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Fandom Pokemon: Divine Journey


Peppermint Patty

Patty of Peppermint
Today is yet another hot, midsummer's day... It’s morningtime- not that late in the morning, mind you, the sun is just now rising… But others in Gamma Squad are most definitely up right now. Not all of them, only a few. Judging from the smell wafting through the air, the head cook of the base is already up, as he usually is at this time. What could Galfred have in store for everyone this morning? You can’t quite tell, the smell isn’t very strong currently- you can tell he hasn’t really started mixing everything in just yet. Hopefully, though, it will be an energizing breakfast, for energy today is vital. Today is the day of the annual Cherryblossom festival- a day in which the citizens of Cherryblossom and members of the squadrons, Gamma or not, hold a celebration for another year of peace (mostly). It’s always the usual, yet fun festivities- dancing, eating, playing- people who do and don’t know each other don’t matter, as on this day, they’re all friends. If things went the way they usually do, Cal would probably be entertaining the children with exciting stories of his past, Nitros would be supervising things, Galfred would be making sure everything is going as scheduled, and Kazuma- would be in his office room, alone, as usual. And every other member?.. Well, what they’re doing would be up to them. The in-base Shopkeeps would be selling their wares to the public today and today only, that one Delphox whose name you could never remember would be selling Gamma Squad-themed clothing… It’s all fun and games. And when the night ends, they’d all eat something nice under the stars as fireworks are shot off. And then after that, everyone would settle back in to their rooms, tuckered out and ready for a good night’s rest…
Yes, the festival day was usually predictable, but it’s still cherished nonetheless. Well… Time to go ahead and start that day, wouldn’t you say?

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Luden Alston

The tiny Sableye's legs quickly scampered across the concrete walkways of Cherry Blossom's outer limits, his line of sight rapidly shifting from one direction to the next with panic in his breath. It was cake for him to avoid the strides of the few present larger Pokemon, thanks to the smaller railed sidewalk reserved for Pokemon of his size, but the festivities of today made the traffic a bit more strenuous to get this far out of the city's buzzing areas. It didn't help that he stepped out of the wrong bus stop, and so was left to walk the rest of the trip on his own.

Soon enough, he makes it to the edge of the street, and his gem-eyes spot his destination— His current location was overlooking a small recreational park, riddled with tall trees casting shade upon a collection of steel mesh tables and chairs, alongside multiple cookout pits and playground rides for the younger crowds. The park even had a rather large lake with one of Cherry Blossom's natural rivers, a tempting attraction for those looking to enjoy a cool experience on a hot day. The fact that this area bordered a high class neighborhood seemed to explain its luxurious appeal, though not its surprising desolate nature.

Luden finally makes it to the cool, lush grass. He subtly looks around, but sees no one else. Was he really the first one to get here? He knew Bishop would at least be here by now... Not wanting to potentially wander off, the tiny gem-goblin decides to stay under the shade of a tree, hoping to bump into someone soon.

OOC: Open for interaction!
The tiny white Eevee bounded trough the park, laughing and giggling as she went, jumping from large rocks to tree roots as she explored the river's shore. Lila was just happy that she had a break from her schoolwork during the festival's events, it just felt great to not have her teachers breathing down her neck for a change. She continued to make her way along the river, hopping to the other shore occasionally. Coming to the end of the river and to the massive lake Lila started to take in the scenery, as she never had a chance to look this part of the park before. Then the little Eevee spotted Luden, just sitting underneath a tree.

Lila didn’t wast much time, dashing over to meet the gem goblin ,who was about the same height as her, and sat down beside him, with an almost sly smile. “Hey Luden you doing well?” She asked with an almost teasing tone, knowing at least one reason he could be there.

Meanwhile, below the dark waters of the lake, something stood there watching the happenings of the park with glistening yellow eyes. It’s gaze following things like bird Pokémon, the Pokémon having fun near the shore, and more specifically boats. It continued its stare before slowly making its way to the surface to at least get a better view of things taking place above the water.

OOC: @Arvios( I’ll add some ext color to Lila’s dialogue later, I can’t do it effectively from my phone)
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Luden Alston

"Oh, hiya Lila", Luden responds a bit surprised, as he was close to giving up on finding anyone. "I was told that some of our squad members might meet up here, though I guess I got a head start on everyone... So I could be a bit better" He subtly shrugs, almost a bit disappointed at his own blunder. "But you're here, so that's an improvement!" The comment is followed by a welcoming chortle, hoping to invite the pale Eevee to his company.

Walking away for a moment, the Sableye removes a small sack from his shoulders, placing it on one of the mesh steel tables as if to claim the spot for themselves. He climbs up and makes himself comfortable on a chair, and upon glancing back at Lila, notices a peculiar floating pattern hanging from a low branch on the tree next to them. It would expand and then diminish in size once more, almost as if it was breathing in the fresh morning air in a peaceful slumber. The red zig-zag mark was familiar to Luden— the belly pattern of a Kecleon was the only part of their body that they couldn't fully adapt to their surroundings, so the band would be as clear as a light in the dark if not accounted for. Plus the fact that it was Bishop who invited him here to begin with meant that it had to be his close friend.

Luden just stared at the red pattern while in thought, unsure of whether to wake him or leave him be. He knew Bishop well enough to know that he was a heavy sleeper, so no amount of prodding would get him up this early in the morning... How he got here was a complete mystery, but that was an answer to a question for another time.

"So Lila, what have you been up to on your end?" He was a bit curious to know why she was here alone, and whether Bishop was the one who also invited her.

OOC: Rapror Augustine Rapror Augustine , it's alright! I also struggle on mobile with highlighting and whatnot. It's pretty annoying in general.
Lila beamed when the Sableye asked how things were going for her “Great! I’m not in school during the festival so I’ve just been exploring the river today.” She exclaimed quite loudly, putting more emphasis on her excitement than anything. The small mammal was about to ask a question of her own when she spotted a lone, red, zigzag floating there, partway off the ground. “Oh... I see! It was bishop who told you that!” She stated, dispite know it was an obvious fact. Luden and Bishop we’re close friends after all. She lept up to join him at the mesh table, pacing for a bit before sitting down opposite to the goblin. “Have you seen my brothers anywhere today?” Lila asked Luden while tilting her head a few degrees knowing her question would be answered by yelling from other members of Gamma Squad, or by Luden calmly telling her it.

