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Fantasy Pokémon Travelers

Ninny sighs, relieved that Andy didn't pursue the topic of her rather violent act. She hid her sigh with a grunt as she stood up after collecting the last of the stones. In truth, Andy was right. Ninny let her emotions get the better of her. She's always had a fire inside her that drives her. No matter how bad things got, she never lost her fire. Admittedly, she did do bad things from time to time, and being chastised by Andy was not an infrequent thing. For the time being, the two made their way back to the merchant.

They didn't need to travel far from the town to find the highwaymen, so the trip was short and the Sun was still out, a gentle breeze brought the smells of the ocean inland.

"Ah, glad to see you young'uns returned unharmed," said the merchant, a rather short and stocky old man. "So, did you have any luck in your endeavors?" Asked the man. His voice was raspy with age. He leaned forward when he spoke, his eagerness plainly visible. After turning over the stones and asking what they were, the merchant, though disappointed that some have been used, was more than happy to explain their purpose as evolutionary stones.
"So, did you have any luck in your endeavors?"

"Yes, we did actually sir, though it seems a few had been used" Andy nods handing over the stones which were now a dull version of their usually bright color.

The old man sighs in a bit of disappointment upon seeing that "These stones aren't just something that can be made on a whim!" more expressing the annoyance that those thieves had used them, "it takes pure magic of certain types just make one of them. As such, the power surge is quite taxing to pokemon that are exposed to them. Sure regardless of when you do so they will evolve but exposing them to it too early could be debilitating to them. It's best to train them first for a good amount of time, the longer the better, before exposing them to the pure magic that is contained within these stones. Of course, after the evolution happens the stone is no longer usable, as far as i know anyway, which is why these look so dull now." the man glancing a look back to the now useless batch of stones he had.

"Still i must thank you for getting them back all the same" he brightens up again, "Here is a moon stone, there are some pokemon that are just fascinated with the moon, this should help one evolve." he nods placing one into Andy's hand.

"Thank you very much sir" he nods taking the stone as the man heads off with his wares. Though now with the mission fully done now, Andy had another pressing matter to mention about, that burst of ferocity Ninny displayed to the Raichu and Victerebel, looking to Ninny, "What was with you suddenly wanting to kill the pokemon? I've never seen you so berserk before to pokemon, what caused that?" Andy now sporting that parental expression that wanted an explanation,
Ninny took on a sheepish look as Andy confronted her. She had hoped he would have let it go. No such luck this time, though.

"We've killed Pokémon before," commented Ninny. Of course she was dodging the question. The times they've had to kill Pokémon were life or death situations. Nothing like the situation earlier. Ninny wanted to find a way to get out of this conversation. As she distractedly looked around to find a convenient excuse, a chilly wind caused her to shiver. She decided to try to use this to her advantage.

"It's getting late, we should find somewhere to sleep," she said in a high pitched tone as she tried to circumvent the conversation. She wasn't quite sure herself what had overcome her. She was temporarily blinded. She sought power. Why was power even important to her? She wanted to be able to protect those she cared about. She had lost Cada. Though she still had Shedinja, this Cada was only a husk of his former self. With that, she turned to try to escape the conversation with Andy, hoping he wouldn't stop her.
"We've killed Pokémon before," he heard her say to which he gives a little scoff at this

"Yes, but not intentionally, those times were life and death cases" he would reply back now wondering if she was even paying attention as he notices her looking around for something, possibly just a distraction to dodge the main problem here.

"It's getting late, we should find somewhere to sleep," It was becoming a bit chilly but at this, he would have to put his foot down to get Ninny to talk to him.

"We aren't doing that till you answer my question!" he demands grabbing her by the shoulder now very much annoyed at what she was doing. "I want to know just what in the world made you want to kill those pokemon, NOW!" his own power now flaring up a bit due to the sudden display of emotion, "I'll freeze out here before going to sleep without knowing just what came over you!" With her delaying any answer, the thought of her being a danger to her pokemon as well as his own and himself crept up again, and that was something he wouldn't tolerate under any circumstances.

She could have his head lopped off in seconds, and at this point, he was willing to risk that to get an answer of some kind. There was no real difference right now between actually killing him and what she was doing now, torturing him with the unknown, if it was really that much of a secret the only way she was getting out of this was to kill him.
Ninny physically flinches when Andy demands answers. His aura had even begun to glow, accentuating the furious look on his face. She was frightened. She had never seen him like this and she knew there was no way she would be able to weasel her way out of this. She looked down. To the side. Anywhere she could, to avoid his piercing gaze. She was terrified. She wasn't even sure how to answer him.

