun shell for the upper half of the weapon, it is a deadly weapon in close range... dealing heavy amounts of damage when fully charged up. It does take a while for it to charge up for a swing, but it’s usefulness doesn’t stop there... for it also has high amounts of knockback and being able to knock back projectiles to an enemy.

    Colt 1851:
    A revolver with 12 rounds in a single chamber and has 350 rounds in reserve... it fires at a burst of two bullets per shot, not much else is special about this weapon.

    A normal crossbow weapon with 100 arrows in reserve.... it deals heavy damage but has no other special properties and is rather unreliable against fast foes.

    A standard issue military rifle, the M16 has 500 ammo in reserve, and fires 30 bullets before having to reload. But after reloading, it will switch to its secondary fire mode, capable of shooting 3 grenades before needing to reload once again. The bullets and grenades all count for the max ammo capacity.

    A assault rifle like weapon made mostly of hardened green light, it fires 25 green lasers and has 500 in reserve, but when either reloading or changing the gun, would shift it into a light blade, and not only prove as a useful weapon that is capable of cutting through most materials, but can also reflect projectiles back at opponents. It is only capable of reflecting projectiles that the user strikes with the blade, but still, a useful weapon nonetheless.

    A mixture between shotgun and axe, it has a max ammo of 150 and 6 rounds in its chambers... while it seems rather normal, the axe-head at the front of the weapon, it is a mixture between gun and melee weapon... useful for especially when an enemy gets in close ranges.

    Makeshift cannon:
    The strongest weapon in her arsenal that only has one shot.... once charged up, it fired six large colored gems that fly across the battlefield, bouncing off walls and dealing devastating damage if used correctly... but be warned, it only has a single shot.

    Sunlight Javelin:
    An none-gun item within her kit, when activating the sunlight javelin, her right hand becomes covered in a orange glow with electricity sparking off it. When focused, the lighting turns to that of javelin, and deals a great amount of damage with a electricity effect added afterwards. It seems to have an limitless source of energy for it.

    Riddle of Lead:
    A dark bullet with ancient and magical symbols that glow on it side... it has a few effects when picked up, all of it being passive in nature.
    Increases damage by 30%. Increases speed by 10%. Increases dodge roll/table sliding speed by approximately 15%. When at low health, has a 50% chance to negate damage to the user.

    Aged Bell:
    A seemingly normal old bell that had its fair share of aging.... it slowly charges up when dealing damage to foes and killing them... and once rung, for a singular post, time would stop... freezing foes, bullets, and allies alike, only leaving the Hunter and her two other companions able to move. Once this happens, the Hunter can still interact with others such as shoot at them and the damage will still occur, but not until the effect is over when the damage truly takes place.

    Useful for setting up very rewarding yet difficult (normally) tasks or dodging.

    Shelleton key:
    A skeleton key with a skull on its bottom half, it is capable of unlocking any chest or physical lock easily... similar to its original predecessor. Doesn’t do much else other than this specific purpose.

    Theme Song:


    • Her pose resembles Clint Eastwood's The Outlaw Josey Wales.
    • The icon on her belt references Sam Stone, the main character of the game called Serious Sam.
    • The Hunter's past may be based off of the Wolfenstein series.
    • The Hunter's past is the only past to not have her infinite ammo starter weapon.
    • The Hunter may have drawn influence from Susannah, a character from Stephen King's "The Dark Tower" series.
    • The Hunter was originally called “The Guide”.
    • In Enter the Gungeon’s pre-alpha, the Hunter (or rather the Guide) started with Sense of Directioninstead of Dog.
    Nikolai Petrov
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    "All systems nominal. Colonel Nikolai Petrov ready for action."

    Name: Nikolai Petrov

    Universe From: Supreme Commander

    Other Names: UEF Colonel Nikolai Petrov, "Davy Jones"

    Gender: Male

    Race: Human

    Affiliation: The United Earth Federation is the place Nikolai Petrov has defended for many years, and he still fights for it.