The being beneath the water loomed closer to a lone boat casually drifting near the lake’s surface. It got close, but close enough to break the surface, or even to the point where it would be nothing more than a shapeless silhouette. It went under the vessel, snaking to a part of the hull that no one, save for whoever was in the boat, would see. The figure then opened its jaws and tore a somewhat large piece of the hull off, before slinking back it the dark abyss below while the poor Beartic inside was left fuming at his misfortune.

OOC: Arvios Arvios (yea it certainly is annoying, but at least I can change it when I get home. Anyway, yes that is seriously all Megalo is going to do for now. As I don’t want reveal him storywise yet.)
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"Mooornaaaagh..." Euly groaned, already smelling Galfred's famous cooking. Not that that was what was bothering the almost middle-aged Simisear, nah. Of course not. No, it was getting out of bed to get it. Grumbling to herself, in response to her stomach's legendarily loud stomach rumbles, she tossed and turned in her hammock above Derrick, until she was peeking over it, the bags under her eyes displaying the obviously tiresome event that was "sleeping" to her.

"Heyyyyyy good ol' friend o' mine..." Slipping her staff out of its little nook in the wall, she tapped the still-sleeping Feraligatr on the forehead. "Buddy-o, wake up for your bud Euly." Tapping him again, her stomach rumbled angrily, causing her to groan again, and abandon her attempts to wake the slumbering Derrick. Looks like she didn't have a choice here. It was time to get out of bed.

Fwump! "D'oh!" Euly mumbled as she flopped from her hammock to the ground beside Derrick. There she lay for some time, Staff in hand. "Mmmh. The warm floor... Maybe it'll be a little more comfortable to... schleep... hnzzz..." Face and body flattening against the ground, Euly felt herself drift off, body relaxing, and herself falling into a comfy, warm, pillow haze of deliciously sweet slee--


"Hate... mornings."

- - - - -
Arvios Arvios
Luden Alston


"That's nice! I remember when I used to enjoy my days off from school", he said with a reminiscent grin. Of course, his definition of fun at her age was mischief seasoned with chaos. Had he continued down that path, he wouldn't be in the company of true friends like he was right now. Although he did enjoy those days, he'd never think about following in the footsteps of his younger self. He knew that eventually they'd lead to a dead end, one that was both a bit figurative and literal.

"Though no, I haven't seen either of them", he continued with a refined poise. "I actually took the bus, believe it or not. Which I think was a bad decision, since I'm not very familiar with these colorful parts of town. And although it was Bishop who told me, it seems he's asleep for the time being."

His gems reflected a hint of indecision as he tried to think of something to do to pass the time. "So, is there anything to do around here for the time being?" he asked Lila, though immediately felt odd asking someone half his age.

OOC: I'll get to Derrick's post soon, sorry for the wait
Something smells good… Not anymore… There’s the smell again… It’s gone again… No wait, it’s back… What’s it doing?..
Riliac’s eyes slowly blinked open. He was still half-asleep, but he’s realized what had been going on with the smell by now- his tongue must’ve been slipping in and out of his mouth while he slept. Naturally, there were some problems with being a snake- one of them being that you smell with your tongue. Yes, that happened every once and a while- some Pokemon were nighttime snorers, some were nighttime droolers (himself included), and he was a nighttime tongue-flitter. Either way, that smell was recognizable- breakfast. That’s odd, what was today?.. Most days, it was every-man-for-themselves as far as breakfast and dinner went. Galfred only cooked outside of lunch on holidays or event days… Now that he thought about it, though, he faintly remembered something was today… Something about… Hmm… Oh yeah, that’s right! Today was the yearly Peacetime Festival! He’d nearly forgotten, him and Shade had been piled on with assignments lately. Oh well, if it was a good enough time for Gally to be up now, it was a good enough time for them to be up, too. Smoothly, he uncoiled himself and slithered off of his mattress-cushion-thing (some members of Gamma Squad had different sleeping arrangements due to their bodies) and he tied his two vines around his wrists, pulling them upwards until he felt he had stretched enough. He next slithered his way towards the room’s sink and popped open a container of toothpaste, squeezing some on his toothbrush, and began scrubbing away at his fangs. While he was scrubbing with his arm, his two vines creeped their way through the bedroom- they opened the dresser by Shade’s bed and went to work. While one of them started picking up various pieces of gem-studded jewelry, the other found Shade’s grey scarf and threw it on his face. Riliac, the toothbrush still in his mouth, called for his brother.
“Shade, big guy, get up. Big day today. We’ve gotta go entertain kids and look cool at the festival, very pressing business. Come on, wake on up.”

The Zororark groaned as he awoke, blinking rapidly until the sleep faded from his eyes. He sat up letting his scarf fall to in front of him, stretching for a bit and then rose up. Walking over to a small desk filled with assignments, particularly two they’ve been putting off for a while. “Yea I know, but we’ve a few things to do before we have any sort of fun at the festival.” Shade called back as he picked up the sheets, along with his scarf, and started reading them. “Let’s see here... one order of dragon fruit, ok now that sounds amazing! And another order of assorted exotic berries to be delivered to the New Moon Cafe by...” He turned pale, paler than Lila, and certainly paler than snow. He bolted to the sink and started brushing his teeth at the speed of light, slamming his toothbrush back in its cup, along with Riliac’s, and swiftly brought out a few crates that the order entailed and called out again. “Hey those deliveries we’ve been putting off were due yesterday man, in other words we’ve gotta leave now!” The illusion fox then quickly flung his scarf on and pinned his squad emblem to it, rushing out the door with his side of the order shortly after.
Unfortunately, they were going to have to miss breakfast.

