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Fantasy Prophecy of Hades (Saracen_Rue & Partially-Stars)



Pure of Heart, Dumb of Ass
Roleplay Type(s)
Official RP Playlist



Last edited:

sylvie woods. #896f99. outfit.

The one advantage of her role was that Sylvie got to travel a lot. And because she traveled alone, she got to see everything she wanted to see. Sure, it was lonely from time to time, but she’d gotten used to being lonely. It was never for that long; she’d either pick up a kid or two in trouble, or she’d come across a monster looking for a fight that would distract her for a while. She was getting by just fine. Being alone was easier. Being alone meant not having to fear the inevitable. She still thought about it though. On a good day, she wondered about the practicalities. Was she truly immortal until the conditions of her prophecy were met? If she never went on the quest, if she never fell in love with anyone or even let herself get close to them, would she live forever? Chiron had told her that the Fates didn’t want to be outwitted. They would make sure that her prophecy was fulfilled, even if she tried to outrun it. But she’d been by herself this long; she found herself struggling to believe that it would change any time soon.

And so she tried to avoid it. She had nowhere to go; no kids to be watching over; at least not right then. She was free to do whatever she liked. She knew that a call to duty would come sooner rather than later, and so she was determined to enjoy her free time. She’d spent the day doing just that; using the limited amount of mortal money Camp Half-blood gave her to treat herself. A hike in the woods, followed by a nice dinner. She’d also gone shopping; not to treat herself, but rather because she was down to one pair of intact jeans left after a spat with an Empousa on her last protection run. A few pairs of jeans and two new jackets would see her kept going for a little while. At least she still had an unlimited supply of camp t-shirts.

Her wages were just enough to cover a tiny apartment on the edge of the city, close enough to get to camp in a hurry if she was needed. She could have chosen to stay at camp if she’d wanted; but she’d felt like enough of an outsider there when she was growing up. She didn’t need to feel like a weirdo there as well. She had protective enchantments scrawled onto the walls of her apartment to keep the monsters at bay, and she could shadow travel to wherever she was needed in peace there. Most importantly though, it had a tiny balcony, just big enough for a single chair. That was her favourite spot in the world. There, she could watch the world go by and feel normal for even a few minutes.

She was sitting there when she heard something that sounded like a breeze in the apartment behind her. She sighed, knowing without even turning around that it meant her quiet evening was no longer so quiet. She turned around to see a familiar woman standing in the apartment, studying the charms on the walls. It was a woman she’d seen a handful of times; a woman she probably should have known better, but didn’t.

“Hello, mother,” she said, shoving her hands into her pockets. Her mother smiled softly, at her; or at least as softly as the woman ever managed. Tenderness didn’t seem to come easily to Hecate.
“This charmwork is impressive. Protection charms aren’t easy to master,” she said. The praise earned a smile from Sylvie, even if she didn’t really intend to smile.
“I don't know about mastery, but they’ve kept me safe this long,” she replied with a shrug. She glanced down at the floor before looking back at Hecate. “Is there somebody you need me to go accompany back to camp?” She asked. Her mother tended to come herself to ask Sylvie to accompany any of her half-siblings back. They were few and far between, Hecate preferring the company of immortals to mortals, but Sylvie was always glad to help them. They were the closest thing she’d know to family. But Hecate shook her head.

“I’m actually here to… make an introduction,” Hecate said. Sylvie frowned, her heart beginning to pound in her chest. She didn’t like the sound of that, and especially didn’t like the sound of her mother’s hesitation. A man stepped from the shadows, the shadows almost seeming to recoil and whisper as he did so. Sylvie had never met this man; but she knew who he was, based on the crawling of her skin.
“Lord Hades,” she said, dipping in to a kneel.
“No need for that, child,” he replied. When she stood again, she stood almost at attention, the twisting of her stomach worse now. She certainly didn’t like the idea of Hades AND her mother being in her apartment. It definitely wasn’t likely to be anything good if both of them were there.

“I’ve heard a lot about you, Sylvie Woods,” Hades said. Sylvie bit back her response but couldn’t stop herself from raising her eyebrow ever so slightly. Considering she had a knack for surviving situations that should have killed her, she wasn’t surprised that Hades knew who she was. That didn’t reassure her though. “And I have a… a task for you.” She couldn’t withhold her reaction then, both eyebrows raising fully. Instinctively, she looked at Hecate, then back at Hades.

“You have a task for… for me, sir?”
“Yes. I… need to speak with one of my children. And I believe you are the best person to retrieve them from camp and accompany them to the underworld. Because Hecate resides in my domain, you should have no problem entering and leaving.”
“Of course, sir. I’d be happy to help. I’ll have to inform Camp Half-Blood-”
“They are aware. I’ve informed them ahead of time that you’ll be retrieving my daughter to bring her to me. Her name is Viridian Grey.”
The name rang a bell with Sylvie, but she knew that wasn’t the time to figure out where she remembered it from. So she nodded again.
“I’ll pack and head directly to camp, sir.” He nodded in return.
“I appreciate you doing this for me.” He turned as if to leave, then hesitated. “Sylvie Woods, I… will have to ask much more of you but… I will explain it to you when I see you next. In the meantime…” He held out a small bag, and Sylvie took it.
“Thank you, sir-”
“Dog treats. For Cerberus. They’re his favourite.”
Sylvie nodded, barely holding back a smile. “I’ll see you soon, Miss Woods.” And with that, Hades faded back into the shadows. Hecate looked at her, something like sadness in her eyes for a second.

“You have a long journey ahead of you,” she said. Sylvie shrugged, retrieving her backpack from the floor and placing the dog treats inside.
“It’ll be fine, I can shadow travel to camp easily and consult as to where the nearest underworld entrance is-”
“I don’t mean to the Underworld,”
Hecate said suddenly. Sylvie frowned and looked at her mother. Then understanding sank in.
“My prophecy…” She started.
“I can’t tell you anything. But I know that you are smart enough to come to the right answer. Just… know I will help. Where I can,” Hecate replied. Sylvie nodded, her eyes firmly on her bag as she began stuffing clothes into it. “I will leave you now.”

And like that, Sylvie was alone again. She didn’t know what to feel. So she wasn’t going to give herself time to feel. Several days’ worth of clothes packed and her two twin daggers hidden in her hair as hairpins, she took a deep breath and switched off the lights. A long time ago, she’d been afraid of the dark. Then, as time had gone on, she’d discovered there was a lot of beauty in it as well. Now, it saved her from having to contend with public transport. She stepped into the darkest corner of her apartment, and stepped out from among the trees of Camp Half-blood.

She stayed in the shadows for a little while, watching the campers go by. She knew she just needed to go up and ask them if any of them knew the name Viridian Grey. But for a few seconds, she felt like the scared, shy kid she’d always been. And then a familiar face appeared, strolling along like he owned the world, bow and quiver slung over his shoulder. Sylvie grinned. She strode out from among the trees, having to jog slightly to catch up to him, and matched his step perfectly. It took him a second to notice her thanks to the height difference, and he jumped when he spotted her.

“Jesus Christ, Woods,” he spat out, and Sylvie laughed.
“Good to see you too, dumbass,” she said, elbowing him lightly in the ribs.
“Yeah, yeah. You single-handedly saved another bunch of campers again?” He asked, and she shook her head, sighing dramatically.
“Not this time. No heroics to detail you with. Wait, why are you here?” She asked, frowning. He looked at her, his expression dead-pan.
“Two guesses.”
“Proof the sun doesn’t actually shine out of the ass of all of the Apollo kids?”
“Ha ha.”
“Camp Half-Blood’s Next Top Model?”
“God, I wish. No, archery training. Apparently their usual combat trainer is gonna be busy for a while so I got roped in,”
he said with a shrug. “What about you?”
“Here to pick up a kid so they can have ice cream or something with their godly parent. You know a Viridian Grey?”
She asked. Ty frowned.
“Yeah but she’s staff here. Not a camper.”
“Huh. Must be important. You know where she is?”
“Try the training grounds.”
“Cool. Thanks Ty, you’re the best. I’ll see you around, yeah?”

Sylvie headed for the training grounds, scanning the group there as she approached. It was as she approached that all of the pieces fell into place.

Viridian Grey had been a camper when Sylvie was.
She was indeed still there.
And she was currently kicking somebody’s ass.

“Oh for fuck’s sake…” Sylvie muttered under her breath. It was going to be a long few days.

Viridian Grey - #575772 - Outfit

Life at Camp Half-Blood had become something of a habit, especially in recent years. Wake up, breakfast, training grounds to beat up-erm, train other fellow demi-gods, Repeat. Not that it was exactly a bad thing, all things considered. It was something that was consistent, and familiar. Something Viridian knew she could always count on to be there, when all else failed. People came and went, campers would come and go, and friends well...They hardly ever stayed around long enough. Not that Viridian truly minded that fact. People seemed to drain her of energy more than anything else, being alone was what she not only preferred, but...It was just safer for others. Safer for herself. She couldn't harm anyone if they didn't get to close. It was for the best. Least she thought so anyway. Right? Right.

This morning was no different than the rest that came before. Viridian awoke before anyone else in the cabin that she shared with a few other staff members. They also worked around the training grounds, and they were about as close to friends, as one would ever consider. Viridian grabbed breakfast from the Mess Hall, and ate she made her way towards the training grounds, which really was nothing more than a large open field just outside of the arena grounds.