    Home Base: The Beyond, on board a planetoid.

    Personality: Petrov is a seasoned and grim trooper. He's lead mechanical legions against the Aeon Illuminate and the Cybran Nation, and eventually, the Seraphim. He has seen it all, and knows how precisely to survive in a hot drop zone. Extremely businesslike, but has a soft spot for civilian watercraft owing to his pre-Commander origins.

    History: Nikolai Petrov is the man who stopped the Seraphim invasion of the Supreme Commander universe.
    In the UEF's days of the Black Sun, when the weapon was still under construction, Lieutenant Nikolai Petrov was the Commander the UEF charged with its most important tasks, leading to protecting Black Sun while it fired. And Petrov was successful.
    However, Black Sun firing lead to the Seraphim, vengeful aliens, to invade the galaxy with the goal of exterminating all human life. Petrov, now promoted to Colonel for his actions in the first Infinite War, found himself on the frontlines, side by side with former enemies against this new threat and quickly made a name for himself as one of the UEF's finest naval specialists. The campaign took the Colonel to the Seraphim's main gate to enter the galaxy with. Following a brutal battle, Petrov shut the gate down.
    One day, Petrov was deployed to eliminate an insurgent Seraphim commander. Petrov never reported back.

    Powers/Abilities: Petrov is a born survivor. He is capable of surviving large-scale enemy attacks with the aid of his ACU. He is also highly proficient at commanding naval forces as well as aircraft in tandem with an Aircraft Carrier.

    Weapons/Equipment: The ACU is a highly advanced 40m walker capable of constructing any kind of automated machinery with raw mass. It can withstand a nuclear missile and upgrade itself to better handle a situation. In short, it's a mech that builds stuff to kill other mechs like it.

    Theme Song:

    Other: Petrov's favorite unit is a tie between the UEF Atlantis and the Summit Battleship.
    Weiss Schnee
  • 'The Schnee Dust Company is not responsible for any injuries or damages sustained while operating a Schnee Dust Company product. Although not mandatory, the Schnee Family highly encourages their customers to read and familiarize themselves with this easy-to-follow guide to Dust application and practice in the field.''
    Name: Weiss Schnee

    Universe From: RWBY

    Other Names: Weisscream,ice queen,etc

    Gender: Female

    Race: Human

    Affiliation: RWBY(sorta)

    Home Base: None for now

    Personality:, Weiss is "nice but can also be a little bit bitchy". She is irritable and confident in her abilities, though also acknowledges her deficiencies and the need to hone her skills further. Her confidence in her skills and intellect often comes off as arrogance to others.

    History: Weiss Schnee

    Powers/Abilities: Weiss semblance gives multiple abilities: Ice Manipulation: She's capable of altering the shape of the ice structures she can create with her rapier. Glyphs: Symbols that Weiss can use to boost her speed and mobility, as well as her allies'. They can also be used to push enemies and throw them off their balance.

    Weiss' weapon of choice is Myrtenaster, a Multi-Action Dust Rapier. The rapier has a revolving chamber inside the guard, which has six slots in total, each of which contains a vial of powdered Dust. The revolving chamber is constantly stocked with red, cyan, purple, white, yellow and blue Dust.

    Weiss utilizes the Dust in combat, either in raw form or in conjunction with her Semblance to create various effects that suit the situation. When not using Myrtenaster as a Dust supplier, Weiss utilizes her speed to dodge attacks and her sword to deliver damage through quick thrusts that leave little room for counters.
    Fierce Deity Joker
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    "You never saw it coming, did you?"