Riliac watched his brother sprint out the door and into the hallway, then stared at himself in the mirror, taking a minute to process everything…
… Was that package already due? Man, these missions were getting more and more frequent. Finishing up the last of his teeth, he spat in the sink and rinsed out his mouth, all the while having his vines drape the jewelry he’d gotten out all over him- a large, silver locket with a ruby hanging at the bottom, and two purple contact lenses he put in his eyes. They made his normally red eyes a dazzling, seemingly diamond-crusted purple. Once blinking a couple of times until they were comfortable, he made his own way out into the hallway, one of his vines shutting the door behind him as he slithered up the spirally staircase…
On the way out the main door, he passed Galfred, whom had a cart full to the brim with huge plates, stacked with pancakes. He waved his gauze-covered hand and began to talk to the snake.
“Oh, h’lo Riliac, bright and early this morning? I’ve prepared breakfa-“
But the snake kept moving on, yelling back to the Goodra as he sped along.
“Sorry Gally, can’t talk, gotta finish this mission, tell the commander Shade and I are leaving to go to that cafe, thanks bye!”
But once he’d gotten out the door, he poked his head back in one last time-
“Oh, and the food smells delicious, great job!”
-before slamming it shut.
The goo dragon looked bewildered there for a second, once again finding himself standing alone in the dining room. After he collected his thoughts, he just chuckled a bit and shook his head, parking the cart in place, before heading down the stairs to make rounds through the halls of dormitories, yelling for everyone to wake up and that breakfast was ready.

OOC: OverconfidentMagi OverconfidentMagi - We're carrying out a protected escort of these special goods to the cafe your character's mom owns.
Arvios Arvios Sluggodile Sluggodile - Galfred can be pretty loud, I have no doubts he'll be waking you guys up while calling for breakfast through the hall.
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A slice of spirit cake and a cup of midnight tea for Mrs Calavera, her mother called for Luna to bring an order from the kitchen. She didn't raise her voice, she simply sent her words via telepathy while continuing to hold a conversation with a particularly long-winded Pangoro patron. Luna closed the book she'd been reading while she waited and got up to fetch the requested items.

She slipped through the kitchen without missing a beat despite the ingredients and utensils flying about in every direction. The space was full of motion despite being devoid of anyone present aside from the intruding Luna. Everything was being controlled by Psychic power, some of the knives and utensils being made entirely of glowing energy, entirely supervised by Luna's mother. It was a spectacle that spoke to the latter's incredible control over her power, taking care of delicate tasks such as adjusting heat or peeling berries without her even being present in the room.

An ornate black teacup lifted itself off the shelf and set itself down beside a teapot sitting on the stove. It looked like the tea would be another minute, so she went to the fridge to fetch the cake. Spirit cake was made with ghost-type candies supplied by a local Gourgeist. If eaten on its own the candy tasted terrible - Luna's mother had tricked her into eating one once - but when used as an ingredient Ghost pokemon loved it. Some of them said it made their spiritual powers stronger, but she didn't know if that was really true.

Luna brought a slice of the dessert out from the fridge and crossed back through the kitchen. The tea was just being poured, so once the cup stopped floating she grabbed that as well before heading out into the main room. One entire side of the space was a long counter. Right now it was filled with pokemon eating and chatting with those sitting beside them. The rest of the room was filled with tables of all size and shape to accommodate patrons of all types. Looking around, Luna spotted her mother still trapped in conversation with Mister Goro. Knowing how much the man liked to talk she'd probably be stuck there for a while unless another patron stepped in to pull her to freedom.

"Here you go Mrs Calavera," Luna set the plate and steaming drink in front of the elderly Mismagius.

"Oh Luna, how good it is too see you my dear," the spirit floated just a little higher in the air as she was lifted up by just seeing the young Gardevoir's beauty.

"And you as well," Luna returned the smile and compliment. "Are the young ones still giving you trouble?"

"Oh no, I shipped those troublemakers back to their parents a couple of days ago." The Mismagius leaned closer and whispered. "Just between you and me, I do look forward to the grandchildrens' visits, but after a couple of days I look forward to the day I send them back home just as much." She leaned back and let out a warm cackle.

Luna laughed as well, a sound that seemed intermixed the the subtle tinkling of bells. "Yes I imagine everything is much more relaxing after having to chase them around."

"It's a lot of work, and I'm not as young in death as I used to be. But enough about me deary, I've heard something interesting about you this morning. Is it true?"

Luna tried to keep her silly smile from showing, but it was too much to ask. "Mhmm, it is it is it 100% is. I applied just the other day and they let me know I was accepted just yesterday. I would have started today but with the celebration and all I don't have any duties until tomorrow. So I'm helping mother out a bit today before leaving."

Mrs Calavera smiled warmly at the excited Gardevoir as if she was the girl's own mother proud of her daughter. The old Mismagius had been coming to the cafe for so many years and seen Luna grow up from a newly-evolved Kirlia into the beautiful and confident Gardevoir she was today. "You'll do great," she said. "I won't tell you to stay safe, there isn't much fun doing that, but you make sure to always come back when you're done adventuring out there you hear? I'm not sure this city would survive Lorelei being told you didn't come back."

"I promise to not take unnecessary risks," Luna said, and she meant it. She wanted to explore and have an adventure, but she didn't want to get hurt doing something stupid. "Besides, mother would kill me if I got hurt out there." Luna laughed, but the Mismagius didn't find the joke quite as funny.

"You come back and share with everyone the stories from your adventure," Mrs Calavera stared at Luna's face before turning to her dessert. "My, I think the tea is cooled enough to drink now. I won't trap you here any longer. I'm sure you have other preparations to take care of, people to see, things to do and all that. I'm glad I got a see your beautiful face one more time before you went off to become a famous adventurer."

Luna said goodbye to the Mismagius and headed back to the window and her book she'd been reading. She saw her mother was still dealing with Mister Goro across the room, but her earlier look of veiled boredom had been replaced by a mischievous grin. Oh no, she must have turned things around to harass the old Pangoro. Luna did hope her mother would keep herself in check when she was gone, else she might lose customers. Though her mother looked to be engrossed in her banter Luna could feel a kind of presence lightly touching on her mind that told her she was being watched over by the psychic pokemon's mind. When she left the city that reassurance would be gone. No one keeping track of where she was or if she was safe. It was a bit scary, but it was what she wanted. Luna went upstairs to finish gathering her things, tossing in the book she'd been reading.
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Derrick Magost


Derrick lay asleep on his belly, his arms snuggly fitted to one side, and his tail gently curving to his body as if trying to curl up in a ball. His bedding was a simple rectangular cushion with a thick blanket over the top, though it spanned a good length so as to fit him properly. He certainly looked at peace, even through Euly's morning routine of badgering to sate her from her own laziness. The prodding from the Simisear only produced a solid "thunk", as the first pokes hit his icy spines, barely nudging a reaction from the Feraligatr. The second time around, she manages to brush his cold, scaly skin with the bo staff. That, coupled with the sound of gravity emerging victorious against his senior partner manages to convince his eyes to finally open. It also didn't help that the infamously loud Goodra was shouting for everyone to pick up their breakfast upstairs.