First things first, an hour of stretching and limbering up. Then it would be another hour of running and sprints. Another hour of climbing and tumbling. And then the last two hours would be spent on her swordsmanship and practical combat. She couldn't allow a day to go without practice, less she end up getting rusty. Today wasn't going to be just any day. No. Today's plan was a bunch of Ares and fellow Hades' children. It was days like this that Viridian made sure to go all the way out. She had to prove herself not only as a member of the staff in general, but also her placement as their Training Coordinator. And she wasn't going to let a bunch of pompous, arrogant runts knock her out of what she fought as hard as she did to earn...


Hours had passed by before Viridian had truly even realized it. Campers had shown up for combat practice two hours ago, and Viridian had practically made her way through each one with ease. She didn't care if they were barely twelve years old. Out there in the real world, outside of the protection charms of Camp Half-Blood, was a world that was unforgiving and cruel, and monsters that would have very easily ripped them limb from bloody limb if they weren't careful. There were reasons why Demigods had a short life expectancy. Arrogance and carelessness tended to get the better of them. The amount of campers Viridian had seen come to camp, to those that walked out of camp the same way, and in a single piece? Well...It was partially why she was so damn hard about how she trained. Even if it just seemed like she enjoyed beating people up, she didn't want to see another one die. Even if she was a child of Hades. Ironically enough.

By now, Viridian was currently crossing blades with a son of Ares. He had a full head and shoulders over Viridian, but that did little to intimidate her. The boy was Chance Collins, tall and stocky yes, but he wasn't exactly the brightest in terms of Ares' children. He liked to hit things with his fists first, and think later. Assuming he even thought at all, to begin with. Chance was strong, yes, but that didn't exactly do much if he wasn't even bothering to watch his feet placement. They weren't as squared as they should have been. His leg was slightly bent at an awkward angle, easy to fumble over and that would be the end of it, if this was actual combat. And not just training.

Without much of a second thought, Viridian dissapeared from sight in a puff of black, inky smoke. And reappeared right behind Chance a second later. "Time you sat down-" without much else, a shadow like hand wrapped around Chance's ankle and he was forced down unto his back hard, a cloud of dust spattered from all around him as his large form tumbled to the ground beneath his very feet. A soft, but pained groan escaped him as the air was sucked out of his lungs.

"Maybe you should watch your feet placement better next time, champ." she sneered, beginning to sheath her sword back in its sheath, along her back.

"That's not fair, you cheated-" Chance attempted to argue as he found his strength to bull himself back upright into a sitting position.

"Fair? You wanna talk about fair?" she had practically snarled in response. "Out there, there is no such thing as fair. You get into an actual fight out there, not just some dumb training court at camp, and you'd die within seconds out there with that kind of attitude of your's. So actually use that damn brain in your skull, and learn. And be better next time. Or I'll actually embarrass you so hard that even Ares himself will feel it-"

"That's enough, Miss Grey. Take a break. Now." an all too familiar voice called out from behind the group of campers that stood off less than twenty feet.

Viridian let out an annoyed huff, shaking her head before she turned, "Yes Mr. D. My apologies." she gave a small nod once more, taking a moment to look at the blade she had still in her hand, before making her way passed the students and the man in question. Sheathing the blade back into place on her back, once again. Viridian wouldn't have given it much of a second thought, if it weren't for the bright red hair that she managed to catch in the corner of her eye. Causing her to pause in her footsteps. Taking a deep breath, before looking up to meet the eyes of the girl that looked like she had, rather unironicaly, seen a ghost. "You gonna keep looking like a Satyr in headlights, or...?" It didn't take much for Viridian to put the pieces together. She had seen this woman a few times over the grounds of the camp, but they never exactly talked. Well...They had but, the circumstances could have been better. Well, they also could have been worse. It just always seemed like the two of them always had a sword to the others throat, or had tried to one up the other, back in their camper days. But those years were so long ago, they were more like stories people talked about, than actual memories. If she was to be honest..


sylvie woods. #896f99. outfit.

As it turns out, Sylvie and Viridian had interacted several times over their time at camp. None of them had been positive interactions. At best, they’d been smartasses to the other. At worst, they’d had literal swords to each other’s throats. If their parents were allies, there was no such amiability between their children. Still, they hadn’t interacted in years, not since everyone had learned that maybe the Hecate and Hades cabins were best kept separate. If she was working here at the camp, maybe she’d chilled out a little.

But as Sylvie watched the training session, she soon learned that it appeared she wasn’t quite so lucky. It wasn’t that Sylvie disagreed with her message; the real world was hard, and monsters weren’t going to play fair. But the minute a kid did what all kids did and complained, she was snapping at him, apparently unable to keep her cool. And by the way Mr. D spoke to her, Sylvie got the impression that this wasn’t exactly an uncommon occurrence. Great. It wasn’t an accompaniment mission, it was a babysitting mission to make sure Grey didn’t kill anyone she wasn’t supposed to and didn’t get killed for saying the wrong thing to the wrong person.

Sylvie felt eyes on her and glanced away for a second, spotting Mr. D watching her for a second. The minute he saw her looking, he looked away and kept walking. Sylvie had to resist the temptation to clench her jaw; a resistance that vanished the moment Grey spoke to her. The smartassery was starting early, then. It was going to be a long, long few days.

She folded her arms and looked back at Grey. “Your father wants to see you. I’m here to make sure you don’t get killed on the way there,” she said simply, shrugging. “And I’m guessing sooner rather than later so I’d get a move on to make sure we don’t both get smited,” she added.


Viridian Grey - #575772 - Outfit

Truth be told, Viridian couldn't have cared much for whatever it was that Sylvie was going to say. It...it was Sylvie, right? Or was that someone else? Not that she cared much to try and properly remember the girl's name. It wasn't like the two of them were going to be around each other much anyway, so what even was the point in trying to remember someone's name? Soon enough she'd be gone, and Viridian would be alone again. That's how it always was. And how it was always going to be. And it was how she liked things. Sure, that was why.

However, what came out of Sylvie's mouth, was not at all what she had been expecting, truth be told. No equally witty, sarcastic remark fired back like she had been expecting. Which, was a bit dissapointing. It would have made the interaction worthwhile. Oh well. But, what was said, Had completely taken her aback. Never in her life would she have expected to hear those words directed at her. It just...Didn't make any sense. A sarcastic, dry laugh escaped her lips, "Oh really?" she mused, "Hades, God of the Underworld wants to see me? For what? Biscuits and tea?" Viridian shook her head, taking the leather strap that held the sword's scabbard on her back, resting her hand across her chest. Taking a look back in Sylvie's direction, Viridian's eyebrows furrowed together neatly across her forehead as she examined her from head to toe.

"You...You were being serious?" a genuine tone of disbelief was evident enough in her voice as she spoke, a look of surprise slowly scrawling across her face, for only a moment before it went back to a stoic expression. "He hasn't wanted to see me in twenty years, and all of a sudden, he now wants to see me? And he had to send a god damn messenger to do it himself?" she shook her head, pinching the bridge of her nose, "As much as I'd hate to tell you, and I honestly don't, he's going to have to try a lot harder than having someone else send for me, if he suddenly wants my attention this badly. It's a little late for introductions there." Twenty years, twenty years with no means of ever trying to talk to her, nevermind even a method of acknowledging her existence. And he now suddenly wants to speak with her? But unable to show up himself? Hell no. Viridian didn't care if Hades his goddamn self showed up to Camp Half-Blood and demanded to talk with her. It was already too late. Whatever bridges that may have existed, were burned down all too long ago, and were nothing more than piles of smoldering ash and cinders.

"You can tel him Thanks, but no thanks. I have more important things to do than talk to him. You probably got the wrong kid of his anyway. Try Cabin 13, I'm sure you'll find the right one eventually. Definately not a shortage of those around here." she gave a small shrug, before turning on her heels and began making her way back up the old and beaten trail path. She needed to be anywhere that wasn't here right now.

sylvie woods. #896f99. outfit.

Just the tone of Grey’s laugh had Sylvie irritated. She just raised an eyebrow, not justifying Grey with any more of a reaction than that. And then, the penny dropped for Grey. Sylvie smirked a little bit at the look of surprise on Grey’s face. It was only there for a moment, but Sylvie’s smirk lingered for a while longer. Grey’s disbelief was perhaps understandable. Sylvie could count the amount of times she’d met her mother on one hand, and it was always for little more than her conversation. Godly parents weren’t exactly the most attentive of parents. Grey wasn’t the only kid here who’d gone most of their life with zero contact from their godly parent, and she certainly wouldn’t be the last.

And then Grey decided to basically tell her to get lost and that she was wrong. Sylvie’s expression shifted into one of disdain, and then disbelief. Grey was really just… refusing to meet him? And rather than yell at him herself for being unattentive, she wanted Sylvie to tell him that. Because yeah, she was really going to go to the god of the dead empty handed and tell him that his daughter was too pig-headed to come see him. That would end well for all of them involved, she was sure.

