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Fantasy ~Prashian and Pet Project~


Neko Addict

In the land of Atheau, an on-going battle between three royal families threatens to tear the nation apart. With Queen Octavia assassinated, accusations arose to who committed such an act. A more pressuring question is who will be the next queen of the nation?

Will the families reach compromise or spread flames over the once peaceful land?

Every royal attends Castris Academy, which is where you will be starting out.

Within this rp you may choose between three classes.


Prashian are well known for their elite royal status. With more money than they know what to do with, what you spend it on is up to you and how you obtained it. They are easily distinguishable by the cloak they wear around school. This status is reserved for members apart of one of the three royal families. Prashians posses no actual magical power without their pets.


Pets are owned by Prashians. They posses a special power to transform into a weapon for their master to wield during battle. Magical elements may be associated with said weapons, but only one element. A pet looks like any other human, yet will die without serving a Prashian for more than a year. They earn the name pet for they usually follow close behind their Prashian masters. Pets are created by powerful alchemists. They cannot use their powers by themselves, only their masters can or unless their master's life is in danger.


Evalans are gifted humans. They attend Castris Academy because of excellent grades or coming from rich families. Evalans hold no power beyond that of a normal human, yet they can become experienced in alchemy. Those who are, usually create pets to sell to Prashians. Others make magical charms and items that have temporary effects.

~Royal Families~

One royal family will be made by me, while the other two I will allow someone else to make. Each royal family must have the following:

*King or Queen

*Princes or Princesses/Mixture of both

(If creating a royal family, understand that your king or queen does not control the nation, they generally hold powerful status, live in a castle if you wish, but they are merely 2nd grade kings and queens. The Queen of the nation's words are absolute.)


A contract is formed between a Pet and Prashian. Prashians do NOT choose their pets. Its actually the pets that decide who they want to make a contract with. Alchemists can offer pets up for sale, but the pet must comply with the master. Yet Prashians also have the right to refuse pets. Once a contract is formed, a pet may not disobey its master, as it is physically impossible for them to do so. However, a Prashian has the ability to abandon a pet, breaking off the contract. A Prashian can have three pets at a time. Every time a pet is abandoned, its fighting ability and power decrease.

~Uniform of Prashians~


~Regular Student Uniform~

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@NyxNightmare It is a really cool idea, but my level of activity is going to be really low soon during my summer break and i would hate to join, just to only be able to post every so often. Its a cool ide though and i hope the RP goes well.

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