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Fandom ◓ — Pokémon: Monochrome [OOC].

Megas are allowed within reason. I'm actually having an ex-Mega Researcher turned Conservationist as one of my characters myself. Honestly, I'm looking more for story than balance, so I'm open to >most< things as long as my players can give me genuinely good reasons for them.
OHHHH it'd be cool if they're friends :D

Okay, I'll make a section for that Pokemon to showcase their history and level of friendship and trust they have for her so nothing is left unseen. Probably gonna be a Mega Sceptile for her, and for the guy a Mega Gengar (eventually, I'd love for him to earn it).
OHHHH it'd be cool if they're friends :D

Okay, I'll make a section for that Pokemon to showcase their history and level of friendship and trust they have for her so nothing is left unseen. Probably gonna be a Mega Sceptile for her, and for the guy a Mega Gengar (eventually, I'd love for him to earn it).
They absolutely could be! My guy is from Kalos. He briefly studied Mega Research, but after the events of X and Y, he turned his attention towards the disturbed ecosystem near Geosenge Town (which, in my headcanon, had no injuries though the local wildlife has been topsy-turvy there for a while now), and has fully taken an interest in conservationism since then.
They absolutely could be! My guy is from Kalos. He briefly studied Mega Research, but after the events of X and Y, he turned his attention towards the disturbed ecosystem near Geosenge Town (which, in my headcanon, had no injuries though the local wildlife has been topsy-turvy there for a while now), and has fully taken an interest in conservationism since then.
OHHHH she could help with that :D

Her area of expertise is learning the genetic and psychological difference of a Pokemon based on their habitat and ecology, and considering on making her 26-32. I had her having been in that area near the end of Kalos to study up on Zoroark and Zorua, so if they ever needed her (as she has been name dropped by Rowan or a non-canon variant of the Sinnoh professor several times since she works closely along with them), it's definitely something she'd be called in for. She has Pokemon for travel, but she does have sixteen badges under her belt when she wasn't working on research (she's never gone to the leagues after acquiring them tho, stage fright :'D), so she does have some powerful Pokemon in her arsenal, and she's helped stop poachers she'd find in Sinnoh and Kanto and calmed swarms of Pokemon in Johto. So it's definite she'd be called upon.

While conservationism isn't her thing, she can help advise what would be best for that Pokemon in that area and use her stronger Pokemon to help in making that happen. Plus, she can get research done in that area for something that's rare. Win-win XD even if she isn't called, she'd likely call to help.
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OH, question, how many Pokemon can I detail in the Pokemon section? My characters have more than 6 Pokemon each (not with them all at once obviously, but they may be needed for some things and they'll need to be swapped/rotated in as necessary).
OH, question, how many Pokemon can I detail in the Pokemon section? My characters have more than 6 Pokemon each (not with them all at once obviously, but they may be needed for some things and they'll need to be swapped/rotated in as necessary).
There's no hard limits at the moment. If I think it's ridiculous, I'll make you fix it, but otherwise, you're free to take the reigns for now.
I'm still very much attached to GMing this Roleplay, but I'm unfortunately going to have to hold off on starting it longer than usual. I'll post my reasoning as to why below, but I'm looking to get this thing going by mid-January at the latest. If you're interested in knowing why, I'll include an explanation, but feel free to skip over it as needed.

It's been the weirdest forty-eight hours of my life. When I say I was on vacation, I was actually visiting my sister in another part of the country (I'm American), which is rather far from my own state (hence flying). It was a welcome relief because I live with family who is absolutely insistent against hiring an exterminator (even though I'm willing to pay out of my own pocket for it). Which is a problem because we've been battling with bed bugs for half a year now. Bed bugs are absolutely miserable for those not familiar and they're a real pain to kill. They've developed resistances to most chemicals or will crawl into your walls to avoid them. Needless to say, my arms and legs look awful, but now they've shifted to my face, and I can't sleep more than four hours at a time. This wasn't as bad during school break, but I start classes on Monday.

So here's where the insanity comes into play:

I flew home yesterday and was unable to sleep at all. I'm still exhausted from my flight that I had last night because I could feel them on me all night. My family still won't let me pay for an exterminator, so my sister is just flying me back to her. Friday. So I have about forty-eight more hours to switch my classes online, purchase my books, pack, apply to jobs in my new area, and get situated all before Monday. So yeah. I'm kind of in limbo with Roleplays at the moment. I know this is a lot, but I figured giving some reasons might help explain why I'm so wishy-washy right now?

Either way, I'm grateful for everyone's patience and am asking you all to hang tight in the meantime. Thank you so much!
Just an update to all of you lovely patient people that I somehow pulled this off and my flight leaves tonight!
caught up on this thread and want to say best of luck sorting out everything!! 💕 it sounds like a total nightmare to deal with but at least you have a game plan 💪

whenever you are settled and have time, i did have a couple of questions about my characters. i'm wanting to play two different ones: a former famous idol/coordinator who "retired" after a scandal and an heir to a international clothing line. they'd be students, but i'm wondering if those kinds of backgrounds would be okay? i'd want my former idol/coordinator to be kind of known among other characters but i can definitely work that out myself with other people, if you'd allow it!
caught up on this thread and want to say best of luck sorting out everything!! 💕 it sounds like a total nightmare to deal with but at least you have a game plan 💪

whenever you are settled and have time, i did have a couple of questions about my characters. i'm wanting to play two different ones: a former famous idol/coordinator who "retired" after a scandal and an heir to a international clothing line. they'd be students, but i'm wondering if those kinds of backgrounds would be okay? i'd want my former idol/coordinator to be kind of known among other characters but i can definitely work that out myself with other people, if you'd allow it!
Yes! I'm absolutely fine with both of these! I think we might be able to work a way to establish your disgraced idol/coordinator as a big name somehow.
Yes! I'm absolutely fine with both of these! I think we might be able to work a way to establish your disgraced idol/coordinator as a big name somehow.
awesome!! i will definitely be updating their sheets so i can get them posted soon 🏃‍♀️ is there a current deadline for sheets? :0
awesome!! i will definitely be updating their sheets so i can get them posted soon 🏃‍♀️ is there a current deadline for sheets? :0
Nope. I'm still settling in my new place so I'm a little scatterbrained at the moment, but I'm looking over when I can.
Question, when does the RP begin? I'm not trying to rush anyone, was just curious.

Both Angelina and Dolan studying in paleontology high five!
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