Other Random question of the day

probably not unless your someone who likes to have two copies of every book you own it won't make a difference
I have no older siblings, but my older cousin came over and threw me in a pool when I couldn't swim and nearly drowned me if that counts.
I don't have siblings and everybody knows I hate pranks so I'm lucky they respect it.
only siblings i got are a half-brother and step-siblings but i never even meet them so the likeablity of being pranked by them is pretty much non-exsitent unless I try and find a way to get in touch with my step-mom and set up a day to meet my half-brother and step-siblings but then i'd need my actual mom to point me to my step-mom in order to do that, but i also don't want to meet my biological father soooo ya answer to this question is a no
Random question of the day:

If you could make your own MMORPG game (Such as Club Penguin, Panfu et cetera), what would you theme it after?
I would love to have a game where I can collect different types of sounds to form my own compositions! Having an interactive community where everyone shares their soundtracks would be fun to listen to. And the gameplay would be kind of like sky:the children of light!! just flying around, exploring different realms/places. i wonder if there's already such a game tho, I only stick to cozy chill games and not a lot of mmorpgs
Probably a good thing, yea
I didn't even know it was, lol
Men everywhere should care for their mental health outside of November though, obviously
I assume because of filters that are easy to apply there?
And no, filters alone won't make you a good photographer.
Random question of the day:

Have you ever had any frustrations with finding new roleplaying partners? If so, how did you overcome these frustrations?
... I'll let you know when I figure that one out. lmao
(though, lately I've been too busy to actually participate in anything anyway)
There is no emotion, there is peace. Right rp partners will always appear at the right time.
Having other hobbies or things to do helps.
I have, but it was never "I can't find RPs" because if anything I had a tendency to bite off more than I could chew at first. I can and do look for RPs and just leave some leeway for people who may come to my interest checks as well. What I did have in frustrations was a lack of candidates for more specific interest checks, particularly ones I know for a fact are usually pretty popular fandoms like fate or overlord.

As for how I dealt with it... mostly just taking it in stride. Maybe make some minor adjustments to the interest check, or look for other people who might be interested and with whom I could arrange a compromise. Outside of that though, I really just kind of dealt with it until it passed, and given enough time I did usually find some people who responded, though in many cases our compatibility didn't work out in the end.

Also, as Onmyoji mentioned, having other interests and hobbies helps since it's like getting roleplays or not is an end all be all.

For anyone with difficulty in finding RPs, there are simple things you can do to improve your odds, which are not guarantees and not everyone will want to do, but if you do do them, they will help:
(1) Widen your search. The reduction of potential partners when you narrow the search / make the search more specific is not linear, it's exponential. Rather than a specific pairing of a specific fandom for instance, maybe you could be more flexible with pairings or even do something that is based on the fandom but not directly the fandom.
(2) Don't just make an interest check and leave it at that, actively look for and at other RPs. You might find that someone else also wants what you do or you might find something interesting you didn't even think about.
(3) Compromise. Seldom will you really find a partner that perfectly fits the bill, especially if your requirements are too vague or overly specific and complex. Some things a person can't compromise on of course, but the more leeway you are willing to give the more your range of potential partners expands. This is especially important for those without a lot of roleplay experience, as you have more to gain from experimenting.

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