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Fandom Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: War Of Zodarus (Runesage & Riolux)

"I packed all the food I've got. I sort of counted on a long trip. Should last us about 2 days and there should be a small town within walking distance that will likely sell food cheaper than Zodiac City's markets. Probably farm grown too." Ryan suggested, having familiarity with the route they were taking.

Runesage Runesage
"Yeah, I've got enough for two days." Miles said. "I travel light."

"I've got food for myself as well." Aneirin said. "I'm excited to see more of this world, though."

"Haven't you traveled around to heal?" Miles asked, confused.

"Not that stretch." Aneirin said. "I traveled a lot, but it was mostly in a rush, and so I don't remember much. What's it like Ryan?" He asked, curiously.

Riolux Riolux
"Well if you're referring to the route, it extends to the end of this forest before it clears up into a grassy field of sorts with a dirt road. We'll follow it until we reach a bridge that leads into the town," he explained as he pulled out a map. "I just need to get my bearings straight here...so here's Zodiac City...hey, where are we in relations to the city here, Aneirin?" he asked, pointing out Zodiac City to the Absol to help.

Runesage Runesage
"Zodiac City is that way." Aneirin said, pointing left of the cave entrance. "If you let me look at the map for a quick second..." Aneirin peered down, "we should be about... here." He traced a line from Zodiac City, then a circle. "We could be anywhere in this area. I don't know exactly whereabouts we are, but this should be close enough for us to begin to plan our route."

"We're pretty far off the main road." Miles observed, looking down at the map. "You said you came this way? Why did you avoid the road?"

"It was faster for me to go across the countryside. I was around here," Aneirin pointed at a spot on the map, "treating a patient, and then I had a vision of coming here, so I came as fast as I could." He shrugged.

Riolux Riolux
"Alright let's see..." Ryan began as he traced his finger from Zodiac City northwards. "The route to the Compound follows the road north on its way to Ignis Town. It's pretty hot there by the way since it's a large source of the currency around here. Lots of Fire-Types, smelters and the like. Aneirin...you might be in for a bad time with that thick coat of fur. From there, we go through a tunnel then we'll reach a fork in the road. We'll go between them and cut through the woods and that's where the Compound is." he finished, folding up the map. "Any questions?"

Runesage Runesage
Anerin nodded. "If it gets too hot for me, I can just hold the NeverMeltIce. That'll cool me off, at least temporarily."

Simultaneously, Miles thought about Ignis City. I'm pretty sure that there's a dojo there. I might be able to train and pick up a few tips. I've been struggling too much in these last few fights. He thought to himself. Unless... "Hey, how long are we going to stay in Ignis City? We'd have to stop there for a day at least to resupply, and maybe pick up a few jobs. I have to have at least some cash on hand if I'm supposedly going to hire a Servant of Darkrai, right? Any chance I'd be able to train at the Dojo while we're there?"

Riolux Riolux
"I was thinking about two days. Also, you have to remember that the Compound has 'ranks' of sorts too. Lower ranks get easier, less paying missions. We don't need a whole bucket of Poke for this." he said. "Why?" he asked, curious as to what Miles might have planned other than resupplying.

Runesage Runesage
"I guess I don't need that much then." Miles thought for a second. "Well, I need to train. I struggled too much against that Lycanroc, Fenrir, and that Servant Hunter. I feel like solidifying a few points of my technique could do me some good. There's a Dojo in Ignis City, right? I can train there."

"I don't know if we should stay too long though." Aneirin said. "We should also be wary on how we enter the town. The three of us make a strange traveling group."

Riolux Riolux
"We could enter separately, but there's really no point. We won't be in there long enough for rumors to matter. We'll just make some quick cash and then go to the Compound. They'll probably think you're hiring for a small robbery. Besides. We're not going to be hiring any Servants anyway. We're gonna go see the Record Keeper. Should give you time to train I guess." Ryan explained, figuring any rumors would simply pass too soon to be of any concern.

Runesage Runesage
"I'd like to think you're right, but I can't help but worry..." Aneirin mused.

"It'll be fine Aneirin. My reputation is nonexistent anyway, and so hanging around with you lot isn't going to tarnish it at all." Miles said. "I think that's enough planning. Let's get going." Miles began to pack his bags, slightly excited about the coming journey.