A gust of chilly wind ruffled her hair as she gave the question thought. Where had all this rage come from? It seemed obvious to Ninny. It was when the black-garbed people killed her Cada. It was a gut-wrenching feeling that brought down her world. She opened her mouth to answer, "I..." But no further words came out. She continued to avoid Andy's gaze. No, Cada is just an excuse. Was it possible she was being controlled?

"I'm scared," came a whisper. Ninny's eyes had begun to water. Another gust of wind seemed to have knocked a tear loose. It cascaded down her cheek as the finally met Andy's eyes. "I think something's wrong with me," she spoke louder, but her voice began to break. She had a strange thought. She missed Cada. A strange thought indeed, as she looked down to see Cada. Something was off, she could feel it. It was still her beloved Cada, but a mere husk of what he once was. Despite her feelings, she shouldn't be losing control like she did. Wanting to actually kill Pokémon. The thought disgusted her, yet, that's exactly what she had tried to do. She was scared.
At this point his aura was firing on all cylinders and in this case it wasn't good. He made sure to keep his eyes firmly focused on her the whole time while she eventually gets out a feeble response of her being scared .

"I think something's wrong with me," she then says.

"Given the events of the day, that much is certain, I just dont know what," comes his scathing voice again, it was impossible to imagine Andy making such a comment like that period, let alone to Ninny ; they were both well within the weeds of this now.

Despite this, he is also in emotional turmoil. He had lost a friend, someone he thought he could trust with his or his pokemon's well being. That was gone as of now, the aura now for ones that could read those would be very much muted and closed up , akin to a dying flower with grays and blacks littering it
"Given the events of the day, that much is certain, I just don't know what," comes Andy's scathing voice. His words hurt her deeply. Ninny wasn't sure what she expected. She was hoping he had some answers, or could offer some wisdom or guidance. She knew she had made mistakes. She searched frantically for the right set of words. Some perfect combination that would fix everything. The light began to fade as the seconds of silence ticked by. Ninny looked up towards the setting Sun. She wondered if their friendship was dying, like the light of the day.

Ninny looked towards Andy. She met his gaze for just a moment before turning her back to him. She couldn't bare his eyes. The anger bit deeper than the piercing cold of the coming night air. "I," began Ninny. Another tear streamed down her face, falling to the ground, lost like the words she was looking for. The silence seemed to grow louder and louder until Ninny could no longer hear her own thoughts. The wind seemed to carry away any further words she may have had.
At this point, it very well could have been and it would be up to Ninny to find a way to prevent it from wilting away like a slowly dying rose. While the sun continues to slowly set, the silence screams louder than it ever has before with the pair, usually someone had something to say at almost all times. With Ninny struggling over her words and Andy just not in the mood for talking right now, it presented a very eerie vibe between them, One which Andy hated but he wasn't just going to let this slip by, he simply couldn't.

A deep sigh escapes his lips as the moon appears and he would start the trek back to Hawthorn for now just heading to the house they had for the stay here and heading to bed, Andy now looking to be alone for the night which was another dagger in this dwindling friendship right now. At least he would try to get to sleep; he again simply couldn't, the events and Ninny's actions bouncing way too much in his mind to settle down. He didn't know at all what caused it and Ninny wouldn't provide any answers, as such, its a restless night of tossing and turning before he gives up and just heads out to a moonlight night suffering from insomnia. The two pokemon also following him unable to get to sleep thanks to him knocking them around on accident. Outside everything is quiet, Aqua and Iris included not sure what to make of this but concerned for Andy, both trying to help his demeanor but it doesn't help at all. "Sorry guys but its not helping," the bug and mouse frowning worriedly.
Andy didn't utter a word. After what seems like an eternity, he finally walked off. Once he is out of sight, Ninny dropped to her knees, quietly sobbing to herself. Cada floated up to her, bumping her lightly. She wrapped her arms around him, silently crying into him. Turnover would stay quietly tucked in her cloak, unsure of how to act. A handful of minutes had passed by. Though to Ninny they felt like hours. The cold and hunger eventually left her too exhausted to cry any longer. She wasn't sure where she would spend the night, but she didn't feel like she could head back to their temporary home. So she began to wander.

