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Fantasy Psycho Dungeonmaster!

He only had twelve nine mm bullets, he was gonna make worth of it. He took his inadequate bayonet and shortsword, preparing himself.
"Best friend? Okay..... Yep, Ok." Irah said as she positioned her hammer in a batting position. She was startled when the creature took Timothy. With a growl, she swung down the hammer hard into the creature's side.
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He deals catastrophic damage tobhe mutants mobility, but he didn't attack for long enough to penetrate the thick, leathery skin and kill itwithout his bodily Richters reaching to high.
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After successfully shoving the mutant off of Timothy, Irah start to continuously bashed the mutant in the legs so they'd be rendered unable to move. It worked but now it started to flail around quite dangerously and violently. Attacking in every direction. She knew if she was reckless, she'll get seriously injured.

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Timothy shouted. He tried to kick them off but found the only route was to hit them with the weapon he grabbed. He did reluctantly. He frowned and hit them off him. "s-sorry..." He mumbled, getting up and stepping back.

"Well, I'm a little tired, so I'll leave you guys with.. hmm... 20 mutated Pit Bulls and one Doberman! *Yawn*" She falls asleep at her control panel after pressing a yellow button, releasing the animals and unlocking the door.
Aiden had pierced one of the Human Mutants with his sword in the neck. He noticed the other mutants, nearly getting tackled before he had stabbed it. They would charge him, attacking. He was pinnef to the ground, shooting the thing off of him.
With animals Timothy was different. He went on full pacifist mode and walked up to the animals bravely and used his superior animal loving skills to shower them with affection. "They're sooo cute!"

"They're Feral! If you're gonna love one, learn how to tame it!" Aiden had yelled. He admired the kids innocence, even in this situation.
Timothy saw it wasn't working and frowned a little. He quickly stepped back. "Why does ever problem here have to be solved in violence..." He mumbled. "I should at least get a chance." He said, hitting one of them and sniffling.

He had tackled the dog before it could dismember anything, but it had succeeded in biting him. He bad kicked it fiercely, breaking its ribcage.
"Its survival, not violence! When your life is going to be ended no matter what kind acts you do, you need to fight for your life! Once you leave, whatever you believe on may be always right, but now it isn't."
Something pinkish and bubbly was sitting in a potion at the far end of the dark dungeon's room. It had a red plus on it, and the bite mark on Aiden's leg was beginning to turn green and spread.

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He assumed the potion was a cure... He then became fully dedicated to retrieving it. He ran towards it, shooting two mutants ahead of time. He had trouble getting tackled a few times, but he had broke their necks before they got at his throat. Be grabbed it, dabbing some and putting it on the wound and drank the rest, since he didn't know which way to take it.
Timothy reluctantly hit another. He was doing this for survival so he wasn't going to complain anymore.


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