Project Black IC

DJ put one end of the pipe on the ground and began leaning on it, "I'm thinking about naming it something. I don't have any ideas yet but I'm sure I'll come up with something." He smiled thoughtfully before frowning upon hearing the details of the events that just occurred. His feelings of uselessness only grew after learning about the near death experiences of virtually everyone other than himself. People could have died and he would have been sitting around doing nothing like a turtle.

"I should have did more when the lights flickered. I just assumed it was nothing." He shook his head and offered a small smile, "Oh well, at least you guys have quite the story to tell now. Thankfully nothing went seriously wrong."

Just as the words were rolling off his tongue Dax and a large pod entered the med bay which was apparently the place to be at the moment as it was starting to get very crowded. DJ moved to make room for the large man and as the pod wheeled by he saw what it was holding. The man who had yelled at him earlier that day. So it seemed that something had indeed gone terribly wrong. Of course.

The Captain had walked in a moment later and began barking orders. He listened in as she and Val had an intense and worried conversation over how to get the navigator out of the pod. It all seemed very complicated to him, he was rather inexperienced with the black market trade of humans and had only ever seen standard pods. Simply by looking at it he could guess that it was a very complicated device and would be very difficult and dangerous to get Shin out alive and well and listening to Val and Ross only confirmed his theory.

Trying to lighten the mood DJ offered a smile, "He'll be fine. Besides, me and him have some unfinished business so he has to wake up so he can yell at me again."

His small moment of optimism was cut short after he heard his name from a very unlikely source; the captain. He didn't even think she knew his name and was actually taken aback for a few seconds. Snapping out of the initial surprise came a new wave of shock after he replayed what the captain said to him "You will report to the bridge.... you can pilot us home". Those were the only words he was able to recall but he supposed that that was the gist of what she had said.

"I-uh.... you want me to pilot this ship....?" The words were stumbling out of his mouth he was still trying to wrap his head around what was happening. He was starting to come up with a million reasons why he wouldn't be able to fly the ship, but he only needed one reason to do it and that reason was because everyone might die if he didn't do it.

"Ok, let's do this." DJ said now with much more confidence than a few seconds ago and now he was smiling brightly. His feelings of uselessness had completely vanished and now were replaced by pure excitement that he felt for his new challenge.
Isaac peeked through his fingers at Jack. "There were a couple bad folks with guns." He said through gritted teeth. "I decided it would be a good idea to try to grab one of them..."

He broke off as Ross entered the room and began giving orders. He was mildly surprised to hear one directed his way. She turned on her heels and left before he could say anything though, so he was left sitting there staring at where she had been.

"Heck of a woman." He said to himself. When he realized he said that out loud, he cut his eyes back to Jack and coughed in embarrassment. Isaac swung his legs off the bed and set his feet on the floor. He was looking bacteria to the door Ross left out of again and didn't need to look away to catch Sarah who had jumped up into his arms with a relieved squeel. He held her in a tight hug, staring off into the distance, thinking.

" Well if the captain needs a paying customer to work on her ship, things can't be that good." He kissed Sarah's forhead. "You stay here and be good. Love you"

She nodded as he set her down.

"Love you too, Daddy."

Isaac gave her a smile before holding up a hand of farewell to those in the med bay.

"Thank you, doc. Looks like I've got work to do."

He made his way to his room and popped open his jar of pain meds, taking another big dosage. He retrieved his bag of tools and tugged off his coat before he left the room. It'd just get in the way.

Anyone who saw him would see his mechanical arm. It was a little bulky and clearly a workers prosthesis. It had dings, scratches, burn marks, and all sorts of evidence that he's put in hard work with it.

He stopped by the med bay when a thought occurred to him.

"Err.. does anyone have a spare comunicator?"
Jack suppressed a grin as Isaac looks followed the captain out of the med bay. He could only nod in agreement with the red-haired alien. “I know what you mean, this ship seems to be filled with them. Impressive, with just a hint of the scare factor.” Jack grinned quietly as he nodded to the man, his eyes briefly flickering to Charlie, who had swallowed her pride and retreated back to stand next to DJ.

She would never admit it but she was worried over Shin. How had he managed to get himself put in there?

He’s such a stubborn, idiotic…" Charlie began muttering, all the while, her eyes fixed onto the tube which Val was flittering about. It was only when Ross called on DJ that Charlie pulled her attention back into the here and now. Eyeing her friend, she raised an eyebrow towards her captain. Ross was asking the passengers to work? Okay, she knew that she didn’t really pay much attention to the whole Ross and Shin dynamic around the ship, but this was odd and spoke volumes about the state the ship was now in. Could they really fall apart so easily with Shin out of the picture for just a short couple of hours?

Nodding, she looked up at Dax.

Who wants to pilot, who is working on the mechanics?

You do the piloting. Use what academy training you can still remember.” Dax said, as he stretched his arms, which ached after hauling Shin to the med bay. “I’ll take on the mechanics. Think I can recall most things which need looking to before landing. Shin’s told me enough times.” He smiled grimly remembering Shin’s annoyed ramblings in response to Dax’s attempt to make him rest.

In synchrony, both nodded in agreement to a plan set in stone. Dax peeled away, following Isaac with a smile. “I’ll grab you a comm.” He said as he patted the man’s arm. “I’ll also show where to go, from there we’ll be on equal ground.” He sighed as he shook his head, making the beads in his hair to clink together loudly.

With his free hand, he pointed a thumb in the direction of the engines. They would swing by one of the storage compartments where Dax knew there was a surplus of the devices.

This conversation, however, triggered Charlie into action. Looking up at DJ, she winked. “Looks like we will be partners for the next couple of hours. I apologise in advance." She joked, before looking back at Raven.

Look after her, alright?” She said, as Jack moved to check on her. The nurse said nothing but simply nodded as he met the eyes of the lead rider, almost flinching back at the fiercely protective stance the small woman had taken. He was a good head’s worth taller than the girl, but at this moment, Jack couldn’t help but be a little intimidated by her.

Good.” Charlie said, before motioning to DJ. “We have a job to do.” With that she set off, heading in the opposite direction to Dax and Isaac. Thankfully the cockpit had its own little unit which contained comms, meaning Charlie wouldn’t have to take the detour Dax was having to make.

Your papers say you are one hell of a pilot.” Charlie said over her shoulder, as she strode towards the cockpit, her route leading them back through the mess hall. “Time to prove it.” She grinned. Back in the med bay, DJ had given a smile which Charlie knew well. He was excited. It was the same smile she gave every time she was about to get on her bike, and it was the same expression she held now. Although this was for different reasons. Shin had never let the fly the ship. Not once. The Gallion was his baby. But he was asleep now. Such a shame. Plus, she had always wanted to give the Gallion a spin... oh how karma was a pain.

Should teach him to take better care of himself. Charlie thought, as she resisted the urge to skip and clap her hands.

Dax on the other hand, lead Isaac through the twisting corridors, only stopping once to grab the comms piece the man had requested. After that, it was straight to the engines room. Walking in, a wall of heat hit him like a brick wall.

Ah. I hope you are ready for a challenge my friend.” Dax said, as he felt his body’s natural defences kick in to maintain a healthy temperature. “I can almost guarantee that you have not work on a ship quite like this.

With that, Dax then hit the comms, patching into the communications network of the ship.

Ross, Charlie, We are in position. Your status?

Just arrived. Setting up DJ now…” Charlie’s voice replied, as the girl at last arrived into the spacious cockpit. Pointing to the first pilot’s seat, Charlie handed DJ one of the comms with another wink.

You ready?” She grinned, as in one smooth motion she slotted herself into the seat of the second pilot. “As my opinion of you may just depend on what happen here.” She laughed.

Captain. We are in position. But, Ross, where we heading?
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Ross had made her way through the Gallion piecing together her plan. She swung by her office and looked over the electronic map of the verse hanging on one of the walls. The planets ever so slightly moved as it was to let her know what their alignment was. She looked down to Shin's tablet and looked over the status of the ship. This was indeed a tough call.

On the one hand... If they worked round the clock till Shin awoke they might be able to get to the planet they had set out for. But on the other hand... They could land the ship at the only planet that wasn't days away.... Edison....

She knew of her and Shin's agreement. She had half of the ship and Shin had the other... the only way she would have been able to get the Gallion was if she promised Shin.... To never land on Edison.... Ever...

But due to recent circumstances Ross wasn't sure if she could hold up her end of the agreement. She took in a deep breath and let it out slowly.

She left her office and clicked on the com. "I'm setting the course now." She stated before clicking the com off.

The next thing they knew, a course came up on their screens..... Edison was their destination.

Ross made her way onto the bridge and stood at the back of the area next to the navigator's seat. She placed the tablet down and looked over the station. She grumbled a bit at the mess before her. It wasn't 'messy'... It was just how Shin placed things together. One couldn't tell the difference between the controls even if they worked with them for years.

She looked up to see Charlie in the second pilot seat. Riders and pilots were two different things. She knew this as to how Shin explained it the first week they were in the air. It was just her, Shin and Dax at that point.

She wondered if Charlie had any other experience besides her bike... If not.... Ross looked back to the nav system. She would have to send a signal to Edison before they changed course.

She was shocked at the quick response back. They had sent her a list of things they would have to do in order to be granted an emergency landing. Papers, ship registration, a scan and finally once they landed if they passed the inspection all members aboard the Gallion would have to submit to a blood scan before stepping off the ship.

Ross looked up to both Charlie and Dj. She cleared her mind before sending the information to Edison.

From what she knew Edison was a bitch to get onto and off. The security was worse than the core planets... But this was better than dealing with this mess for two days before hitting the next planet.

Val watched as most of the people started to leave the med bay leaving her, Jack, Adrian and Sarah with a frozen Shin, a knocked out feisty rider and a passed out, drugged up villain. This would indeed be interesting to over see. To see the Gallion in such different and new hands... Val felt a bit worried.

She let out a deep yet soft breath and looked over to Shin in the pod. Her eyes screamed of worry as she walked over to it and placed a hand on the glass. She tilted her head and looked at Shin. Liquid air was indeed tricky to work with. The water would be at a freezing temperature, but would not fully freeze. It was like getting an ice cube with the outside of it frozen, but still having very cold water on the inside. This pod acted like so.

