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Decker Grayson

Taking Jason's hand helped Decker steady himself after his brush with simulated death. Once he managed to get his feet under him, he rolled his eyes at Jason's remark about starting at a two. "Oh yeah, and hurt my pride while you're at it. You said it could kick on in a deadly encounter, so you gave me your best. I wasn't going to ask you to hold back. If anything, just kinda proves a point. I did say that criminals couldn't be rangers, just didn't know how right that could be." Food didn't really seem like a good idea to Decker, he just needed something to get his mind off of what happened.

Luckily, something came up as his wristband displayed the message 'Hacker in the lobby, Yellow Ranger?' Taking out a personal communicator, Decker sent a quick message to his own associates asking if they were punking the SDF, which got a quick 'Hard no' in response. "Yeah, I'm game to take a look. Should be something interesting, especially if they are the one that broke in. For all we know, its a fan with a thing for theatrics. Maybe trying to get a job offer out of you guys, eh?" Giving a quick nudge to Jason, he stepped into the elevator, heading down to meet whoever or whatever was in the lobby.

Kobe Nathan Wade Kobe Nathan Wade
Ferro raised his mace hand in front of his face to meet his foe's strike. Unfortunately, it was a bit like holding up your gloves to block a heavyweight's punch in a boxing match. Sure, technically he didn't take the strike head on, but that doesn't mean he didn't feel the force. Immense density, rocket boosters, and gravitational implosion combined slammed into the metal man putting a huge crater in his boulder-fist, and causing it to smack him in the face. Impossibly fast his body rag dolled and flew backwards into the ground. For the first time his facial expression turned from a stony concern to genuine surprise. He attempted to move, and found the strike from the strangely powerful woman had lodged him firmly into the sand. As such he had to struggle to pull himself from the sandy grave he had been plunged into, preventing him from counterattacking.

"Tell me, woman," He said, shifting left and right in a frail attempt to dig himself out, "How is it possible a human has such abilities? Are you... could you be a Power Ranger? Yes, this is the only way," Ferro seemed strangely calm as he freed one hand with a small eruption of sand upon it popping out, "Now I musn't simply kill you, I will destroy you in service to my queen," The other arm popped out with these words, and he began pushing himself upwards like someone trying to get out of a pool by using the wall on the side. Strangely as he emerged, he seemed slightly larger than when Octavia had sent him plummeting into the ground.

Kassandra Kassandra
Piper looked from the screens to Faunt with her eyebrows raised in disbelief. Faunt looked at her, and then to Valencia. He turned to the rest of the room, and began to use an authoritative tone.

"Alright everyone, back to business. I think Piper and I can handle our little security breach. Ma'am, come in. You certainly have some information we can use, and you haven't been violent so there's no reason to be worried about arrest, yet. This is a hell of a way to get a job interview, though. Maybe try sending us your resume next time," Faunt didn't smile through his thick gray mustache, but he did raise his eyebrows like a grandpa making a dry joke.

"Start compiling this info into the database," Said Piper into her wristband, apparently to a technician on staff. She followed after Faunt towards the elevator, nodding her head at Valencia to follow suit.


Jason Scott Lee

"Hey, don't count yourself out yet, Grayson," Said Jason encouragingly at Decker's admission of self doubt. On the elevator he continued their conversation briefly, "It certainly wouldn't be the first time," In relation to the possibility of a new hire under strange circumstances, "I wasn't exactly a traditional recruit myself," He said, catching himself with a short breath before he divulged any more. He ignored his own remark, hoping it'd sneak it's way past Decker. Knowing the Blue Ranger's attention to detail, however, that seemed unlikely to Jason. Luckily he wouldn't have the chance to elaborate, even if Decker inquired. The elevator doors opened into the lobby with a familiar ding. The gathered agents had all seemed at ease by this time, collecting up their gear and clearing the area calmly. Jason nodded to Mint, and then made eye contact with Faunt. His superior officer tossed his head to the side in Valencia's direction, and Jason looked the woman up and down.

"So this is our hacker, then?"

"Seems that way," Said Faunt gruffly.