She eventually decided to just make camp in the woods. Normally she would just invade someone's home or barn or some such structure, but she didn't feel up to her usual antics. She used her cloak to make a small tent and lit a fire to keep her warm. She eventually drifted off to a torment filled sleep, Cada watching over her.

Ninny woke with the rising of the Sun. The warmth on her skin was a welcome change. A welcome change indeed. Change was what was needed. Ninny had plenty of time to think throughout the night. She knew exactly what to say to Andy to fix the situation. She took the time to feed Turnover and pack her things. Her Pokémon seemed to have picked up on her new positive energy, they perked up in response. She then made her way towards Andy, a newfound pep in her step. The chill from the previous night was gone. Ninny knew it was a good sign.

She bust into the house to find Andy. There was no sign of him. There was no sign of the father or daughter either. Ninny started, she just realized there was no sign of anyone on her way in. She wasn't paying attention. She was so focused on fixing things with Andy. She stepped outside, taking things in clearly for the first time. The town was abandoned. There were signs of fighting. Some stands knocked over, doors torn off hinges. She began to panic as she tried to figure out what happened.

"ANDY!" called Ninny. Turnover peeks out from his favorite inner cloak pocket. Ninny looked down at him as panic began to set in. "ANDY!" shouted Ninny. Still, no response. No movement at all. Ninny began to move, then broke out into a run. "ANDY!" she screamed, "ANDY!" Why now? She had figured out how to fix things. She knew exactly what to say to him. "ANDY!" Panic was fully set in as she screamed, terror in her voice.

She stopped suddenly. She noticed some footsteps in the dirt. They were Andy's. She knew his gait. The distance between steps. She had been travelling for a long time with him. There were other footprints. It appears there was a struggle, though Andy didn't seem to have been able to put up much of a fight. Her heart slowed as she found a task to keep her focused. She followed the signs. A few people approached Andy. Andy seemed to have a moment to respond, then his footprints turned into drag marks.

Ninny looked down to Cada. Though Turnover was fairly new to their party, Cada knew what they had to do. With renewed determination, Ninny set out to follow the tracks. She couldn't let things end on the note they did. She had to find him. She had to fix things. She would fix things.
That he didn't or more precisely he couldn't really, being tired will do that.

As a result he now wakes up...somewhere, he had no clue where, all he knew is it was pitch black and he was bound up in the Y position. Looking around did not help either as there was nothing really much to see. It felt like he was on some sort of stone pedestal, just what was going on here? "Anyone there?!" he now yells though the tone of voice would give away the terror he is feeling right now, perhaps worse is that a squeak and a small beat of wings would respond back. He couldn't see the figure but that squeak was unmistakable for him, "Aqua, Iris are you alright!?" this only getting a terrified small squeak back from him which got him even more worried as to what the heck is going on here.

For the next few minutes nothing happens until... "Seems we missed her but got the next best thing" comes a gruff voice

"Perhaps even better, he is practically brimming with magical power himself, useful for our pokemon as well as bringing that girl here or we can just send him out and watch the fireworks" comes another feminine but cold sounding voice.

"Just who the hell are you two? Show yourselves!"

"You're in no position to talk!" barks that feminine voice again immediately after Andy finishes, the two figures almost blending in with the darkness around the room, only streaks of vibrant, blood red would be visible along the arms, hood and legs of the otherwise jet black robes. forming a sort of Y with the red. "Besides you and those pathetic pokemon of yours will be with us soon, and then we will have our girl back where she belongs, along with the whole region under our heel!"

What?! Just who are you talking about!?" Andy yells back to this voice.

"Our daughter, Minerva, or Ninny as you call her. An appropriate name considering she can be a little on the dumb side" the male voice adds.

"So you're the two parents she hates so much?! Though monsters may be a better word."

"Quite the rude one" she mumbles before raising her voice again to the male, "Shut him up until the ceremony I wanna hear him scream as the life is drained right out of him and into the great Yveltal!"

from here he is gagged while candles are dimly lit around the perimeter of the area and the middle of the room revealing a pentagram made by blood of who knows who or what. Andy would grow sullen at this as he realizes what's going to happen to him, and can't hold back the abject terror anymore. Tears begin streaming down his face as well as Aqua's and Iris' now as they are still desperately struggling to try and get out of the bindings they were put in. There would be some mumbling in the background from the two hooded figures as eventually the candles are snuffed out--not blown out-- by what would look like a shadow creeping along the floor for the moment, however that shadow slowly gains shape and floats about in the air, Andy only able to tell this due to the wingflaps it would make every few seconds.