“Yeah, because that’s really going to happen,” Sylvie snapped back, following Grey up the path. “He asked for you by name, and just about everyone around here knows who Viridian Grey is. But sure, I’ll ask around for a bit, come up empty handed, track down an entrance to the Underworld, go down there all by myself, and then go, ‘Hey, Lord Hades! Your daughter doesn’t want to see you after all, funny that, isn’t it?’ And then I’ll just throw myself into the Styx and speed things up for everyone,” she continued, her voice dripping with sarcasm. She'd just about caught up with Grey and matched her pace as best she could. “Or, hear me out, you could come with me and tell him everything you’ve just told me to his face. How does that sound?” She added with a raised eyebrow. She honestly wasn’t hopeful that it would work, but she also wasn’t going to just give up and walk away. If there was any god who would manage to circumvent her prophecy with their wrath, it was Hades, and an eternity in Tartarus sounded even worse than her current situation.

“I’ll even let you give Cerberus the dog biscuits on your way down, sweeten the deal,” she added, raising an eyebrow as she produced the bag of dog treats that Hades had given her. “That’s gotta be a bonus, right?”


Viridian Grey - #575772 - Outfit

As if things couldn't have gotten any worse, Viridian could hear footsteps following behind her. That was all she needed to know, that she wasn't going to be left alone that easily. Of course not. People just seemed unable to leave her alone, much to her own chagrin. However, things could have been much, much worse if she was to be honest. Sylvie could have started an actual fight, could have made a scene about the whole ordeal. Plenty of others ideas popped into her head of what could have happened, but she decided to not dwell on them for too long. Sylvia already began monologuing at this point, anyway. Fantastic.

Finally, turning on her heels and to a sudden stop, Viridian began to speak. "Okay, first you really need to stop rambling. No one likes someone who chronically monologues. Shit's exhausting." she let out a small sigh, crossing her arms over her chest, "Second, if you do feel so inclined to throw yourself into the River Styx, I'll be sure to send a postcard." she gave a bitter grin. "Third, I'll go. But only on one condition, you leave me the hell alone after this, and we never speak again." she gave a small nod, taking a small glance around before she began to walk again, but not before taking the bag of supposed dog treats.

"Consider you finding me in a good mood today. I'll entertain the idea that Hades genuinely wants to speak with me. But if it turns out to be some sort of stupid prank or attempt at a joke-" she turned back to face Sylvie once again, "I will make it my life's goal to make your life a living hell, understand? And trust me, I'm not exactly someone you want to piss off. I may not know Hades personally, but I do know I have his temper. Turns out he was good for something after all." She let out what sounded like nothing more than a sarcastic laugh, bordering an annoyed groan. Shaking her head as she did so.

Turning her head back to look in Sylvie's direction, "Whenever you're ready, my terribly labored guide. To The Underworld we go." the tone of sarcasm still evident enough as she spoke, Viridian really wasn't taking any of this seriously. Just, nothing about it was making any sense to her. If Hades truly did want to see her, why would he send her out of all people at Camp Half-Blood to do it? Why not any of the people that she actually knew? Not just someone who was equal to that of a stranger? It only made this whole thing even more odd and suspicious.


sylvie woods. #896f99. outfit.

Sylvie just raised an eyebrow as Grey told her to stop rambling because nobody liked monologues. She decided against pointing out the irony of the fact that Grey had monologued for much longer than her before that, figuring it wasn’t going to make her job any easier. For a second, she was sure that she was going to have to try another tactic to get Grey to come with her. She wasn’t even sure of what that tactic would be. Kidnapping seemed like it would cause more problems than it would solve. Invoking Hades’ name by calling him out? Risky, but potentially effective.

But thankfully, before she had to resort to that, Grey relented, saying that she’d go with her. Sylvie had to hold back a snort as Grey threatened her as to what she’d do if it turned out to all be a prank. “You’ll be relieved to hear, I’m not enough of an idiot to attempt to prank a child of Hades by invoking Hades’ name. That seems like a one way ticket to Tartarus,” she retorted. God, she was glad that there was an entrance to the Underworld in Central Park, because travelling any further with Grey might have just driven them to kill each other. Or at least, driven Sylvie to seriously contemplate that swim in the Styx.

She raised an eyebrow as Grey said she was ready to go. “You better have some mortal money on you, because I’m not paying your subway fare. I’m just here to make sure you don’t get eaten by monsters,” she said with a shrug. The more she thought about it, the more odd the whole thing seemed. If she knew about and could access the entrance in Central Park, then surely Grey would have been able to as well. And sure, a daughter of Hecate would be relatively safe in the underworld; but children of Hades were the safest of them all. They were travelling within the city, so the chances of them being attacked with so many mortals around felt relatively low. Why had Hades asked this of Sylvie? The more she thought about it, the more sure she became that this wasn’t going to be a straightforward journey. Something that definitely wasn’t going to be made any easier by Grey.

“Well, if you got nothing to grab, let’s get this over and done with, and you can go back to brooding or whatever it is you do for fun,” she said, heading for the camp boundary.


Viridian Grey - #575772 - Outfit

Of course she'd continue to talk, if there was one thing that Viridian began to realize, was that Sylvie seemed to talk much more than others usually did around her. Or well, at this time it was to her, and not exactly about her. Which, truth be told was something new. Viridian may have acted like she didn't notice, but she heard the rumors around the camp that others made about her. While some were nothing more than obvious rumors, some did in fact hurt, to a degree. Not that she ever did anything to dispel said rumors either, even if she tried, it would be even more ammo for people to continue to send her way. Hence, her reluctance to ever do anything about it all in the end. Maybe it was for the best? Maybe, who knows. She didn't. Nor did she exactly care.

A small chuckle escaped her lips as the two continued to walk along the old and beaten path once more, "He's sent people there for less. Or at least the stories about him go anyway." which wasn't far from the truth. Viridian didn't really know all that much about Hades. All she knew was from the stories that had been passed around for years. The whispers and rumors spread around from the gods, and fellow demigods. Most sounded entirely fictional and blown out of proportion, a way to make him seem even scarier and more cruel than he may have been. But on the other end, Viridian could have believed them at the same time. If his lack of care for his own children was anything to go by.

Without even glancing over to Sylvie, Viridian replied, "Someone hasn't been doing her homework." she let out a small sigh, "Of course I have money." she added with a roll of her eyes, "I may not have been back to the mortal side for some time, but I haven't had any reason to spend any of it since I came to camp. So naturally I have it." she casually reached into her jacket's pocket to make sure she still had everything on her person. She did, thank the gods. "Don't worry, unlike some of the idiots you've helped....Guide, over the years, I actually have a brain. I think I'd be fine on my own anyway."

At the last bit of what she had to say, caused Viridian to stop. Slowly turning on her heels to look back. This time directly looking at Sylvie. Finally realizing the small difference between their respective heights, Viridian hadn't entirely noticed that before. Odd. "We won't be gone for that long, I'll manage. A few hours won't kill me." She took a step back, "Besides...I have plans later. And...I don't brood. Thank you very much."

Viridian took a short, deep breath and turned back on her feet and started to walk once again. The sooner they got this damned thing over with, the better they'd all be after. And they'd be able to part ways once again and never have to speak to each other again, let alone see each other. This really was going to be a long day.

sylvie woods. #896f99. outfit.

Sylvie just shrugged as Viridian suggested that she hadn’t done her homework. Of course she hadn’t, she’d just done as she was told. She hadn’t thought she’d be working with somebody that she would need to be prepared for. But even in just their brief conversation so far, it seemed like Grey was beginning to soften, just the tiniest fraction. Sylvie could work with that. As Grey said she had more of a bran than some of the others Sylvie had guided, Sylvie smirked to herself. Grey wasn’t wrong, but that was mostly just because Sylvie had guided some really dumb kids to camp. She’d kept all of them alive anyway, something that she was rather proud of. Because some of them had been really dumb.

It was only when Viridian stopped again that Sylvie realised the true extent of the height difference between them. Still, she’d faced down monsters even taller than Grey, so a grumpy demigod wasn’t going to scare her much. She shrugged, still smirking slightly as Grey said she’d manage with being gone for a while. Sylvie’s smirk widened as Grey said she had plans and that she didn’t brood. She raised an eyebrow and shrugged. “Don’t you worry, Grey, we’ll have you back in time for whatever those plans are,” she said with a wink. Then she strode past Viridian, heading for the path out of the camp.

The journey into the city was uneventful. Uneventful enough that Sylvie spent most of the metro ride wondering why exactly Hades had asked her to do this. She felt like there was more going on than they’d been told. Or maybe it was as straightforward as this and Sylvie would just get to go back to working with campers who were actually grateful. Even as they got closer to the Underworld entrance, nothing appeared out of the norm. Nothing leapt out of the bushes to attack them, nobody even shot them a second glance as they made their way through the park. But it was an easy mission, and Sylvie wasn’t going to question that.

They stopped at the entrance to the Underworld and Sylvie gestured at it. “Alright, emo kid, we’re at your domain now so I’m gonna let you take the lead. I’m just the hired muscle from here on out because I don’t think the zombies will listen to me.”

Viridian Grey - #575772 - Outfit

The journey to their destination couldn't have been anything more than uneventful. Up to the point it was borderline boring, if Grey had to be honest. If they were going on some fantastical and supposedly important mission from the literal Gods themselves, something may as well have happened. But much to Grey's boredom, nothing did. Which only seemed to bring more of a scowl onto her already perpetual resting bitch face expression. If looks could have killed, it would have been only Grey left on the transit. Which, at times she wished would have been the case. At least then it would have been somewhat eventful. But alas.