"Well, since we're all here, might as well spill the beans," Piper piped up. Faunt looked on in interest, "Apparently, according to her message, she's also the Yellow Ranger," Jason bit the inside of his lip, but didn't seem exactly skeptical. The timing was about right, considering recent events. The commanding officer in the area didn't seem as impressed by the new info.

"Got any proof, miss?" Asked Jason, putting his hands in the pockets of his jeans casually. His plain white tshirt stretched a bit across his broad chest and shoulders as he did so, denoting it might be a size too small. At the same time he thought in Mint's direction, in case she was listening.

What's she thinking? he attempted to ask her.

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Somewhere In A Space Castle

A seemingly human woman wearing an elaborate green dress resembling a french queen's attire looked on as the scene involving Ferro and Octavia unfolded before her in a crystal ball nearly the size of her. It floated ominously in the center of the room. The look on her heavily made up face was one of indifference. In her hand was a staff of some sort seemingly made of gold. At the top a gyroscopic set of wrings revolved around each other disconnected from the main object. Her dress was also obviously not simple cloth, as occasionally faces could be made out with screaming expressions fading in and out of the design. She wore a black corset, and a large audacious petticoat ballooned out the dress' bottom. Out of the edges of the nearly pitch black room emerged one of her loyal servants, who bowed immediately upon approach.

"My queen, if I may?" Said the large humanoid alien. He had a face which reminded one of a cross between a hyena and an ape, with thick black hair covering his whole form where his golden armor did not cover. Rita the space witch sighed deeply in response.

"You may,"

"Ferro has been fiercely loyal to you since the day you rescued him from his death sentence. He is one of our strongest soldiers. I am sure that if you gave him the chance to return and regain his full strength, he would be an invaluable asset," Her servant didn't dare make eye contact or rise from his knee as he spoke.

"Goldar, I have no place for sentiment in my court. I suggest you never show this weakness to me again. Ferro insulted me by being captured alive by the," She hesitated a moment, "Humans," she seemed to grimace as she spat out the word.

"Yes my queen," Replied Goldar simply with no hesitation.

"Rise," Said Rita. Goldar did so hesitantly, and glanced at the crystal ball. His feelings in seeing his compatriot being struck by the Black Ranger's hammer welled up, but he suppressed them, swearing he would kill her if Ferro did not himself, "If Ferro dies now, we did not need him in the first place. If he lives, and kills this fledgling ranger, I will consider welcoming him back into our ranks,"

"That is most gracious, my queen," He said, silently cheering his friend on in his battle as he continued to watch.

"Ready the Putties. I get the feeling the other rangers will take notice of this situation soon. I'd hate to waste an opportunity,"

"Yes, my liege," Said Goldar, turning to leave.

"Do not worry, Goldar. I intend to give Ferro a bit of aid in time," she said wistfully.

Kassandra Kassandra shadowstrikr25 shadowstrikr25 Ace Cream Ace Cream BFabulous BFabulous (There is no need to reply to this post)
Valencia's eyes shifted from person to person as the tension in the lobby escaped through the now unlocked door. She ingested each and every detail. The objects of her attention at the moment were Faunt, Mint, Piper, and now Jason and Decker. The other people all scattered and dripped out of the room or went back to their position, but these five people were important. Valencia scanned over each of them recognizing that Faunt was in charge and Piper could be a type of home base support. She assumed the other three were rangers just from their more casual clothing.

Brushing her thoughts off Valencia was interrupted by Piper announcing her identity. As she spoke Valencia followed her sentence to Faunt and then to Jason. She awkwardly smiled and held her hand out, I should totally say something cool, her mind raced through multiple games and anime's, I got nothin' ! Cutting back to her reality picture the staff in her mind. Electricity crackled off of her hand as the cane formed beneath her hand. Valencia gripped the handle, "Simple," The word came out firm as she gently rested Cometfall on the ground, "Complex...,"Her demeanor shifted to a more confident aura and at the moment the cane touched the ground electricity popped off from Valencia. It danced around her and then dispersed to the group. It was simple static and it just made the collective's hair stand. Her awkward smile was replaced with a somewhat playful one as the static dispelled and returned everyone's hair back to normal, except Jason's," The name is Valencia."