"There's never enough planning Miles." Aneirin said. "But I do agree. We should get moving so we can get there within two days. We don't want to make this a three day trip."

Riolux Riolux
"Fair enough. Let's go." he said and started out of the cave, slinging his bag over his back as he did so. It was obvious that things weren't going to be easy, but the trip would be quiet at least unless they ran into some thieves, which wasn't something they would struggle with considering who they were. At least, in Ryan's opinion.

Runesage Runesage
Aneirin gathered his things together quickly, and Miles finished packing as well. "Let's move out, team!" Miles said cheerfully.

"You know, that brings up a question I've had." Aneirin said. "Why did you never join a team? You'd fit right in."

"Eh." Miles shrugged. "I like to wander. If I joined a team, I feel like it would tie me down to one base of operations. I'd still be able to travel, but part of the fun of traveling is staying for extended periods of time in a location. You learn more about people and places that way." He said as he began walking in the direction Ryan had indicated.

"I guess that's true." Aneirin said.

Riolux Riolux
Two days later...
Ryan groaned in exhaustion as they reached the town, the scorching heat from many smelteries blasted him, a dry wind whipping through the Riolu's cloak as he let out a tired sigh. "No wonder a large majority of the city is Fire-types. Let's find the inn. It and the marketplace are cooled for guests. Let's try not to melt on the way there." he explained before pulling out a waterskin and drinking from it.

Runesage Runesage
"This heat is entirely ridiculous." Aneirin said, sweating profusely in his thick coat of fur. "I'm holding the NeverMeltIce and it's doing literally nothing." He examined the item. "If I didn't know better, I'd swear it was melting."

"Hah..." Miles breathed heavily. "I agree with Ryan. We need to get to the inn." Being a water type had its advantages in some kinds of heat, but not this. This dehydrating heat was sapping his strength rapidly. He pulled out his own skin and drank the last few swallows. "I'm out of water. I have to drink so much right now..." He panted. "Which way to the inn again?"

"How am I supposed to know?" Aneirin said. "I've never been this way before. You'd know better than me." Aneirin indicated Ryan as he said this.

Riolux Riolux
"Just...follow me. It isn't far from here. We should be able reach before you two melt." Ryan said, glancing around before recognizing a landmark in the direction of the inn. "C'mon. Its this way to the inn. It's run by an Ice-type Pokémon. Specifically, a Froslass. Just hope there are available rooms..." he told them before moving towards the inn.

Runesage Runesage
"Perfect. I can't take much more of this." Aneirin said.

"You...?" Miles breathed with a slight grin on his face. "I'm practically dying." Miles let out a small chuckle. "The sooner we get there... the better..." Aneirin tossed Miles his waterskin, which Miles gratefully accepted. "Thanks..." Miles said before he guzzled the last of Aneirin's water. "I'll pay for refills if it's needed." He and Aneirin followed Ryan.

"That's an interesting point. Would we have to pay for water, seeing as how it would be a little scarce in this area, Ryan?" Aneirin asked curiously.

Riolux Riolux
"Nah. Water isn't that scarce. There is a river about half a mile south. They're actually digging a tributary to bring it directly here. So it should be pretty cheap if we're charged at all. We were just on flat land so it wasn't exactly easy to spot." He explained as the inn came into view. It was a bit more...rustic than the Dancing Spinda was, but it was cozier, a cool breeze emanating throughout due to the staff consisting mainly of Ice-Types. Ryan approached the desk clerk, who was, in stark contrast to the others, a Chandelure.

Runesage Runesage
"Oh thank Arceus." Miles said as the cool air washed over him. At the same time, Aneirin muttered, "Thank Xerneas." Miles glanced at Aneirin strangely, and Aneirin shrugged. "What?"

"Nothing. I'm just glad to be out of this infernal heat." He followed Ryan up to the desk clerk, noticing as well that the clerk was a Chandelure. "I wonder how these Ice types can handle being in this heat. If it's hurting me, it should be really bad for them."