Like the hooded figures this thing was jet black with the blood red streaks but this bird was enormous! It's cry is guttural and piercing as it makes itself known to all present eyeing Andy and his mons intently who are now rendered speechless; shaken to the core in the sheer awful majesty of this blackbird.

The two get on their knees before speaking to the bird, "Oh great god of destruction, we have called you here to offer these 3 sacrifices to your cause, may their energy help speed the recovery of your power to end all worlds and in the eventual overthrowing of Xerneas"

Yveltal looks back to the teen and the mons for a few seconds before spreading its wings out and glowing a deep, dark red, black electricity would crackle all around it before being fired upon Iris first. The bug can do nothing but scream out as she is slowly drained out of energy, her struggles getting weaker and weaker by the second until nothing is left but the black aura of the wing. Andy with renewed vigor would struggle again while sobbing a river that could rival Kyorge, his heart in severe emotional pain from hearing the Ledyba just now.

It would be Aqua's turn next and she would belt out one long continuous screaming squeak that just about broke Andy to hear, it lasts about a minute but that single minute felt like a century for him. Once the screaming stops, so does Andy, his spirit now shattered into pieces, just giving a sort of deadpan stare as the blackbird eyes him last and proceeds to use a 3rd Oblivion Wing.

"I-I couldn't save any of you... I'm so sorry" this thought was to his pokemon but also Ninny as well, they left on awful terms before this happened and now he couldn't take it back. This along with a momentary daydream of he and Aqua's meet up in Corsola Cover would be his last thought before his life is ended by the bird. No screaming, no struggles, he didn't really care anymore after hearing the pokemons cries of pain and death.

With the 3 now cloaked in black auras, the bird would go back into its shadowy state, melding with the floor again before things go quiet. All of them are now just husks of their former selves. "That takes care of her so called betrothed, now what do you say we pay some towns a visit and show them Yveltal's power?"

"Exactly what i had in mind, dear"
Ninny left the town without bothering to find out what happened to the villagers. She assumed they had sought shelter from the attack, or so she hoped. That wasn't important now. She needed to find Andy. She spent the next several days losing and finding his trail. She hunted for the food she needed, avoiding any villages or people whenever possible. Cada and Turnover participated in a few battles along the way. This was a good opportunity to prepare Turnover for the trouble Ninny felt was coming.

One day, she chanced upon a floating sword. It was a curious thing. It didn't seem to be alive, since it was a simple sword, but yet, there it was, floating around. It was a duel-edged short sword. It seemed to be carrying its own sheath around. Ninny didn't feel like she had time to deal with it, so she decided to take the long way around, leaving the trail. She would have to try to find it again later.

The blade had a different idea. It seemed to have noticed Ninny and her Pokémon. It launched itself in her direction, intent on attacking. It was fast, but Cada was faster. Cada moved to intercept the sword, throwing up a detect. It was a smart move, as a ghost must surely be the reason for a living sword, and ghost is one of Cada's few weaknesses.

The sword richocheted off of Cada's detect. It boomeranged back around to attack again. With Ninny's familiarity with swords, she was able to jump and twist, yanking the sword out of midair as if it were one of her own blades. Though this turned out to be a mistake.

Ninny gave a yelp of shock as she fall to the ground, still clutching the sword. It was like it was communicating. It was also sucking her life force out of her. She learned it was a Honedge. The soul of whatever creature the sword slew lived within it. Without warning, the pain subsided. It seemed as though the Honedge had decided not to kill her. Perhaps it thought she was worthy to wield it? Whatever the reason, Ninny was now in the possession of her third Pokémon. She decided to name it Stabby, despite it clearly being a sword designed for slicing.

With her new partner in tow, she continued her journey. It would still be several days before her time to reunite with Andy would come. In this time, Turnover would evolve into a Flapple, and she would get in some quality training with Stabby.
From Andy's or more appropriately Ninnys parent's perspective, it was a time to cause some serious destruction. The 2 of them, as well as Andy and his group, would for now follow their leads, and taking Andy's and Ninnys route for now, in part as to see their new slaves' destructive capabilities. Once they arrive in Maidenhair, neither says a word, just a finger snap is the signal used to get the 3 to go and cause some major problems. Starting with blocking out the sun in complete and total darkness using shadow sky, any pokemon out in this weather would feel very much queasy or have some neverending sense of dread something like if nightmare was used on sleeping pokemon. After the change in weather however, comes the screaming of people as many blades of pure shadow energy would be loosed with precision on anything that was around. Houses people other pokemon, nothing would be spared during this.