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Mint Blaun

Mint watched the event unfolding with a blank stare, as if her soul wasn't there. The guards were dismissed and the hacker confirmed her status as a ranger by summoning the ranger weapon. Meanwhile Mint was distracted by something else, her voice. She felts like she heard that voice somewhere... somewhere... somewhere....

"ValorTrix," Mint said non-chalantly as she snapped back to reality. She remembered now. Her game-making partner sometimes watch multiple streamers at once and he likely donated some money to her, he's a self-proclaimed King of Simp afterall. Mint herself didn't care though, her job was to make the game, not looking for potential lets player to endorse it. Though the fact that Valencia stumbled here as the yellow ranger amused her.

"and yes she's a ranger. No trick there." She nodded to Faunt.

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Decker Grayson

Decker was ready to fire back with some shots about the typical Ranger's squeaky clean public image, or the general unrest having a known criminal in a position of absolute authority creates, or that Bryson didn't come from the best background either, but the line about Jason's own unorthodox application caught his attention. 'Given what he does, I'd guess vigilante work or he tried to break in. Or he just showed up in bright red armor and said 'Hi, I'm your Red Ranger. Job please. Justice doesn't pay the bills.'Pfft.' The mental image of Jason making a complete fool of himself got a smirk out of the blue ranger as they arrived at the lobby.

With Jason doing as he did and taking the lead, Decker took a good hard look at this hacker and/or Yellow Ranger. 'And... she's trying to read me. Good fuckin' luck. Looks like she's never seen a rough day in her life. Wait, no there's something. Loss, maybe? Still looks like she got fed daily. Swear to... if the next person we find is from District 1, I'm gonna deck 'em.' The image Decker had on the outside was skeptical, with clothes hanging a little loose off his body that had clearly seen better days. Valencia's display of her power and weapon got an eyeroll from him as he let his hair fall back into its usual state. Mint's confirmation that this wasn't just a trick didn't improve his mood at all. 'Seriously, if the next ranger is from the Spire I am going to lose it.' Only issue was that he was now on a team, and a working relationship would help in future. "Name's Decker." he said as a reply to Valencia's introduction, leaning against a pillar with his arms crossed.

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Jason panicked for a moment while the static electricity danced over the group. His muscles tensed up, and he nearly summoned his armor out of habit. Then, Mint spoke in confirmation of Valencia's ranger status, and the magic effect dispersed in moments, putting his mind at ease. He and Faunt shared a glance, but it didn't seem worth mentioning as everyone else in the group was at ease. Jason ran his hand over his medium-length hair in an attempt to get it to go back down, and found it clung to his fingers from the amount of charge. He decided at first to leave it be, but then grinned as he realized the implications of his ionized state. He reached over and tapped Decker on the ear, allowing his electric charge to jump to the other man with a small spark, which allowed the energy to escape him and shock Decker slightly. That's for trying to act cool, he thought to himself eyeing the blue ranger who had his arms crossed.

"Thankyou Mint," Said Faunt in reply to the Psychic's confirmation.

"Well, Valencia, welcome to the team. My name is Jason. I'm the Red Ranger. Traditionally that means I'm the leader, but I'm always open to input and debate, so don't hesitate to question my methods. There's no court martial for us," Said Jason with a laugh. Faunt seemed a little uneasy at this laissez faire attitude, but said nothing. He wouldn't have the chance, either, as another agent got off the elevator Jason and Decker had come through.

"SIR! SIR!" Said the young man, catching Faunt's attention.

"What is it son?" He asked calmly.

"It's the Sanctuary. There's an incident in progress. Two S tier individuals in destructive combat, one Alien one Human. The Park Rangers in the area say there's a possible natural emergency as well, as it could cause one of their predators to rampage," While the agent spoke, Piper clacked her manicured nails on the tablet she had in her arms. She brought up a live feed from a surveillance drone stationed in the area. It rose into the air through a thick canopy before she steered it towards the area in question to reveal the titans in combat. Jason came around to peer over her shoulder, as Faunt stationed himself beside her.

"Look at that weapon," Said Piper pointing to the giant hammer in the woman's hands. It was clearly of Power Ranger design.

