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Futuristic Power Rangers Neon (18+) CS


Kobe Nathan Wade

One Thousand Club

COLOR/MAGIC SOURCE: (Your ranger suit color as well as where it draws it's power from, a mythical creature ie. dragon, minotour, gryffon, etc.)
MAGITECH WEAPON: (A weapon, usually emitting some sort of plasma, which draws it's power from the user's mana. These techno-magical hybrid weapons can be anything from a plasma sword to a shoulder mounted plasma launcher, and usually have multiple forms.)
MAGICAL ABILITIES: (All Power Rangers automatically get enhances strength, speed, stamina, and senses. What does your character do better than the other four, and what magical powers come in addition to that. Instead of control over fire, think metaphysical. Control over heat. Not super speed but control over an object's speed itself. Etc.)
BACKGROUND: (What was your character doing up until the start of the story, including preferably a small sample rp of them discovering their basic powers such as their magic or summoning their weapon.)

NAME: Jason Scott Lee
AGE: 28
HEIGHT: 6'2"
WEIGHT: 180lbs
SEX/GENDER: Male, He, Him
COLOR/MAGIC SOURCE: Dragon of the Red Dwarf Star
The Burning Scythe Naga is an incredibly large weapon, seeming much too incredible for anyone who weren't a ranger to wield. It does not boast as much blow per blow power as the Black Ranger's weaponry, but it's further reach and ability to be used as a tool for mobility make it a deadly weapon in the hands of a super-powered acrobat. Using it as a hook to scale walls, pole vault enemy defenses, or as a pendulum to increase the power of a single blow. It is fast though not as speedy as some of the other team's own weapons. It, like the others, can be summoned or hidden away at will, and likely has more levels to unlock and make it even more formidable. It's blade glows red with plasma when activated.

In addition to this, the armor of a Power Ranger protects against advanced plasma weaponry as well as providing protection from psionic attacks. Eventually, though, plasma weapons can break down it's shields and harm the user, as it is the strongest technology in the galaxy at the moment, the ranger weapons being amongst the strongest ever known.

MAGICAL ABILITIES: Jason possesses control over the concept of heat itself, it seems. He first realized he had powers of this nature when he essentially slow roasted every object in his room overnight while projecting a heat wave. This became the basis for his technique. He can project a field of heat out from his body up to five meters, which is hot enough to melt space age metals passing through it even at the speed of gunfire. This can only be sustained for a few moments before dissipating. It can also be "cut" through by other superheated weaponry such as plasma. From his palms projects the most heat, giving the ranger the ability to form small balls of plasma in his hands which he affectionately refers to as the "Dragon's Palm."

He can fire these balls away from his body and control their trajectory up to ten meters. This has become integral to the Ranger's fighting style incorporating it with his expert martial arts on missions to outsmart and overwhelm his magical foes.

BACKGROUND: Jason was born and raised in District Six. It is a middle class area, and a bit of a tourist destination for being a center for large festivals and shopping districts spanning half it's territory. Some citizens of the Upper Three even spend their spring vacation several years in a row here while in college, being able to afford much longer stays and find much cheaper alcohol than their native districts. As such, Jason did not have a hard childhood. He never went to sleep on an empty stomach, nor got beat up on the way to or from school. He was a model student, quiet, and reserved. One to be described as polite, but not outgoing. Perhaps the only tragedy of his developmental years came when he and his mother came to visit his father at his work in a bank when he was twelve. His father worked middle management and did until the day he died, but took pride in what he did and never complained. On this day, however, he was held at gunpoint and that night drank one extra beer at dinner, the only sign the events shook him.

The whole affair was rathe benign actually, as the magician whom singlehandedly did the deed cast a spell so that no one could speak. He came in, acted like a prick for two or three minutes, waved a gun around until his bag was filled with money, and on his way out tapped Jason's mother on the rear. She, being a second degree blackbelt in judo, promptly swept the man's foot and stepped on his throat. He was so stunned by this apparently that he dropped his gun, and the cops arrived moments later.

It was perhaps this event which inspired young Jason to take up martial arts for himself, having not being interested prior. He also said every day until then that he would join the SDF just like his mother. He set about doing Jiu Jitsu and studying to graduate with full marks so he could attend the SDF academy. For four more years, after graduating at 24 with a masters degree in criminal psychology, he worked as a successful special agent investigating and stopping the growth of the exploding criminal underworld which was harnessing magic for monetary gain. His beginning this job also happened to coincide with the year in which all five active Power Rangers were killed in battle with a space witch named Rita. She has sense maintained a low presence, but the many magical disasters since her appearance are no doubt a direct result of her growing control over Super Mechana.