She looked over the mechanics to the pod before pressing a few buttons. She was already scared when tapping away at the screen. One false move and opening the pod too soon could end the navigator's life. The process to release Shin had already started... But she was going to try and get it open sooner.

Val paused as her hand hovered over the screen. She began to shake... She never saw this model... She could feel her skin crawl and sweat run down the side of her face. She gulped and quickly stepped back almost in tears. She whipped her eyes still looking at the pod. She couldn't do it... They would have to wait the full four hours.... But even during that time, something could go wrong with the system.

Why was she so nervous or afraid? She had no idea... But something stung her mind and nerves like Shin's life was really in her hands. She was a doctor, and had dealt with many patients, this shouldn't be different... But why was it? Looked anywhere but at the pod of the others.
hootie0813 said:
Isaac peeked through his fingers at Jack. "There were a couple bad folks with guns." He said through gritted teeth. "I decided it would be a good idea to try to grab one of them..."
He broke off as Ross entered the room and began giving orders. He was mildly surprised to hear one directed his way. She turned on her heels and left before he could say anything though, so he was left sitting there staring at where she had been.

"Heck of a woman." He said to himself. When he realized he said that out loud, he cut his eyes back to Jack and coughed in embarrassment. Isaac swung his legs off the bed and set his feet on the floor. He was looking bacteria to the door Ross left out of again and didn't need to look away to catch Sarah who had jumped up into his arms with a relieved squeel. He held her in a tight hug, staring off into the distance, thinking.

" Well if the captain needs a paying customer to work on her ship, things can't be that good." He kissed Sarah's forhead. "You stay here and be good. Love you"

She nodded as he set her down.

"Love you too, Daddy."

Isaac gave her a smile before holding up a hand of farewell to those in the med bay.

"Thank you, doc. Looks like I've got work to do."

He made his way to his room and popped open his jar of pain meds, taking another big dosage. He retrieved his bag of tools and tugged off his coat before he left the room. It'd just get in the way.

Anyone who saw him would see his mechanical arm. It was a little bulky and clearly a workers prosthesis. It had dings, scratches, burn marks, and all sorts of evidence that he's put in hard work with it.

He stopped by the med bay when a thought occurred to him.

"Err.. does anyone have a spare comunicator?"
Lokipi said:
Jack suppressed a grin as Isaac looks followed the captain out of the med bay. He could only nod in agreement with the red-haired alien. “I know what you mean, this ship seems to be filled with them. Impressive, with just a hint of the scare factor.” Jack grinned quietly as he nodded to the man, his eyes briefly flickering to Charlie, who had swallowed her pride and retreated back to stand next to DJ.
She would never admit it but she was worried over Shin. How had he managed to get himself put in there?

He’s such a stubborn, idiotic…" Charlie began muttering, all the while, her eyes fixed onto the tube which Val was flittering about. It was only when Ross called on DJ that Charlie pulled her attention back into the here and now. Eyeing her friend, she raised an eyebrow towards her captain. Ross was asking the passengers to work? Okay, she knew that she didn’t really pay much attention to the whole Ross and Shin dynamic around the ship, but this was odd and spoke volumes about the state the ship was now in. Could they really fall apart so easily with Shin out of the picture for just a short couple of hours?

Nodding, she looked up at Dax.

Who wants to pilot, who is working on the mechanics?

You do the piloting. Use what academy training you can still remember.” Dax said, as he stretched his arms, which ached after hauling Shin to the med bay. “I’ll take on the mechanics. Think I can recall most things which need looking to before landing. Shin’s told me enough times.” He smiled grimly remembering Shin’s annoyed ramblings in response to Dax’s attempt to make him rest.

In synchrony, both nodded in agreement to a plan set in stone. Dax peeled away, following Isaac with a smile. “I’ll grab you a comm.” He said as he patted the man’s arm. “I’ll also show where to go, from there we’ll be on equal ground.” He sighed as he shook his head, making the beads in his hair to clink together loudly.

With his free hand, he pointed a thumb in the direction of the engines. They would swing by one of the storage compartments where Dax knew there was a surplus of the devices.

This conversation, however, triggered Charlie into action. Looking up at DJ, she winked. “Looks like we will be partners for the next couple of hours. I apologise in advance." She joked, before looking back at Raven.

Look after her, alright?” She said, as Jack moved to check on her. The nurse said nothing but simply nodded as he met the eyes of the lead rider, almost flinching back at the fiercely protective stance the small woman had taken. He was a good head’s worth taller than the girl, but at this moment, Jack couldn’t help but be a little intimidated by her.

Good.” Charlie said, before motioning to DJ. “We have a job to do.” With that she set off, heading in the opposite direction to Dax and Isaac. Thankfully the cockpit had its own little unit which contained comms, meaning Charlie wouldn’t have to take the detour Dax was having to make.

Your papers say you are one hell of a pilot.” Charlie said over her shoulder, as she strode towards the cockpit, her route leading them back through the mess hall. “Time to prove it.” She grinned. Back in the med bay, DJ had given a smile which Charlie knew well. He was excited. It was the same smile she gave every time she was about to get on her bike, and it was the same expression she held now. Although this was for different reasons. Shin had never let the fly the ship. Not once. The Gallion was his baby. But he was asleep now. Such a shame. Plus, she had always wanted to give the Gallion a spin... oh how karma was a pain.

Should teach him to take better care of himself. Charlie thought, as she resisted the urge to skip and clap her hands.

Dax on the other hand, lead Isaac through the twisting corridors, only stopping once to grab the comms piece the man had requested. After that, it was straight to the engines room. Walking in, a wall of heat hit him like a brick wall.

Ah. I hope you are ready for a challenge my friend.” Dax said, as he felt his body’s natural defences kick in to maintain a healthy temperature. “I can almost guarantee that you have not work on a ship quite like this.

With that, Dax then hit the comms, patching into the communications network of the ship.

Ross, Charlie, We are in position. Your status?

Just arrived. Setting up DJ now…” Charlie’s voice replied, as the girl at last arrived into the spacious cockpit. Pointing to the first pilot’s seat, Charlie handed DJ one of the comms with another wink.

You ready?” She grinned, as in one smooth motion she slotted herself into the seat of the second pilot. “As my opinion of you may just depend on what happen here.” She laughed.

Captain. We are in position. But, Ross, where we heading?
NovaNovass said:
Ross had made her way through the Gallion piecing together her plan. She swung by her office and looked over the electronic map of the verse hanging on one of the walls. The planets ever so slightly moved as it was to let her know what their alignment was. She looked down to Shin's tablet and looked over the status of the ship. This was indeed a tough call.
On the one hand... If they worked round the clock till Shin awoke they might be able to get to the planet they had set out for. But on the other hand... They could land the ship at the only planet that wasn't days away.... Edison....

She knew of her and Shin's agreement. She had half of the ship and Shin had the other... the only way she would have been able to get the Gallion was if she promised Shin.... To never land on Edison.... Ever...

But due to recent circumstances Ross wasn't sure if she could hold up her end of the agreement. She took in a deep breath and let it out slowly.

She left her office and clicked on the com. "I'm setting the course now." She stated before clicking the com off.

The next thing they knew, a course came up on their screens..... Edison was their destination.

Ross made her way onto the bridge and stood at the back of the area next to the navigator's seat. She placed the tablet down and looked over the station. She grumbled a bit at the mess before her. It wasn't 'messy'... It was just how Shin placed things together. One couldn't tell the difference between the controls even if they worked with them for years.

She looked up to see Charlie in the second pilot seat. Riders and pilots were two different things. She knew this as to how Shin explained it the first week they were in the air. It was just her, Shin and Dax at that point.

She wondered if Charlie had any other experience besides her bike... If not.... Ross looked back to the nav system. She would have to send a signal to Edison before they changed course.

She was shocked at the quick response back. They had sent her a list of things they would have to do in order to be granted an emergency landing. Papers, ship registration, a scan and finally once they landed if they passed the inspection all members aboard the Gallion would have to submit to a blood scan before stepping off the ship.

Ross looked up to both Charlie and Dj. She cleared her mind before sending the information to Edison.

From what she knew Edison was a bitch to get onto and off. The security was worse than the core planets... But this was better than dealing with this mess for two days before hitting the next planet.

Val watched as most of the people started to leave the med bay leaving her, Jack, Adrian and Sarah with a frozen Shin, a knocked out feisty rider and a passed out, drugged up villain. This would indeed be interesting to over see. To see the Gallion in such different and new hands... Val felt a bit worried.

She let out a deep yet soft breath and looked over to Shin in the pod. Her eyes screamed of worry as she walked over to it and placed a hand on the glass. She tilted her head and looked at Shin. Liquid air was indeed tricky to work with. The water would be at a freezing temperature, but would not fully freeze. It was like getting an ice cube with the outside of it frozen, but still having very cold water on the inside. This pod acted like so.

She looked over the mechanics to the pod before pressing a few buttons. She was already scared when tapping away at the screen. One false move and opening the pod too soon could end the navigator's life. The process to release Shin had already started... But she was going to try and get it open sooner.

Val paused as her hand hovered over the screen. She began to shake... She never saw this model... She could feel her skin crawl and sweat run down the side of her face. She gulped and quickly stepped back almost in tears. She whipped her eyes still looking at the pod. She couldn't do it... They would have to wait the full four hours.... But even during that time, something could go wrong with the system.

Why was she so nervous or afraid? She had no idea... But something stung her mind and nerves like Shin's life was really in her hands. She was a doctor, and had dealt with many patients, this shouldn't be different... But why was it? Looked anywhere but at the pod of the others.
"Energy distributors realigned, power core stabilized, life support stabilized and rising, artificial gravity at max efficiency, and trajectory is safe for the time being. I think that was everyth- nope nevermind. The engines are losing power now. Hahaha this is great!" The avalon cried aloud as he twisted around midflight and allowed his wing beats to carry him all the way to the engine room with almost no difficulty whatsoever. The false angel zips and zooms past corridors and dizzying speeds until he finds the engine rooms doors beginning to close behind two people. Just as the doors were coming shut, Aeva tucked in his wings and his body shot the entrance like a streamlined bullet.