    Name: Fierce Deity Joker

    Universe From: Persona 5 Alt Universe-

    Other Names: FD

    Gender: Male

    Race: Human

    Affiliation: None

    Home Base: None

    Personality: While normally, Joker is calm and collected, this version of him is more Cocky and rude. He is an excellent strategist however, but shows Overconfidence, to the point where it becomes... dangerous

    History: Most of the normal Events in P5 happen... except, at the first Palace, when they find the treasure, Joker finds a strange mask in a corner, and puts it on, which transforms him into FD Joker. The costume change is permanent, while in the Metaverse however., and the game progresses like normal, except for one thing. Joker, is no longer a Wildcard. Protagonist (Persona 5)

    Powers/Abilities: Superpowers, all that.

    Enhanced Strength, Durability, and Range This also Applies n the physical world as well.

    Arsene: Arsene has changed along with the mask as well, and now has two dual daggers shaped like the Fierce Deity Sword. Arsene has more Bless attacks now, and also looks different along with Joker. However, this is the only Persona he has access to.

    • Eiha: A Curse-based skill that deals minor damage to one foe.
    • Cleave: Arsene slashes the foe, dealing light physical damage.
    • Sukunda: Lowers the enemy's precision and agility, along with a chance of enraging them.
    • Dream Needle: A physical attack that has chances of putting the opponent to sleep.
    • Adverse Resolve: A passive ability that increases Akira's chances of dealing critical damage after being ambushed.
    • Arsene can also use the dual daggers for normal attacks
    • There are a few more abilites, but the must be unlocked with new vows and confidents.
    Fear Aura: a Passive ability that activate whenever FD Joker feels threatened, and it sends fear into those within its radius, about 10 feet


    Fierce Deity Daggers, Frenzy Dagger

    Fierce Gun: Does more damage to enraged opponents
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  • Name: Catra

    Universe From: She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (Season 1)

    Other Names: Wildcat, Force Captain

    Gender: Female

    Race: Feline Humanoid (in other words, a catgirl)

    Affiliation: Force Captain

    Home Base: Fright Zone

    Personality: Catra is able to manipulate others without any remorse. She tends to resent those who abandon her or push her to the side. Catra always tries to win the favor of whoever she's working for, wishing to rise above everyone, no matter who she has to use to get there. She's very blunt with others, not hesitating to speak her mind. She gets easily flustered, and mockingly critisizes others often. She's quite irritable as well, sometimes letting her anger roll out. Catra very mischevious, often joking and playing around with others and causing trouble as well. She tends to push others away but grow jealous and clingy when they're gone. She can go from ambivalent to hostile very easily.

    History: When Catra was young, she had been orphaned and taken in by the Horde, to be trained as a soldier along with Adora. Often, their mother figure Shadow Weaver favored Adora over Catra, which created a bit of resentment. Even then, Adora and Catra grew to be very close. Once Adora leaves the Horde and joins the Rebellion years later, Catra, while hurt, is briefly determined to get her back. This determination turns into vengeance, believing that Adora caused her own downfall, and that Catra now has the chance to rise.

    Powers/Abilities: She's very strategic, having been able to outwit, outmaneuver, and even physiologically exploiting the rebellion and Hordak... though it doesn't always work regarding the rebellion, given the power of the Princesses. Being feline-like, she inherits many cat-like abilities as well. Catra has a great sense of balance, and her retractable claws are strong enough to tear through metal. She's able to jump, run, and climb faster than the average human, along with being stronger than the average human (but not to the point of being stronger than She-Ra). She can see, smell, and hear better than the average human as well. Catra is very agile.

    Weapons/Equipment: She keeps a tracker pad (basically tracks people and she can contact others with it) on her person, along with a stun baton (with a click of a button it'll have electricity coming from it, and can stun enemies).