A stream of crystallized drool had spilled from Derrick's mouth to the pillow under his chin, the sight appearing as if a blizzard had struck a waterfall and left it frozen in place for others to gander at its beauty. Of course, this natural phenomenon was anything but, and as Derrick decides to raise his head, the pillow remains comically attached to his face from the solidified water bridging the two bodies together. The frigid alligator nonchalantly grips the pillow and nudges his jaw away— the sound of an icicle snapping resonates lightly as the weak ice breaks from his own ice-like jaw. Now separated, he aims his maw to the ceiling, cracking it open with a loud and misty yawn. He smacks his lips and finally inhales deeply, the smell of the previously announced breakfast suffocating him in the best of possible ways. Now motivated, Derrick aims his gaze at the sight of a defeated Euly.

"G'morning to ya, too", he says with a lazy smile as if he was holding back his amusement. Derrick sits up and stretches his arms, straightening his tail as he did so in order to invigorate his joints. Once he finishes his own morning routine, he offers her his hand in order to assist her back up.

"I think it's time to get our fair share of breakfast. Would you like a lift on the Polar Express, or are the legs workin' fine?" Derrick adds wittily, his hand still hovering in front of his partner. He never thought much about her laziness while being roommates— to him, it worked well as it meant more time alone when needed, alongside the fact that he could track get-togethers more efficiently. He also always enjoyed pushing her lazy button, though didn't mean it in a bad way. It was just really difficult for him to not like someone, even if they were notorious for being additional baggage. Derrick just had to avoid getting dangerously close to her fiery wrath; out of experience, he knew she was more than capable of taking him out in one swift strike.

OOC: Rapror Augustine Rapror Augustine , I totally forgot to get Luden to react about Megalo. For some reason, I only read that he was under the boat from my phone... though I'm not sure if it's within their earshot. Luden will follow Lila if you want to pick up with that. Sluggodile Sluggodile , Derrick is literally offering for Euly to ride on his shoulders!
Euly managed to peel her face up from the floor, and give Derrick a sheepish enough smile to make anyone else but the comically kind Feraligatr feel tired. "You charmer. You spoil this little thing, you know that?" Taking his hand, Euly was carefully flung onto the Feraligatr's back, narrowly avoiding the jutting spikes that ran down his spine, settling on his broad right shoulder. "Ahhh!~ You're so cool, you know that?" Euly sighed, smiling sleepily as she whipped her staff up to her hammock, sling catching on it, before bringing it down over her shoulder.

The rich, thick scent of Galfred's absolutely divine cooking wafted through the air, catching the Simisear's exceptional scent, causing her to perk up, the first genuinely interested look on her face for the past few weeks. "Oh, no he did not." she gasped, sparkling want in her eyes. "My favourite?~ And only a few days from my birthday, too, that charming little Goodra." Settling further into Derrick's shoulder, she leaned up by his ear, whispering. "But... could you do something for me before we head down to get some of that pancake-y sweetness? My garden needs a little attention. You know the way, don'tcha Derrie?" Smiling, she nestled her comparatively tiny body into Derrick, getting comfortable as she could.

"I'll need more than ahh~ a few pancakes to get through today, after all." Euly muttered, her grin fading some as her stomach demanded immediate attention.

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Arvios Arvios OOC: The garden of apples Euly's cultivating is about a minute's jog west of the base, with a faint footpath defined by the years Euly's spent walking up there to take care of it. Derrick's been there a couple times, I imagine.
Derrick Magost


Derrick tries making himself comfortable with his partner settling on top of his right side, subtly raising his shoulders a bit every time she would readjust her position. He felt her heat pressing against his icy spines every now and then, which made him slightly uncomfortable. Though it was nothing too excessive on his end, the sensation was as if he had a heat lamp aimed where she was sitting, with the warmth eventually spreading to the rest of his body. The constant icy mist that emanated from his back had ceased production from the ardor; it was almost enough to sweat, and the fact that Euly wasn't trying to minimize the feeling didn't help.

"Heh, trying to sweet talk yours truly again, arent'cha?"
he chuckles back at Euly. Before he steps out, he swiped two lanyards that were scattered in the somewhat messy room, though listened engrossedly to what the Simisear had to say.

"I s-suppose we can make a few stops before breakfast", the Feraligatr winced as she began to shift herself in a much more casual manner. He wanted to tell her about the heat sink predicament, but he understood that she didn't have that much space to work with, anyway. When he feels her body bundle up, he abruptly stops midway through the spiral stairs slightly dramatically, almost feeling her weight shift from his sudden change of pace.

"I get that I'm as cool as the other side of the pillow, but you don't want t'make yourself too comftrable. We wouldn't want for you to fall asleep."
As he fails to hold back his snickering, Derrick bursts out in laughter while he continues his climb, though soon becomes entranced by the thick aroma of the flapjacks. Even though his olfactory capabilities weren't his strong suit, he could visualize them from smell alone— they had thin, crispy sides, where the butter had deposited itself in an oasis of flavor, while their center turned out being thick and fluffy, where the contrasting texture would make every morsel seem like he was taking a bite out of a cloud from heaven. He imagined biting into a stack of four, the cooked batter melting into an array of warm flavors in combination with a spoonful of Custap jam and syrup. At this point, the dream became too real as his stomach started to rumble quite loudly, snapping him out from his vivid imagination.

He focuses on his surroundings and sees that he was already past the main door. The dim morning sun peering through the shade of the forest catches him off guard as he blocks it instinctively from his eye, lowering it only after becoming adjusted to the brightness. He briefly searches for and follows a thin desire path that appeared as a scar against the neighboring shrubbery, quickening his pace westward in hopes of claiming a plate of those pancakes before the other members bore their way through the entire supply.