As he emerged on the other side, his wings broke open to their full length. This made him come to a wind howling stop as massive wings pushed against the air, creating a large gust in the room. "Hello gentlemen! Engine needs some attention right now and you guys look like you were about to get right on that. Alright I'll guide you through this." Stated Aeva as he began explaining to the two men that the couplings needed to be restored to full efficiency, following the need distribute the power throughout the entire engines. The engine was only running on 66 % and it was dropping at an alarming rate.

Aeva was the type of person that led by example and he set to work on the things he spoke about, showing the two men how to do it exactly as needed and then allowing them to repeat the process in the necessary areas. Whenever, they got to work, Aeva would be diving into the programming, diverting the power from the mainframe to the engines and back. He was creating a new circuit of energy flow to keep the power cycling to the engines without the need to check up on it.
Isaac jammed the earpiece into place with his thanks as he followed Dakarai. He ran his eyes over various consoles in the corridor as the went by. Most of them seemed to either not be working or doing something they weren't originally designed for. It gave him a sinking feeling.

The pit in his stomach dropped even further when the doors to the engine room opened up and a blast of hot air hit him. Sweat immediately started pouring off of him and his arm was already feeling hot against his shoulder.

"We'll this should be swell." He called out over the engine noise with a laugh.

Suddenly the angel was there giving instructions and examples, to which Isaac raised one eyebrow. Nearly fifteen years working on ships hadn't led him being babied through his job.

He didn't voice an opinion yet, though as he watched Aeva work, he started getting angrier and angrier. Not at the angel. Well, mostly not at him. At what he was watching. Nothing made sense. There were hardwire connections to systems that had to have been on the other side of the ship. Things looked like they were wired the wrong direction. The engine seemed to be feeding somw of its power to something else entirely.

"Mr Dakarai," He hollered over the noise "Did I hear right that the kid stuck in the pod was responsible for putting this ship together?"

There was an edge in his tone. Partly from terror that he was in the middle of space on this mess with his daughter.
DJ nodded and followed Charlie who seemed to be mimicking the smile he had at that very moment.

"It should be me apologizing to you. I'm actually not great company when I fly, it's usually just me talking in a very yelly kind of way towards myself. I've been told that I sound like a schizophrenic when I pilot." He gave the girl a toothy grin with a slight eye twitch to add effect. They headed through the mess hall through a series of corridors.

"And don't worry I have years of experience flying a wide variety of ships. I learn very quickly." This of course was the second time he had jinxed himself in a very short period of time. The pair entered the cockpit and immediately he was already eating his words. No matter how different the ship he was usually able to spot similarities and use patterns to learn how to pilot the ship very quickly. But this was far different than anything he had ever seen. As far as he could see, nothing about the arrangement of the controls or the controls themselves had any patterns or rhythmic at all. He imagined that this mess of buttons, switches, and pressure gauges is what a non-pilot sees whenever they in the cockpit of a normal ship.

DJ noted the various different seats and the various control yokes that were all around him. He counted five.

"Yeah... I'm guessing there are supposed to be five other pilots here... but there aren't..." He raised his eyebrows and took the comm from Charlie. "I'm as ready as I'll ever be. If we're being honest I feel like this is going to a learn-as-you-go experience so you're opinion on me may crash and burn..." He paused and realized what he just said, "given the circumstances that was probably not the most appropriate metaphor." He pursed his lips.

The pilot jumped over and in to the head pilots chair and began his ritual. He pulled his goggles out of his back pocket and used them as a headband to push his hair out of his eyes. Then he placed the comm in his ear and turned it on.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. This is your pilot speaking, we are in for a bumpy ride on this fine evening... or whatever time it is right now... Please strap in and try not to panic too much." DJ spoke in a jokingly humorous tone both to lighten the mood and to relax himself. The controls in front of him were seriously stressing him out. "On a more serious note; mechanics, please inform me on everything thats going on. Right now I'm seeing on one of the displays that engine 1 is dropping rapidly, what's the status on that?" As he awaited his reply he flexed his fingers and cracked his knuckles, "Let's go to work".

DJ grabbed the yoke and began to study the controls.

*Auto Pilot Failing* read the tablet in front of him. He quickly switched the autopilot off, other than that nothing he saw looked familiar except for the throttle, which he used to immediately decrease the thrust in hopes that it would cool down and give a break to the dying engines. The current display was showing that the ship was straight and level, but as an experienced pilot he knew the weren't. The flickering of the power earlier must have disrupted some of the instruments which were now reading information wrong. He pulled back and down on the yoke with a small amount of force and spent a few minutes making adjustments, as he wasn't used to a vessel as large as the Gallion. He managed to get the vessel flying straight and level.

"Now to find Rasputin." He mumbled to himself out loud as he searched for the RST button among the maze of controls. Though he couldn't see the pattern now, he knew there had to be one if he looked hard enough. He managed to rule out a few controls which he believed to know the function of and remembered them for when he needed them later, but aside from that he was completely lost. If he had more time he delicately figure out the pattern without consequences, but that wasn't an option.

"Well, here goes nothing." He flipped a random switch. An object departed from the ship an flew out into the void.

The display flashed *Pod 7 Released*

"Uh... well hopefully we don't need that." He laughed nervously but gave him a spark of hope. "That narrows out this whole section of switches to Podricks." The name he gave to the pod switches.

He flipped another switch.

*Port flaps extended* DJ flipped the switch back off and ruled out that section of switches to the flaps and extensions.

He tried this method for a few more times slowly but surely figuring out the complex pattern that was displayed in front of him. Despite having figured out the functions of a few hundred switches and buttons, there was still a large chunk of controls that he didn't know.

"Well, this isn't going terribly." He smiled at the progress he was making and the fact that he hadn't completely destroyed the ship. And for the third time in that hour, he jinxed himself. Following the next switch came several warning lights. He had overheated the primary hydraulics system, incapacitating his steering.

"This is fine. I can fix it. I just need to find the controls to the pressurized cooling units. It's ok." He thought out loud to himself even as he felt the ship start to rotate slowly to the right and as things started sliding across the floor as the angle increased. DJ stood up, using his reach to cover more ground over the control board. He was making an attempt to strategically press buttons but at this point it was more like he was using educated guesses to determine where the button he needed was. He was calm but was pressing buttons as fast as he could before he killed everyone on accident. A very loud bang and a rumble throughout the whole ship followed the flip of the next switch. Engine four had blown. He didn't have to read it on the screen. He saw it with his own eyes as he looked behind him and saw the explosion. The ship was now no longer flying, it was now drifting and rotating into the abyss of space before him. Sweat started pouring down his forehead he tuned out what everyone else was doing and saying around him, the ship was now operating with two fewer engines and was burning through fuel faster than it would when all engines were operational. He was surprised at the overwhelming intense, focused, and calm he was feeling despite the mess that was unfolding in front of him. He totally forgot about everyone else on the ship or in the cockpit with him at that moment. All he knew in that moment was that he had to find the PCU.

DJ didn't give up, he flipped another switch. The artificial gravity turned off for a moment before he flipped it back on immediately. His heart leapt.

"YES!" He shouted and smiled ear to ear, "Then this should be the cooling unit." He pressed a small green button that lay beside Arty. It took a moment but the hydraulics started to cool down. He had his steering back which he used to level the ship, which was incredibly difficult with his short number of engines. the muscles on his arms tightened as he used brute strength to turn the yoke.

"Mechanics, Dax, Aeva, whoever's down there I need one of the two engines down up and running right now before I can do anything." He said calm into the comm hoping that they weren't completely messed up from the engine blowout.
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Isaac picked himself up off the scalding floor, grumbling obscenities in two and a half languages.

"We're on it" He growled through the communicator. "Try not to hurl us across the room again, thank you."

He patted the angel on the shoulder roughly with his metal hand and yelled over the engine noise and warning sirens, "Alright, Feathers, you deal with the mess over on engine one, since you seem to understand it. I'll make sure engine four doesn't burn through the hull.

He hauled his tool bag up and trudged through the smoke into the engine four block. He said thanks under his breathe that the fire suppression systems actually worked for the most part as hot water began raining down on him. He dropped his bag heavily then picked up an extinguisher, finishing off the rest of the flames. When he opened the hatch to the engine's interior, his shoulders slumped at the blackened mess he found.


He retrieved his plasma cutter and pulled on his back-pack welder. Everything was mostly not destroyed but much had melted together in places. There was a chance he could get a bit of output out of this engine again.

After twenty minutes, he had cut all the melted bits back apart and begun affixing them into the right places. The wiring made no sense and he had every urge to connect everything in a logical fashion.

But he didn't know the this Shin yet. He didn't know how this kid set everything up. The angel seemed to and was playing by those rules. Maybe he should too.

With frustrated sigh he began replacing wires with fresh cord, setting them back up how he had seen Aeva doing it.

Repairing the fuel line was also tricky, but he managed to patch it up with his kit. He wiped ash and dirt from his face as he stood next to a console and rebooted the ignition protocols.

With a strained groan, the engine crancked back into life, though weaker than all the others that were up.

"Engine four is limping back along.... for a while at least..." He panted over the intercom to DJ and Charlie.

He attempted to adjust some settings but it kept denying him access, bumping him to an authorization screen for life support. He growled in frustration.

He put his fingers to his ear again, on another channel, "Feathers, how's engine one?"
Ross looked up from her station and over to Dj. She rose a brow as she listened to him talk to himself. "Do you even know what you're....." Ross went quiet as she watched pod 7 float away into space. This gave her the feeling that Dj had no idea what he was doing... But then again, the Gallion was indeed created by a crazy person... Who at this point out of commission.

Her eyes darted behind her as she saw the flames come from the far end of the hallway. She jumped to her feet and was about to run down the hall when she stopped. "Charlie!" She called to her lead rider. "Keep in contact with Edison. I will be right back."

With that Ross left the bridge and took off running as fast as she could. Being part amazon did help in the physical department.

Ross picked up the pace and realized that the hallway before her started to tip to one side. She tilted her head as the hallway and ship started to turn. "You gotta be shitting me." Ross slammed into the side wall but kept her momentum up as best as she could. At one point she felt her stomach start to feel weightless only for it to go back to normal. But the ship was still practically on it's side.


