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Fandom Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: War Of Zodarus (Runesage & Riolux)

"That may be true. Doesn't change the fact that I had to carry you." Aneirin smiled. "Let's get going. I had to rest in a cave on my way here, and it's on the other side of Zodiac City from here, so we should be safe from Cresselia's followers."

"Sounds like a plan." Miles said. "Wanna lead the way."

Aneirin nodded. "Do I need to carry his grumpiness?" Aneirin teased.

Riolux Riolux
"Nah. His 'grumpiness' needs a break riding bare-back on a skinny Absol." he shot right back with a smirk. "I like the idea, though. Once we reach there, we can start talkin' again. Until then, we best keep it down until we're far from here." he finished and started heading back the way they'd come.

Runesage Runesage
"Great, let's get going." Aneirin said, and they began to set off. As they were walking...

"So what's in the book Ryan?" Miles asked, still curious.

"Honestly... Just because Chris isn't around doesn't mean we want you talking all the time." Aneirin moaned. "Please, refrain."

Riolux Riolux
"If you absolutely must know, it's a journal I've kept since I ditched Darkrai's faction. I take note of the people I meet and places I've been to or heard of. It's good to have the information handy. Even took notes of our fight with the Wolfpack. After the fight of course." he said, deciding he'd be honest with them since he'd spoken of how it was important.

Runesage Runesage
"A journal. Huh. Sounds like a good idea." Miles said his curiosity sated.

"Hmm... now you've got me interested. I wonder what you said about us." Aneirin wondered. "I'm not going to pry. It's probably better if I don't know."

"Nervous about something?" Miles asked. "Afraid he's trash talking you?"

"Oh, look, the city's right there!" Aneirin changed the subject. "We should head to the other side, and, a few minutes after that, we can set up camp."

Riolux Riolux
"Yeah, okay. Hey if it's any consolation, I didn't say anything too negative about you guys. If you want, I can tell ya what I wrote." he offered, pulling out the book and shaking it a bit to bring their attention to it as they walked. He didn't want the two thinking he was simply trashing them in the journal.

Runesage Runesage
"Meh. Might be interesting to see how you think about me." Miles said, stretching. "It'll pass the time until we get to the camp." A mischievous gleam entered his eyes. "What did you say about Chris?"

"I don't think that's necessary for you to know." Aneirin said. "I'd also like to hear what you think of me." Aneirin didn't have a lot of self-confidence, so anything positive would be good for him to hear. "If that's all right with you."

Riolux Riolux
"Alright. One sec." he said as he paged to about the middle of the journal and opened it. "Miles: Optimistic and skilled and seems to rely on a hard-hitting, fast fighting style that uses Double Team to stir a bit of chaos. While Double Team is useless against below average Aura-users and those with keen senses, the Swords Dance keeps the set from being near useless. Can be stubborn to a fault and a bit nosy." he said, reading the entry he made about Miles with a subtle smirk concerning the last sentence. "Aneirin: A bit more realistic, he still maintains a fairly optimistic viewpoint and is courteous even to those he battles. While well-versed in battle, his best talent is healing of which he's great at. Very trustworthy and mindful of people's space though he can get a bit too focused one patient at a time if he deems one's injury severe enough." he said, wrapping up his reading and stashing the book.

Runesage Runesage
"Well that's pretty accurate." Miles said about the last part. A second passed, and then, "Useless? It's still good for the disorientation. I got you with it once, but that other Riolu was just better at it." Miles moodily began to think. "There must be some way that I can..." He trailed off, thinking of ideas of how he could combat the Aura sensing. "I'd need to modify my style..." He continued muttering, losing all sense of the world around him.

"Thank you Ryan." Aneirin said, though the last comment stung him more than it probably should have. "I guess I still need to work on a few things." His tone was a little sad, but not hurt. As they walked, he gently tapped Miles' shoulder, snapping him out of his thoughts. "We're here." Aneirin said, indicating the cave.

Riolux Riolux
Ryan stepped into the cave and sat down. "Alright. So, Aneirin, what do I owe ya?" he asked, looking through his bag and pulling out a small blanket to sit on as he also fished out some food, which consisted of some apples and a plain seed or two. He would've thrown them out, but plain seeds didn't taste particularly bad.

Runesage Runesage
"I don't know... I'm not supposed to receive any payments for what I do..." Aneirin thought for a minute. "I'm just... not used to getting any favors. I just don't..." Aneirin trailed off. "I guess, just let me stay? I kind of enjoy being around you all."

"Really? That's it?" Miles said. "I didn't think you had to ask. You should think of something else."

"Maybe..." Aneirin said. He wasn't used to being put on the spot like this. "I just need a little more time."

Riolux Riolux
"Alrighty then. As for you, Miles, I'm guessing you want to figure out which of Darkrai's Servants carried out the job that resulted in...well...y'know...and I know just the place to look." Ryan said with a frown. "But we'll need to go straight into their compound. It won't be an easy thing."

Runesage Runesage
"I never thought that it would be." Miles responded, stretching. "But I don't feel like we need to go straight there."

Aneirin nodded. "I agree. If we rest for rest the day, it will allow you two to recover from your fight with that Servant Hunter."