However, the endless boredom didn't stop her from occasionally glancing over in Sylvie's direction. Constantly taking notes and making small mental reminders, if this was indeed some sort of messed up joke, she'd be prepared for it. Always be one step ahead of the others, was her motto. If you can see your opponent's turn coming a mile away, you'd never lose. And that just how she did things. The last time she didn't prepare herself...well...Now wasn't the time to dwell on that. She had something to look forward to, or at least that's what her current companion kept telling her anyway. Which really wasn't much to go on, truth be told.

When they finally arrived to their supposed destination, or at least the start of it, it almost felt like a weight had been lifted off her chest. It was odd, being home. Or well, about as home as the human world could be anymore now a days. If only they had been in New Orleans, though. The thought couldn't help but occasionally cross her mind since stepping outside of Camp Half-Blood. What was the city like now? It had been nearly a decade since she had last been home. Did things change, or were they all the same still? Not that she'd ever find out, she couldn't exactly return back their if she wanted to. Humans and somewhat uncontrollable magic, and all. Blah, blah, blah-

Vidirian was pulled out of her thoughts when Sylvie began talking. Vidirian blinked a few times before looking in Sylvie's direction, an eyebrow raised. "Well that sounds like a personal problem for you, doesn't it?" she sneered with both eyebrows raised. Before turning back on her heels, "Just stay close and they shouldn't try to eat you." she gave a small shrug, and began to make her way forwards, passing through the magical veil that kept the Underworld's true appearance hidden from mortal eyes.

It was odd, to say the very least. Having never been to the Underworld, and yet...It seemed like she had been here a hundred times before. It was an odd sense of something new, but also familiarity. Viridian could feel a sense of stress and anxiety in her stomach, yet the feeling of excitement and calmness all the same. Like it was coming home after a long time away. Yet, she had never been here. Had she? She wasn't entirely sure as time went on. Even though it had only been moments since she had stepped in through the threshold to the Underworld, it had felt like she had been there for hours. Had she? It was like she was already beginning to lose herself here-

Had she already been walking? The realization came to her as she found her body coming to a sudden halt, blinking a few times as she looked around the area that surrounded her. Dimly lit, yet enough she could see. Cold, yet warm. The air smelt of sulfur, fire, and iron, yet every breath seemed to be one of fresh air. It truly was a living paradox, being here. How odd.

It took her a few moments to realize why she had stopped walking, as Viridian looked off into the short distance ahead. Against one of the larger walls, was a large form huddled off in a corner. How hadn't she seen that before now? Or had she? Had it drawn her in? Almost like she was being pulled forward. Only having stopped less than a hundred feet away from what had now entirely captured her gaze. Without even looking back behind her, "Do you still have those dog treats? I feel like we're going to need them right now-"

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sylvie woods. #896f99. outfit.

Sylvie rolled her eyes at Grey’s retort, pulling a face as Grey turned her back on her. Her instruction made Sylvie want to wander off on impulse, and if they’d been heading anywhere else, it might just have been an impulse she’d listened to. But, well, she didn’t actually want to fall into the Styx. Thank god they were nearly there, at least. A short mission, all things considered, but one Sylvie wouldn’t exactly be looking to repeat.

All of her snarky thoughts seemed to vanish as she stepped into the underworld, however. Instead, she was acutely aware of the magic in the air. Not just in the air, in everything. It hummed like a buzzing against her skin, like ozone in the air during a storm. It thrilled and excited her, and yet put her on edge all at the same time. Magic was a dangerous thing, and this was a dangerous place. She glanced at Grey, who looked like she was already under a spell. Maybe this is why they’d wanted Sylvie; someone who could recognise dangerous magic and protect them both from it.

She followed a step or two behind Grey, watching around them the whole time. She would have loved to be able to take in their surroundings, to appreciate the fact that she was in the Underworld and yet still alive; but she was too uneasy. Both because of the danger in the magic woven through every molecule of this place, and because she wasn’t entirely sure if Grey would be able to recognise danger. This wasn’t exactly the type of place where Grey would walk into minor danger that Sylvie would be able to rescue her from and then lord over her later. If one of them walked into danger, they were probably both doomed.

She spotted Cerberus before Grey did, or at least before Grey consciously did. He was dozing, his three heads sprawled over his paws, one drooling slightly. There was something almost cute about him. But he was huge, and he was still a guard dog. Sylvie decided against drawing a weapon, fearing that might set him off. Then Grey spoke again, reminding her about the treats. Without taking her eyes from Cerberus, she went to pull her backpack from her back, and then stopped. “I gave them to you back at camp, remember?” She said. “Please don’t tell me you’ve lost them.” She added.

Viridian Grey - #575772 - Outfit

Never once had Viridian taken her eyes off of the large, sleeping beast that lied before the two of them. She kept her ears open to whatever it was that her companion would say next, as well as whatever may else be around. The Underworld wasn't exactly a peaceful place, why would she expect to be left alone from whatever other creatures existed within it? When Sylvie went on to ask if she still had the dog treats, she froze. How did she forget that she- It didn't matter now, they'd worry about that at a later point, or preferably forget about it entirely. The less that Sylvie could drag her for, the better.

"Yes, I still have them-" she barked, keeping her eyes trained ahead of her. "I was just trying to ensure you remembered." she grumbled, rolling her eyes. Reaching within her jacket's pocket, she slowly retrieved the object they were in need of. Keeping her eyes trailed on the massive, sleeping beast, Viridian began to open the small bag as softly as she could. But of course nothing would be as easy as they hoped. There was the smallest sound of plastic crinkling, and she stopped. Looking up. Only to be met with far too many blinking eyes staring down at her now. A low, gutteral growl occompanied.

Great, h'es-they're awake? As if they needed any more issues right now. She hoped they could have had a few more seconds on their side, but apparently that was too much to ask for. So much for Godly given gifts, huh? Viridian looked up as she retrieved one of the treats from the bag, "Good Boy?" an eyebrow raised as she carefully tossed one of the treats to the large canine. The beast looked befuddled initially, craining one of its many heads down to the ground. Taking a proper sniff at whatever it was that was tossed its way. Without much of a second thought, the beast hungrily accepted the treat and devoured it within seconds. A small, however nervous smile it was appeared on Viridian's face, "Good Boy....Boys? Girl? Dog." she decided that was good enough.

Looking at the other two canine heads that looked down at her, Viridian carefully retrieved two more, tossing one with either hand to the other two heads of the large creature. They too quickly accepted what they learned to be food. Their previous stand-off behaviour could no longer be seen, as whatever low growl that was present moments before, was no replaced with a content tail wage and tilted heads. "Okay, you can have some more-" Viridian relented, finally taking the contents of the bag and spreading them out evenly before the caninine. "Just wanting to pass through, can we?" she asked. Taking a moment to look around the creature's full form, finally seeing a metal and leather strap that was wrapped around the beast's middle neck. "Cerberus-" she said allowed, reading the faint text that seemed to glow a dull amber hue. A small smile creased over her lips once more, "I'll bring some more next time I see you...Three?" she gave a small nod, before turning to look in Sylvie's direction. "Let's go before they change their minds-" she said with a small nod, and carefully moved around passed the now distracted beast. She just hoped it was enough of a clear peace offering to keep the large creature at bay. Until they found wherever the hell they were supposed to be going.

sylvie woods. #896f99. outfit.

Sylvie raised an eyebrow and smirked a little as Grey claimed that she’d been testing Sylvie. Grey’s back was to her, so she was pretty sure she wasn’t going to see her expression. But there and then didn’t seem like the time or place for verbal teasing or bickering, even if Sylvie made a mental note of it to potentially use against Grey at a later stage. Her attention was drawn back to their present situation as Cerberus growled, disturbed by the slightest of sounds. Sylvie tensed, readying herself for a fight. Her mind was racing. How the hell did she fight Hades’ guard dog without potentially pissing off the God of Death? Her weapons were out of the question. It would have to be magic. Magic was risky here; with the amount of it humming in the air, there was a risk of things turning unpredictable. But holding Cerberus off long enough for them either to get through or get away safely was their only option.

But as she watched, Grey managed to calm the dog, the treats buying the dog’s favour. He looked far more relaxed now, no longer viewing them as a threat. Sylvie relaxed her posture, taking a few slow, cautious steps to catch up to Grey. With Cerberus distracted, they could move around him. As they passed, Sylvie could get a better look at him, and for a second, was tempted to reach out and touch his coat. It was a deep, rich black, almost purple where the light hit it, and looked incredibly soft. But he was still a guard dog and a creature of the underworld, Sylvie had to remind herself that petting him probably wasn’t the best idea.

With the obstacle of Cerberus passed, their path became more clear. The path itself was literal, but even if it wasn’t, Sylvie was sure that they both would have found their way to the palace. The magic was so strong that it felt like sparks were dancing across Sylvie’s skin, like every hair on her body was standing on end, like she could hear the spells whispering their names so they could be spoken into being. If this is what it felt like for her, she could only imagine how it must have felt for Grey.