    Theme Song:

    Other: nya /shot
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    “The reaper is well known to me.... I do not fear him”


    Universe From:
    Darkest Dungeon

    Other Names:
    The Leper... Ill-fated King, war poet


    Diseased (the disease being Leprosy) Human



    Home Base:
    None Currently

    “I am all but a shell of my former self... but I accepted my fate... for its all but part of nature and life.... and changing fate would not solve anything. That does not mean I won’t go down without a fight, and so, with the last of my strength, I will curse my foes and creatures of the abyss with a blessing I will soon receive.... the blessing of death. I mostly keep to myself, not wanting to bother or disturb anyone around me.... ally or not.... but I am calm in any situation... good or bad.... relived or stressed.... for I come to accept all that happens to me and my Allies.... but that does not mean it gives me Stress as well... and if pushed to the limit, I will either fail and fall into a state of Afflicted.... my mind completely breaking and using the means of insanity in order to fill the empty void, or become Virtuous.... my mind Strengthening in the face of chaos.... and would make me perform beyond ones limits. But having the mind of a war poet, I will sometimes speak a quote or two about nature.”

    “I speak only when needed, and I only speak loud enough for my allies to hear, but not too loud to be of that of a shout... and I care greatly for my allies, for their story hasn’t ended yet, and I will make sure they make it through. But I always know.... that adversity and existence are one and the same.


    “I was once a king..... a lord of a small kingdom. The name of the kingdom is all but forgotten and left behind in the past now.... for after being infected with this disease and nearing the end times.... I was not fit to continue my role, and instead..... left my people in a much better state than if I was stubborn and continued my role of leadership. Leaving with only the broken sword I once proudly wielded in my prime, and the armor and cloak protecting the world from my true nature..... I wandered the lands, with one single purpose left in me... a crusade.... but not a holy one.... no, it was far from holy.... it was a unholy crusade, one of great importance.... against the Eldritch forced of the abyss... and all those who stand in my way.”

    “A few months later... while walking down a small road, a carriage went up..... being driven by what I will soon know as the ‘Caretaker’ picked me up..... and dropped me off.... at what I thought would be the last ‘true’ home until my ‘death’, a ever-growing Hamlet.... and while small in the beginning when I arrived, with five other heros, one of which I rode on the carriage with.... But over time... it became something great... something I didn’t expect at all.... but the cost of expanding hamlet and fighting against the horrors within the dungeons.... were the many lives I seen come and go, wasted.... more ash.... more dust..... and more disappointment... one would say. But here I was.... a man slowly dying, but more, much more, expired before me..... their lives being ended by the horrifying creatures no sane man would see..... people I saw die beside me... but in all of those situations, my party either prevailed or retreated out of combat.... leaving the quest behind for their own survival. It was.... saddening to say the least, all these lives, being wasted and depending on their experiences, treated as mere canon fodder or great hero’s that have given their all to die in the end.”

    “But, what I thought to be my end.... was at the ‘Farmstead’.... a strange place I have visited one before.... but as soon as I entered in the past, I was quickly outside once more with the rest of my party, no recollection of what just happened.... if it weren’t for the bodies left behind, showing that we have truly did enter... but forgotten all about it. The second time... I didn’t forget at all.... for I was ‘killed’ there. And I finally remembered the reality warping blueness it the ‘Farmstead’.... the crystals imbedded into the landscape, the land either a regular farmstead infected with humans and creatures tainted by those from the beyond.... or islands floating in seemingly no where in both reality and non-existence.... drawing in enemies from either the abyss or around the dungeons I have gone through in order to fight our team. But it all ended when we have fought the sleeper.... another Eldritch Entity that we could barely understand..... but one other have died in our group in the process.... and what seemed like victory.... ended with me giving my last stand to protect my two remaining allies, as I was thrown of the small floating island our team was fighting on... and thrown into void.... my fate seemingly to be part of the ‘Farmstead’ for the rest of my days.... I thought it was my end.... until I was dropped off at something very much different than my own experience”

    The Leper has 16 slots in order to store items in, and depending on what item it is, may only store one if it, or multiple of it. It does nothing to slow down the Leper when walking or in fights.

    Having a small chance... he is capable of dealing a critical strike dealing double the damage he would normally do, or use this with his Solitude and gain better healing and stress reduction as a result of it.