Jason believes he willed into existence a reality in which he can fight back against Rita with some force of his own, and thanks any god who might be listening for his newfound ranger powers. He trains every day to both be worthy of the mantle, and put an end to as much suffering as he can.

A remarkably bulky figure waddled down one of the roughest streets in district 7. This particular district is known mainly for it's pool halls, casinos, and opium dens. The third on this list was the gelatinous man's destination. This district happened to be a bit poorer than others in the central three, particularly in the neighborhoods around the casinos. Many tourists are encouraged to stay in the casino hotels and not stray too far from the gambling houses themselves.

Judging by his heavy breathing and bloodshot eyes cast towards the pavement he was a frequent customer to the drug houses of the area. The man turned the corner down a dank alley which wreaked of rot and unwashed addicts. Gambling and opiate alike. The man squeezed himself down the little stairway and bent over as much as he could to knock on the darkened door three times. Someone inside knocked once. The man knocked three more times, and the door opened. His fat jiggled as he barely slipped through the doorway. Within the smell of garbage was overpowered by burning incense and the mixture of flavored tobacco and opium in the various hookahs which ringed the circular lounge.

Many people in various states of delusion and consciousness lazed and sat about the room on cushions and carpets. The small woman whom had opened the door and quickly shut it after the giant of a man made his way within offered the man a small tied felt bag and held out her hand for cash, but the man huffed like a bulldog and put up his hand to deny the drugs.

"Private room." He said, as if it was all he could muster before he had to go back to wheezing while standing completely motionless. The pink glow of the hanging lamps around the room revealed his face beneath his tent-like hooded jacket. It was made of a wind breaker-like material. The petite woman's face however was obscured by her own oversized black hoodie. She silently put the bag back in her pockets but left one hand out, in which the behemoth man placed a roll of paper currency. She quickly crossed the room to a door which was seamless against the wall, which when she pushed on it slid away silently and weightlessly. It was darker inside but with the same pink colored lamps. The man waddled inside and sat down on the side of the bed, causing it to protest loudly. The door to the room shut as silently as it opened and he struggled to get off his tattered and muddy boots.

Directly above the bed was the vent which led throughout the building above the drug den/brothel. In the metal shaft laying prone and peering with half his face exposed was Jason Lee. He had been staked out here for about four hours. He had bribed Ellie, the girl who watched the door, to tell him the big man's schedule so he could ambush and interrogate him here. He had to pay her extra upon her request if he wanted her to lead him to the right room. He already knew the man was a regular at this particular hideout, as the local mafia owned the hideout, and this man was a lieutenant. Most of the high occupants of the main chamber were armed mafioso. Yes, Italian. Yes, even this far into the future, at least they claim to be. They basically take in any bruiser who makes it into the district and make them bouncers at the Casinos and clubs of district 7.

Jason decided he should probably make a move before the guy realizes his girl isn't coming. Jason also decided he had done this girl a huge favor upon seeing the man undressed. The sight, which was somewhat like a glazed ham, almost made Jason want to crawl back down the ventilation shaft and onto the street. He needed this arrest, more than that impulse it seemed, as he lifted the grate over the opening and dropped down to hang in one solid movement. It was right then that the round man on the bed lay back on the bed, and gasped to see Jason hanging by his fingers from the vent above him. He attempted to roll foreword and failed two or three times before Jason let go, sticking the landing like a gymnast square on the man's chest. A tear left the brute's eye and all the air left his lungs. As Jason stepped off of him he gasped deeply for air. As soon as he seemed about to speak Jason grabbed the mans' belt from the ground by the bed and held it around the man's throat so tightly he could not make a sound.

Jason yanked very hard, forcing the fat man to scramble to follow as he dragged him to the corner of the bed and hooked up the belt tightly around the bedpost. Jason was almost the man's height, but a fourth his weight. Despite this when the man grabbed at him as his new choker loosened Jason made no move to pull away. Instead without speaking he gripped the man's pointer finger with one hand as it clasped his shoulder roughly. He bent it back and it snapped slowly like a thick tree branch, after which the man only had time to yelp before being punched in the throat which stifled the sound to a squeak. Jason then glared at him hardly while the man caressed his bruised larynx.

"Please," Wheezed the huge man. "Please, what the fuck do you want." Pleaded the man.