The palace was something like what she’d expected. Black marble, polished to a shine, Ancient Greek carved into it in spots. Greek fire burned in torches, casting a green glow and making everything somehow even more eerie. Spirits stared at them, their empty, hollow eyes watching these two living souls curiously. Sylvie kept her gaze fixed firmly in front of her, their gaze still following her even after she passed them. Once they reached the palace, she realised that she wasn’t sure of where to go. But as they reached the steps, she spotted a familiar figure at the top of them. Hecate, in her mortal form although dressed more like one would expect from a goddess, awaited her. She nodded awkwardly at Sylvie, then at Grey.

“I am glad to see you both made it here safely,” she said. “Shall I escort you to Lord Hades?


Viridian Grey - #575772 - Outfit

It was odd walking within the Underworld, on one hand it felt as if she nearly belonged here and to an extent she did, but on the other end it felt entirely out of place. That being here just felt wrong, but she couldn't exactly place it. Grey knew that she shouldn't have been here, she didn't truly belong here, nor anywhere, really. But yet, this was the first place to have actually felt like she was meant to be here. Or at least that was what her mind was telling her the longer they walked. The whispers and sounds that surrounded them and the area over all, was like a symphony of magic that swirled all around her. It was like the very air itself was calling out to her. If she reached out, what would have happened? Would anything? Her mind was so full of thoughts that didn't even truly feel like her own anymore, all rational was slowly starting to slip away from her, and she could feel it with every passing second.

For just a moment, Viridian had wanted to speak out, and ask Sylvie what she was feeling. Was the Underworld having the same affects on Sylvie, as they were her? Or was she left entirely untouched by the magic that seemed to fill the air with electrical currents? If so, what would they do if something went wrong? Could they fix it on their own accord, or would their minds be overtaken by the magic and they'd be held here against their will for eternity? Is this why they were brought down here? Was it all a trick? A trap? Whatever it was, it was along the same lines of the all too familiar feeling that had been felt years ago when Viridian found herself lost in the woods that surrounded her home back in the mortal realm. Now that she thought about it, it seemed like she was there. Was she? How was that-

All and any questions she may have had in those moments, were suddenly thrown from her forethought, when the two of them came to a halt in their journey. Viridian didn't know what caused her to stop talking again this time. Blinking, as she looked around, and then at Sylvie. Who too stopped walking. Viridian was about to open her mouth with a sarcastic comment on them having ended up lost, and no idea where they were now. As the look of confusion was now clear on Sylvie's face. But as she did so, a voice spoke up. Breaking the silence, and the seeming magical affect that had such a strong hold on Viridian moments prior. It was a voice that she didn't recognize, or did she? Viridian wasn't exactly sure, until she looked up, at the...the staircase? A large, black marble staircase. When did that get here? Or was it always there? Had the two of them somehow entirely missed that? Or was it just the magic that was affecting her? There was only such a small amount of rational to her mind at the moment. Viridian knew better, that there was no forest here. She wasn't back there, not for a very long time.

There were a few moments of complete silence as Viridian looked around, at the area they were standing in general, and at both her companion, and now at the woman she didn't exactly know. At least not initially. But as she thought about it, Viridian did hear stories about other Gods and Goddesses that could come to the Underworld and remain unaffected by the magic that filled this realm. Lucky them, she thought. Scanning the woman over once more, the dots finally aligned. Hecate, Goddess of Witchcraft and magic. It was slowly making sense now. That she would be one of the Goddesses to meet them here. And it only made all the more sense when Viridian remembered that Sylvie was in fact one of her children. She slowly gave a small nod, "It's why we're here, right?" she gave a small shrug.

Things still didn't entirely feel right. For whatever reason, Viridian still felt as though she didn't belong here, even more now with the newest traveling companion that was now to bring the two of them to her own father. Who still seemed unable to come and meet her himself. Of course not. Ever elusive as always. Go figure-

"Viridian?" another voice called out once more, this time, it was one that Viridian knew. But it didn't seem to not catch her equally off guard this time, causing her to turn around on her heels. She paused for a moment, before rushing towards the individual without much of a second thought, catching the woman in a tight embrace. That was only equally returned in kind.

"I didn't think I would see you here-" Viridian said with an exasperated tone.

"Why would't you? It's my home after all-" a small laugh was accompanied alongside it.

"I know, but..." there was a small pause, "It's good to see you again, Persophone. It's been too long." Grey said softly, before taking a small step back.

"Indeed it has, Grey." the woman gave a small smile once again, but not without gently placing a small kiss to the top of Viridian's forehead. "Just glad that you made it here in one piece. All thanks to your friend, I presume?" she said with a tilted head, in Sylvie's direction.

"Not exactly a friend, per say, but yeah. We're more than fine." she gave a small nod, before turning back to look at Hecate. "Ready when you are." she gave a small nod once more, this time locking her arm with Persephone's. The two continuing to talk softly amongst the pair, there was much to catch up on, in such a small remaining time of the journey to go.


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sylvie woods. #896f99. outfit.

The silence that hung between Sylvie and her mother felt heavy, heavier than the magic-laced air. Neither of them spoke, even if it felt like they should have said something. Sylvie had only ever met her mother when it was relevant to a quest or the demigods she was escorting to camp. Their words had always been awkward and stilted and it wasn’t likely to change any time soon. Sylvie didn’t look at Grey as they walked. Somehow, she was embarrassed about the silence between her and her godly parent, even if she knew that Grey didn’t appear to have the best relationship with hers.

Another female voice appeared from behind them. Sylvie stopped and looked around, just in time to see Grey rush in to embrace another woman. Sylvie’s gaze dropped to the floor, something burning deep in her chest. The distance between her and Hecate may as well have felt like miles in that moment. It was only as Grey said the woman’s name that Sylvie looked up. If it was the goddess Persephone, then Grey knew she should probably acknowledge her as a goddess, bow or something. But she was frozen to the spot in her envy. The goddess at least didn’t seem to mind, her attention swinging back to Grey almost immediately. Sylvie’s gaze dropped to the floor once again. When Grey told Hecate they were ready, Sylvie could have taken off at a run to escape from the situation. But instead, she paced herself, hanging back behind Hecate but a few paces ahead of Grey and Persephone. She knew that Grey couldn’t have had things easy growing up. She didn’t know anything about her, but very few demigods had lives that were anything close to easy. But at least she’d had somebody. Somebody who seemed to give a shit about her.

As they walked, Sylvie could feel Hecate’s gaze on her from time to time. Making sure she was still there, probably. As if she had anywhere else to go. Her arms were crossed across her chest and her hands balled into fists, betraying her feelings even if she kept her expression as neutral as she could. When Hecate stopped, Sylvie stopped a pace behind, finally looking up to take in her surroundings. They stood in front of two huge, pure black marble doors, the handles made of the finest celestial bronze. Hecate stepped forward and knocked, three times, before they opened by themselves. The goddess shot Sylvie a look that Sylvie couldn’t read, before entering. Sylvie trailed behind.

“Lord Hades, Sylvie Woods and Viridian Grey,” Hecate called as they entered.

Viridian Grey - #575772 - Outfit

For the first time, in what seemed like a very long time, Viridian felt as though she was at home. Even if it was only only person that she felt at home with, it made a difference. Though she didn't show it, the familiarity that Persephone brought was all too welcomed. Truth be told, she knew it wouldn't last long in the grand scheme of things. They were here for one thing, and one thing only. And as soon as that goal was done, they would be gone again. Seperated once again until either one had the time to see each other again. Which wasn't as often as Viridian liked, and she doubted Persephone felt the same way. Even though she wasn't her actual mother, she had become the closest thing to one in years, and Viridian couldn't complain. For once it seemed.

As the collective group made their way further down the path, Viridian kept close to Persephone as the two talked. Going about what the other had missed since they had last spoke, especially about the new and younger demigods at Camp Half Blood, and how it seemed to be more of a job now than anything else. Which was nice in itself, it kept Viridian occupied and busy, teaching younger demigods on how to not only hone their gifted abilities, but also how to survive out there in the normal world amongst mortals, and those who would wish demi-god kind harm. That, and it kept Viridian out of trouble as well. It wasn't a secret, nor a well kept one at that, that Viridian was something of a trouble maker, and often times didn't think twice on what she decided to do. More often seemingly like she rare ever considered what could happen in the end, if it meant her life or the other's. Just that she needed something to hit and take her anger out on, no matter the consequences in the end. It was her, or them, and Viridian would be damned if she let it be the former in the end. At least she kept telling herself that, anyway.

On the other end of things, Persephone explained how she had been keeping busy with helping Hades keep order amongst the Underworld, and those who else inhabited the realm. As well as pertaining to her own duties as the Goddess of Spring and the Underworld. She had more than enough things to occupy her time with, but she had managed to make time the moment she had heard that Viridian was called to meet with her father. On one hand it was due to excitement of seeing her again, but just as equal of wanting to be there in case anything happened between the two. Persephone knew that Hades had a temper, and so did his children. Especially Viridian. It seemed like she truly did take after her father in the terms of holding onto a grudge, like a wayward child would hold onto the hand of their parent's.