Val blinked out of her daze when she noticed something was off. More like the whole ship was going on a really bad strike against the crew. She watched as things slowly started to move along the table and soon onto the floor. Little by little until things really got moving. She watched as Raven rolled off the bed she was on and hit the floor hard.

"Ow! What the?!" Raven started to come out of her daze at this point. She pushed herself off the ground only to slide into a table.

Val grabbed hold of the door frame she was by but had to move quickly as the pod Shin was in started to slid a bit.

This indeed was not good... Not good at all.

Just as the pod was about to fall off the trolly it was on, the gravity gave way and it floated a bit. But it was quickly brought back and the pod landed on the floor racing towards Val. Val was quick with her cat like reflexes and hoped over the Pod as it slid past her and hit the wall. Her eyes went wide as the panel on the side of the pod started to beep and red lights blinked all over the pod.

She gulped and let herself slide down to the pod. "Shin!" She called out.

"No I'm the one that fell." Raven went to get up but had to hold on as the ship kept tipping. "What the hell is going on?"

Just then the red lights started to flash all over the ship. It's alarm went off like a mad house.


Ross finally made her way to the fourth engine room and was quick to stop. The flames were now out and she could see Issac running about fixing the engine. She was about to start helping in anyway she could when the ship took back it's rightful side.... She heard a voice come through the com and into her ear's. This was a certain channel... It was a direct connection to the planet Edison. And right now only those on the bridge and her could hear it. (So only, Charlie, Dj and Ross.)

"Captain Ross of the SS Gallion. Come in? This is sector 5-7-G space station 12 of Edison... Do you read?"

Ross gritted her teeth as she pressed the button and turned quickly to head back to the bridge. "This is Captain Ross of the SS Gallion. I read you loud and clear." She stated.

She clicked the com so Edison could not hear her as she ran back to the bridge. Once there she caught her breath.

"We see that your ship is having some problems." The man stated.

Ross clicked her com back on, still catching her breath. "It's pretty obvious." She stated looking back over her shoulder and down the hall.

"Do you need emergency assistance?" the man asked as a picture of a man now displayed on the com screens. The man looked professional and had on a dark red and black uniform. The name Edison was written on the left side of his uniform and his name on the other.

Ross looked to the system and saw that things were starting to clear up... Just a little bit. "I think we got it... We just need clearing to land if possible. My ship need maintenance on planet side." She added.

The man nodded and gave a subtle 'no shit' look to the screens he was looking at.

"So can we land?" She asked as she finally caught her breath.

The man looked over his screen as the station came into view in the front window. A green light scanned a few times over the Gallion... Collecting as much data as possible. The computer screen near Ross alerted her that the station was tapping into their system and retrieving data from their main computer. Ross gulped a bit at this.

By the looks of the man he looked a bit confused at first... But he looked closer to his computer and nodded. "You have clearance to land. Please follow the beacon before you... And once you land you must wait for assistance before anyone can leave your ship." He stated.

"After a blood scan Edison will do what ever it can to help you if needed." The man cut the com and two yellow lines outlined a path for Dj to follow.

The yellow lines would lead him to planet side and green lights would outline the spot where the Gallion to land.

Ross dropped in her chair as she clicked the com off.
Dax grunted as he hurled himself back to his feet, as he set to work on the engine Avea had left him with, repeating the steps the false Angel had given him. Twist this, flick that, punch this bit if it made a weird noise. It was like the old days, all over again. Only hotter and louder. Off to the side, Avea was glued to his tablet, fingers working feverishly as he rerouted power through the engines, while Isaac had disappeared into the cloud of smoke and exhaust to deal with Engine 4.

Although none of them had been caught in its blast radius, they all suffered from the extra heat it had emitted on its demise. But Dax couldn’t afford to stop to check. He just kept moving, his larges hands surprisingly nimble.

"Feathers, how's engine one?"

Dax gave a snort, before replying over his own coms.

“Engine one is surviving. Keeping her above…” Dax paused to check one of the dials. “70…wait” The giant hit the display and the small arm of the dial jumped up quickly. “80% and keeping steady. Engine two is dropping though.” The giant grimaced then as he noticed the Reg couple had wiggled lose just below engine one. Stopping the repetitive sequence Avea had shown him, Dax slid onto his back and beneath the engine, grabbing the squared object and jerking it back into place. When it gave a satisfying click, Daraki then pulled at the G-line, locking straight into port pin-lock. Above him, the engine quieted a little but the heat intensified. Letting out a hiss, the man wiggled back out and checked the dials, before grinning and pressing down comms. “Engine one is at 95% and stable.”

“Reading you Dax, I’ll make sure DJ is nicer to this one.” Charlie’s voice replied.

AT the other end of the ship, Charlie had secured herself to her seat as she punched in coordinates, ignoring DJ’s less than smooth moves. She trusted him and if she didn’t do her side of things, it would get a lot worse. Ross had left in a hurry, leaving Charlie in charge of communication and keeping track of the just how off course they were becoming. Despite the destination being plotted in, auto pilot had breathed its last horrific breathe.

Cursing under her breathe, Charlie grabbed for her specs, pulling out a thin wire from one of the arms and plugging it into a free port. Her specs were something she used when flying her bike. They were pretty neat and of her own design, developed during her period in the pilot academy. But despite her tool being handy, she wasn’t sure if the controls in front of made no sense because she had spent too long away from her original trade, or if it was simply because Shin had been the master mind behind this spaghetti, wire-tangled mess.

When her glasses flickered to life, showing the new link and the paths which Edison had sent. Charlie grabbed at them, slipping them on as she tested a few of the switches, which achieved very little, bar mess up her readings.

“DJ.” Charlie breathed, as she studied their course. “We are on course, but I need a slight of 1-230 degrees. Then slow us down. 10 second jab on the front thrusters at level 5 should do the trick.”

“Mechanics. I need you hold tight. DJ needs to pull some moves for me. May get sticky down there…” She paused, then leaned forward, instinct kicking in from hours spent watching Shin work. Her glasses flickered as she messed with a red switch until she paused, cursing under her breath.

The landing coils. That’s why her display had been pulsing, because it was a warning, not just her heart making her eyes go blurry.

Slamming down on her comms, Charlie called out. “Scrap that. Get your butts to the landing coils and fire them up. If we go in for a landing without them hot and ready, we’re screwed.”

Ideally, the coils should have been heated for at least an hour. But from how things were going, they were going to have live without the luxury of a smooth/safe landing.

“Oh Shin is gonna be pissed.”

Jack on the other hand, was reacting to his own red lights. The pod was wailing for attention and Jack reacted without a second thought. Although not familiar with this exact model type, Jack had used these of patients before he was ‘retired’ forcefully from his old work place in the core cities. Grabbing Val, the man pulled the woman away from the controls. Ignoring the irritated noises coming from Raven.

Inspecting the panels Jack then, without a word, reached out and began to type in the sequence he had been trained to do. The liquid oxygen was threating to rise in temperature, which wasn’t the optimum option for sustaining life. He’d have to readjust the temperature and then… a slight hissing noise sounded from the container, as the additional canisters of liquid oxygen where injected into the tube with Shin. Their temperature was below the average, but only by enough to equalize the system. The beeping stopped shortly after and Jack remembered to breath.

Checking on Shin’s vitals, he notice an odd reaction in the male’s body but nothing which would suggest permanent damage. Shin would simply be under for another 30 minutes or so, and would perhaps wake up with a headache and slight difficulty in breathing. However, he would be alive, which had been the less likely turn out, if Jack had not been a fool.

The nurse looked up at Val sheepishly. This was not something he should know about. He knew that. But instinct was instinct. Jack had had no choice in the matter.

“The patient is stable. But he’ll be out for a little while longer.” He stated simply. If he perhaps played it off as nothing more than a training exercise he had been taught as nurse, he would perhaps go unquestioned by Val for the time being.
hootie0813 said:
Isaac picked himself up off the scalding floor, grumbling obscenities in two and a half languages.
"We're on it" He growled through the communicator. "Try not to hurl us across the room again, thank you."

He patted the angel on the shoulder roughly with his metal hand and yelled over the engine noise and warning sirens, "Alright, Feathers, you deal with the mess over on engine one, since you seem to understand it. I'll make sure engine four doesn't burn through the hull.

He hauled his tool bag up and trudged through the smoke into the engine four block. He said thanks under his breathe that the fire suppression systems actually worked for the most part as hot water began raining down on him. He dropped his bag heavily then picked up an extinguisher, finishing off the rest of the flames. When he opened the hatch to the engine's interior, his shoulders slumped at the blackened mess he found.


He retrieved his plasma cutter and pulled on his back-pack welder. Everything was mostly not destroyed but much had melted together in places. There was a chance he could get a bit of output out of this engine again.

After twenty minutes, he had cut all the melted bits back apart and begun affixing them into the right places. The wiring made no sense and he had every urge to connect everything in a logical fashion.

But he didn't know the this Shin yet. He didn't know how this kid set everything up. The angel seemed to and was playing by those rules. Maybe he should too.

With frustrated sigh he began replacing wires with fresh cord, setting them back up how he had seen Aeva doing it.

Repairing the fuel line was also tricky, but he managed to patch it up with his kit. He wiped ash and dirt from his face as he stood next to a console and rebooted the ignition protocols.

With a strained groan, the engine crancked back into life, though weaker than all the others that were up.

"Engine four is limping back along.... for a while at least..." He panted over the intercom to DJ and Charlie.

He attempted to adjust some settings but it kept denying him access, bumping him to an authorization screen for life support. He growled in frustration.

He put his fingers to his ear again, on another channel, "Feathers, how's engine one?"
NovaNovass said:
Ross looked up from her station and over to Dj. She rose a brow as she listened to him talk to himself. "Do you even know what you're....." Ross went quiet as she watched pod 7 float away into space. This gave her the feeling that Dj had no idea what he was doing... But then again, the Gallion was indeed created by a crazy person... Who at this point out of commission.
Her eyes darted behind her as she saw the flames come from the far end of the hallway. She jumped to her feet and was about to run down the hall when she stopped. "Charlie!" She called to her lead rider. "Keep in contact with Edison. I will be right back."

With that Ross left the bridge and took off running as fast as she could. Being part amazon did help in the physical department.