"What did you tell the girl you brought into this room two weeks ago when she asked you that?"

The man's eyes widened, and he attempted to yell. Jason placed a good jab on his chin, which shut him up, not that the yell was loud in the first place.

"Your only job was to transport her to Rita the next day, wasn't it? So why did you do the rest, huh?" Jason was seething and crazed, pulling the man's greasy hair and forcing his head hard against the bedframe. The man began to cry and apologize as well as his bruised throat would let him.

"I'm sorry, please... Please I'm sorry. You're a cop aren't you? I might go to jail, but I can get you fired for this." Said the man, swallowing and wincing, looking away from the agent. Jason shook his head violently by his hair and he grimaced, and the skinnier man let go and walked a few paces away from the bed. He chuckled.

"You've never done a magical crime, have you?" Asked Jason, beginning to roll up his sleeves to his elbows.

"Wha- wait. Wait, who's Rita? I thought that was just a pimp's name."

"No, Rita, showed up a few years ago. All over the news, giant hole in our moon, interdimensional witch, arch enemy to the power rangers. Except there are no Power Rangers. So the senate has told the SDF that we are essentially in a state of martial law when dealing with magical crimes. You, sir, are now a POW." Said Jason, running his fingers through his hair and walking towards the door of the circular room directly across from the bed. He connected the chain lock to it's corresponding place on the wall. Right at that moment a man knocked on the door. "You know what Rita did to that girl? She was meant to be an oracle, but oracles have to be virgins. She slit her throat and let her body freeze in space. The SDF caught it on the satellite cameras this morning descending back into our atmosphere."

"Yo! Boba! You alright?" Called one of the fat man's allies through the wall. He began jiggling the handle frantically. Jason laughed out loud, clearly relaxed despite the situation. Boba began reaching behind his head to unbuckle the belt.

"Boba? Do they call you that because you're round?"

Boba glared back at Jason in response and began even more hastily undoing his bindings, which was made more difficult being out of his sight. He seemed to be getting it, however, and Jason still did not seem worried. The special agent leaned against the wall next to the door, which was being shoulder charged by several large men on the other side one after the other. Had they been as large as Boba they might already be inside. For now, the hinges of the door stayed in tact. The belt bindings holding the giant criminal however did not. He rolled off the bed and struggled to balance on his two feet, before charging Jason where he leaned by the door like a chubby linebacker. Jason chuckled at his pursuit.

Just as the door opened from the men outside's efforts, busting off it's hinges, half Boba's belly slammed it shut again. The other half connected to the wall where Jason had been a second before. He had dodged the man's grasp with a duck and kicked him in the back of the knee hard. His knee collided with the wall and he dropped down onto it in weakness. He roared and his backup continued pushing on the door from the outside. This was pressing against Boba and irritating him further.

"Wait you morons, WAIT! LET ME FUCKIN' MOVE." Said the large enforcer.

"FUCKIN MOVE THEN YOU FAT LARD!" Jason was nearly doubled over laughing at the whole affair. Boba barely rose to both feet and swung wildly at Jason, who back stepped a couple paces to avoid the sloppy swings. The men all with identical black cross tattoos on their exposed chests flooded the medium sized room after him. Jason brought up his foot to plant it firmly on his main attacker's chest, and overestimated his own front-kick's strength. He stumbled back onto the bed and Boba steamrolled over him. The man held Jason down with his chest and worked to place him in a headlock. Jason, a deft wrestler, began to move behind the large man and freed his head just in time to receive a few blows to his kidneys and back. They were not exceptional but neither were they fun.

He grabbed the man closest to him by his shirt and sleeve. In one motion he turned and lifted the man by kicking his leg between the defender's own, kicking him square in the crotch and also throwing him over his shoulder and onto Boba's spine in an olympic-style Judo throw. The next man grabbed Jason around the waste, and attempted to jerk him to the ground. He took a wide base so as not to be moved and reached to the side to jam a thumb in the man's eye. He screamed and backed off, but the third took his place opting to stab the agent and end the whole affair with his butterfly knife. Jason rolled backwards overtop of the two men scrambling to get up on the bed, and had his pants sliced barely evading the knife. All three men now towered before him, slowly closing in on him like a cornered animal which would surely lash out at them at any moment.