By the time that Viridian looked back ahead of them once more, a knot began to form in her stomach once again, as large black, obsidian double doors laid out infront of them. The smell of burning sulfur filled her lungs once again as she took a deep breath, pausing before the large steps that were ahead of them. Her right hand shook anxiously as she looked ahead, knowing not only what, but who, awaited her.

Clearing her through, Viridian gave a small nod and made her way towards the doors, following behind the others, stepping inside. The room that awaited them on the other side, was dimly lit with large basins, that shone with hellish green and blue toned flames. The fire softly crackling was the only sound that could be heard as Viridian stepped inside. That, and the sound of her heart pounding in her chest as she continued onward. Various marble statues and ancient relics that were strewn about on small pillars and pedistals aligned the current chamber they were in. A single large fireplace that gave off blue flames crackled in the center of the room, various bookcases and shelves adorned the mantle, as well as a chair, that also seemed to be made of the same obsidian as most of the furnishings, sat aside with a small table next to it. From what she could tell a few tombs were the only objects occupying it.

Viridian nearly would have assumed that the room was empty due to the dead silence that filled the chamber, until a figure slowly stood up from where it had been sitting previously in the chair that had its back facing the main door the group had entered. Viridian paused midstep as her eyes scanned over the figure that stood a few feet before her. Even if she had never seen this person before, she knew who it was, from name alone. Hades, God of Death, and Lord of the Underworld. Or simply as she knew him, Father. However the man that stood across from her was no more than a complete stranger to her, even the light in his eyes gave off as much. And the silence that hung between the both of them, was evident enough that neither one had anything to say this exact second, even the small side eye glance that Viridian gave the others was evidence enough that she wasn't going to be the one to start this conversation.


sylvie woods. #896f99. outfit.

As the echoes of Hecate's introduction faded, the silence in the room became almost oppressive. Gods, every single moment of this trip had been positively agonizing, and it didn't seem like it was going to get any better. Sylvie just wanted to leave. She'd done her job, she didn't see why she still had to be here. At least if she went back to camp, the kids she'd be escorting would be glad to see her. Would like her. She'd feel useful, feel important again. She knew it was probably running a risk of impertinence, but she cleared her throat.

"Lord Hades," she started, dipping into a slight bow again. "As requested, I've brought your daughter to your realm so... I'll just be... going?" She tried. But it wasn't the Lord of the Dead who spoke first. No, instead it was her mother.
"I'm afraid we need your services for another while yet, Sylvie," Hecate said. Sylvie had to fight every instinct in her body not to groan or roll her eyes, instead shooting a look at her mother.
"Sorry?" She asked. "Do I... need to get Grey back to the mortal realm as well? She made it here-" she stopped abruptly, realising that finishing her sentence would definitely be running the risk of being smote by Hades. What she'd planned on saying was "she made it here without joining the legions of the dead, i'm sure she's enough of a big girl to find her way back out again."

Hecate sighed, looking at Hades, before taking a step closer to Sylvie. In response, Sylvie just folded her arms again, waiting to see what her mother did next. She knew better than to expect some show of comfort, but there was still an element of disappointment when none such came. Instead, her mother just stood a step closer than she had done a few seconds before. "Please, Sylvie, just hear us out. We... both need your help." Sylvie stared at her mother. Anything she thought to say seemed far too disrespectful to say in this imposing room. She just stared, a blank expression on her face to make sure her mother wouldn't be able to read her emotions.

But the gods needing her help just seemed like a slap in the face. It was their fault she had this curse. Their fault that she was basically immortal. Their fault she'd been stuck running errands for everyone else, because hey, why not make use of her curse? "What if I refuse?" She asked, her voice flat and emotionless. For the first time, she looked at Hades, but didn't address him. "I was told I was only coming here to help her get here safely. I didn't agree to any grand quests to save the world," she added, turning back to her mother. Hecate's expression was emotionless as Sylvie was hoping to keep hers. Her violet eyes were unreadable.

"This is your destiny, child," Hecate replied. Sylvie stared at her, icy cold anger flooding through her veins as she clutched her hands into fists.
"Do not call me that." She said, her voice low and quiet. "I am not a child. And you do not get to call me your child only when you want something from me, when you've ignored me the rest of my life, left me entirely alone, with no friends, with- with nobody." Her voice cracked, and she had to take a breath to recover her composure. Hecate just looked at her. Maybe her expression had softened a little bit, but Sylvie wasn't sure if it actually had or if she was just hoping that the woman had finally softened a little.
"I'm sorry." The goddess' voice was barely loud enough for Sylvie to hear, and so she ignored it.

"I'm not enough of a fool to try and defy the fates, so... so just tell me what this goddamn quest is so we can get it over and done with." She turned back to Hades, her arms still folded.


Viridian Grey - #575772 - Outfit

Viridian merely stood there as she waited for someone, anyone at all at this point to just start talking. Otherwise she was going to lose it, and just walk out. Coming here seemed more and more like a mistake every passing second. And considering what happened next, those emotions were only doubled. Viridian didn't come here, to the damned Underworld for some damned failure of a family reunion. With people that clearly neither Viridian herself, nor even Sylvie seemed to be familiar with in the absolute slightest. And considering the conversation that followed, her assumptions were clear. Apparently the metaphorical apple did in fact fall not that far from the tree, after all. All parents were failures to their own children, it seemed. What absolute jokes the Gods seemed to be, she thought.

Viridian was tempted to but in, and even to a point she felt as though she would be in similiar thoughts as Syvlie, it seemed. But she would be damned if she made their clearly shared sentiment vocalized. Viridian knew she'd never be able to live it down if that damned daughter of Hecate knew they actually agreed on something for once. Let alone such a topic as this. Viridian would never hear the end of it, and that was something she wasn't going to allow. Hades' children were far too proud of a bunch.

After the other two seemed to finally come to a standstill in their rather blatant and boring familial dramatics, Viridian raised her hand, "Yeah, love the whole mother-daughter drama going on right now. Really thrilling, any other time I'd consider this a show, but-" she paused, looking around at the others, "I just want to know why you-" she started once again, this time looking at Hades, "Chose to see me now. What could have ever been so damn fucking important that after twenty years, you finally decided it was necessary to see me? But clearly it couldn't have been that important since you couldn't even be bothered to see me first yourself." a laugh managed to escape her lips, but it was clear that it was one more brought on as a coping mechanism, than her actually finding this whole manner humorous. "So what's so damn important?" her arms crossed as she stood impatiently waiting.

The room filled with silence for what seemed like an eternity, as Hades and Hecate exchanged glances between the two of them. Silent words that only the two of them knew the true meaning of. That was until Hades finally spoke, his eyes landing on Viridian finally. "We need your help." his voice was just as she had imagined it. Just as deep and hollow, raspy and voice of any true emotion. But it also held a timber of something being held back, accompanied by an accent that didn't sound like one of Viridian's own. If she had to guess it may have been British, but exactly from where she wasn't sure.

"There has been a prophecy foretold of two children, one of Hecate, and one of my own, that would fulfill it." he continued, "The Gods are in danger, all of us as a whole. In our hubris we figured it was false. But, in recent years it became evident that...That we had found the two born of said prophecy." he finally stated, glancing between the two demigods that stood before him.

"Wait what?" Viridian laughed out, unable to contain herself. "Some old prophecy said the Gods were doomed, and you think that what?" she glanced at Slyvie before looking back at Hades, "That we're somehow you're miracle children? The ones to stop some ancient evil?" she couldn't contain another forced laugh, "You know, if it was anyone else, I maybe would have believed it, but considering it's you? I have my doubts."

Hades took a deep breath, it was evident he was holding himself back. Remaining poised. "Did you not think for one moment, that something was different about you, Viridian? How well of a teacher you were? How you somehow managed to have a way with people? Even if you don't like it? Your gifts that you have? Years well ahead of others your age that are still struggling with their own power?" something glimmered in his eyes for but a moment, "You are the prophecy. You both are." Hades looked at Sylvie now, "And you." he took a moment of pause before continuing, "You may consider what you have to be a curse, but it is a power unlike any other has ever had. One that even the great Heroes of Old would have been envious to have." Hades took a deep breath, before looking at the two, "You are our only hope, otherwise...Otherwise we are all doomed to a fate worse than one you could imagine."

sylvie woods. #896f99. outfit.

In the short time Sylvie had known Grey, she had never thought that she’d be glad for the other woman’s snark. But when she began to speak, she at least took the attention off Sylvie. It gave her the opportunity to at least try and regain something of her composure. And at least Grey shared her feelings on the whole thing. It seemed like the only thing they had in common was the fact that their godly parents only ever spoke to them if they wanted something. There was something almost comforting in it. At least it wasn’t just her. She wasn’t the only one with burning rage directed against Olympus.

The silent conversation between Hecate and Hades made Sylvie nervous. Their expressions were unreadable, but it was clear the other understood what was implied. They clearly had expected Sylvie and Grey to be more receptive to the whole thing, because it felt like an eternity stretched out within the silence. And finally, Hades was the first to speak.

Another prophecy. Another goddamn prophecy. How would this one fuck up her life, Sylvie wondered. Make sure she couldn’t even have any platonic friends? Stop her from talking to people altogether? Make Grey the only person she could talk to from now on? She didn’t outwardly react as Grey almost exploded. Sylvie just looked at her mother, who was steadily not looking at Sylvie. Something broke in Sylvie then. She had been alone for so long. She’d been so isolated from anyone. The one person that it could have been safe for her to love, her own goddamn mother, had stayed distant from her that whole time. And she was keeping that distance. She refused to even look at Sylvie as Sylvie learned that even more was being asked of her, that she didn’t have any sort of control in her own destiny.