Ninnys parents just sit back and enjoy the show as screams of terror followed by pain and death fill their eardrums, "Ah the sweet sound of despair " the female cackles as this goes on, one unlucky child getting cleaved in half by an Aqua Tail right in front of them, the rabbit not even so much as blinking before going back to find more prey for the slaughter. Iris would be more a berserker type in her butchering of life as she would continuously pound on anything that she could get her tiny hands to hit and not stop till it was pretty much mush, though given the 'help' of Yvetal these punches would be quite powerful now in spite of the small size. For those that tried running away, either the ground gives way as Andy would cause a fissure sucking those souls in, or shadowy spikes would impale them from the ground. Of course, why kill everyone when they wanted to rule over them? As such this only lasted for 2 minutes but even with that short of a timeframe, the village was already in ruins.

"You know see the power of Yvetal before you! If you value your lives, you will submit to his rule at once!" comes the male voice now, Andy standing off to the side with his pokemon perched with him. The people look upon this with shock, awe, and horror, as some of them even recognized Andy and Aqua with them, though none would speak on that for fear of being next on the chopping block. The remaining people don't even bother putting up any sort of resistance as they didn't have much of a military and ost were scared stiff by the now lakes of blood all throughout the village. They would all submit to this before this scene ends, well that and leaving behind one of their advisors to make sure no one got out of line.

This identical scene happens along Hydragena as well though 4 days pass by between maidenhair and Hawthorn, the group announcing their arrival with the weird shadow weather, followed by alot of terror filled screaming, most notably perhaps in Ninnys case, by Gunther and Genna, both now cowering in a bit fear though Gunther did try to protect his daughter...only to be impaled with a shadowy spike right after. If Ninny was to do something to stop this, now would be the time to do it
Ninny had ended up tracking Andy around in circles. Over the next few days, she had ended up following back through their old path. She had stumbled upon the destruction. She was shocked. She couldn't even fathom what had even caused such ruin. She had heard the accounts of several survivors that knew her and Andy. She was in shock and disbelief when she heard it was Andy. The sense of cognitive dissonance was strong. It simply couldn't be possible. As she heard more and more accounts of the events, she even became angry, lashing out at people for what she perceived as lies. Andy would never do such evil. He was the one who was supposed to lecture her for going too far. Ninny wouldn't have to wait much longer to find out the answer to that question.

Ninny had followed the path of ruin to Hawthorne. The same place where she was separated from Andy. How ironic it was that that was where she ended up finding him again. There he stood. A black aura around him and his Pokémon. Ninny arrived just in time to watch Gunther collapse at Andy's feet. What had she just witnessed? So far, it seemed as though everything was going according to plan for her parents. They gave each other a wicked smirk as they slinked into hiding to observe the outcome.

"Andy?" called out Ninny. Her voice was shaking. "Andy!?!" Ninny called out again, unsure if she had even called his name the first time. She walked towards Andy, feeling as though she were in a dream and would wake up at any moment. Though Turnover was tucked away in her cloak, Cada and Stabby were floating nearby, stunned at the people and Pokémon alike that had been slaughtered mercilessly. Stabby didn't make any sounds, but Cada chittered nervously. Ninny had no idea what to expect from Andy, but she couldn't believe her eyes. She was hoping Andy would be just as shocked at the scene before them as she was. That they would make up and continue on with their goals.
What came next would be a stern glare from him followed by some sharp spikes from shadow rave one trying to impale each of the currently present trainer and pokemon (so not turnover as he isn't visible) Andy just looking at her not saying a single word and with sunken dead eyes though they were still able to give off pure malice from them. He and his mons just looking to her without saying a word, eyeing her a bit before Aqua would send another blade of Shadow energy her way looking to end things off assuming she survived the first attack. Figuring they would be done after one if not both of those, the three look to resume destroying stuff, Gunther included, who by now wasn't alive but still had a shadowy spike through him simply because he could.

Ninny was right that he wouldn't do this, however here he was slaughtering like it was just the next task at hand without any concern for morals, or mortals alike.
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A shadowy spike erupts from the ground without warning, aimed straight at Ninny. She was so caught off guard that she had barely had time to dodge. Though she was still caught in the side. A quick inspection after she rolled away revealed a hole in her cloak and a stream of blood trickling down her side.