    Him, like any other human being, can become stressed out that sometimes, ‘his resolve is tested’. this can lead to two things if his stress bar reaches 100/100, he will either be ‘Afflicted’, it being a bad personality effect that is generally harmful for both him and his team, or ‘Virtue’, it being a good personality effect that helps out in combat, with ‘Afflicted’ being the higher chance personality effect. But no matter which one is chosen, his personality will change to what personality effect he has gotten. If his stress reaches 200 while ‘Afflicted’, he will suffer a heart attack which instantly puts him on ‘Death’s Door’, while gaining 200 stress with a ‘virtue’ only removes it. He has a 25% chance of gaining a virtue and a 75% chance of gaining a affliction, and gaining stress or healing would depend on the events he witnesses with his own two eyes. The effects of the afflictions and virtues will be explained when gaining either one... and what’s to expect from them.

    The Virtues he can gain are:
    “Many fall in the face of chaos.... but not this one... not today.”

    “Adversity can foster hope, and resilience.”

    “A moment of clarity in the eye of the storm.”

    “Anger is power. Unleash it!”


    “A moment of valor shines brightest against the backdrop of despair.”

    The Afflictions being :
    1. Fearful:
    “Fear and frailty finally claim their due....”

    2. Paranoid:
    “The walls close in, the shadows whisper of conspiracy!”

    3. Masochistic:
    “Those who covert injury find it in no short supply.”

    4. Abusive:
    “Frustration and Fury, more destructive than a hundred cannons.”

    5. Selfish:
    “Self-preservation is paramount- at any cost!”

    6. Hopeless:
    “There can be no hope in this hell..... no hope at all.”

    7. Irrational:

    “Reeling, gasping, taken over the edge into madness!”

    Death’s Door:
    If he loses all of his Hp, he will enter ‘Death’s Door’, a red skull appearing above him as his body glows red, if attacked in this state, no matter how strong or weak the attack may be, it will lead to his death, but he has a 67% ‘Death’s Door blow resist’ which allows him to survive blows in this state with no signs of damage, but not for long. If he recovers out of this state by healing at least 1 hp, he will exit ‘Death’s Door’ but will suffer penalties to his accuracy, damage, and speed while also gaining more stress. He currently has 67 Hp

    Combat skills:
    A one handed strike with the executioner blade, it is capable of dealing a great amount of damage if it lands on the intended target.

    A much weaker but multi-hitting form of Chop, it is capable of hitting two targets with a two handed over head swing of the blade, dealing half the damage it would normally do but hit more targets as of a result.

    A swing aimed upwards towards the air, it has higher accuracy, lower damage, but capable of pushing foes backwards a couple of feet and clear all corpses on the field, while also buffing his accuracy for 4 turns.

    Covering himself in red mist and focusing his power, he is capable of increasing his accuracy, damage, and Crit for a coupe of turns, but Debuff himself with less dodge and higher amount of damage applied to him.

    Having a blue shield that forms then disappears in front of the Leper, it would mark him, allowing attacks to hit him more often, but also increases his protection, decreasing the amount of damage taken with each hit, but also increase his blight, bleed, Debuff, and Move resistances as well.

    By doing a small meditation while kneeling.... he can not only heal up to 10 as a result of it, but relieve 7 stress as well from his stress bar.

    Another upward swing like attack, instead, dealing much less damage than all of his attack based moves, but is not only capable of hitting invisible opponents, but also de-stealth them as well, making them visible. It also Debuff the enemy hit with the attack by making them become slower and deal less damage. The move Marks the Leper but also increases his speed a small bit.

    Camping skills:
    Let the mask down:
    Relieves 25 stress but has a chance of stressing out his companions for a small amount, most likely due to him revealing what’s hidden beneath the mask.

    Bloody Shroud:
    Increases his resistances to blight, bleed, Debuff, and Move for 4 battles.