OOC: Sluggodile Sluggodile , feel free to pick up from here since it's your garden! Also, purposefully misspelling "comfortable" was painful to me.
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Well thank you for telling me.” Lila answered back, dishearteningly, before continuing to listen to the rest of the Sableye’s story. When he came around to asking if there was anything to do at the moment she paused, wondering if there really was anything to do before the festivities began. She would suggest exploring the river, but Luden would want to stick near Bishop in this situation so that was out. She continued to think and ponder about this for a while, straining her brain to force something out of it. Then almost as if a wish had been granted, a voice thundered through the air, causing Lila to stumble off the stool she was sitting on and onto the ground. “Consarnit all! That’s the third time that rouge Sharpedo has done this!” An especially irate Beartic bellowed as Lila stood up from her earlier tumble. “Oh look, something for you to do.” She grumbled out as she started to walk towards the commotion.

The figure stood at the lakes bottom, able to hear all of the noise going on above. It plunged its face deeper into the aluminum sheet it tore from the Beartic’s boat, the sound of tearing metal echoing as it ripped off a smaller chunk for easier consumption. It chewed the small plate taking quick bites from it as it glanced upward with it’s shining yellow eyes, watching to movement above with curiosity and intrigue.

Arvios Arvios (so sorry it took a long time to post this, and if it’s short. When on my phone short posts look decently sized, decently sized post look long, and long posts end up looking like War and Peace.) though I guess it’s my fault more than the screen’s)
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After a short while (the Base wasn’t too awfully deep in the woods), the pair arrived at their destination- Shade carrying one of the shipment boxes, the other being dragged behind them by Riliac, who’d wrapped the box up tightly in vines. He looked behind himself- there was now a dirt trail scraped into the grass where the box had been dragged. He put his face in his hand and sighed at his stupidity, then looked back up at the otherwise immaculate cafe. It was a shame he’d messed up the grass around it, but at least they’d not gone around to the front of the building yet. Learning from his mistake, he now painfully lifted the crate off the ground (it was pretty heavy for some berries) rather than dragging it and, gesturing for Shade to follow, slithered to the front door of the building alongside him. He made his way to the counter, but nobody seemed to be there- perhaps they were in the kitchen… He’d need to find wherever the store owner was soon, the customers were giving the brothers weird looks. Not that they were to blame- why would some buddies enter a coffee shop with two huge, wooden boxes? Wanting to get these looks away, he turned his head in the direction of the kitchen door, which was just behind the counter, and called out-
“Hello? Gamma Squad protected escort delivery here- one crate of Dragonfruit and another of assorted tropical berries for the New Moon Cafe!”

OOC: OverconfidentMagi OverconfidentMagi sorry for taking so long, and Rapror Augustine Rapror Augustine , sorry for sorta taking control of Shade for a second, I just wanted to make this go by a bit quicker.
Arvios Arvios Sluggodile Sluggodile when Euly and Derrick come back, Galfred will be waiting, so if you make a post coming back to base, keep in mind there's some interaction waiting.
Luden Alston


"What was that!?" Luden choked, almost stumbling from the surprising sound just as Lila had moments before. He was now staring in the direction of the upset Beartic, his gems dazzling brightly as the rising morning sun reflected an array of colors from his eyes. To avoid becoming a distraction, he forms a scope formation with his hands, blocking out the majority of the light from the distant horizon. He was only able to see an uneven boat in the lake, one that looked like it might be in danger of sinking.

"We should go investigate"
, he says as he hops down from the chair. But then his thoughts catch up with his words; Shade and Riliac would probably not enjoy the thought of putting their younger sister in potential danger.

"On second thought, maybe it'd be best if you stay here and keep an eye out on the table. I'll go check this out." He breaks his hand binoculars and turns to face where she was previously seated, though finds only abandonment and possible future scolding. "L-Lila?"

By the time he turns around once more to face the boat, he sees her near the shore of the lake, gazing at the damaged boat with curiosity. It was difficult to make out her intention, but the Sableye decides to catch up to her in case she decided on trying something precarious.

OOC: Peppermint Patty Peppermint Patty , loud and clear. Rapror Augustine Rapror Augustine , don't worry about it— quality over quantity! I'll follow your lead here since it involves Megalo.
Euly gasps at the Feraligatr's sudden shift in movement, feeling herself nearly fall. The only thing saving her being that Derrick's shoulders were so wide in the first place. Giving him an annoyed glare, Euly sighed, purposefully blowing some hot air in his direction. "Trying to tip me over? How rude." Still, any ire she might've directed at her partner all but dissolved as he took her out the base anyways, and her regular, tame demeanor returned, along with her appreciation for being carried. Though, perhaps what made her even more appreciative of the gesture was that she could feel how much warmer she was making her partner. Can't be too comfortable, can it? She thought to herself, keeping a tab. This wasn't the first time she'd forgotten that, and she doubted it would be the last, either, but she really, really didn't want to melt this guy. He might've been too party-hardy for her, but he was kind enough to do this much for her. Plus, he wasn't that shabby a work partner, either.

However, much of those thoughts took a backseat to the feeling of bubbling excitement filling Euly's whole as Derrick dipped his head under the fronds of a familiar willow tree, and the two entered what Euly affectionately called her "Garden of Jirachi". Hopping off of Derrick's shoulders, she swept herself into the clearing before them, spinning elegantly in the hazy, lime morning light that streamed in from the canopy above. A soft trickling of a running stream around the back of the clearing was tied into the soft tweets of songbirds in the small orchard, and the rare thunk of a pristine, glistening red apple hitting the ground, so ripe its weight tugged it free of its tree's branches.

A childish grin on her face, Euly skipped to and forth, checking each of her three trees meticulously, running her palms over them, hitting them with her staff, checking for boreholes, and much more. And, at the end of it all, she made her way to the back of the clearing, washing her face in the stream.