The two other men produced a pair of brass knuckles and another knife, and Boba in a fit of rage ripped the bedpost straight from the frame to use as a bat. He swung it, and Jason ducked. He barely was able to move within one of the knife-wielder's range and secure his wrist. They fought for dominance of the grip for a moment and he slashed Jason's wrist. Jason hissed and was barely able to back away from an ambush by the other knife. He had become backed right into the corner he had just attempted to escape, when Boba smacked him hard in the head successfully with his wooden club.

Jason awoke bound to a chair in the main chamber, which had been cleared of all occupants who were not mafia. Ellie was also bound, bruised in multiple places on her face, at the opposite side of the room. Jason's vision was blurry and he felt numb like he'd been drugged.

"Shouldn't have come alone, fella." Croaked Boba, his voice still damaged. "The SDF must be low on the ol' payroll yeah?" Boba still wielded his club, and tapped Jason in the face with it. Jason grunted in response and spit out some blood from the attack earlier. He then raised the weapon above his head and attempted to hammer Jason again on his skull, when in a burst of red light the skin was seared from his hand, as well as the club, chair, and bindings which held Jason. Boba was also apparently blinded as he screamed and held his face, stumbling away from the scorched circle he had been next to and falling onto his butt. Jason was now wearing red neon colored armor, and heat lines shimmered the air around him. Two men were silently crumbling into charred skeletal remains where they had been standing behind him. The other men in the vicinity stared in awe at the newly created red ranger, whom held his palm up in front of his face. Within it formed what looked to be a tiny red sun the size of a marble, which gradually grew to the size of a soft ball.

"Well I guess there were no power rangers." Said Jason, as he turned to look at Boba whom could not look back at him. He yelled in fury;

"I'm gonna pay every bounty hunter in this galaxy forty thousand credits to bring me your scalp, you action figure looking-" And with that Jason fired the sun away from his palm by thrusting out his arm towards Boba's accusatory finger, which was not actually pointed toward him as Boba's retinas were recently seared off. It ate the finger clean off, presumably evaporating it, and buried itself in the concrete floor before fizzling out of existence. Boba Screamed again.

Two men rushed Jason, he did a T pose and shot them both through the chest with plasma. Some of the men began to rush him, and some turned to leave the room. Jason grabbed the closest man to him by his sleeve cuff and shoved his elbow through the attacker's outstretched arm. The next he roundhouse kicked in the face, whom stumbled backwards and was caught by two of his colleagues Jason then combined two plasma balls from his right and left palm and fired a basketball sized red sun through the three of them, whom dropped lifelessly. The room had mostly cleared by this point save for a few men in shock. Jason walked over and threw Ellie over his shoulder. She remained unconscious. Jason then summoned the Burning Scythe Naga into his left hand. Somehow he knew how to do this, though he couldn't explain it. He swung the impossibly large scythe with one hand easily, and the scythe buried itself into the ground beside Boba whom was reaching for a gun disgarded by one of the men who escaped. He whimpered and shrinked away from it.

Just then, an older gruff gentleman came through the doorway, covering his mouth so as not to inhale the drug vapors in the air. He raised his eyebrows at the scene, and when his eyes met the Red Ranger he jolted as if struck by lightning briefly.

"H- hello. It's nice to meet you, Red Ranger. I'm-"

"Save your breath old man. Turns out we won't need to go searching for at least one of the rangers." Said Jason matter of factly. He headed towards the door with Ellie.

"Jason?" Said the older agent, lowering his handkerchief as if forgetting about the opium in the air and quickly replacing it. The scythe in the middle of the room disappeared from existence and Jason shot a plasma ball from his free hand to obliterate the gun next to Boba.

"Ellie needs a doctor. You need to process that rapist there. He knows at least one of Rita's drop zones, though he may be ex communicated now. We'll talk about this later." Said Jason, pointing to his helmet before walking back out on the street and beginning a dash for the closest hospital. He could now move far faster than any ambulance now, after all.
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NAME: Mint Blaun
AGE: 25
WEIGHT: 145 lbs
DISTRICT: District 2
SEX/GENDER: female
COLOR/MAGIC SOURCE: pink carbuncle
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Mint's weapon is Stardust, a set of eight floating drones directly connected to her mind. Each of them can shoot plasma projectile and be used as a surveilance camera. Oh, they also have retractable pincer, Mint mastered the ability to use them as dishwasher and sausage flipper. The drones can be combined to form another weapons
  • Meteor: Two Stardust can be combined to make one Meteor, a plasma gun. It's not much stronger than a Stardust, but have better firing speed. Since it only needs two Stardust, even if Mint decided to dual wield it she would still have a few drones that she can use as support fire.
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  • Supernova: Combine all Stardust to make a plasma cannon. Supernova is slow but powerful.
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The ranger's power turned Mint into a psychic. She can use her mind to lift objects from afar. Other than that she also gained telepathy, a quite potent one at that. Her control over the telepathy is very poor so ever since she gained the power she can't help but hearing what is in everyone's mind, she can reduce this to a degree by turning off her choker electrode.