    Relieves 20 stress and grants him increased accuracy and Crit chance for 4 battles.

    Suffers 20% of his current hp, but has a chance of relieving much stress from his allies, either 15 or 20 stress removed.

    Relieves 15 stress from an ally.

    Wound care:
    Heals an ally and both cures bleeding and poison.

    Pep talk:
    Decreases the amount of stress an ally would gain for 4 battles.

    The Broken blade & Idomitable

    Once a powerful great sword.... now broken into a state that makes it more of a executioner sword now, called the Broken Blade, and the armor named Indomitable... with these together, creates the perfect combination of having strong enough armor to block the greatest of physical blows, but a slow but powerful sword to slay those that lay in the path of its sharpened edges.

    Theme Song:
    Combat Theme:

    Virtue Theme:

    Affliction Theme:

    -The Leper would start within 36/100 stress​
    Master Chief
  • "Cortana, Get me a Warthog, Now."


    Name: Master Chief Petty Officer John-117, Chief, Master Chief, and Demon.

    Fandom: Halo: Halo 2

    Affiliation: UNSC.

    Gender: Male.

    Height: 6'10 (7'2 In Armor.)

    Biological Age: 43

    Actual Age: 47

    Race: Human -> Genetically Modified Soldier -> UNSC Spartan-Two

    Appearance: Chief isn't seen a lot without his armor off, If he is, He still somehow isn't seen. Nobody knows what he looks like. Rumors are that he is bald and has scars covering his pale white face.

    Weaknesses: Mostly Sterile (Sorry Chief, You have a low chance at having kids.), Swimming (Well, A one-thousand-pound man can't swim), Punch to back of Head/Neck (Shuts off suit systems temporarily or weakens him), Lasers, Definitely Magic, Dead-Shield, and Plasma-based weapons.


    The MA5C assault rifle is an air-cooled, gas-operated, magazine-fed, fully-automatic bullpup rifle that fires 32 rounds of 7.62×51mm ammunition. It possesses a built-in ammunition indicator and magnetic compass for orientation similar to that of all other MA5 series rifles.

    The M6D Magnum is a recoil-operated, magazine-fed handgun, chambered in 12.7x40mm ammunition, typically employed with semi-armor-piercing, high-explosive (SAPHE) rounds of that chambering, and feeding from 12-round detachable box magazines. It has also been known to be chambered in the .450 Magnum load. The weapon is somewhat unusual for a handgun in that it is capable of both semi-automatic and automatic firing. The M6D is one of the M6 series’ upscaled variants, being larger than non-upscaled M6s by roughly 117%. The M6D is also an officer’s model, and in this capacity was employed by Captain Jacob Keyes on the UNSC Pillar of Autumn. Like other officer’s model M6s, the weapon is fitted with a smart-linked KFA-2 optic for utilization by those employing a heads-up display.

    The M9 High-Explosive Dual-Purpose grenade (abbreviated M9 HE-DP grenade), also known as the Fragmentation grenade, shortened Frag grenade, or simply Frag, is a UNSC-issued grenade that functions in a manner very similar to contemporary hand grenades. Chief carries only two frag grenades.


    -Artificially enhanced Speed, Strength (Can lift three-times his bodyweight and even more with the suit), Reaction Time, and Intellect. Chief can run up to 60MPH with just his Mjolnir armour on.-

    -High Combat Success.-

    -Can use any weapons or piece of equipment.-

    -Mjolnir Mark VI Suit. Shield Recharge Rate:
    In Halo 2 and Halo 3, energy shields begin regenerating 4.25 seconds after last being hit, and take 1.75 seconds to fully recharge from a total drain.-

    Personality: He always follows orders, Or does what he feels right doing. He has a deep-sounding voice even without his helmet on. Although, He is a tough nail to break and doesn't stop until the job is done.

    (This is an Alternate timeline where the Autumn was never destroyed.)

    Theme Song:
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