"Ahh~, now I know we've got baths in the base, and all," she ran her fingers through her fluffy, white collar, puffing it out, "but nothing's quite like this. I'm no Simisage, but looking at this garden of mine, I'm sure I've got a green thumb somewhere in me." Offering Derrick a smile, she went about collecting any fallen apples, squashing old ones underfoot, and smushing their seeds into the earth with her toes. After collecting a whole bunch (and washing her feet off in the stream), she returned to Derrick, sling heavy with her collected gems. Popping one of the apples in her mouth, and eating it-- stem, seeds, and all-- she strode on by, gesturing for the Feraligatr to follow her back to base. "Alright pal, I've kept you from your breakfast for long enough. Let's go get them pancakes, yeah?"

- - - - -
Arvios Arvios Peppermint Patty Peppermint Patty

The door leading to the kitchen swung open as Luna practically jumped from behind it. She had on a simple cloth backpack that held her things. These were some of the pokemon she'd be working with from now on. She needed to make a good first impression.

"You're late." Coming through the door behind her daughter, Lorelei wasted no time in pointing out her delivery's tardiness. "Had I anyone capable of running this place in my absence I'd have marched over and fetched it myself. Since the two of you appear entirely unharmed, I suppose the ones meant to deliver my ingredients yesterday must have been done in on the way and you're their replacements. Send their families my sincere condolences." The sharp edge to the Gardevoir's look made it clear that she didn't for a moment believe there was any reason for the lateness beyond the incompetence of the two now before her. She smiled just a little to insincerely. "In the future I expect my deliveries to arrive on time."

"Mama, stop that!" Luna was so embarrassed. These pokemon were going to be her guildmates and her mother was already threatening them before she'd even gotten a chance to learn their names. She expected something like this from her mother, but couldn't she have waited until after she'd gotten to make a good first impression with them? "Apologies for my mother's terrible disposition, she doesn't really mean half of what she says."

The older Gardevoir raised and eye at that but otherwise let her daughter play at damage control. With a wave of her hand the lifted the two boxes from the ones carrying them and had them float off into the kitchen. At the same time a train of plates filled with food floated out of the kitchen and across the room to their respective tables. Two of the plates came to rest on the counter by the pair that had come with her delivery. Each had on it a slice of cake. One was so dark it was hard to tell how much of it was cake and how much was frosting. The other had much lighter brown cake and green frosting, with a leaf on top. "Chocolate Abyss and Forest Mint," Lorelei told them the name of the items she'd placed before them before turning and walking away to take an order from an actual customer.

Luna smiled awkwardly at the two pokemon. "E-eh... She's really not that bad usually... more or less. Oh and you don't have to eat that if you don't want to, or if you already ate. My mother seems to think giving others food makes up for her harassment." She was nervous, and that was making her ramble. "But you're from Gamma Squad right? If it isn't too much trouble could you take me with you on the way back? I just got accepted the other day, so it should be okay probably. I was told I wouldn't be doing anything until tomorrow but I'd like to look around the place and get settled in..." Rambling, stop it! "So um, yeah... Oh! My name is Luna. I can't believe I forgot to introduce myself first. Sorry." Everything was awkward, everything was embarrassing. Good first impression Luna, you really messed that one up.

Peppermint Patty Peppermint Patty
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Derrick Magost


While Euly tended through her garden, Derrick watched harmoniously as he leaned on his tail in a half sitting, half standing position, a subtle smile outlining over his maw. Although it wasn't somewhere he would comfortably call his appropriate biome, he really did enjoy the atmosphere of the garden— the sound of the stream gently flowing, alongside the cacophony overhead with the wind playing a scratchy melody with the branches. He couldn't help but give a strong, sincere nod when she complimented her own gardening. It was a peaceful getaway from the missions and city that they were all used to patrolling. Derrick had been here numerous times, but never visited the clearing unless he was asked— or accompanied —by Euly herself. Seeing as she was the one who maintained the small field, it would be best to respect it as her territory... Or at least that was the way he thought about it. Besides, it was always a treat visiting the garden when the moment asked.

Derrick's strides shortly catch up to Euly's, now walking side to side with her. The moment his partner mentions breakfast once more, he claps his palms together, with a sound similar to glass meeting glass from his ice cloaked hands interrupting the chirping in the densely leafy canopy. "And then we can head out into the big city for some festivities! Ya know, you're more than welcome t'give this gator some company every now and then," he nudges the Simisear's shoulder lightly with a weighty elbow. He already had plans laid out for meeting up with several other groups from the squad in different areas of Cherry Blossom, but whether the usually lethargic Euly would agree to join on a day like today was like a coin toss in the air.

Derrick opens the door to the main entrance of Gamma HQ, with the smell of Galfred's cooking once more making him salivate. "I may as well be a water type at this rate", he confided to the Simisear as the drool gathering in his mouth leaked out for a split moment. With a quick wipe of his arm, he finally makes it to Galfred, who he somehow didn't notice on the way out.

"You're looking as lovely as ever, Galfred. Are those new bandages?" the Feraligatr complimented, obviously trying to score an extra helping of breakfast.

OOC: Sluggodile Sluggodile Peppermint Patty Peppermint Patty
Riliac sat, coiled up, taking the abuse from the old lady reluctantly. Though they meant their best, the two were late after all, and he was just hoping that if they both withstood her passive-aggressive remarks, she’d not leave a complaint. They had, of course, had more important things to deliver recently, and this delivery was at the bottom of their priorities, but belittling her business wouldn’t do any good. Every time she left a space that called for one, he nodded grimly, his lips pursed, before what seemed to be her daughter interfered.
She was beautiful- as most Gardevoirs were said to be, but he’d not yet seen one in his life aside from her mother. In fact, now that he thought about it, he had been hearing about news of another squad member joining- and this was definitely her. He listened, a bit dumbfounded, wondering why a lady so immaculate was bothering to join the numbers of the hooligans such as himself down at the base. Something about being around her made him feel that himself and Shade were very, very ugly by comparison, and she was actually wanting to actually come with the shaggy two?- her, being escorted with these scruffy fellows? He knew deep down that he wasn’t that bad, but whatever it was about her felt otherworldly, different enough to make him feel small… It wasn’t affection, but something about her beauty just made it hard for him to speak… But if he’d just stood here without a word, he’d look dumb. So, he snapped himself out of his trance a bit and spoke back, with a shake of his head. He looked down at the food for a bit hastily shoved it in his mouth, swallowing it In one bite, so as not to look rude by turning it down. Wiping the crumbs off the sides of his mouth, he finally spoke-
“Oh- heh, erhm- well, we’re off today, aside from this, but we’re hosting the annual festival, so you could attend that with the rest of us… No problem in starting to meet people early… Tonight, the commanders could get your living space sorted out… Yeah, we can- we can escort you…”