Mint was born in UCS Plutus, a space station built orbiting Phorcys, a rich but unhabitable dwarf planet. Both of Mint's parents were cosmobiologist but Mint worked as a programmer there. She used to be the moderator of a gaming forum but suddenly became inactive... That was what Mint could find about herself from the goverment's file and the net. The rest was gone, along with her memories before the incident.

5 years ago a spaceship crashed onto Super Mechana, destroying building and lifes altogether. Apparently it wasn't an accident because the driver went insane and intentionally crashed the ship. It's then called as the Starfall incident because most victims were the customer of a big coffee shop franchise. Mint was one of the few survivors of the crash.

For some reasons, the survivors from Plutus all suffered various level of brain damages, insanity and memory loss, even when the medical scan shows that they should be fine. Mint herself lost almost all her memory and the capability to understand languages, but she's considered the most sane of all survivors. The medic team dubbed this unknown condition as 'the black mind' and hypothesized that whatever happened in UCS Plutus was the cause of this, but the station couldn't be contacted at all and when a team was sent to check the location they couldn't find anything. The entire station just vanished.

Professor Ender is one of the Super Mechana top neurologist and he took interest in the black mind phenomenon. He gathered the survivors and performed various testing until he finally able to develop a choker electrode which able to fix the survivor's mind by stimulating/inhibiting certain parts of their brain. This device greatly helped Mint with her communication ability.

It seems the professor had taken a liking to Mint and saw great potential in her so he adopted her as daughter. Mint was grateful and to show it she studied really hard to reclaim her lost knowledge and become useful for the professor.

  • She use Stardust to do house chores
  • Her choker can also acts as voice recorder.
  • Plays piano.
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Face subject to change/update/replacement with text.

NAME: Decker Grayson
HEIGHT: 6'2"
SEX/GENDER: Male, He/Him
COLOR/MAGIC SOURCE: Hydra of the Blue Wormhole

The Hydra Heads are a group of weapons and tools utilizing the same bracer on Decker's right forearm. Currently he has unlocked two of the 'Heads' for the bracer. The bracer itself, and the heads, can be summoned or hidden away at will. It also has the ability to multiply the amount of heads of the same type currently in use. Decker has only managed to go to 4 heads in total.

-Hydra Head 'Fang': A small plasma blade attached to a thin, durable cable stored within the bracer. While this can be used as a simple dagger, Decker prefers to use it as a rope dart, flinging the blade around to build up momentum before launching it at a hapless foe.​
-Hydra Head 'Claw': A variation on Fang that swaps out the plasma blade for a sturdy grappling mechanism. While it can be used in combat to disarm or grapple opponents, Decker is most often seen using it to fling himself about the massive buildings of the city at high speeds.​

MAGICAL ABILITIES: Decker has the ability to distort space around him for various ends. The most commonly used variation is to alter the trajectory of attacks to either avoid him or avoid his enemy's guard. While the ability on its own is incredibly versatile, it does have one issue. Thanks to the nature of his ability, his spatial awareness has been cranked up a few notches. While it does mean that he has a near unparalleled grasp of the environment he's in, it also means he cannot stay in open, crowded areas for large lengths of time without concentrating on dulling his own senses.

BACKGROUND: Decker was raised on the streets of District 9. So close to the core, food was never certain and the various roving gangs made moving anywhere a constant danger. Luckily he had the help of his adoptive father, Ulysses Cromwell, to survive on the streets. He was taught how to quietly lift things that could then be sold off to buy the food they both needed. All the while Ulysses was encouraging him to improve, saying he was born for great things.

As he grew older, Decker found he had a talent for sneaking about and gathering information. Ulysses owned the criminal hangout and bar Lakes and Lyres, which is where he would set up his information brokering services as a way to get a little extra cash on the side. He even began picking pockets to keep the extra cash coming. To help keep him out of harm's way, Ulysses taught him how to evade the attacks of others and use them to one's advantage.