"Well folks, no rest for the wicked. You feeling up to a field trip, Valencia? You can sit this one out if you're not versed in combat," Said Jason, the painful memory of Bryson's death scraping across his mind once more. Piper had already begun calling down their hybrid transport ship, which landed directly in front of the HQ. There was just enough room for the vehicle without blocking the street on the patio of the building. Without another thought, Jason turned to go towards it, as did Faunt. Piper stayed behind a moment to make sure Valencia wasn't freaking out.

"Don't feel pressured," She said to the Yellow Ranger, "We've already lost a ranger, Jason's being protective believe it or not. None of them will judge you for staying behind,"

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Mint Blaun

The mention of sanctuary perked Mint's up. She never had the chance to visit one and based on what she had read, it sounds like an awesome place! Depending on the biome set, one could meet various kind of animals. Alien! Cosmic beast! Pre-historic entities! Cave people! Mint couldn't wait to actually explore it. Yeah, yeah, she's coming there for a job but there's nothing that would prevent her to snap a picture or two right? Would be a good inspiration for the enemies in her next game.

"Ready." She said non-chalantly as she entered the vehicle.

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Octavia Rook

Savage thrill shot through every nerve in Octavia's body, this was the fight of a lifetime! There wasn't a square inch of her that wasn't in incessant pain, but the raw power this alien freak had inspired in her was something else. And it felt like it was affecting her in more ways than simply numbing her wounds. Behind her mask, just after the point when she realized that even a blocked swing from her weapon could send a behemoth like Ferro flying back, she caught herself smiling. But it was more than mere arrogance or satisfaction, or confidence that she'd be victorious. Her teeth were grinding without her meaning to, and her lips felt like they were parted more than they'd ever been. Not even at the height of her career as warden had she felt such deranged, unbridled happiness. She knew right then, whether it was only the next five minutes or a hundred years, this was the only life for her.

So, as he started popping out of the pit she'd slammed him into even larger than before, Octavia failed to hide her excitement. "A Ranger..? No, big guy, I'm no hero... Good guys don't get their jollies pummeling goons into the dirt. I'm just like you. A freak of nature." Octavia stood her ground, hammer cross-guarding her torso. "So? Gonna give me a taste of thai roid-rage, or do I have to keep beating on you?"
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Suddenly Ferroโ€™s larger fused fist split into many others that planted themselves in the dirt, and helped push him the rest of the way out of the ground. His left arm also extended in length, projecting him outwards as well like a flower growing in 100x speed. Strangely, his torso wasnโ€™t followed by his legs. Instead it stretched and extended without losing itโ€™s girth, like so much metallic taffy. He grew and rose out of the crater with true speed now, equivalent to a bird taking off. He then rose his shifting and still-growing arms above his head, combining them into one giant shifting metal ball.

He threw the mace he had created downwards, his main body following suit in a meteor-like dive towards Octavia. The impact would add to the number of craters in the area, his weight and size now having exponentially increased. With this movement it seemed his growth spurt was slowing, at least, but not stopping entirely at itโ€™s end. The blow would be debilitating to any ranger, even the ultra-dense black fledgling, should she do nothing. Ferro, for once, said nothing.

Kassandra Kassandra
There it was again. A little tickle at the back of her head. Valencia rubbed the back of her head gently as the others introduced themselves starting with Decker, but she could tell he had some sort of disapproval towards her. If she had to guess it probably had something to do with class. He was handsome and well put together but his clothes were somewhat old or worn down. Valencia understood since she did project a very manicured image, including a very detailed nail imagery and fairly descent clothing, so she wouldn't hold it against him for now. Jason introduced himself and his role with a cheerful disposition and it was very comforting," Nice to meet you Decker and Jason..." She looked to Mint expecting and introduction but nothing came.

Their conversation was interrupted by the announcement of an emergency and the potential for another ranger. Jason's words were kind but Valencia noticed the flash of remorse on his face. Piper spoke up to clarify the situation," I understand, but I think I'll be going. And they have already started to judge me," The young ranger's stride was one of confidence but was interrupted with a sharp turn back to Piper," Also....I love your nails!" Valencia turned on her heels. Entering the ship her eyes sparkled as she ogled the tech. She ran her hands across the dash board," This is beautiful!" The words dripped out of her mouth as she took a seat.