Ross picked up the pace and realized that the hallway before her started to tip to one side. She tilted her head as the hallway and ship started to turn. "You gotta be shitting me." Ross slammed into the side wall but kept her momentum up as best as she could. At one point she felt her stomach start to feel weightless only for it to go back to normal. But the ship was still practically on it's side.


Val blinked out of her daze when she noticed something was off. More like the whole ship was going on a really bad strike against the crew. She watched as things slowly started to move along the table and soon onto the floor. Little by little until things really got moving. She watched as Raven rolled off the bed she was on and hit the floor hard.

"Ow! What the?!" Raven started to come out of her daze at this point. She pushed herself off the ground only to slide into a table.

Val grabbed hold of the door frame she was by but had to move quickly as the pod Shin was in started to slid a bit.

This indeed was not good... Not good at all.

Just as the pod was about to fall off the trolly it was on, the gravity gave way and it floated a bit. But it was quickly brought back and the pod landed on the floor racing towards Val. Val was quick with her cat like reflexes and hoped over the Pod as it slid past her and hit the wall. Her eyes went wide as the panel on the side of the pod started to beep and red lights blinked all over the pod.

She gulped and let herself slide down to the pod. "Shin!" She called out.

"No I'm the one that fell." Raven went to get up but had to hold on as the ship kept tipping. "What the hell is going on?"

Just then the red lights started to flash all over the ship. It's alarm went off like a mad house.


Ross finally made her way to the fourth engine room and was quick to stop. The flames were now out and she could see Issac running about fixing the engine. She was about to start helping in anyway she could when the ship took back it's rightful side.... She heard a voice come through the com and into her ear's. This was a certain channel... It was a direct connection to the planet Edison. And right now only those on the bridge and her could hear it. (So only, Charlie, Dj and Ross.)

"Captain Ross of the SS Gallion. Come in? This is sector 5-7-G space station 12 of Edison... Do you read?"

Ross gritted her teeth as she pressed the button and turned quickly to head back to the bridge. "This is Captain Ross of the SS Gallion. I read you loud and clear." She stated.

She clicked the com so Edison could not hear her as she ran back to the bridge. Once there she caught her breath.

"We see that your ship is having some problems." The man stated.

Ross clicked her com back on, still catching her breath. "It's pretty obvious." She stated looking back over her shoulder and down the hall.

"Do you need emergency assistance?" the man asked as a picture of a man now displayed on the com screens. The man looked professional and had on a dark red and black uniform. The name Edison was written on the left side of his uniform and his name on the other.

Ross looked to the system and saw that things were starting to clear up... Just a little bit. "I think we got it... We just need clearing to land if possible. My ship need maintenance on planet side." She added.

The man nodded and gave a subtle 'no shit' look to the screens he was looking at.

"So can we land?" She asked as she finally caught her breath.

The man looked over his screen as the station came into view in the front window. A green light scanned a few times over the Gallion... Collecting as much data as possible. The computer screen near Ross alerted her that the station was tapping into their system and retrieving data from their main computer. Ross gulped a bit at this.

By the looks of the man he looked a bit confused at first... But he looked closer to his computer and nodded. "You have clearance to land. Please follow the beacon before you... And once you land you must wait for assistance before anyone can leave your ship." He stated.

"After a blood scan Edison will do what ever it can to help you if needed." The man cut the com and two yellow lines outlined a path for Dj to follow.

The yellow lines would lead him to planet side and green lights would outline the spot where the Gallion to land.

Ross dropped in her chair as she clicked the com off.
Lokipi said:
Dax grunted as he hurled himself back to his feet, as he set to work on the engine Avea had left him with, repeating the steps the false Angel had given him. Twist this, flick that, punch this bit if it made a weird noise. It was like the old days, all over again. Only hotter and louder. Off to the side, Avea was glued to his tablet, fingers working feverishly as he rerouted power through the engines, while Isaac had disappeared into the cloud of smoke and exhaust to deal with Engine 4.
Although none of them had been caught in its blast radius, they all suffered from the extra heat it had emitted on its demise. But Dax couldn’t afford to stop to check. He just kept moving, his larges hands surprisingly nimble.

"Feathers, how's engine one?"

Dax gave a snort, before replying over his own coms.

“Engine one is surviving. Keeping her above…” Dax paused to check one of the dials. “70…wait” The giant hit the display and the small arm of the dial jumped up quickly. “80% and keeping steady. Engine two is dropping though.” The giant grimaced then as he noticed the Reg couple had wiggled lose just below engine one. Stopping the repetitive sequence Avea had shown him, Dax slid onto his back and beneath the engine, grabbing the squared object and jerking it back into place. When it gave a satisfying click, Daraki then pulled at the G-line, locking straight into port pin-lock. Above him, the engine quieted a little but the heat intensified. Letting out a hiss, the man wiggled back out and checked the dials, before grinning and pressing down comms. “Engine one is at 95% and stable.”

“Reading you Dax, I’ll make sure DJ is nicer to this one.” Charlie’s voice replied.

AT the other end of the ship, Charlie had secured herself to her seat as she punched in coordinates, ignoring DJ’s less than smooth moves. She trusted him and if she didn’t do her side of things, it would get a lot worse. Ross had left in a hurry, leaving Charlie in charge of communication and keeping track of the just how off course they were becoming. Despite the destination being plotted in, auto pilot had breathed its last horrific breathe.

Cursing under her breathe, Charlie grabbed for her specs, pulling out a thin wire from one of the arms and plugging it into a free port. Her specs were something she used when flying her bike. They were pretty neat and of her own design, developed during her period in the pilot academy. But despite her tool being handy, she wasn’t sure if the controls in front of made no sense because she had spent too long away from her original trade, or if it was simply because Shin had been the master mind behind this spaghetti, wire-tangled mess.

When her glasses flickered to life, showing the new link and the paths which Edison had sent. Charlie grabbed at them, slipping them on as she tested a few of the switches, which achieved very little, bar mess up her readings.

“DJ.” Charlie breathed, as she studied their course. “We are on course, but I need a slight of 1-230 degrees. Then slow us down. 10 second jab on the front thrusters at level 5 should do the trick.”

“Mechanics. I need you hold tight. DJ needs to pull some moves for me. May get sticky down there…” She paused, then leaned forward, instinct kicking in from hours spent watching Shin work. Her glasses flickered as she messed with a red switch until she paused, cursing under her breath.

The landing coils. That’s why her display had been pulsing, because it was a warning, not just her heart making her eyes go blurry.

Slamming down on her comms, Charlie called out. “Scrap that. Get your butts to the landing coils and fire them up. If we go in for a landing without them hot and ready, we’re screwed.”

Ideally, the coils should have been heated for at least an hour. But from how things were going, they were going to have live without the luxury of a smooth/safe landing.

“Oh Shin is gonna be pissed.”

Jack on the other hand, was reacting to his own red lights. The pod was wailing for attention and Jack reacted without a second thought. Although not familiar with this exact model type, Jack had used these of patients before he was ‘retired’ forcefully from his old work place in the core cities. Grabbing Val, the man pulled the woman away from the controls. Ignoring the irritated noises coming from Raven.

Inspecting the panels Jack then, without a word, reached out and began to type in the sequence he had been trained to do. The liquid oxygen was threating to rise in temperature, which wasn’t the optimum option for sustaining life. He’d have to readjust the temperature and then… a slight hissing noise sounded from the container, as the additional canisters of liquid oxygen where injected into the tube with Shin. Their temperature was below the average, but only by enough to equalize the system. The beeping stopped shortly after and Jack remembered to breath.

Checking on Shin’s vitals, he notice an odd reaction in the male’s body but nothing which would suggest permanent damage. Shin would simply be under for another 30 minutes or so, and would perhaps wake up with a headache and slight difficulty in breathing. However, he would be alive, which had been the less likely turn out, if Jack had not been a fool.

The nurse looked up at Val sheepishly. This was not something he should know about. He knew that. But instinct was instinct. Jack had had no choice in the matter.

“The patient is stable. But he’ll be out for a little while longer.” He stated simply. If he perhaps played it off as nothing more than a training exercise he had been taught as nurse, he would perhaps go unquestioned by Val for the time being.
"Alright gents, things are going rather we-" A steady beeping from Aeva's tablet caught his attention and caused the pseudo-angel's eyes to open up wide in surprise. "Oh that's not good." Was all he managed to say before he was hurled through his position in the air. The shock wave blew the angel straight into the far wall and he hit it with a hard THUD! He fell to the floor in a heap of scarlet feathers. "Ugh.....Great. One of the engines went critical." Aeva was still composing himself when Isaac tapped him on the shoulder and ran off to attempt to stabilize the engines. Lovely, the ship was imploding in on itself and Aeva was already spread thin with what he was doing across the board.

As Dax went to work on engine one, Aeva reverted his attention to the power and found himself struggling. The angel didn't know where to divert the power throughout the ship. Too many places needed it at once and the power was being spread thin as it was with the way the ship was right now. Aeva was a technological genius and a great leader but there was only so much one person could learn about such a mysterious ship in a matter of minutes. This is where true experience and comfort with you vessel came into play and Aeva hadn't even been aboard the Gallion for a full day now. Talent could only carry you so far and Aeva was starting to see its limits. A sweat was working up on the hacker's face from both the heat and the stress. He had to get his composure back and do what he could.

"Dax right? Give me one of those comms. I need to make sure the pilot doesn't do anything sudden. The engines wont be able to take the strain of anything above minor adjustments to thruster trajectory. Ahhhh.....dammit dammit! I can't do anymore than I am now without getting to know the ship better." Aeva felt a dull pain in his left shoulder but decided to ignore it for now. Avalon's had a very light skeletal structure to achieve sustained flight and while his augmentations changed this a great amount, hard impacts or blunt trauma would still bruise his bones if he wasn't careful.
"Yeah... I'm really sorry about that. But let's be real why does that switch even exist?" He joked over the comm with Isaac and let out a giggle. He gave himself a mental note not to ever touch that switch ever again, it's only apparent function was for destroying the ship.

Engine four starting up used more fuel than DJ had hoped as the fuel gauge showed the already dwindling amount drop even more. Engine one however seemed to be recovering very well which was an added bonus for his next task of landing.