And then Hades had the sheer audacity to call it a power. She stared at him in shock and hurt. Did the gods not get it? Did they not get how freaking hard it was to not be able to socialise, to not be able to connect with people, out of fear they would be the one to kill her? To be seen as an outcast for that reason? And then to be used as a tool because of that reason? For a moment, she stared at the god of death and thought of all of the things she wanted to say. They’d all get her banished to Tartarus, but would that even matter? At least then she’d be free from everyone needing things from her, expecting her to just do it, ignoring the fact that the stab wounds and the broken bones and monster venom didn’t hurt any less just because it wouldn’t hurt her.

“Fine. I’ll help,” was what she said instead. But her voice cracked as she spoke. She wanted to scream at the gods all over again about how this wasn’t a power, it had ruined her life. But what was the point? It wouldn’t change anything. So she allowed herself to be defeated. She’d just stay being used as a pawn. That was all the Fates had in mind for her, it seemed. When she thought nobody was looking, she wiped her eyes with her sleeve. Her eyes were watering from the sulphur, that was all. She wouldn’t cry in front of Hades, she wouldn’t cry in front of Hecate, and she certainly wouldn’t cry in front of Viridian Grey.

Viridian Grey - #575772 - Outfit

Viridian didn't know what to expect, but what was said, wasn't at all what she had imagined. Not like she had much to go off of, to begin with. Let alone truly know what Hades was going to tell the both of them, but a prophecy? One that apparently not only involved her, but Sylvie Woods no less? The exact person that Viridian couldn't stand to be in a room for more than five minutes at a time? It was even lucky that they had made it all the way from Camo Halfblood and through the Underworld to where they were now, without having killed each other. If anything, they deserved a golden star, just for that. It may have been considered a feat in itself, honestly. But now, now the both of them were being told they were a part of something bigger, and they were the only ones that were capable. That alone was bad enough, and already deserved many comments from Viridian. But the fact that Hades had the gall to say the two of them had special gifts. Gifts that specifically were given to them to help stop whatever calamity was going for them.

Such a declaration resulted in a laugh once again from Viridian, as she stepped forward this time. Just as Sylvie said that she agreed to it. How she would help whatever cause the Gods were now going to fight against. Without much of a second glance, Viridian brought her attention back to Hades, the look that etched itself across her face would have been enough to make anyone's blood run cold. But not his. Not Hades. He stood firm all the while.

Viridian took a few more steps closer to him, "You want me to stand here and agree to whatever bullshit claim you may have? Not only that, but the both of you want us, your children, who you've never had any previous interactions with up until now, and if you have, it was only when you wanted something from us? You honestly expect us to just go along with it? Why? Because we're obligated to, simply because we just happen to be your children? If you can even call us that?" she shook her head, arms crossed, "I don't owe any of you a damn thing, especially not you." she directed towards Hades in particular. "You consider this-" she removed the glove from her right hand, "To be a gift?" she held her hand up, the tips of her fingers were blackened that let into a dark grey tone the further the strange markings crept up her hand, stopping halfway up her wrist. If one looked closer they would notice that the skin along her hand seemed to be cracked and splintered, no specific or direct pattern. It wasn't exactly rotting flesh either, it was obvious it wasn't a form of decomposition or basic rot, but something else. Whatever it may have been, it wasn't exactly natural in terms of origin. "You consider things like this a gift?" she repeated again, taking another step closer, only pausing as Hades reached out held her arm, seeming to study her hand for a few moments.

"Death Touch." his voice almost that of a whisper, as if he was stating it soly to himself in the moment, making a note of such an apparent odd finding to anyone else, but an every day sight to him, which it may as well have been. "You lack control." his tone was cold and hollow, releasing Viridian's arm, "This is why you need to go. The both of you." he turned on his heel, clasping both of his hands behind his back, "You may return to Camp Halfblood, collect whatever things you may need for your journey. I can't imagine your travel will be a quick, nor swift one." he turned his back against the two, "You will meet a Guide back at Camp upon your return, they will bring you where you will need to go, and will depart thereafter."

Viridian was left speechless as her eyes remained anchored on the man that stood a few feet away from her, back now turned. She wanted to scream. She wanted to demand answers. Answers to questions she had for years. That all too familiar sense of anger brewing more and more under the surface with every passing moment. But all she could do was stand there, with a vacant expression on her face as she slipped the glove back onto her hand before turning back around.
"Let's just go, there's no point of staying any longer in a place that we aren't wanted around." Viridian began to walk passed both Sylvie and Hecate, making her way down the stairs. This time not even bothering to look in the direction of Persephone this time either as she brushed passed the Goddess. Viridian wanted out of here, the sooner they accomplished that, the better off they all would be. Or at least that's what she hoped.

sylvie woods. #896f99. outfit.

If Sylvie thought her mother’s reaction was cold, then Hades’ reaction was like the pits of Tartarus. His daughter had been cursed with the touch of death, and he regarded it as though he was referring to some dull, ordinary skill that they regularly trained in in Camp Half-Blood. It shocked Sylvie out of her own head, and had she been feeling a little more bold and a little less defeated, she might have spoken out about it. Hades all but told them to leave, and Grey wasn’t planning on sticking around. Once again, Sylvie found herself in agreement with Grey, and turned to leave. It took a bit of effort to catch up with the taller woman, but she made it just as they left the palace. They walked for a few steps in silence, before Sylvie decided to speak. “My prophecy says that I’ll die at the hands of the one I love. And Chiron and Mr. D figured out a while ago that that means that pretty much nothing else can kill me. That’s why they put us together. You can’t kill me even if you wanted to.” In another situation, her words might have seemed playful, a tease. But instead, she said it as a matter of statement, an explanation, and her tone said as much.

She figured they’d spend the rest of their journey out in the same silence they’d entered in. And honestly, she was fine with that. She didn’t want to talk to anybody right then, let alone Grey. But somebody else had other plans.

“Sylvie!” A female voice called. Sylvie frowned and turned in time to see Hecate standing only a few feet away. The emotionless mask was gone now. For the first time, Sylvie could see emotion in the goddess’ face. It was there, just for a second, before the goddess managed to put together a more composed expression, but Sylvie could see the worry creeping in around the edges. She could, for the first time, see her own features reflected in her mother.

“It’s customary to give heroes gifts before they go on their travels. Lord Hades… he prefers to keep a distance when it comes to these things. I’m sorry,” Hecate said, addressing Grey directly. “But I made it clear that I would not let you two face this without help. You have been through enough already and we… we have not helped as we should.” She reached into the folds of her cloak and withdrew a fine box, before holding it out to Grey. “These gloves are woven with Celestial Bronze and imbued with magic. They will protect you and strengthen your abilities. And hopefully help you to develop the… finesse you need for your Death Touch. And they’ll always be the right size for you.”

“And Sylvie, my daughter.” Hecate turned to Sylvie. Their eyes met, and there was a mutual understanding that there was much they both wanted to say, but knew this was neither the time nor the place. Hecate removed the cloak from around her shoulders and handed it to Sylvie. Sylvie frowned, looking at the fine material.

“Your… your cloak?”
“It will help to hide you from monsters. And, it will make it easier for… for allies to find you. It will also help to cloak you in the shadows and strengthen your connection to your magic,” the goddess explained. Sylvie nodded and wrapped it around her shoulders. The weight was comforting and almost familiar, an unearthly smell like no perfume she’d ever smelled clinging to the fabric.
“We would not ask this of you if we didn’t have the utmost faith in both of you. We do not ask this lightly. And I’m not asking either of you to forgive either of us. I can’t speak for Lord Hades but… I intend on earning my forgiveness. If I can.” Hecate said. She glanced back towards the palace. “I should go. Lord Hades told me to keep this short. Safe travels, brave heroes.” And like that, she was gone. The lump in Sylvie’s throat was back, but for a different reason this time. Gods, how she wished she’d been able to hug her mother. But it seemed it wasn’t the time or the place.


Viridian Grey - #575772 - Outfit

The only thing that was on Viridian's mind was leaving this damned place. It ended up being just as hollow, cold, and unwelcoming as the man who ruled over the land. She didn't know why she even had the slightest bit of hope that things would have been different, it was foolish. Stupid even. If Hades had never once reached out to her in those twenty years; those ever lonesome and empty years, why would she have expected anything else this time around? He was never there back then when she needed him the most, so why would he have been there now? Even if he was, physically at the very least, he wasn't truly present. Not in the way that she had ever wished. Her own father was nothing more than a stranger, and even now as she found herself walking away to go on some mission to save the gods, she couldn't have felt any further from him. What even was the point of any of this? The only thing that brought Viridian out of her thoughts was the sudden voice that spoke up, violently shaking Viridian from her thoughts.