Kobe Nathan Wade Kobe Nathan Wade Ace Cream Ace Cream shadowstrikr25 shadowstrikr25
Octavia Rook

Despite the invitation, Octavia had no intention of simply tanking whatever Ferro threw her way. She wanted him angry, and from experience, that was what going on the offensive did to an opponent. She simply had to defend until he slipped up and presented her with a suitable opportunity to strike. But at this point, just blocking wasn't going to be enough. Octavia had every reason to believe that her hammer was indestructible at this point, but she sure wasn't. She watched as Ferro took flight, similar to the way her density powers could allow her to accomplish great leaps, and prepared to make his most devastating move yet. Deeming herself not yet prepared to parry an aerial attack like his, she decided to do the smart thing. And run out from under that monolithic shadow.

"Aw, what happened to all the chatter? Crush me in the name of the rat queen, deliver me to her alien grim reaper? Thought we were getting into a nice rapport!" Octavia yelled over her shoulder and to the sky, just barely escaping the perimeter of his direct impact with a combat roll. However, she failed to escape the radius of the aftershock. Like a cracked egg, mid-roll, she ended up tumbling and rushing to get back on her feet, while she noticed his were only meters away. Summoning her hammer's strength again, she spun on a dime and went for his legs, blindly swinging amongst the swarming clouds of sand.
Octavia's hammer connected with the trunk of metal which had become Ferro's lower half, which connected him like a fire hose to the center of their original crater. Similarly to this imagery, it seemed to be drawing out more and more metal into the man's form, causing him to resemble a mythical gorgon of some sort with his massive torso protruding from a tail which disappeared beneath to earth. Now the length of a bus, and nearly half the width of one, he recoiled away from her strike like a snake. He pulled himself upright following the momentum, and then brought himself back down like a whip.

He repeated this process twice more, and then a third time, rocking back and forth like a hammer, yet remaining fluid protruding from the earth like some sort of sentient oil geyser. All the while he used his hands fused together like a wrecking ball against the earth, aiming for Octavia of course. He was apparently not being picky about the metals he was taking into his form, as his metallic coating seemed to lose some of it's sheen, denoting it's impurity the more material he adopted to add to his size. He let out an enraged yell at Octavia's insults to his queen, and seemed to be caring less and less about his movements.

Kassandra Kassandra
Decker Grayson

The look Decker shot back at Jason roughly translated to 'the fuck was that for?' as the electricity discharged. Luckily, Jason was very willing to roll out the metaphorical welcome mat and mention a distinct lack of rigid structure, which Decker had to get in on. Or he would have, if the agent hadn't come running in from the elevator. 'Come on, I had a good one, multi-layered and everything.' The incident itself sounded serious, though there was one issue. 'Why are two people that tough duking it out there? Great hideaway place if you can manage it, but nothin' of real value.'

With the intention to move out firmly established, Decker finally had an outlet for a bit of snark. "Oh great, a massive stretch of open land. I'm gonna get a headache." In reality, it was going to be more of a migraine if he couldn't focus. And, to his own personal satisfaction, the new girl even noticed his own personal judgement being passed. A wry smirk wormed its way onto his face. "Not wrong. She's got better eyes than you, Red." Entering the ship, he sat down and noticed that the new ranger was another tech-head. Had to be with how hard she was staring at every panel and button. 'Well, this is going to be a day, I can just feel it.' Taking a breath, he waited for take-off and hopefully a mission not going awry.

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The trip to the Sanctuary on the rangers part was a a brief and uneventful one. Piper had let Valencia ride in the passenger seat of the cockpit while they flew, and Faunt didn't seem to mind staying in the back with the rangers so that he could see them while they spoke. They continued watching the feed of Octavia's battle with Ferro while they flew, the process of him slamming at the ground with his strange snake like giant metal body followed by her deftly dodging and counterattacking with her blunt weapon repeated itself a few more times. The mysterious woman held her own, but with her face covered no recognition software could make out her Identity during the flight. Faunt informed the Power Rangers completely about the situation as the Park Rangers gave it to him via telecom.