Riolux Riolux
"You'd think that, but honestly, due to the fairly consistent temperature and the number of them that are used as traveling salesmen by merchants guild, their close proximity to one another make it surprisingly comfortable for them. The only reason I am here is so y'all don't freeze." The Chandelure explained, having overheard what Aneirin had said. "Anywho, enough yapping outta me. Would you 3 like rooms? We've plenty available as usually we don't get many guests around here this time of year."

Runesage Runesage
"I'd like a room." Aneirin said to the Chandelure, enjoying the cozy temperature of the inn. "How much would it be for a room that could fit two or three 'mon?" He asked. He had a bit of spare cash, but his supply was dwindling fast.

At the same time Aneirin was attempting to make arrangements for the rooms, Miles was looking around the Inn for a job board. Most inn's he'd seen in his travels had one, as it was a common place for 'mons to gather and seek help. He never had a lot of cash; he'd always traveled light, and he used most of what he'd earned in jobs on traveling supplies. However, he was starting to realize that having a bit more cash on hand could not go amiss, based on the groups current situation.

Riolux Riolux
Unfortunately for Miles, it seemed as if the jobs were almost entirely for part-time hand with the blacksmiths, smelteries, and mining. There was, however, a request for assistance from the Zodarus National Bank, as suspicious activity had been occuring and they wanted Pokémon willing to go through a background check to assist with guarding it.

Runesage Runesage
"Smithy... nope." Miles said as he scanned over the board. "Smelting... also nope. Mining... maybe, but that kind of..." He trailed off as a different job caught his eye. "What's this...?" He read over the job details. "Background check... I don't think I've done anything illegal. Suspicious activity at this branch of the ZNB... Guard. That's right up my alley." He took the job down from the board and walked over to Aneirin and Ryan. "Look at what I found."

"Not likely for me. Chosen and Followers never get through background checks. Too much stigma. Also, a healer as a guard?" Aneirin said. "Ryan, do you want your own room, or with us?"

"It wasn't for you to do..." Miles said. "Think that this reward will be enough to get me in Ryan?" Miles asked as Aneirin again asked what the price of a room for three was.

Riolux Riolux
"That should be more than enough to get you into the Compound. Still, I'm more worried about this suspicious activity. Aneirin, maybe you should consider going with him. It almost sounds like they suspect a fight." Ryan said, a frown on his face as he looked it over before looking over to the Absol. "I know you're not much for hurting others, but it'd at least keep Miles safe if something does come out of this." Ryan pleaded a bit, though he wouldn't push it any further if Aneirin refused.

Runesage Runesage
"I'll be nearby. That much I can promise, but like I said, background checks are dicey for Followers." Aneirin said.

"You're a follower of Xerneas. How could you possibly fail a background check?" Miles asked, disbelief scrawled all over his face.

"They won't hire me because I'd be expected to not fight. I'm a healer, not a guard." Aneirin said.

"But what if you were my healer?" Miles asked. There was a pause for a few seconds.

"Go on..." Anierin prodded, intrigued in spite of himself.

"Well, what if we came as a pair. Like Ryan said, they obviously expect a fight. If we came as a guard/medic pair, then we'd be a more viable asset. Honestly, do I look like I could guard a bank by myself?" Miles asked, striking a pose meant to be equal parts heroic and humorous.

Aneirin chuckled. "You have a point there. I suppose they wouldn't turn down extra help. I could even waive my end of the fee. It's what they'd expect me to do, and it'll make them more likely to say yes to me."

Riolux Riolux
"Then it's settled! You two will go and get a job like hard-working, free 'mons while I go see an old friend of mine and see how he's been doing since I last passed through here. Wasn't that long ago so I doubt much has changed." Ryan said with a satisfied smile as the Chandelure returned. "I, uh, got you 3 your room key. Best room we've got for cheap. Nothing fancy, but affordable." he said cheerfully, the key dangling telekinetically in front of Aneirin. "So...are you guys, like...a Team or something? Eh. Not my problem. G'night you three." he said, waving as he departed before Ryan looked back to the date on the Job. "You two might want to get there now. They'll be closing up the bank in a few hours and if you guys arrive at the last minute, they'll think something's up for sure, y'know?" he suggested.

Runesage Runesage

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