“Oh, thank you, Derrick, you’re too kind! Yes, I have been buying these new kinds recently, I find that they’re much more absorbent… But that’s enough of me. Feel free to help yourself to as many pancakes as you’d like, I just have one thing to tell Euly and you- you’ve got new positions this year. The commander would like you both to host one storytime session for the kids, she feels you two have had entertaining stories so far this year… And she’d also like you to be our B-Rank representatives, especially when the other squads show up later in the day- make sure to answer any questions that the festivalgoers have for you while you sit at the rep’s table. And that’s about it- the timeslot you two have to host the B-class table is from 1 to 2:30, and you can choose any hour slot you’d like for your storytime. Aside from that, you’re all clear today to join in the festivities!”

Euly mused over what Derrick said, feeling a familiar feeling of boredom at the thought of heading into the city today when her birthday was in two days. Honestly, I should just take the day off, shouldn't I? she thought, smiling at the thought of spending the day sleeping and eating. As they returned to the base, though, the familiar scent of Galfred's pancakes ran her over, and her stomach practically roared for more food. "And myself a Snorlax, huh?" she responded to Derrick, feeling her own mouth filling with saliva. Though, unlike Derrick, she wasn't a drooler.

When they approached Galfred, Euly didn't bother sweet talking the germaphobic Goodra: she always ate her weight in food everyday, and had a whole schedule planned out just in case she had to leave the base. And, as Galfred continued talking, Euly felt herself drain of energy just listening to him. "Awww c'mon... You know I'm bad at telling stories, Kazuma," she moaned, taking a huge bite out of one of her apples, "sho why'd yuh have tuh give me dat job..." Sighing, she polished off the rest of the apple in one bite, crunching through it easily. "Well, besides that, I guess I don't mind doing a little work today. I have been slacking on my work, haven't I?" It was, of course, a rhetorical question. For the past week or so, Euly'd "gotten away" with shirking her work off on some of the C and D rank members who joined recently, and hadn't had a serious job since. Answering questions isn't hard work, Euly thinks to herself, absentmindedly crunching down on another apple, eating nearly half of it in a single crunch, Yeah. Not that bad.

"Guess you're stuck with me today, Derrie," Euly grins, bits of apple between her teeth. "Aren't you lucky? Anyways, let's get some breakfast big guy. I know just how you can get with these kinds of things, and I don't want you gettin' too tipsy to carry me home~," she teases, headed to the mess hall. Scooping up a huge helping of pancakes, causing a bit of a murmur to go through some of the Pokemon behind the group, particularly the women, Euly topped it with a hearty helping of thick, syrupy molasses and a smidgen square of butter on top, which sizzled from the heat rising off the stack. Plopping herself down near the door, Euly barely even sat down or waited for Derrick before digging in, scarfing down the fluffy, moist pancake stack like she'd never eaten a day in her life.

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Arvios Arvios Peppermint Patty Peppermint Patty OverconfidentMagi OverconfidentMagi OOC: The only place I've got planned out so far is to go to Lorelei's cafe. Do you want to go there first, or wait for a while? I'm sure Derrick has plenty planned for the pair to do today. :P
The young Eevee just, stared at the lake trying to see if there was anything out of place under the surface. After a while she saw something shiny at the bottom, though it was still hard to make out what it was. She leaned in closer, enough for something to easily drag her under in fact, and still couldn't see much of anything, save for a large silhouette hovering near the shiny object. Lila turned to head back to Luden, a little disappointed she didn’t see much of anything, when a short, yet loud thunk sound was heard off in the distance. The albino spun around to find the boat soaring about a good foot or so from the water, landing right in front of where she had been mere moments ago. “W-well, at least no one got hurt.” She stated out loud after gazing upon the craft and it’s incredibly dazed pilot. Looking out at the lake one last time, just to see if, something, anything could be found, only to find not a single cause for the boat to go flying like it did.

Yet the figure took its meal and drifted off up the river with its striped dorsal fin protruding from the water, the chain fused to it shimmering in the sunlight. It turned back just to see if the Beartic in the boat was alright, before returning to its course and back to where it resided.

Arvios Arvios (well that took forever on my end, but at least it’s done, short, but done. Also yea that’s kind it for Megalo until later on in the day, just so he doesn’t get thrust into Luden’s hands too soon, that and I kinda want to paint his metal munching antics as kind of a nuisance. Rant over)
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Derrick Magost

Just as he is about to wolf down a large stack of pancakes balanced on a teetering plastic fork (which he prepared during Galfred's speech), Derrick's left eye twitches compulsively at the sound of the master chef's news, all while still holding his toothy smile at the mummified dragon. He stayed there frozen as if the ice on his body had seeped into his joints, with an oily mixture of butter and syrup trickling slowly onto his held plate, eventually forming a puddle of the viscous sweetness. The disbelief that his plans for the morning had been utterly devastated was not something he was expecting. He was on the verge of snapping back at the gooey bearer of ill news, but quickly composed himself. After all, Galfred was merely the messenger. Plus, he had just delivered pancakes, which was arguably one of the best dishes that the Goodra whipped out for breakfast. He didn't mean any harm by the mantle of responsibility being passed on to them two by the commander.

As soon as Euly finished speaking, Derrick motions the fork to his jaw, filling the void in his stomach with furrowed brows and an uncommon, unsettling stare that he rarely ever wore. He tried focusing on the taste of the breakfast, but his bitterness had tainted the once delectable looking meal. Derrick forcefully swallows the lump of barely chewed flapjacks, then leaves the plate back with Galfred, following the Simisear with an aura of disappointment looming over him.

