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Indecisive Being

A new aberrant was born of the living lizard man, Charles Mays, and the innocent Shatana Mays. Rare it was to see a green child being pulled out of the innocent Shatana Mays' orifice. "I've got strong genes!" Charles gloated aloud. The doctors sighed in relief when they saw the child without a tail. Last minute growths of tails cause serious problems to innocent mothers. "Let me see her," Shatana gasped at the sight of her daughter. "Well, ultrasounds don't really show the color of children," the doctors and nurses chuckled amongst each other. Mr. & Mrs. Mays looked at their daughter in awe. "Natalin... let's name her Natalin," Natalin's parents shared a heart-warming smile, and finally Charles nodded, "Natalin is a splendid name, dear."

The doctors immediately notified the Hero League that a aberrant child was born. In less than an hour, Natalin's hero was present. At age three, Natalin named her Hero, Chess. He's actual name was Chespin, but Natalin just couldn't pronounce the 'p' quite right, so she just stuck to Chess; emphasizing on the 's.' As Natalin grew, she became more and more self-conscious of her scaly green skin. Chess and her parents always reassured her that she's unique and beautiful, but Natalin is quite a stubborn, shy girl. She always kept to herself and only played or interacted with her parents or Chess. Chess seemed to be her only best friend.

He was her only best friend. Natalin had no symptoms of being an aberrant, other than her green skin and her acquired taste for insects, until Chess' death befell. Both of Natalin's parents feared for Natalin's life and the life of others. They needed to take Natalin to the university, so that she can control her power, and never hurt anyone... again.

I just wanted to see how my post look when it is actually submitted. I was worried the preview might not be that accurate. Feel free to show off your RP posts. I like to get some ideas or inspiration! Perhaps, ask how you made your post look so magnificently pretty. ^.^ 


At a young age, Vicky's mother accidentally cooked with garlic; a spice a neighbor gave her because she ran out of salt. She wasn't wearing her glasses, so she shook the bottle mixed with salt and garlic thinking it was just a generic condiment. Poor 13 year old Vicky was hospitalized for a month.

After that life threatening experience, Vicky never stepped away from the kitchen when her mother was cooking. If anything, she'd beg her dad to cook when he was home. This went on for some time. At the age of 17, she began to scream that her mother was green. At school, she, apparently, found more green skinned people.

The last straw was when she attacked her own mother. Vicky claimed her mother said she was going to kill her. This was the same day she pushed several students in the lunch line at school because they said there was garlic in the food. Vicky lost it, so to the insane asylum she went.



David was brought up in a middle class family. He was always picked on (by his family) in regards to his shortness. He made fun of his blackness/shortness to make up for his self-esteem. It was always easy for him to make friends at school. He was just the affable kind of kid. School was a breeze for David. And, there was nothing better than getting $20 for every 'A' he got.
What tore him from his family was when it was time for college. He just didn't know what to study for, and he didn't want to waste his parents' money for college. He got a lot of pressure from his family, and he felt he just needed to escape. "Let's move to a random place together," his friends said.

It was risky, but it sounded exactly like what he needed.




Welcome to The Hotel.


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