Unfortunately, Ulysses wouldn't live to see what he knew Decker was capable of, dying of medical complications shortly after Decker turned 22. With his death, Decker inherited and still runs the bar, keeping it afloat as best he can while also keeping his finger on the pulse of the streets. After all, with Rita and her mooks being serious business, he prefers to know where all possible issues are located.

Most recently, Decker has discovered he has been given the powers of the Blue Neon Ranger. To say he's shocked that a criminal has gained the mantle would be an understatement.

[The following is a recording from the security camera at the establishment 'Lakes and Lyres' currently owned by one Decker Grayson]

The time was 3:06 AM, well outside usual operating hours for any kind of client. The various chairs and tables were half set up, some glasses still present from the night before. Decker had a chair pulled up behind the bar, taking a nap from the long and very busy night before. Or he would have been, if his body hadn't stubbornly been refusing to sleep.

"C'mooooon..." He groaned, face planted firmly on the bartop. "Just give me a power nap or something, please. I need to rest before I open this thing back up."

As if to silence his whining, a knock was heard coming from the door. After a moment, Decker answered. "Sign says closed, go find somewhere else to drink."

"What if I said Yalbadoth?" A voice responded from the other side. Deep, slightly raspy, and unfamiliar. Decker quietly crept up from the bar, slinking towards the door.

"I'd say that still only works during business hours, now scram." Password or no, closed meant closed. And worse, that wasn't a familiar voice using the password. As he began trying to figure out a way to get whoever was trying to get in to kindly piss off, the door exploded. Decker covered his face with both his jacket and his forearm, feeling stray bits of shrapnel bounce off him. Surveying the now open-air entryway, he saw five decidedly less-than-pleased people had entered standing in a V formation. What he presumed was the leader among them was standing dead center.

"Great, not only do you disrespect the rules of my bar, you also blew open the door. Please tell me you guys have the scratch to cover that." The dry wit was met with silence. "Really? Nothing? Not even a chuckle? Man, tough-" The leader of these ruffians moved forward, grabbing Decker by the shirt and slamming him into the bartop. "Owwww... of all the days for the bouncer to be out sick, right?"

"Quit your chattering!" The deep, raspy leader shouted directly into Decker's ear. "Where can we find Rita?!"

Decker, understandably disoriented by the whole slammed-into-the-bar thing, took a second to collect his thoughts. "Wha-? What makes you think I know where they are?"

"You're the one to come to for any information, right?" The leader spat, growing more irritated by the second. "Are you saying you know nothing about her?"

"I know a few things. But, little tip for ya. If I knew where she was, which I don't, why would I tell some punks who shouldn't have my password and who literally blew up my door?"

The leader seemed to consider the point for a moment before mumbling out something. "Wait, was that an apology? Because if it was, man. You guys had me going for a second there." At that point, Decker was thrown to the floor, with the goons drawing weapons. "So that's a no on the apology?" With a quick look Decker noticed two goons with swords, one with a spear, one with two daggers, and the leader had a pistol. That was going to be a problem.

The two on the left rushed forward to try and skewer him, stabbing downward at the prone Decker. To his credit, he rolled out of the way, towards a few chairs. He quickly spun himself around, hooking a leg around one chair and launching it into one of the goons attempting to assault him. While that left one guy on the floor, the other sword-wielding punk was still trying to stab him full of holes.

Using the momentum from his spin to get himself upright again, Decker kept moving, always seeming to duck out of the way of the flurry of incoming slashes. A thought came into his mind, he needed a weapon, something to defend himself. The goon finally had an opening, going for a downward chop with everything behind it. Decker, in a fit of instinct, raised his arms to try and block the attack.

With a flash of blue light and the sound of metal striking metal, Decker and the assembled goons saw a bracer appear on his right forearm. There was a look of complete confusion from both Decker, and the guy that was trying to cut him down. Deciding not to question this twist of fate right now, Decker redirected the blade towards the ground, using the moment to back off and get a better look at what was going on.

The goons were recovering, the leader hanging back and watching. After all, it was just a bracer. What good was that going to do? Decker, however, noticed two things. First, that one of the pieces seemed to be an emitter of some kind. Second, there was a grip resting in his palm, with a button on the end. "You guys gonna give up? Who knows what other tricks I've got." That earned a chuckle from the leader. "Kill him." Decker let out a sigh, thinking 'Well, here goes nothing' as he pressed the button.