They knew nothing about the metal man or the woman, but someone would need to tend to corralling the Spinosaurus and keep it from wiping out any nearby populations of smaller dinosaur. Faunt didn't seem as ready to assign roles, however, as he had in the last briefing. He instead hesitated uncomfortably at the end of his speech, and made eye contact with Jason. Jason looked confusedly at him for a moment before whispering:

"Oh, shit, right," He said grinning sheepishly. He looked around the cabin for a moment, from Mint who seemed to be spacing off a bit as usual. Decker, sitting with his own thoughts rather expectantly. And then finally chanced a glance at the side of Valencia's head where she sat in the cockpit. "Alright, here's how we're gonna play this. Grayson, and Valencia are going to meet up with the Park Rangers to handle the animals," He made eye contact with Decker and his eyes were less commanding and more pleading. A look that said Please don't argue, I need you to keep her alive. In the Red Ranger's mind, that was the marginally less dangerous job compared to fighting one of Rita's own foot soldiers. One with a chip on their shoulder, at that. "Blaun, you're with me in the sand. We need to subdue him quickly, but be careful of this other woman. Let's knock him around a bit, and when you have a shot aim at Center Mass with the Zero Star, got it?"

Just as Jason finished speaking the ship hung low and came to an abrupt but surprisingly smooth stop overtop the ranger Outpost. On the helipad were standing the elder Man and Woman who had made the call to contact the SDF. On the deck below were still the younger pair, one watching the fight with his binoculars, the other looking at a tablet in her hands with a radar feed. Faunt spoke up over the roar of the thrusters hanging them in place, the door open so the Yellow and Blue Ranger could be dropped off.

"Alright, is everyone clear on their orders? The Park Rangers will fill you in on the details,"

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Mint Blaun

"Nuke the metal snake thingie, got it." Mint nodded while her eyes still glued to the window, watching a trail of sauropods below. Finally, after 1 week of waiting she actually got the chance to use her new weapon! Mint didn't know how big the blast would be though so she should make sure to get the woman out of the range first.

"Piper, Information about this metal snake thingie. Is there nothing?" Mint glanced at the feed and pointed at Ferro, just to make sure she wasn't looking at some sort of prehistoric armored snake. Nope, this was definitely an alien.

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Octavia Rook

With Ferro's barrage of clumsy, but much more frequent attacks came Octavia's confidence to begin not just dodging out of the way, but truly countering as well. His desperation was showing, particularly in the use of unrefined metals. It was a win in Octavia's book, but soon, the question of how she would finish this fight would have to be answered. She'd planned on knocking him off his feet with that last blow, but things had become infinitely more complicated with the debut of his more monstrous form. Just as she was getting ready to admit to herself that she might need backup for this particular mark, the damaged HUD in her helmet alerted her to approaching aircraft.

Amidst Ferro's flurry of terraforming blows, Octavia managed to whip her head around to spot a vaguely familiar transport vehicle. It was an SFD ship, and not just that, it was the one made semi-famous after a botched mission by their new pet project, the Power Rangers. It was just a matter of time before her batfle attracted the attention of the supposed multicolored titans. Begrudgingly, she accepted their presence, and redoubled her efforts to make sure Ferro's attention was focused on her.
On the ride over Valencia paid close attention to Piper's hands. Her gaze would switch from watching the warriors, to Piper, and back. She had never been in a vehicle as advanced as this, and her neurons were firing off constantly as she mentally deconstructed the vehicle and upgraded in multiple ways. Although the vehicle was just doing it's primary functions she could tell there were hidden features. As they got closer to their destination Jason began to deliver orders.

Valencia turned to faced the others simultaneously she was paired with Decker. They would be handling the handling the animals. The techie wasn't a huge animal person but she kept her mouth shut, although in her humble opinion she did think it would make more sense for the person that could conduct electricity to deal with the metal creature. 'They probably think I'm useless....' Valencia sighed as her exit was much more clumsily completed than she had hope. With a awkward smile and nod she confirmed her position, but kind of stood back to let Decker take the reigns. She almost combusted just talking to them and adding on that she didn't know what to say Valencia definitely wanted him to handle the conversing.

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Ferro straightened out from his failed game of whack-a-warden. Admittedly, he had always hated dealing with small opponents like Humans. Even one such as Octavia, who is certainly on the bruiser end of the spectrum of Homo Sapien, it was like a gorilla trying to catch a rat to the metal man. He looked at the defiantly still-living Black Ranger, and growled a strange metallic growl only one of the metal race could produce. It's sound would strike someone in the chest like good bass in a car sound system.