"Andy, I kn-," Ninny's words were cut off as several blades of shadow energy came careening in her direction. Ninny and Cada dodged them just fine, though one hit Stabby with a *tink*, sending him twirling. Ninny had no idea if it caused Stabby any pain, but it seemed fine enough as it floating back to Ninny. She was confused. She had no idea Aqua was capable of such attacks. Though she suspected the shadowy aura had something to do with it. She couldn't bring herself to believe Andy was capable of this. Perhaps it was ghost Pokémon that were imitating them? Or some wicked magic? It had to be! She tried to call out again, still refusing to fight him, just in case he was being controlled by a psychic Pokémon, or some other vile evil, "Andy! What are you doing? Is that really you? Is this because of me? I can fix it, just give me a chance to talk!" Ninny was a little more prepared this time. Though she wouldn't draw any weapons, she kept her hands prepared, her stance widened, ready to move. Her partners understood and reacted in kind.
Still nothing vocal from him, though he and his pokemon did turn back to see the others still alive. Andy's body once again moves independently of his head as it was currently locked away in shadow thanks to the blackbird,the parts that were left of the real Andy having no say in what happens next. He did hear Ninnys plea for a chance to talk and wanted to say something but nothing would even remotely come out as just gets canceled, right now his body wasn't his and it belonged to her parents and the bird

A single blade of shadowy air would head right for Cada, the shadow aura flaring up as this attack occurs, the intent to skewer him and of course kill him with this one strike.

The wand he had once a vivid blue was now a black and red version of itself, the bird's influence having infested him everywhere in everyway possible. Inwardly a single pained "NO!" comes from him as that shadowy energy makes its way to the ghost type bug
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Ninny was more prepared this time. It seemed as though that Andy was not only going to not answer, but it appeared as though he wasn't even listening to her. A shadow blade launched towards Cada. Ninny reacted quickly, lunging at the shadowy attack with her sword. She swung her blade at the energy. The impact was surprisingly jarring. Ninny expected to dissipate the energy, but instead, it made a physical impact. The blade bounced back, straining the muscles in her shoulder and arms, launching the energy off its trajectory to disappear into the forest. Though that wasn't the end of the attack. Another blade was on the same path.

This time it was Cada's turn to protect Ninny. Cada brushed passed her. It expected to have its special ability be able to block it, like it did with so many other attacks. Cada's estimation was wrong. The point at which attacks are usually deflected was bypassed. Cada had only a moment to further act. All it could muster was a harden. The blade struck against Cada's hardened carapace, flying off into the sky as it launched Cada into the ground. Cada did not move again after that. It had a massive gash that tore through most of its body.

Ninny stared down in disbelief. Cada was not moving. She didn't even have to touch it to know that her best friend had died. For the second and last time, childhood friend, her best friend, her closest partner, had died. Tears started streaming down her face. Stabby started fluttering around, unsure of how to act. Turnover wriggled inside her cloak knowing that something was wrong. Anger started to set in. Newfound hatred started to cloud her mind. Ninny was trying to convince herself that this wasn't Andy. He needed to die. To suffer. A shadowy aura began to seep out of her.

Her parents, still watching from the shadows, smiled simultaneously. They knew their work was done. That have awakened her latent power. One that all members of their family possessed. The power that connected them to Yveltal. Satisfied that Minerva was on the right path, they decided to leave. They had no further use for Andy. They would let whatever fate decide whether he lived or died.

Ninny, now dead-set on avenging her Cada, reached into her cloak for Turnover. With surprising strength, she launched him at Andy. Or, rather, the thing that looked like Andy, as she had so convinced herself. This isn't the Applin that Andy would have remembered. He was now much more in tune with Ninny. Their coordination had improved tremendously. Turnover would intend to open up with an Iron Defense, increasing the impact when he smashed into his target. If something were to happen to prevent that, he would switch to an Acrobatics attack to dodge or reposition and attack. If all else failed, he would U-Turn back to Ninny. In the meantime, Ninny would dash forward, following Turnover's path. She drew one sword, wielding Stabby in her other hand. She intended to follow up Turnover's attack with a combo of swings and slices of her own towards Andy. She would keep an eye on Aqua and Iris, in case they tried to interfere.
Of course now that Ninny threw her pokemon offensively into the mix, the two did interfere. with Aqua now trying to just deflect the flying apple dragon thing with an ice punch, of course, even if it did hit it wouldnt absolutely obliterate Flapple due to the iron defense setup earlier, Iris also taking the offense of the Flapple as permission to try to kill everything in sight for now. looking to just ram into Ninny with near supersonic speeds now due to the influence of the aura , Andy also getting in on this with more shadowy spikes that emanate from the ground looking to cast Ninny aside, and if she got to him a shadow barrier showing up just as she makes contact with him. Still no vocal words being said though inwardly Andy is screaming his head off, not wanting this to happen but unable to do a thing about it right now.