[The footage becomes grainy and distorted at this point, possibly due to a low quality camera or the sudden extensive use of a Ranger weapon in the immediate vicinity. When the footage is less corrupted, it appears that more of the property has been damaged. Tables and chairs lie shattered and strewn about, plasma scoring and bullet holes are prevalent on the floors and walls, and the thugs have left seemingly in one piece. Decker stands in the middle of the scene, breathing heavily]

"Well... they definitely don't have enough to cover all this." As if to punctuate his sentence, a light fixture falls down, shattering on impact. "Perfect, just perfect. I'm not opening today." Decker then barricades the doorway before heading back behind the bar. "I'm just gonna take a nap."

NAME: Octavia Rook
AGE: 28
HEIGHT: 6'8"
COLOR/MAGIC SOURCE: Golem of the Black Singularity

The Hyperdense Maul is the heaviest armament among the Rangers' ranks, both in base design and function. While its attacks are slow, direct hits are devastating, and the centralized grip of the battlefield it demands is unmatched. The Maul's key feature is its ability to change its density at its wielder's will, making it as light or heavy as they wish, to the point of generating gravitational anomalous activity in its radius. Installed in its rear is an internal rocket used to propel swings, and in its front is an implosive device that releases an extreme, localized burst of attractive gravitational energy on impact, bringing closer or disarming multiple combatants at a time. Other Rangers are immune to the latter ability while in their armor, and both functions are linked directly to the Black Ranger, requiring no use of external triggers or input on their part beside simply swinging.

MAGICAL ABILITIES: Octavia has control of density itself, capable of altering both herself and her environment. Combined with her natural strengths and the enhancement that comes with simply being a Ranger, she also boasts superior physical ability.

BACKGROUND: The Rook name is known throughout the human empire, but not for any positive reasons outside of the Trinity. Plastered across their privately-owned and operated supermax prison, across the combat armor of their glorified mercenarial security company, manufactured arms, artillery, and armored vehicles, their entire family fortune is built atop the brutalization and suffering they have become synonymous with. And before Octavia became one of the Rangers, she was of the same mindset as the rest of her family, believing security could only ever be effective when it was monetized, because under no other circumstances than being paid could someone ever risk their lives for another.

Octavia being the oldest of her siblings, she was chosen to replace her retiring father as the dedicated warden for Rook Supermax Penitentiary. Within those meter-thick steel walls, she ruled with an iron fist, until an escape attempt like no other sent the facility into chaos. Months before she assumed the position, the biggest players in Super Mechana's underworld began intentionally abandoning specific lackeys on jobs, making sure they were always detained by Rook Private Forces. Minute bit by bit, undetected, a singularity generator was constructed in the lowest underground levels of the prison. The day it was finally completed, it tore the facility apart from the inside out, but due to malfunction, imploded before its destruction was completed. Octavia was caught in its range, but miraculously survived despite her relatively close proximity to the device to try and deactivate it.

What few survivors held on for their lives, she rescued as she dug through the wreckage, prompting paranoid suspicion on her family's part about her loyalties. After she was nursed back to health, she learned of her family's plans to 'relocate' her elsewhere, wanting to avoid the mention of her failures by pretending she had simply perished in the accident. Resigned to the fate they had in mind for her, she went along willingly, going along with the lie that she was simply going on an extended vacation to recover from the trauma. But inside, she didn't want to leave her home. Suddenly, while she was sitting in the little room she was given on her way to her exile, she felt her body tense up to unnatural levels, with the majority of the sensation building up in the pit of her stomach. The crew of the shuttle she was on suddenly went abuzz, running around the vessel panicking about maintaining altitude, all while failing to hear her call for medical assistance. The ship crash-landed on the outskirts of the city, and the sensation Octavia felt subsided as she escaped the wreckage. The earth beneath her felt as if it was on the verge of giving way with every footstep she took, and simply moving expended more effort than usual.

It wasn't until she could calm her nerves that the extra weight no longer bothered her, and only once she got back to the city limits did she gain some modicum of control over the anomaly. Within a day, she could crack the sidewalk beneath her and make herself light enough to clear her height when jumping, all at will. She realized then what she had become, and that her only chance to continue protecting citizens was by embracing her new role as a Ranger.

NAME: Valencia SIlva
AGE: 22
HEIGHT: 5'4"
COLOR/MAGIC SOURCE: Griffon of the Yellow Magnetic Field

MAGITECH WEAPON: Cometfall, the Magnetic Cane, appears to be a simple cane but in truth has many utilities with the aid of magnetism. Cometfall is able to break apart its shaft to extend its range. Mixed with Valencia's acrobatic fighting style she is able to do a lot of damage while looking effortless. In the hands of the ranger it repels metals but as it leaves her hands it creates a magnetic trail that attracts metals. With a flick of her wrist Valencia can pull it or the segmented shaft back. Cometfall does have hidden plasma blade. When the shaft is separated the 5 indicidual parts also have plasma function forming small daggers.