After the chaos had somewhat slowed down, DJ was able to think and finally found the RST button and was able to recalibrate most of the instruments. The pattern of the controls was complicated, but out of sheer necessity he was learning it, of course he would need to spend more time studying it if and when they landed successfully. He gripped the yoke and began to redirect the ship so that it would be on course to land planet side. It was much easier now that he had one and a half more engines than earlier to work with but it was still difficult without having the other four pilots.

He snapped out of his intense focus at the sound of Charlie's voice. He looked at ross and the lead rider apologetically.

"I wish we had the luxury of following that course but there has been a problem that has arisen in the past minute that is preventing us from doing that." DJ pointed at the dying needle in the fuel gauge. When he first got on the bridge there wasn't a whole lot of fuel in any of the tanks, but he knew that it was enough to get them to Edison. That was before they lost two engines.

"So the not awesome news is," He neglected to use the word bad in an attempt to not panic anyone, "that a ship burns through more fuel when its using less engines and when you have to start one up, which is what we were doing for a little while. And the really not awesome news is that we don't have enough fuel to perform a standard, up-to-code landing. But the really awesome news is that I've done this before!" He smiled and offered a thumbs up to Ross and Charlie while keeping his eye on his own personal course, "I just need to work my magic and pilot the hell out of this".

The pilot veered off of the course that was given to him which had now turned red as they drifted off course and he was sure he could hear the space station hailing them again but he simply ignored them. Emergency assistance? Who was he, and alliance pilot? He pulled back on the yaw dampener while pushing on the reverse thrusters to pull off a sharp turn so that now the ship was entering the planets atmosphere at an angle. He slowed the ship down almost to a stop and allowed it to turn on its own naturally before pushing the throttle all the way down. *Adjusting Course* *Adjusting Course* *Adjusting Course* *Adjusting Course* *Adjusting Course*

The words kept blinking every time he made a slight movement, it was a little irritating and distracting.

"I know I'm adjusting my course, friend, stop telling me that." DJ said politely and annoyed all at the same time as he completed each step of his plan.

It was a difficult move to do in a very large and unfamiliar craft but the ship finally seemed to start to co-operate with him and he managed to pull it off all the same with incredible precision.

Of course as if the lack of fuel wasn't enough of a challenge, Charlie brought the news that the landing coils had not yet been fired up. Not a problem. It would just make for an even better story, so bonus. Besides normally he has to embellish his stories, he definitely won't have to do for this one.

"This is certainly going to be my most memorable landing." He raised his eyebrows and took a deep breath for pressing on the intercomm. "Everyone has two minutes to strap themselves and anyone else in. This is going to be a very juicy landing."

It took the full two minutes for everyone to get settled in before the planets gravity took hold of the ship. DJ's plan was to let the the gravity slingshot them to the green beacon where they were supposed to land and to use the thrusters only for minor adjustments and to slow them down. He could feel his plan working as himself and the ship were launched downwards at an alarmingly fast rate.

They were directly above the landing zone. 100, 000 feet. He turned of the thrusters. The ship fell faster. *Low Fuel*. 90, 00 feet. He turned the thrusters on full. The ship jolted. *Low Fuel*. 80, 000 feet. He turned the thrusters back off. *Low Fuel*. 60, 000 feet. Back on. Another large jolt. *Low Fuel*. 40, 000 feet. This time he slammed on the thrusters and didn't turn them off again. The ship jolted once more as he attempted to land as smoothly as possible. *Low Fuel*. *Low Fuel*. *Low Fuel*. *Low Fuel*.

"Shut. The hell. Up." He stuffed his boot into the tablet with every word before it finally shut off. "Thank god." He said through gritted teeth.

20, 000 feet. 15, 000 feet. 10, 000 feet. They were slowing down finally. 5, 000 feet. 2, 500 feet. 1, 000 feet. 500 feet. They ship landed hard enough to throw DJ out of his seat, but not hard enough to cause any serious damages to the ship. Sitting up he looked at his monitor and realized that somehow he had landed perfectly in the landing zone. His brightest smile yet whipped across his face.

"Well that was awesome." He said as he brushed himself off and saw Emergency services rushing to their ship.
Val was speechless when Jack shoved her aside. At first she wanted to protest when he started to push buttons, but she paused as Shin's pod started to stabilize. She blinked and her jaw dropped. She was about to say something when she heard Raven, "Can someone answer me please?"

Raven got up off the floor once the ship had straightened out. She rubbed her head and her side. "What the hell is going on?" she demanded. Her eyes looked to the red lights blinking in the hallways. Something was indeed wrong and she was not getting any answers. She looked over to find Jack and Val over by some kind of box made out of metal and glass. She walked over and the first thing she noticed was Shin was inside of it. What shocked her even more was that he was submerged in water.

She reached out and smacked Jack on the back of the head. "Get him out of there!" she demanded. Raven didn't know anything really about liquid air. Liquid air in some places were a myth, or not even known of. Even with all of her travels she had yet to really come across it. So to her she was thinking that Shin was in just water... For all she knew he wasn't moving or breathing. "Don't let him drown get him out." She turned to Val and pulled at her shirt.

With a slick move of her hand she twisted Raven's wrist. "Calm down." Val stated strongly. Raven fell to her knees as Val hit a pressure point. "I will explain later, but right now you need to stand back."

Val was no longer really questioning Jack's 'new' talents, but she would later. As for now, their goal was to get Shin out of the Pod and safely.

She let go of Raven and pointed to the other side of the med bay. "Get me towels and thermal blankets. If Shin wakes up in the next thirty minutes we need to be ready." She stated in a stern voice.

Raven looked confused and now worried. But she got up and did what Val had asked. Val on the other hand got up and moved around the now messy med bay. She was quick to gather anything she would need to help keep Shin from freezing once out of the pod. She also looked for anything to make sure his vitals would stabilize upon opening the pod.


Ross watched as Dj piloted the ship. This was starting to become more hectic than she had expected. The next thing she knew she was strapped into Shin's station as the planet's gravity kicked in. The landing was more than rough... It was almost suicide. But they landed safe and sound all together. Ross didn't even notice that she had took hold onto the navigation system nearby for dear life.

What a rush.....

She let go of the station and unbuckled her seat before getting up. She was about to turn on the intercoms and ask if the crew was ok when Edison opened up a channel.

"Captain?" this time it was a girl. "Is everything ok?" she asked. The girl's uniform was indeed different than the one from earlier. It had black and red on it, but it was mostly white and showed the universal sign that stood for hospitals.

Ross clicked on her com to talk with the woman. "I will have to check." She stated.

The woman nodded. "I will dispatch a crew to attend to your ship and crew. They should be arriving in a few minute." The woman stated.

Ross nodded. "Noted." she stated before cutting the com and channel.

Ross looked around at both Charlie and Dj. "Are you guys ok?" she asked. She went over to Charlie and then to Dj who was now on the floor.

Ross clicked onto the intercom to connect with the rest of the ship. "Report...." She stated.


The landing made things worst for those in the med bay. Upon hearing Dj's announcement Val's first form of action was to strap in whom ever she could. Sarah and Adrian were the first. She didn't even ask them she just moved them both quickly into separate chairs and strapped them in.

The next thing she knew was that she was on the floor. A large bump on her head and she was pushing herself off the ground. She could recall the feeling of free falling and then stopping...

She looked about and saw that Raven had too been thrown around. The rider was slowly getting to her feet only to stop and grip her right arm. She cried out.

Val rushed over to Raven and placed her hands on her. Val's third eye kicked in and she immediately knew Raven had broken her arm. A clean break... But nothing that would put the girl's life in danger.

Val looked up when Rem rushed into the room. He started to count heads. He too looked like he had been thrown around... But not as bad as Raven.

"Five accounted for captain." Rem stated before walking further into the room. He paused seeing the pod... It was blinking red to yellow... He looked over and spotted Shin inside. "Make that six..." Rem looked over to Val and the others. He stopped at Jack.

Val left Raven's side and ran to the pod. She still had no idea what the lights meant but something was happening.
Isaac trotted back to where Aeva was, who understandably seemed dumbstruck as to how to solve the power problem. He took one look at the screen and shook his head in disgust. There was no point in trying to disypher that mess at this point, two minutes was nowhere near long enough.

He dragged the angel away, to an emergency seat with straps. "Forget it, we're already landing, sit down and strap in, alright?"

He ran off towards where Dax was working, floor and ship shuddering around him.

"Mr Dakarai! Are you good? Get yourself strapped in and hold-"

He was interupted by the floor falling out from under him then rushing back up to slam into him. He gasped for air as he rolled across the floor, as he was bounced about.

Mid-air, he caught hold of a rail, swinging nearly vertical before being town to the floor again as the ship came to a hard stop.

Everything went quiet as the engine's cut out all together upon impact and it took Isaac a few moments to notice his face was in a warm puddle. The com in his ear went off, the captain calling for a sound-off from the crew. Isaac rolled over onto his back, out of the blood that was still pouring from his nose and instinctively felt his lower canines. He already knew his nose was broke, he was just happy to feel both canines were fully intact. His sides hurt too but didn't feel like too big of a deal.

He touched the ear-piece.

"Dith ith Ithaac, down ib enginth." He managed past his broken nose,

"I'm all ib one pieth... mothtly"

He heard Rem saying everyone was okay in the med bay and laid his head down on the floor in relief. Otherwise he didn't feel like moving quite yet.
"Well that was awesome."

Charlie could only nod, her features adopting the same bright grin which DJ now held as he watched the Emergency Services rushing towards their landing position. Behind her, somewhere, Ross was chatting to Edison’s port control, but honestly Charlie didn’t register any of it. Her heart was still pounding in her chest.

Twisting in her seat, she looked at DJ from a completely new perspective. The papers he had presented when she had brought him on board were all high recommendations, but they had not prepared her for the real thing. The man’s jovial attitude had hidden a lot beneath it.

“I officially take back all sarcastic comments I made about the rogue giraffes.” She said, her voice light and tilting towards a giggle, as her smile widened, warming her features until the girl practically glowed.

Ross then appeared, checking on them both.