Thanks to the shadow influence everything would be rather powered up during this for both sides, perhaps a bit more so for Ninny given she was already connected to the bird although it had until now been held in remission. But now with both of them essentially exhibiting the power of shadows, could they even be saved?
Even with Iron Defense, an Ice Punch would devastate Turnover. So he used his plan B of acrobatics to nimbly dodge around and continue his attack on Andy. Though a shadowy barrier would bar his way. This would lead him to having to resort to his failsafe and U-Turn away. He would use his U-Turn to attempt to crash into Aqua before quickly returning to Ninny, where he could receive further instruction.

Meanwhile, Iris launched into a furious high-speed dash towards Ninny. It was faster than any normal person would have been able to react to. Ninny wasn't normal. Even from childhood she was gifted in physical combat. With the boosted power of her shadow aura, she was able to react quick enough to bring down Stabby towards Iris, intent on mimicking what happened to Cada. Her plans were dashed when, inexplicably, both her and Iris' shadow auras were cancelled out. This lead to Iris harmlessly crashing into her chest, and since she no longer had the speed to connect her attack, her arm swung harmlessly through the air, causing her to tumble to the side.

Ninny landed on her side, the same one that was cut earlier, leaving a splatter of blood on the ground. The adrenaline she felt let her ignore the pain as she rolled, returning to her feet. With a rage-filled scream, she flung Stabby overhand towards Iris. Even if Iris dodged, Stabby could stop its own spinning flight and begin swinging on its own. In similar fashion, she grabbed a dagger from inside her cloak and flung it at Aqua, repeating the action for Andy. In a similar fashion to her previous move with Turnover, she would follow the dagger to try a follow-up combo attack on Andy. She drew her second sword to replace Stabby as she prepared for a flurry of swings, ignoring the pain and blood seeping from her side. Her renewed rage would help reignite her shadow aura.
While he is able to U-turn away, Aqua would look to do the ice punch again to get some damage on that annoying fruit dragon, now just breaking into a run of her own in order to do so, now with her tail also coiled up in case he tried that again, though this does result in that dagger thrown her way lodging itself into her side, with not even a flinch from her. With iris, who is now just on the ground after essentially getting nothing out of that dash as well as getting her wings very nearly clipped by the honedge, goes back to trying more ranged attacks, though wobbly due to the cuts on the wings. She would make a shadowy tornado to encompass all 3 of their 'opponents.' Blades of air from within the tornado possibly giving a few slashes to trainer and pokemon.

Andy would be impaled with the dagger sent his way, but unlike Aqua actually flinches a small bit from this as it makes contact, blood again starting to seep out a bit from the point of impact. Ady now firing off some chilling icy wind to slow Ninny down a bit though ready to just teleport out of the way of that if she did reach him
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Turnover didn't have further instructions yet, but he knew that an Ice Punch would be bad. He panicked and quickly held open his wings and made a loud noise in an attempt to Astonish the Marill. It seemed to work, allowing Turnover to crash into her for a bit of damage and the opportunity to escape. Though his struggle wasn't over yet. Before he made impact, a tornado of slicing wind started to swirl around him. The wind tore at him, causing pain as he collided with Aqua.

Stabby would find herself in a similar situation. Though slicing attacks were much less affective against her, the tornado still distracted her enough that she couldn't effectively swing at Iris. She became frustrated and started using Brutal Swing at the tornado.