"Woman! I warn you, delaying your death is going to make it more painful. Please die quicker," Ferro, despite being a destructive force in his own right, did not seem to enjoy the process. He defused his fists, but the boulder that they were split in half so that it seemed he had two wide satellite dishes in either hand now. He pointed them at Octavia threateningly, just as he too noticed the aircraft hanging low over the trees in the distance. This seemed to annoy him further, and suddenly spikes began to protrude, each one barely larger than a sewing needle. Like a swarm of locusts they shot from his hands in the hundreds, a steady stream of them produced as if from a fire hose. All the while Ferro seemed to be losing a bit of mass as he followed Octavia around with his projectiles.

Kassandra Kassandra
Decker Grayson

On the ride over, Decker noted something about the fighters. The human was wearing Rook armor. Unbranded, sure, but the design was unmistakable. 'We seriously gonna save some roided out Rook goon? Best let the metal fuck tire itself out on them before jumping in.' In a turn of good fortune that he was not expecting, he was with the newbie to make sure some dinosaurs didn't rampage. 'Good, didn't want to deal with that.' The pleading look from Jason got a nod in response. He wasn't going to fight the Red Ranger on this call, and he should be able to keep Valencia safe.

Once the aircraft parked over the landing pad, Decker gestured to his new partner. "Alright, Sparky, on me." His dismount was the exact opposite of Valencia's. Smooth, controlled, as natural to him as breathing, as he approached the park rangers on the landing pad. "OK, so what are we workin' with here? We got eyes on the problem, areas we want the problem to avoid? Anything else that might be good to know?" He wasted no time trying to get all the relevant information out of the rangers on duty as quickly as possible. Even if he felt he could afford to take his time a bit.

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Just as the Blue Ranger's feet hit the roof, Piper engaged the thrusters and deftly pulled up on their craft, sending it sailing towards the battlefield without hesitation. The Park Rangers raised their eyebrows at Decker's directness. They jumped into the gap he left for them with his questions with both feat, clearly eager to have the problem solved. In fact, his confidence and air of urgency calmed their nerves immensely. The woman began showing him images on her tablet of the Spinosaurus as the two senior Park Officials lead he and Valencia down the stairs to the observation deck.

"This is the Apex Predator in question. Basically, all this commotion is going to piss her off. Over stimulation is going to make her see red, and she'll be like a cat pouncing on anything that moves. We only have certain numbers of each species within the sanctuary, and the ecosystem is very delicate. Usually we do well at keeping them in balance, but relocating something like the Spinosaurus would take weeks of planning, not to mention a special order on extra elephant tranquilizers. We weren't exactly expecting an Alien Fight Club to break out this weekend," She spoke distinctly and quickly, then directed the Power Ranger's attention to the radar one of the trainees was monitoring. "So far she hasn't moved, but look here," She pointed to a few dozen blips to the western jungle, "This is a herd of Triceratops. When she goes, she's definitely going for them first.

"Besides protecting them, we'd prefer she not get in the middle of that fight on the plains either. Can't afford to have one of the only two fertile females of her species exploded by a spare plasma beam. That means we need you to go non lethal as well. We have tranks, but only enough to slow her down." Chimed in the man. He flicked his finger over the intern's tablet showing the radar, and it eventually signaled one blip much larger than the herd's individuals. "She's two clicks north of here right along the trail at the moment. Convenient,"

"Where are your weapons?" Said the male intern, interjecting in the briefing. "You're SDF, why don't you two have anything on you? Aren't you agents?" Said the young man, suddenly very chatty. He had a bit of suspicion in his voice as he looked Decker up and down, and then looked to Valencia in turn. "And where's your suit... Don't you all have to wear jackets? Y'know, business attire, like detectives?"

"Chad! Shut up!" Said the female trainee, snapping at him. Admittedly, though, neither of the people before her looked capable of the task they were asking, especially with their lack of gear. No way in hell she was going to say that to the serious-looking one's face, though.