“All shipshape and shiny here.” Charlie answered as she unhooked herself from her seat and moved over to DJ to wrap her arms around him, her head only coming to his chest, as she then gazed up at Ross with a pleading gaze. She looked like a child who had just stumbled across a stray puppy in the streets.

“Can we keep him, cap?” Charlie asked, bottom lip almost pouting.

She had forgotten how much adrenaline came with flying a ship, but then again, she had only watched. Charlie could only imagine that what DJ was feeling was similar to how she felt after a race… only 10 times over. However, duty called, as Charlie’s comms buzzed to life. Isaac had reported in, then Rem, accounting for all those in the med bay.

Unwrapped herself from DJ, she slipped back into her seat and readjusted her specs. There were a few fires and a lot of heat near the engine room, but they seemed small and controlled. The engines, however, had most definitely seen better days. But on the bright side, at least Shin was unconscious for now.

“Reading you Isaac, Rem. Everyone else okay down there? Dax? Avea?”

“Still alive.” Dax’s voice replied, although his voice sounded like death.

When Isaac appeared to get him strapped in, Dax had been attempting to adjust one of the compression coils, but there had been no time to react. In fact, Dax had suffered the same fate as Isaac. Only with the additional bonus of catching one of Isaac’s boots to the chest when they had been thrown down a second time.

Now Dakarai lay on the ground in the silence, as a trail of blood trickled down his forehead and nose, fairly content with the idea of not moving for at least five hours. In front of him was Isaac, who seemed equally resistant to moving right now.

“I hate landing.” Dax sighed.


Will edit in Jack later.
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Adrian had nodded when Ross told him to stay here and help. He didn't like her aversion to religion and her refusal to give the dead proper respect, but this was neither the time nor the place to argue with her on the matter. As the medical personnel began working on pod Adrian did his best to keep Sarah calm during this whole ordeal. When he noticed the pod beginning to light up Adrian was about to get up to help however it was right then that he was forcibly strapped in by Val just before a massive jolt from the ship itself. While he and Sarah were safe strapped down in a seal that didn't mean it was a comfortable ride. Adrians old body took quite the beating as the ship landed. Once the ship came to a stop Adrian struggled for a moment, fumbling with the restrains until he finally freed himself. He then immediately moved to free Sarah as well from her seat.

Once he helped Sarah out of her seat Adrian then groaned under his breath as he stood up and walked over to the pod, " Is there anything you need that we can help with? My skills may be rusty but I at least remember the terms and equipment." Adrian offered realizing his limitations to help the others but still want to nonetheless.
Jack was sprawled across the medical bay’s floor, unsure if his head hurt from its collision with on one of the bed’s or from Raven’s slap before. Inching his eyes open, the man let out a low, gravely groan, as he fumbled to right himself. Pain throbbed from the back of skull threatening to make him vomit.

“Are things always so eventful on this ship?” Jack muttered as he swallowed back bile while his hands explored the back of his head. When he removed his hands, his fingers came away sticky and warm, betraying the location of an injury just above his occipital protuberance. “Of course.” He sighed, before looking up to inspect his surroundings.

If he had thought he was unlucky, the sight of Raven made him think twice. In fact, even Dr Black looked no better than he did with a large golf ball size swelling protruding from her head. But none of that mattered, as all eyes in the med bay were resting on Shin’s stasis pod. The displays blinked at him, flaring from yellow to red on a repetitive loop of offensive colour.

“Oh for pity sake.” The doctor mumbled. He had only just saved the man. Now he had to do it again?

Staggering over to the machine, Jack looked at the panel before turning to Val and Adrian, who had appeared to offer help.

“We will need blankets and a bucket, and anything which will heat the boy up after removal,” Jack stated, as he rolled back his sleeves and turned back to his patient suspended in liquid. “Your Navigator is about to have a rather rude awakening.”

The crash had screwed over the waking-sequence, and the machine was malfunctioning, but it wasn’t anything Jack could not fix. Back in med school, you were trained to handle these situations appropriately and mechanically as, usually, the patients who could afford the chirotopes were the rich ones. The ones which preferably you didn’t want to lose. High priority. But sometimes waking them up was unavoidable and this was one of those times.

Jack would have to drain the liquid to half way while maintaining the temperature, the stasis Shin was in, created and managed by the lowering the body's core temperature considerably. After that, he’d have to kick start Shin with a jolt. The boy would have to clear his lungs of the liquid by himself; there will be coughing, and there will be pain perhaps some swearing. The navigator will also be cold, but that was life.

Besides, the navigator could count himself lucky. The hunters had spared no expense with his high-tech coffin. This meant there were no ghastly tubes to remove or experience removing, which Jack had been told was easily the worst part of the experience… if you ignore the possible respiratory and circulatory complications that could arise due to stasis ending abruptly. But ifs and buts led nowhere. And for poor Shin, this would just like being woken up half way through drowning in a freezing cold lake.

“You must have pissed off someone real high up in a past life my friend,” Jack muttered with a sigh, as he began his step by step procedure, beginning by draining some of the liquid slowly from the container, whilst every now and then, injecting in small amounts of reserved liquid oxygen which he had set to a cooler temperature.

When this was done, Jack then activated the stimulus. Usually, this was an unused function, but it was there for when unfortunate things like this situation happened. This was nothing more than filtering in a gas into the newly created air pocket, which created a reaction, not unlike an adrenaline shot.

From here, the bus would then pretty much drive itself. Jack would watch as the boy would wake up, confused and hyperventilating… or at least trying to hyperventilate. This reaction would cause him to gag, cough and expel any remaining traces of liquid oxygen in his system. Then, when that was complete, and only when Jack was sure that Shin had successfully purged himself, Jack would drain out the rest of the liquid and active the unlock system.

Waiting until Shin’s eyes opened and the boy sat bolt upright, beginning the suffocating experience, Jack stepped forward and smiled down through the glass.

“I know this is hard to do, but try not to panic.”
Val nodded to Jack as she went to find the stuff she had gathered earlier, but was having a hard time finding anything in the now very messy med bay. Rem noticed Val's actions and was quick to try and help her. He turned to Adrian and pointed to the room as if telling the man to help find the things Jack and Val needed.

This was no easy task as Rem even noticed that things from the med bay even made their way out into the hallways. This was one big messed up landing. Rem and his brothers were in the middle of finishing their sweeps over the ship when the landing process had started. They were lucky to find chairs and seat belts... Although Andrew found his way into a small closet... But it worked as he wasn't all banged up... Maybe a little... But not as bad as the rest of those on the Gallion.

Val stopped when she heard a loud thud coming from the Pod. She spun around quickly only to slip and fall smacking her head on the floor hard. Rem rushed over to her seeing that she had only knocked herself out. Today was very eventful.... And also very harming to the passengers and crew.

After a few moments of waiting, Jack didn't have to wait anymore. Shin's eyes opened as he took in a very deep and long breath. When he exhaled he felt the pain in his chest as he started to cough up what water he could trying to get his lungs clear. This was no easy task for the navigator, not to mention that the inside of the pod was freezing. Or in Shin's words, 'bitch cold'. Shin moved as he coughed more, his lungs and body felt cold and like a bunch of needles sticking him all at once. His hand smacked hard on the walls around him.

With the new information that he was in a small freezing space Shin took in his surroundings. It was far from much. The low level of freezing water and the small like coffin space. Shin continued to control his breathing as his heart rate sky rocketed. The panic was setting in as his hands moved about the inside of the pod.

He wasn't exactly claustrophobic, but from the last thing he could remember to now was the bigger issue. "Let me out..." Shin started to push on the glass. His eyes finally noticing Jack on the other side. Shin let out another deep cough as the liquid water was still trying to get out of his system. For him being in there for such a short time... Liquid air was always fast to react, and take almost for ever to get rid of.

Shin smacked at the glass again as his eyes continued to frantically scan the inside of the pod. The water didn't help... Not one bit as Shin could feel how cold his body was... He was moving but that was just the adrenaline kicking in. He didn't even notice that this whole time he was shivering and shaking.

Shin balled his hand into a fist and hit the glass once more "Get me the f*** out of her now!" He cried out.

On the outside of the pod... You could only hear the slight desperate poundings on the glass... and very, very muffled yelling coming from it. No words could really be heard.

(Will post for Ross after Khaz posts.)
Adrian acted quickly, following Rems gesture and ran into the room that held all sorts of medical supplies from blankets and linens to actual medicines and chemicals. Adrian quickly grabbed up an armful of thick looking blanets, then found a sizable bucket. He had gotten the two things they needed but Adrian took a moment to search for something else that could warm the navigator when he got out of that frozen tomb. As Adrian looked he could vaguely remember all the things he was looking at from his basic medical training in the army but that was another lifetime ago. Adrian grabbed up a few things of a heating paste that would usually be used to treat muscle pain, but the heat would help the boy. Adrian put the packages of the heating paste in the bucket and came back to the group and started setting out the blankets.
"Yay! I saved us all from a horrible death from the mess I caused!" He giggled maniacally once he heard that everyone was ok. DJ felt as if he could carry an entire planet on his shoulders with the amount of adrenaline that was pumping through his veins, and as he caught sight of Charlie he knew that she was feeling the same way.

"I'm in near mint condition, captain!" He smiled and winked at Ross after she checked on the pair. Honestly he couldn't believe that he came out unscathed, maybe he would have a bruise here or there, but other than that he was alright. When he first arrived on the bridge, which now seemed like it was ages ago, he was confident that he could pilot the ship. Upon setting his eyes on the controls he was confident that there was a slim chance that they would all live, and as usual he was right.

"I told you I get a little intense when I fly. I'm calm, but very intense. But if we are being honest, they are an inspiration to my flying skills." He smirked and used his hands to display his shirt once more, which was now drenched in sweat. "I'm probably going to have to change." He thought out loud to himself. Only now he was realizing just how disgusting he felt. Before he was too wrapped up in his current situation, now he could feel sweat dripping down his back, arms, and face.

Apparently Charlie didn't notice or didn't care because as soon as she was out of her chair he sprinted at DJ and hugged him. He was caught off guard, and didn't bother to hide it. He stood there awkwardly for a moment and let his arms dangle at his side until he realized what was going on. Never once had he actually been thanked or received any sort of gratitude from flying before.... it was... nice.

“Can we keep him, cap?”