"I mean... That wasn't what I was going to say, but it's still a good point. I was going to say that, since I've waited this long, a few days don't really matter to me." Miles said. "How far away is the compound?" Miles asked Ryan.

Riolux Riolux
"If I'm completely honest, it's about 5 days away. It's the farthest from the towns except for the Yveltal Compound...for obvious reasons. It'll be a heck of a trip, but we shouldn't run into trouble. The Compound gets...visitors...all the time. It's how one of our members got the job involving...anywho when we get there, we'll talk to the Archiver. He's got all the records." he explained, seeing as it wouldn't so much be a difficult trip, but a long one.

Runesage Runesage
"A five day journey should be prepared for." Aneirin said. "Let's spend the rest of the day planning."

"No wait, I want to hear the rest of this. So, the Compound gets visitors who hire assassins. So someone had it in for my family, and so they trekked all the way here, and sent someone to kill them. And the Archiver will just let me see who it is? And he'll just let us in?" Miles asked. He was a bit confused about how these organizations were run.

Riolux Riolux
"Let me get one thing straight here. We're not assassins. Yeah, some of us will take jobs like that, but a majority of what we do involves theft, espionage, and blackmail. For the most part, Servants of Darkrai don't really want the attention a death by our hands will bring. And it's not so much as he'll let us in and more so you, as in just you Miles, will go through the front door as an interested client and I'll sneak in some other way. Shouldn't be hard for me to blend in." he explained, obviously having taken it a bit personally from Miles implication that all Servants were killers.

Runesage Runesage
"Still, they're for hire." Miles said.

"Why is that important?" Aneirin asked.

"Because I've been looking for who killed my family, thinking they were a Servant of Darkrai, but sombody hired them. Do I go after the Servant who was willing to do the job or the person who hired the Servant? Or Both?" Miles put his head in his hands. "This got so much more confusing." He looked up at Ryan. "I guess I'm sorry about accusing you immediately. Do some Servants go after targets themselves, or are they all for hire?"

Riolux Riolux
"Honestly, you'd have better luck going after the guy who had it done. Servants of Darkrai never go after a target themselves unless called upon by Darkrai personally to do so and that's almost always against Cresselia's Followers. For one to act against a random family would be pointless and would imply they somehow knew each other." Ryan explained, hoping this would clear things up for Miles. He yawned a bit, clearly tired now and hoping to prepare for the journey.

Runesage Runesage
"Yeah, I guess." Miles said, but he was still troubled.

Aneirin watched him as he set up a sleeping area, lay down, and went to bed. "Do you think he's going to be fine? All this time, he's had someone to blame, and now that's been taken from him. He's lost his goal." Anerien said to Ryan. "He's probably fought countless Servants of Darkrai, and now he realizes that any anger that he's had for them is entirely pointless."

Riolux Riolux
"He hasn't lost his goal. The Archiver keeps records of clients and he's a...friend you could say. When we get there, Miles will be able to find the person who ordered his family to be locked into a nightmare and we'll...do away with him I assume." Ryan said, hoping to get Aneirin to see that, just because the target wasn't a Servant of Darkrai, it didn't make it any less meaningful.

Runesage Runesage
"I hope you're right. Miles seems to be resilient, but I don't think he's ever had his goal shaken like that. I think he also feels guilty about hating the Servants of Darkrai. I don't know if he could even bring himself to kill the man who ordered the hit on his family." Aneirin mused. "I guess we'll find out later. 'night Ryan." Aneirin said as he went to sleep.

Riolux Riolux
Ryan sighed, wondering if he should've simply lied and kept his mouth shut. He honestly didn't give a damn about his old faction and throwing the guy who carried out the 'job' would indeed have avenged them to a degree...but only temporarily. Odds are, if someone wanted Miles' family dead, they were aiming for the whole family, which would put Miles and his sister in danger of future attacks. Plus it would be wrong to keep it from Miles, who, along with Aneirin, was the first one to gain Ryan's trust in a long time. It'd be wrong to not be honest himself.

Runesage Runesage
Miles lay awake for a while, just thinking. Have I really been chasing people who are innocent? Then, well not innocent per se, just not the ones who killed my family. His mind wandered over all the Servants of Darkrai he'd fought, analyzing every encounter, and realized what a prejudiced jerk he'd been. I'm no better than the Followers of Cresselia that I fought earlier today. Hating them just because they were chosen by Darkrai. He told himself. I need to do better. He thought as he drifted off.

Riolux Riolux
Ryan himself soon drifted off to sleep. Very early the next morning, Ryan woke with a yawn and sat up, not all that comfortable, but at least rested. Any pain that'd been leftover by the burn seemed to have completely alleviated and his fatigue from all of yesterday's fighting was gone. Standing up, he looked over to his companions as he dug some food out of his bag.

Runesage Runesage
Miles woke up sore from the uncomfortable sleeping position. Stretching himself out, he grabbed an Apple from his bag. "You think we'll have enough food for five days? Because I definitely don't." He said, looking into his bag. "I only have a few more Apples."

"We'll probably be fine. I don't think you'll have any problems getting work Miles. You're not a Gifted." Aneirin said from the ground. Unlike the other two, he'd slept soundly, and decently comfortably. "I could probably scrounge up a few coins or Apples if needed, but I don't like doing that."

Riolux Riolux

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