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Fantasy Quarrels of Pari.


Hemaris Thysbe
At the very first moment in time, there was nothing. The very space that would house an ever changing community of celestial bodies was only filled with emptiness. An infinitesimally small formless entity stood alone in emptiness, only accompanied by his thoughts. To this formless entity, millennia only felt like an instant. This entity quickly became frustrated by it's loneliness. It's decision was quick and without thought. In desperation, it sacrificed it's life and gave birth to the universe itself. In the next moment of time, stars radiated with great warmth. Planets, cold and lifeless, rapidly orbited stars. The formless entity still retained some of it's physical form. However, it now took the shape of two distinct individuals, Sateilla & Syoda. They had very different personalities and argued often. However, they both agreed that the universe, even with the two of them and constant celestial activity, was still lonely. The twin deities sacrificed their bodies to create a planet that would proliferate life. Sateilla tore apart her body, creating the atmosphere and fluids of this planet, while Syoda solidified his body to create the land and plants. The twin deities became two souls in a single body in order to sate their desire to create life. Made from the bodies of gods, was the land of Pari.

Time passed. Complex life grew. The spirits of Sateilla and Syoda were in constant communication.

The priests of the nation Briyakas have prophesized that the Land of Pari would engaged itself in a battle.

(Note: Any constructive input, criticism, and feedback is helpful and encouraged.)

Hello! This roleplay still has some construction to go. Mostly just to beef up the descriptions and improve some things.

Essentially, this roleplay would involve a group of variable size that has to engage one or both deities. A variety of things can happen from there. There, of course, will be a variety of both political and physical obstacles. The quarrels between the two deities will increase international tensions, as resources have become scarce or unstable weather making travel dangerous.

There are six races: Human, Syyn, Ayri, Branik, Adharc, and Lelketlen.

There are also eleven countries: Altin, Sikhara, Anaja, Vandens, Gr'awt, Tavara, Iluny, Zintir, Sara Ala, P'arprwyrn, and Briyakas.

One of the most important parts of the roleplay is the, what I'd like to call, twin combat system. Essentially, and this will be explained extensively in the overview, every person has a "twin". This doesn't mean a biological twin, but it refers to two people whos souls are linked by fate. This can be any pair: Twins, Friends, Spouses, etc. There will also be another option, and I am likely leaving this to one person, where two linked souls are present in one body. After character creation, I will have everyone pair up. (Unless they choose the latter option or have no partner due to plot). It is complex and will be expanded upon in further detail. I just need to flesh it all out in writing.

Quarrels of Pari Completion

Things to do:

World Map





Final Details
Wow this is very interesting I like the origin story, I would like to join the role play ( :) )
Nice. I am really excited to hear that you two are interested. I will be sure to tag you two when everything is all set up.
Sorry it is taking so long. Most people get this kind of thing done in a day, but my internet keeps cutting out and I have to go to school during the day. Pretty much, horrible timing of a variety of events. I assure you, though, it will be completed at the very latest by Saturday evening.

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