DJ offered the captain a cheesy grin as the girl had him in an embrace, how low she must think of him right now. The thought made him giggle as Charlie released him from her death grip.

"Well I am a free agent, and if that display of vast knowledge about this ship didn't convince you I don't know what will." He said sarcastically. Yes, the last part of the flight was very impressive and skillful, but he wouldn't have had to do that if it wasn't for the mistakes he made during the first half. It didn't take a pilot to know that he had no idea what he was doing.

However, he had to give himself some credit. This rig was very complex, rare, and definitely one of a kind and he managed to learn most of it's functions in a very short and stressful time period. Daniel was confident that he could learn how to expertly fly the Gallion, it she (or Shin) would allow him to.

But first things first, he pulled a white marker out of his pockets and wrote three words beside it after circling it.

Do not press
When Shin’s fists connected with the glass, Jack sighed. It was a perfectly natural response, of course, to panic. But that didn’t make it any less tedious and the endless thudding against the glass was doing nothing to help Jack throbbing headache. Grabbing his tablet, the man typed out a message, before holding it up to the glass.

“I need you to breathe.” The message said, “I cannot let you out until you clear your lungs.”

The muffled swears from inside, though, did give some satisfaction to Jack. After all, Shin had been rude before over dinner and not just to DJ. In fact, if Jack remembered correctly, Shin had threatened him. And for what? Appreciating the female members of the crew? Was it such a crime?

Exhaling, Jack retracted the tablet then leant against the closest table, bringing up an article he had saved to read. Behind him the muffled cries of the trapped navigator continuing to sound.

“It looks worse than it actually is,” Jack called out, across the Med bay, barely looking up from his tablet but knowing that he still had an audience with Raven and Adrian. “But unfortunately, it is a necessary part of the procedure. The only one that can help him, is himself.”
Ross watched both Dj and Charlie, she rose a brow as the girl asked to keep the pilot. She was not amused. But one by one she could hear all those on board counting and confirming they were alive, or that others were too. She looked to the console nearby her and noticed that just about everything was wrong with the ship. She frowned on the inside and would not let anyone see how upset she was.

She had worked hard to get the ship up and running... Even if Shin did all the work really. But her, Dax and Shin got this boat in the air and it was now all in red. She remembered the first time Shin showed her how to read the status of the ship. The first time he turned it on... Lets just say there was more red now....

Ross let out a deep breath before looking over to Charlie and Dj. She could tell the two were a bit banged up... But nothing serious. "Make your way to the med bay... Get checked out... If you see anyone on your way... Help them there too... I want to have a meeting with everyone before land support gets here." she stated.

With that Ross turned and headed into the ship. She knew there would be a few fires and the best thing she could do now is to put them out as best as she can. Once off the bridge and heading down the halls to the engines Ross slowly but steadily took off running. She was determined to make sure everything was shut down and all fires were out.


Shin blinked at the tablet and the words. His eyes narrowed and his teeth started to grind together. Once the tablet was removed Shin could start to feel the small space.... He was not a fan. Shin couldn't help the coughs here or there, nor the fact that he could still feel a tight pain in his chest indicating water. The water around him splashed around as he continued to hit the glass. Yes his excessive yelling and cursing didn't help.

Rem looked over to Jack as he picked up Val and placed her on a table nearby. He did the same with Raven but her in a chair next to a table where she could rest her broken arm on.


"This is your Captain speaking... I want all crew members and passengers to report to the med bay...... I will not repeat myself." Ross clicked off her com.


Raven looked over to Jack as he just sat next to the pod. Rem moved over to Jack. "Could you look at Raven?" Rem asked nicely. He knew and understood that the landing didn't sit very well with a lot of the people on board. But, people were injured and Val was out. Rem moved away from Jack and mad his way around the room picking up what he could. He didn't know where anything went or what it really was... But to keep people from getting injured the stuff needed to be picked up and placed away.

Rem looked over to see both of his brothers had made their way into the med bay and were quick to help out with cleaning the place up as best as they could.

One even stopped and looked over to the pod. He looked in through the glass to see a very pissed off navigator. He stepped back and looked to Jack... He pointed at the pod as if trying to ask a million and one questions at a time.

By this time or at some point Shin stopped banging and yelling. He understood what Jack had told him... He didn't even know how long the process would be.. But between the coughs and cold water, Shin wrapped his arms around himself and rubbed his arms. It was freezing. He could see his own breath. He coughed again feeling more water come up. Shin now got the feeling that he might be in this thing for a while.
Once Adrian had prepared a spot for Shin to warm himself that had met with the cardinals standards Adrian sighed and walked over to Jack. Adrian took a seat beside Jack and looked to Shin and made a gesture of a cross and then put his hands together in a praying motion. To let the navigator know that Adrian was praying for his safety. He knew this would offer no comfort to the navigator. In fact it may serve to further irritate him, but it was part of his job to care for the mental, physical and spiritual health of his congregation, and at this point this ship and it's crew were his congregation. Meaning that Adrian would do everything in his power to guide and protect them down the righteous path and their own paths as well.

(Sorry for short posts doing house work)
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"Arrrggghhh! Goddammit fuck!" Was what a certain angelic being shouted out as he regained consciousness. Aeva had been so absorbed in his programming that he failed to notice that the ship was making an emergency crash landing. That would have undoubtedly been the end for the ex-soldier had Isaac not pulled him out of his "cyber trance". As Aeva likes to call it. It was just in time that Aeva strapped in that gigatons of red hot flying steel crashes into the planet's surface. On the point of impact, Aeva only saw a flash of white before losing all senses.

He awoke with several scarlet rivers running down his face and the back of his neck. He had apparently hit the back of his head pretty damn hard. A groan escaped his lips and he tried to lift the safety precautions off of his person. That was when the cursing began. Aeva had already bruised his shoulder joint but the crash broke it entirely. Unbeknownst to him, it was a clean break that would take time to heal but leave no permanent damage. Of course, all he knew was that he broke his shoulder and that his whole right wing now hung limply along with the broken shoulder. That was 40+ pounds of muscle and feathers weighing down constantly on his injury. Along with a moderate concussion which clouded his senses. "Fuck! My shoulder. Dammit! Someone get me out of these God forsaken restraints." His mind began to revert back to his experiments and training. The feeling of being broken to a bloody mess only to be rebuilt. The feeling of being....grounded. the realization hit him like a punch to the balls and fierce, irrational, fear driven determination set in his gut. "I-i- I need to get patched up now. Like right now. I cant be grounded I c-cant be grounded I wont. Get me out of these restraints. My shoulders broken and it needs to get fixed or I...I'll never....I just need it fixed. I need it fixed as soon as possible." The damn near madness was apparent in his eyes and expression. Something mixed between insanity, rage, panic, all set into a determined, wide eyed look of someone having flashbacks. He wasn't completely lost in them but the images flashing through his sight definitely pushed him onwards. The message in the comms didn't even register. He just needed to get to the medbay and get fixed and he needed the help of the men next to him to do it.
shadowz1995 said:
"Arrrggghhh! Goddammit fuck!" Was what a certain angelic being shouted out as he regained consciousness. Aeva had been so absorbed in his programming that he failed to notice that the ship was making an emergency crash landing. That would have undoubtedly been the end for the ex-soldier had Isaac not pulled him out of his "cyber trance". As Aeva likes to call it. It was just in time that Aeva strapped in that gigatons of red hot flying steel crashes into the planet's surface. On the point of impact, Aeva only saw a flash of white before losing all senses.
He awoke with several scarlet rivers running down his face and the back of his neck. He had apparently hit the back of his head pretty damn hard. A groan escaped his lips and he tried to lift the safety precautions off of his person. That was when the cursing began. Aeva had already bruised his shoulder joint but the crash broke it entirely. Unbeknownst to him, it was a clean break that would take time to heal but leave no permanent damage. Of course, all he knew was that he broke his shoulder and that his whole right wing now hung limply along with the broken shoulder. That was 40+ pounds of muscle and feathers weighing down constantly on his injury. Along with a moderate concussion which clouded his senses. "Fuck! My shoulder. Dammit! Someone get me out of these God forsaken restraints." His mind began to revert back to his experiments and training. The feeling of being broken to a bloody mess only to be rebuilt. The feeling of being....grounded. the realization hit him like a punch to the balls and fierce, irrational, fear driven determination set in his gut. "I-i- I need to get patched up now. Like right now. I cant be grounded I c-cant be grounded I wont. Get me out of these restraints. My shoulders broken and it needs to get fixed or I...I'll never....I just need it fixed. I need it fixed as soon as possible." The damn near madness was apparent in his eyes and expression. Something mixed between insanity, rage, panic, all set into a determined, wide eyed look of someone having flashbacks. He wasn't completely lost in them but the images flashing through his sight definitely pushed him onwards. The message in the comms didn't even register. He just needed to get to the medbay and get fixed and he needed the help of the men next to him to do it.
Ross had finished placing out the last fire when she heard a scream and some curse words. At first she thought maybe the doctors had gotten Shin out of the pod, only for her to not recognize the voice all that much. Ross placed down the red can and wandered off towards the yelling and screaming. That's when she came across the fallen angel. He was still strapped into his chair, but his arm and wing looked damaged.

She took a few steps closer to notice the blood running down his face. She figured he had to have hit his head somewhere. She knelled down and raised a hand, "I'm here." She told him softly as she started to undo the belts strapping him down. She noticed the look in his eyes and could tell something triggered something.

She took her time pulling the straps off and looked over his shoulder and the wound on the back of his head. She couldn't get a very good look yet, but the sooner she could get him to the med bay the better.

Ross stepped back understanding and knowing flash backs very much. "Look at me." She told him. If she could get him to focus on her and not the bad stuff.... Then bad stuff might not happen. She had to keep him from going to that dark place. A dark place she took knew first hand.

She couldn't say that it never effected her, but now a days, her past was more just faded memories. But for others.... Their past could still be that black haze and could cause more damage if they ever fell into that darkness.

She tried to remember the angels name and hoped that she got it right. "Aeva." She stated in a calm voice. She stood up and held out both hands to help him up. She would not force her help upon him... But only offer. Those memories and thoughts could be triggered by anything... So she would not push any buttons.

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