MAGICAL ABILITIES: Valencia is a technopath. With her advanced knowledge of computer science Valencia is able manipulate electronics with very little trouble and even change the programming completely. She can also quickly build and upgrade mechanical objects if blueprints are available, or just wing it. Her ability does extend to magnetism and electricity manipulation to a lesser degree. Valencia can fire of electrical blasts of varying degrees or make non-magnetic objects magnetic.

BACKGROUND: Valencia grew up in district 6, being raised by her parents and grandparents. Her father was a teacher and her mother ran a martial arts gym and academy, Silva's Arts, alongside Valencia's grandparents, Angel and Marisol. Growing up Valencia loved martial arts but preferred to sit down and break apart anything she could get her hands on. She would build, break, and improve everything in reach. Her father, Valentin, took noticed and got her anything he could to help further her intellect. Valencia's intellect continued with deeper dives into the understanding of computer science and programming. By the time she was 12 she could hack multiple devices across the districts from home, create viruses and anti-viruses, and create extremely advanced programs. Catalina, her mother, would make sure Valencia would study and practice before she could have her fun.

Overtime the Silva Arts fell on hard times. It affected the Silva family in ways no one could expect. Being a child, Valencia was told to not to worry, but it was hard not to worry when people were leaving the academy, regular practitioners were slowing down, Valentin losing his job, and her parents and grandparents were going out at irregular hours. She followed them one at time. Her investigation lead her to many rings of the black market. Valencia's family were working many "odd" jobs for the under ground that were mostly body guard positions, but a few led to a club, Loophole. The club was infamous on the dark net. Many things ran through the club, legal and illegal. The main pull for the club wasn't the drinks. The darkside of the club was the exchange of drugs and the booming fight club that could leave people crippled or dead, and her mother was upcoming contender, with a few gamblers backing her.

For a while Valencia refrained from speaking up because she knew her parents and grandparents were trying to keep this from her, but it was eating away at her because the the chat around the fights were giving her anxiety. Catalina was on a winning streak and on her way to fight the champion, Quake. The champion was stated to be the most brutal person that has every stepped in the ring. The backdoor forums were buzzed about the pending fight and nothing positive was posted about Quake, but what stuck out to Valencia the most was that anytime Quake lost he would ask for a rematch. Before the match his opponents would "disappear" and would either reappear dead or addicted to something, leaving him as the champion. This info left Valencia horrified and she ran directly into her grandmother's arms. Valencia bawled her eyes and fumbled over words in between tears and hiccups, but Marisol pieced it together and just stroked her hair while whispering loving words into her granddaughter's ear.

Angel and Marisol consoled their granddaughter the best they could, but they also shared the same fears she did. When Valencia's parents got home the family had a sit down conversation. Coming together the family chose to prepare for the worst, which was sure to come. The day came and went with Catalina coming out the victor, and just as they had predicted the "friends" of Quake showed up at their gym ready to reclaim the title. Valentin and Catalina agreed to send Valencia off with her grandparents while she was sleep. Waking up to the worst possible news the young girl felt broken. Her grandparent's soothed her as they all reluctantly watched the recording of Valentin and Catalina laying waste to waves of goons as if they were flies, but they had the power of numbers and her parents died protecting each other. The pain of loss was immense but nothing compared to waves of rage. On that day Valencia vowed to destroy everything related to Quake and make him regret his every breath.

Over the years Valencia paved her road to hell with gusto. She would put her computer science skills to use and collect data and submit it to the SDF anonymously. She trained her body and mind to the brink and struck out as a vigilante, but never killed just left people in her wake scarred or crippled for life. Valencia recreated herself and became an influencer with a squeaky clean background. She weaseled her way into many circles to network. During one of her many nights on the streets she got word of where Quake was, without a second thought she rushed over only to get ambushed. The bullets danced around as she tumbled to cover. As they closed in on Valencia's mind raced on her situation. Plans began to formulate as electricity crackled around her and a cane formed in her hand, although she had no clue what it was she jumped into combat. By the end they were left on floor and Valencia was blessed with the mantle as the Yellow Ranger.
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