Ninny had drawn her cape to weather the icy wind attack. An added benefit of protecting her from the tornado was appreciated. Ninny used this time to reassess the battle. Turnover was too far to hear her commands over the wind, so she called out to Stabby to use Shadow Sneak. Stabby would know from their training that this was to be used to return to her. This was to Stabby's relief. She was very frustrated from the tornado. Ninny would then prepare for when the attacks relented. She would ready her bow with an arrow, as well as command Stabby to start charging Solar Blade.
The 3, for now, form up as Ninny and her trio would seemingly back off for the moment as the tornado soon subsides due to the swing dispersing it, though it wasn't with its share of collateral damage, most houses like in real twister would be upended and thrown around and ripped apart. The main thing standing in what was left of Hawthorne would be Andy, Ninny, both their pokemon pairs and some other people that were cowering in fear of this battle. Neither of the 3 were going to relent for now though, Aqua trying to trap Stabby in a whirlpool which Andy would try following up with a shadow thunderbolt from the wand, though would be a slight delay in this attack however before the bolt would be loosed on the honedge. Andy from within now trying to delay things even for a second making it so that the solar blade charges and hits him before anything else happens to her or the Town around them.

Iris would send a few black stars, reminiscent of Swift, turnovers way, sadly no delay from either of the pokeon as they had more troubles dealing with this inwardly than Andy did, and he couldn't keep this up for too long. They also needed a break, their expressions don't show it but their bodied can't handle the strain of using these in battle for too long
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The moment the Icy Wind and tornado let up, Ninny sprung into action. She stood, launching an arrow towards Iris, since she knew Stabby was no longer fighting her. She didn't wait to see if the arrow connected or not, though she was too late to stop the Ladyba from launching a shadow Swift towards Turnover. Ninny didn't now what the attack did, so she instructed Turnover to use an Acrobatics to dodge it. Unfortunately, as Turnover dashed and dived to avoid the stars, they changed direction to match every movement. Each one struck him, launching back, unconscious.

Ninny didn't have time to even notice if Turnover was able to dodge or not. Stabby was charging energy, so she needed to take the opportunity to charge Andy. What she considered to be some apparition of Andy. With a furious yell she ran with an explosive start. She planned on cleaving him in two. His wand started to spark as a wall of water began to form around her. Aqua was going to use Whirlpool, and Andy was going to shock it. Ninny gritted her teeth in frustration. She wasn't close enough yet, but she had to swing to disperse the Whirlpool. With a roar she swung at Andy. Stabby, now glowing green from the collected energy, made a soft whistling noise as she was swung. She collided with the wall of water, causing the attack to disperse. Water droplets rained in every direction.

Ninny may not have been as far forward as she wanted, but she was still close enough for the tip of Stabby to reach Andy. A burst of blood sprayed forth as Stabby connected, releasing the energy stored up from the Solar Blade. Still, Ninny didn't hesitate. She continued with her momentum. She bowled Andy over, pinning him to the ground. As she straddled him, she raised Stabby for one final blow, intent on ending his life.
As such all three had to stop after the tornado let up to catch a break. That comes to be their undoing as with Stabby dispersing the tornado via brutal swing, it gave Ninny the perfect chance to let loose an arrow from the bow which harpoons the bug. This did leave her and the sword open for a whirlpool from the rabbit, only for that to be also canceled out by the solar blade that was charging over the last few minutes. No protection left for the trainer, the glowing green blade would slice through his chest as one does through butter spewing blood from Andy as he would collapse to the ground in heap but still alive for the moment.

That didn't look to be the case for long as Ninny with her Honedge in arm looked to put an end to that here and now...

"STOP!" Andy's actual voice rings out as clear as could be in this near death induced moment of alacrity, followed by him coughing up a spurt of blood, the aura at this moment gone but that would only be for a few seconds at best, "It's... it's me. I'm so sorry for this, if i do have to die remember me for how i was....not this, that damn bird was too much." more wanting her to remember back when they first met so long ago when things weren't so much life and death but more having fun and living the days. he knew he had caused all of this, or at least his body did. and so was resigned to dying if Ninny so wished.
Andy called out for Ninny to stop. It caused her to pause for a moment, though her shadow aura didn't die down. A fire of anger still in her eyes. Then he launched into more talking. An attempt to explain away his actions. It was too much for Ninny. She gripped Stabby harder, preparing to plunge her through his heart. Then Andy mentioned the bird. This caused her to hesitate. Her aura died down a bit. She wondered if it were possible if he were under the control of another creature. She couldn't help but think about Cada. He was gone. This time for good. Looking at Andy just caused her too much pain.

Her aura exploded, expanding even further than it had before. She raised Stabby above her head. With all her anger and fury she plunged Stabby down. The living blade landed just to the side of Andy's head. The shadow became extinguished as tears began streaming down Ninny's face. She stood, a look of betrayal on her face and she plucked Stabby and headed into the forest to fetch Turnover and bury Cada's body.

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