As much as she would have liked to laugh at the comment that was aimed at her, and her ever possible lack of succeeding in killing Sylvie. Not for a lack of trying, but simply that her death touch wouldn't be of any effect. On one hand, it would have been something of a comfort, at any other time. Knowing there was at least one person she couldn't accidentally kill with a single touch. There had been so many accidents over the years, so much death and loss. Why? All because of who her own father was? Hades considered such an effect a power, a gift even. Would he have the same thought if she had told him what had happened to her mother all those years ago? Would he have still remained so cold and heartless after being informed? Or did he already know? If he did, it didn't seem to be no more of a concern to him than the weather changing. At least that was how it all felt. So much coldness and distance coming from him. It truly was another reason why Viridian wanted to leave this place. Just get on with it and be done. Then they could all go their seperate ways. Or maybe, just maybe, let the Gods die? Every passing second it didn't seem like such a bad idea. Or why not let that certain Seaweed Brain do it himself? He seemed to be far more capable than anyone else. But if she remembered correctly, there was something about an early retirement? Not that she cared, none of this really mattered to her in the end. Why should it have?

Viridian was even so close as to turning around and say as much to Sylvie, how they could just walk away from it all. But another voice spoke up, her eyes meeting those of Hecate. Sylvie's mother, once again. At least she seemed to care, maybe. But what did she want now? Another lecture, maybe? As if the one they just got by Hades wasn't enough. But much to her surprise, that wasn't what this was about. At least not for now. Viridian was more surprised when Hecate addressed her, handing over a small ornate box, explaining what it contained. Viridian had hesitated for a moment, she didn't want some form of forced sympathy or pity. Especially not from one of the gods who just moments before had told the two of them they were a part of some damned prophecy. But, she knew better. Managing to bite her tongue, stopping her from rattling off with some sarcastic remark, Viridian gingerly accepted the strange box, holding it in her currently gloved hands. The ones she wore were getting old by now. She couldn't even count how many times she had to refurbish those gloves. Or just get an entirely new pair all together. But these would do, she supposed. "...Thanks." was all she was able to get out.

Viridian watched as Sylvie and Hecate exchanged some small talk, as well as Sylvie received her own gift. This time in the form of a cloak. What was with the gods only giving gifts that helped in minor ways? Why not some powerful enough weapon or armor? Those would seem to be more effective in helping accomplish their quests. Especially one supposedly important as this one? But the gods always had their way of being vague and the least bit helpful, so it wasn't much of surprise in how ineffectively helpful they were in this instance. Viridian waited for the two to finish speaking, before Hecate finally walked away. Leaving the two of them alone once more. Silence hung in the air for a few moments, before Viridian unlatched the small lock on the box that had been given to her, an eyebrow raised as her eyes landed on the gloves that lied within. "Yeah I guess those will do." she rattled off, doing nothing more than tossing the now empty box at Sylvie, as she exchanged her own and worn out gloves with the new ones she had been gifted. looking back in Sylvie's direction once again. But for only a moment, "Let's get out of here already, this place is making me nauseous."
sylvie woods. #896f99. outfit.

The trip back to Camp was slightly more amiable than the trip out had been. Not that they said much more to each other, but there was something of an understanding between them. Their fates were intertwined, it seemed, because their curses canceled each other out. And there was something nice about that. She had absolutely no doubt that before too much longer, she'd be back to wanting to punch Grey. But for now, she felt a little less alone in everything. And she'd take that.

Once they'd left the Underworld, Hecate's cloak had shifted to a long black trench coat. It didn't exactly match her outfit and it wasn't exactly her style, but she didn't take it off. It was the only gift she had from her mother. The only physical connection she had to her mother at all. She had to resist the temptation to curl up in a bawl and pull the cloak around her and take in that smell that still lingered on the fabric. She found herself missing the crackle of magic over her skin, even if she'd never experienced anything quite like it before. It had felt like she was standing in the middle of a storm, but she was capable of controlling the storm and it made her feel properly powerful for the first time. And now, she was back in a world where she didn't belong, destined to save it, and then die at the hands of someone she loved. Because the fates were cruel, and had chosen her as their least willing victim.

But they had to try and figure out what this ancient artifact even was. Charon and Mr D had admitted to being unsure of what it could be, because the artifact it eluded to being was rumoured to have destroyed hundreds of years ago. So, well, at least Sylvie would have plenty of time left. They'd been given the co-ordinates of an archive outside the city which would have information on hundreds of artifacts, which meant they might at least be able to figure out where to start, or figure out if the chalice or whatever it was was still in existence.

Sylvie was waiting a short while away from this archive, sipping on a coffee and trying to mentally steel herself for whatever was about to come next. She knew once Grey arrived, they'd gather the attention of far more monsters. so she would need to be prepared, and braced for whatever was to come. She had Hecate's jacket tucked into her bag, and her knives hidden in her hair as hairpins. But she was still uneasy. This was a different type of challenge for her, one she hadn't faced for years. And a monster was a monster, they would still be defeated in the same way. But fighting alongside somebody else? She hadn't done that in years.

Viridian Grey
- #575772 - Outfit

The next two days were somewhat of a haze, but also felt like they dragged on much longer than they had needed to. At least that's how it had felt for Viridian, anyway. If there was anything that she didn't like, it was not knowing something. Not having an answer to whatever it was that she was endeavored with. And now? Now nothing made sense to her. Why was there a supposed prophecy, and why was she a part of it? Out of all the children of Hades that had to play a part in this apparent prophecy, to save the gods no less, just had to be her? Viridian Grey. Bastard child. Orphan. Comparatively, it would have made sense for literally any of her other half siblings to be involved, more so than her. Not like Grey would have ever said anything close to that admittance, but it was true. Even if she did try to act like she was all that, in reality Grey was an absolute no one. She had no friends, no family, no one. Even those that were close enough to be her friends, still were kept at an arms length. No one was ever allowed to get close, and why should they? Out of all the children of Hades, she appeared to be the only one who couldn't properly control their Death Touch. The ability to completely destroy a person with a mere touch. The memories of that night when Viridian's godly powers first awakened, still haunted her. It seemed no matter how badly she tried to surpress the feelings and memories of the last time she had seen her mother, they would always come back rearing their ugly presence. Hell, whenever Viridian would look down at her own hands the memories would come back, bubbling and boiling over the surface. It wasn't just to keep herself from accidentally disintigrating someone again with a single bare touch of her hand, nor was it to keep the strange markings that crept up both of her hands and to her forearms. No, it was just as much for those reasons, than to keep Grey's own well being guarded. Even if gloves were magically bound and altered, she couldn't shake the feeling of exactly what power she held. He dared call it a gift? Those words bounced around in her mind like a pinball machine. What an absolute joke, she thought.

But now wasn't the time for self pity and brooding, no, Viridian could always do that later. Now she and a somewhat unwanted companion were tasked with searching for some damned ancient artifact. One that upon their initial inquiry, was supposedly destroyed a long time ago. Fantastic. As if they didn't already allude to their bad luck. What else could go wrong, anyway? Right? Right. Now it seemed as though the two of them were now just in search for any information on what the artifact could have even been. How could the gods be so clueless on a prophecy they had been apparently aware of for so long, and yet the only thing they seemed to know anything about, was who the prophecy was even about. A child of Hades, and one of Hecate. Two children who if left alone long enough would have ended up wanting to kill each other, and that was on a good day. Who was to say what would happen with the two set out on a damned quest? One to save the world that had left both of them on their own. Outcasts. Alone. And they were expected to save a world that never gave a helping hand to two damned children? What sort of bullshit was that?

With a heavy sigh, Viridian found herself walking down the street of the city, the weather was starting to get cold again. Something they didn't ever really need to worry about back in Camp Halfblood. But here? In the human world? Somehow she had forgotten how things worked, sometime. It was odd. Looking down, Grey awkwardly adjusted the leather gloves that she now wore. Initially she had her own concerns, just how magical were they anyway? There was one thing with it being said, nevermind seeing it in action. But as Viridian stepped into the mortal world, it became a little more clear. A small surprised expression scrawled across her face, but quickly disgarded the look of shock. She had a task at hand, she could gawk at the magical properties of these gloves later. Tucking her hands into her jacket's pockets, Viridian made her way to the planned meeting spot the two had agreed upon.

The cold air brushed across her face as she walked down the sidewalk, along various stores and shops. It was only when Grey noticed the back of an all too familiar figure sitting outside of one of the local cafes. It would be hard to not recognize that all too bright head of orange hair from this distance. Nevermind a mile or two away. Viridian strolled up with about as much confidence and assurance as she could muster, pulling out the chair that sat opposite of the small table that the red haired woman sat at. Letting out a heavy sigh as her weight took Viridian down into the chair, "Looking as pleasant as always, Woods." she greeted, "-And by that I mean absolutely-" her eyes flickered up and down, "-Anxiety ridden." she mused. Extending her apparently bare hand, Viridan grabbed one of the cups on the table and took a sip, "Ready to go on a pointless magical goose egg hunt, just to be unfathomably killed by a monster?" she chided, "And I actually mean just you, I'll be fine." Viridian jeered. Looking around before she continued, "And don't worry, apparently these gloves have more properties than I thought." she indicated towards her hands, "Illusiary magic. It gets tiresome having people always stare at someone with gloves on all the time. Apparently my father had enough foresight into giving me at least something for my benefit." she sighed, "For once." the latter came out as more of a mumble than anything else, "On the bright side I won't accidentally kill you. Now that would be on purpose, not accidental."


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