BFabulous BFabulous shadowstrikr25 shadowstrikr25
"The Alien's name is Ferro," Piper yelled to the back, "He was apprehended long before you were a ranger, as a direct foot soldier of Rita's. His race possesses the magic of metallum-kinesis. He can control metal. Most of them choose a certain metal to make up their body, his is generally Iron, but judging by the tarnish he has going on right now he's not being picky. That means he's going all out, very dangerous. Their bodies are actually just a shell for their spirit, if you split open their casing their spirit can't hold it's form and it'll disperse..." Piper made a slight pause, "That means he'll die,"

"Alright, Mint, hang back," Jason stood up and held the handle on the ceiling of the cockpit, the door still open and shifting his clothes around with the wind. In a cherry red glow of aura over his whole body, his armor was summoned without a word. "Lay down some cover fire with stardust, I'm gonna get in close and assist our mystery woman," Piper steered the ship lower to the plains now, and slowly the craters became larger in their view. The small figures within them as well eventually became large ones, and Jason cursed silently at how big Ferro was. "Jesus, it's gonna be like fighting a schoolbus," Despite his comment he redied himself for a jump. At a hundred yards above, he made for his skydive. Raising his hands above his head, another flash of red light summoned Naga to his grip. When the scythe was in his hands, it seemed to pull on him as if with a will of it's own.

Quickly he began to spin head over feet, vertically making a circle. He plummeted, and three times he spun until the plasma blade to his giant scythe came down upon the metal man's arms, ceasing their firing of needles upon Octavia. They were sliced clean off. A misty black aura escaped the holes the Red Ranger had created in the Alien's shell for a moment before he closed them up, at the same time letting out a scream as if he was in much pain. The chunks of metal Jason had severed hit the ground with a thud at the same time he did, which kicked up a bit of dust. He stood up straight then, and turned towards Octavia.

"Cavalry's arrived, you can disengage now, ma'am,"

Ace Cream Ace Cream Kassandra Kassandra
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Mint Blaun

"Ferro. Metal-kinesis. Spirit husk. Got it." Mint nodded at Piper's explanation and prepared herself as Jason jumped in the middle of the fray. Mint did as she was told and stay in the aircraft, though she winced when she saw Jason cut Ferro's arms and witnessed him screaming in pain.

"Should've just split him into two, wasted momentum." Mint mumbled at herself while critiquing Jason's move, she then glanced at Faunt and Piper. "No subjugation order? I will go lethal then."

Mint summoned her Stardusts and they immediately dispersed towards the direction of where Ferro was, giving him barely any time to catch a break. The drones started strafing around the metal alien and rains down plasma beams at him. It seemed Mint's interpretation of cover fire was relentless bombarding and forcing him to be dead as soon as possible.

Kobe Nathan Wade Kobe Nathan Wade Kassandra Kassandra
Octavia Rook

Octavia's gaze never left the Red Ranger during his acrobatic entrance, but it was his scythe that demanded the most attention. There was something undeniably familiar about the two-handed hafts of their weapons, but what did that mean? There were only five "chosen ones," and the break-out at Rook Supermax preceded their botched first outing. Maybe she was a part of her own prophecy. A chilling prospect in application, because if fate wasn't of a mind to make you the hero of your story, it was liable to throw you in the opposite direction. And it wasn't like the Rook name needed any help badmouthing itself.

Wielding her hammer like a staff, she met visors with the Red Ranger, the crack in hers leaving a singular eye exposed to a retinal scan. Realizing this, she turned away again to face the weakened Ferro. "And let you have all the fun? Rangers or not, this is still my mark. Keep bleeding him until he can't fight back, then I'm bringing him in back to Rook Supermax." Octavia ramped up her hammer's implosion ability and began attracting the alien's abandoned projectiles, planning to use them by making her weapon more like a spiked club, when a firing squad of drones started shooting plasma down on him from above. The pink light show pointed at it being the Pink Ranger's doing, but all Octavia saw was a civilian off to the side. She would've been more concerned for her safety, seeing as they were out of their armor, but her attention was completely on the damage her bots were doing to her prisoner. "Hey! I need him alive!" She yelled over the bass of plasma blasts, striking the group and sending the sand in the area flying, in hopes of inhibiting her ability to aim.

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