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Fantasy -Protectors of Egnis- (Interest check)


New Member
We are the protectors of knowledge, keepers of artifacts, and the Loremasters of all ages. We have always been here to take our part in history, and write down the legends of the past. We live in a world that neither escapes time, nor effects it. All around us is magic and mystery, wonder and paradise.
We are together in the beginning and together in the end, no matter what comes and goes we will always be there to extinguish the flames of mortality
. ~Keepers Of Egnis

--The Protectors of Egnis--

Egnis is a magical realm, that combines the immeasurable power of magic, with the perhaps just as immeasurable technologies of man. Together, they bring forth abilities and progress that neither could hope to achieve alone. Egnis is home to an assortment of creatures and creations, things that force the two worlds into one.

The inhabitants of Egnis once feared for their lives against the bloodthirsty and cruel creatures the world hosted, but as they grew and adapted, the inhabitants, began to think of ways to defend themselves, building walls, and magical machines that would protect them. As they grew smarter and bolder, they even began to strike back at these creatures in great force, bringing a certain peace to the realm.

The inhabitants of Egnis were never satisfied, however. They are always creating more, drafting, building, using the magic the world gave them with the technology of man and mind. They created golems, turrets, arms and armor, they made machines that could take them from place to place.

The Inhabitants of Egnis were drawn to technology, magic and the power that came with both. Another kind of power they craved was knowledge, the knowledge they found was in the shapes of artifacts and written works from times long passed. These items are sought and fiercely protected by a group called 'The Keepers of Egnis'.

(Think, elegant/medieval/steampunk, but with magic instead of steam, gears and stuff)

Never standing still, Egnis is the ever changing landscape in which you were born.

-The RP-

In the RP you would be playing as a student of the Temple of Zemphira. The Temple of Zemphira is an academy within the walls of Fayron, one of Egnis's great cities, that teaches the use of magic, arts, sciences, and other studies. The temple is also home to the praise and worship of Zemphira.

Goddess Zemphira is the main deity of the people of Fayron. They give thanks to her, as they believe it was she that gave birth to magic, giving her the other name, the Matron of Magic.

The temple itself is lead by a woman named Isabella, who runs the temple more than the academy, but has equal say in both. Other than the teachers there are a few priests and priestesses that work with the other Inhabitants, as well as a few masters that are there solely for guidance.

As a student at the temple, you are considered pupils to your master, Keiran, who has taught you since you were only four years old. Although there's more than one master, they each teach a different age group. You are part of the current eldest group, given the titles of apprentices.

As such it will soon be up to you, and your fellow apprentices, to start working for the inhabitants of Fayron, in order to apply for your 'mastery'. If you given your mastery, you will then be able to start your life in your chosen field of research/testing/magics/field work/so on.

Today you will all be graduating into apprentices, but who do you hope to be in the future?

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-Your Characters-

As Inhabitants of Egnis, citizens of Fayron, and apprentices of the Temple of Zemphira, you are all capable of small magical feats, making you a member of the upper class. The upper caste is home to anyone who can wield and use magic to their will. Anyone in Fayron who does not have magic is considered 'Rejected by Zemphira' or Unworthy of her gifts, and therefore considered the lower caste. The 'unchosen' as they're sometimes called go to a different school, learn different skills and take on different jobs, seeing how they cannot create technology or wield magic. Technology made without magic is practically unheard of.

There are four 'noble houses' in Fyron, all of which are known for their innate abilities, you may choose to be from one, but you will then have to conspire with me in order to make it work, as they are influential and may become important to the story;

House Nyanna,
Known for their impressive magics, mostly unassociated with technology. They are said to be more in tune with Zemphira, and are the closest to the magic source. They are pretty tightly knitted into the community, but also enjoy their own company in their estate.

House Jawen,
Best known for their craftiness, many inventions, like the newest model of airship used in most major cities, the new and enhanced grapple gun and many more. The Jawen house is the second richest in the city.

House Ardliam,
A more mysterious house, and one of the newest to rise to the top, they are well established in the ways of rune and lore keeping, having most members of their family heavily invested in such. They are the richest house in the city, mainly due to their amazing ability of finding lore and ancient artifacts.

House Baker,
The least wealthy of the four houses, struggling to stay on top, but still powerful in their own rights, they are usually entrusted as guards, and politicians, but less so after the 'unchosen' fell further into second rate citizens. House Baker is the only house that is mostly occupied by unchosen. They are partially resented for this, although most wouldn't say anything whilst they still hold power.

It will be up to you what your character stands for, what they're interested in and which field they pursue. When your character starts out they have a high knowledge of their world, its laws, and of course magic. The rest of your character depends on your initial decisions or character growth later on.
As the story progresses your character will become more powerful and known.


1. Always use RP Nation's rules.

2. No Godmodding, autohits, narrating other people's characters, disrespecting others, or other

3. Responses will be expected at least once a week, if not more.

4. Responses MUST have proper gramer, full sentences, at least one paragraph, if not more, and

5. If you read all of the rules please
Discreetly put an uppercase X at the end of your post
6.I will be narrating the story and keeping things going, I will be every character BUT yours. You will be the cause I will be the effect.

7. If you are Interested send me a PM, and we can chat a bit more, and if I think you're a good fit I will invite you to the Main Forum when it's ready and made. You can ask me questions now, but don't add input until later.

8. I will, kick RPers out if they're not following the rules and/or being disrespectful.

(I am open to 4-6 players at most)

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