"I'm suddenly not in the mood for pancakes", he mutters with half a smirk at Euly, her previous comment completely going over his head. He was surprised that she of all people went along with the last minute change without putting much of a fight, though it may have been because Kazuma herself supervised the decision (while truthfully, her work ethic may have also reflected in her lack of resistance). Although he was sure that the commander was very knowledgeable about the happenings of the squad, he didn't want to be put in her radar any more than he was now, especially over something petty. So instead of fighting it, he tried to think... Entertaining people for two hours and a half? That was a cinch! Plus they could decide on a time to do the hour of story telling. Yes, maybe he could strategically plan everything to make matters as efficient as possible...

"Say Euly, are you up for a second course?" he asks his partner with a more uplifted tone. She looked as if she was enjoying her spoils from the cafeteria, and hated to interrupt the morning buffet. But he knew she was always up for the most fulfilling meal time imaginable, and going to their usual diner spot so that they can properly make the best of the situation seemed ideal.

OOC: Let it be known that the party gator doesn't like having party's stolen from him! Sluggodile Sluggodile , Lorelei's it is! Rapror Augustine Rapror Augustine , I'll go ahead and make a post for Luden later.
Luden Alston


"Holy moly!" cried out Luden as the boat flew across the water and crashed on the grass bordering the lake, just avoiding Lila by seconds. The Sableye runs to the Eevee to protect her from the danger that already passed, with the sound of creaking steel echoing loudly as the craft churned on its rounded hull and pointed keel. The sheared metal from the sudden attack rakes the field from the impact, and a cloud of unearthed dirt obscures the vessel as it quickly disperses over the area. For a split second, before the dirt completely shrouds his surroundings, Luden sees a glimmer in the far off distance of the lake's surface. It looked metallic, reminiscent to a piece of debris drifting away from the previous location of the boat. But there were more concerning matters at hand.

Luden, now the embodiment of anxiety itself, grabs Lila from her shoulders and shakes her subtly. "Are you okay?!" he expelled worriedly, but then instantly withdrew his claws from her, instead hovering them nervously between their bodies. "Y-You're not hurt, are you? Do you have any pain? Did any metal bits hit you? What about your sight? How many fingers am I holding up?? How's your breathing?? Why aren't you talking back?? Are you in shock??? Do you need an ambulance to take you back home?!?" He only stopped his hyperventilated verbal assault to reload it with more oxygen, until he suddenly stumbles onto the grass, with one hand on the floor stopping him from an abrupt head trauma, and the other hand over his forehead.

"S-Sorry, got a bit dizzy for a sec", he apologized, speaking once his breathing was in a much more rhythmic state. "Y-Yeah, I guess you're right... no one got hurt", he says with a hint of embarrassment, just now realizing how badly he overreacted (when Lila herself had stated that no one was hurt). He stands up for a bit and observes the damage on the ship— the destruction was substantial, though the Beartic seemed to be alright, even after that sudden impact.

"I think a report needs to be filed about this", Luden continues with a hint of opposition. "Let's... Let's go talk with the victim. I'm sure he said something about it being the third time this happens. Maybe we can get more info on whatever caused this."

He sighs as he quickly heads back to the table with his backpack, retrieving a notepad and pen. So much for spending the day out of work...

OOC: Rapror Augustine Rapror Augustine , set and ready!

Cafe Lorelei
Euly perked up at the mention of a "second course" of breakfast Derrick had made. "Do you even have to ask? Of course I do! And maybe you can get something, too," she says, poking him in the stomach, an impressed look on her face, "since, if you're able to finish all yours before me, you've got to be starving!" And so, after Euly finished her own pancakes, savoring every bite, and after she put her plate and silverware in the dirty pile on top of the trash with the rest, the pair left the base for the second time that morning.

As they walked the well-trodden forest path from Gamma Base to Cherry Blossom, Euly began to talk, interrupting the serenity of the silence between them. "So, I was thinking bud, we should just try and get the storytime done and over with 'soon as possible," she started, and having just finished an apple, trying to pick the bits of skin out of her teeth with her tongue, "so you can get to partying, and I can get some sleep in before the panel. I'll need all the energy I can muster for it, after all, since it's going to take too much outta me to tell even one of my crazy amazeballs stories of adventuring and such, even with you helping." She gave him a curious look, then asked, "You down for that?"

As she asked the question, they finally left the cover of the trees and their feet slapped against the pavement of the city proper. From there, it was a short five or so minute walk to Lorelei's Cafe, one of the best in the city without doubt. However, as the pair entered, they spied a very interesting scene: Shade and Riliac speaking with Luna, perhaps the most beautiful Pokemon Euly had seen, other than her foster sister.

"Ohoho? And what have we here?" she asks, approaching the pair of troublemaking brothers from behind-- rather, Shade was the troublemaker, and Riliac was his tagalong-- and clasping her hands on Shade's shoulder and... whatever you'd call Riliac's shoulder-equivalent. "I come by my favourite cafe to find my least favourite 'mon and his brother talking so nonchalantly with the owner's daughter?~" she cocks an eyebrow at the two, a suggestive grin decorating her face.

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OOC: Arvios Arvios Peppermint Patty Peppermint Patty OverconfidentMagi OverconfidentMagi
Derrick Magost

Derrick, following his partner's lead into the forest, hears out her suggestion. The panel with the kids would last an hour, and breakfast at Lorelei's would likely take some 20-30 minutes. He rubs an icy claw against his temple in thought... he knew there was a small Gamma get together that he promised to show up to probably in as little as 2 hours. That for now was his priority, so it seemed altogether doable, with travel time included. Even though Euly wasn't in on his schedule, her proposal sounded like the best bet for spending the early hours of the day without wasting crucial moments.

"I think that sounds doable", The Feraligatr responds with a nod at Euly, coupled with a gazing smile of excitement directed at the canopy. Everything was starting to get pieced together! The only way that this would go awry was if by some chance, something would distract the two from having a peaceful second breakfast at the diner. But what were the chances of that happening?

——— —— —

Finally, after walking through the busy city, the two make it to the homey diner. Derrick takes a deep whiff of the freshly brewed coffee and snacks that were wholly unique at Lorelei's, which, when paired with the cool breeze of the air conditioner, seemed far more welcoming to the ice type. However, the moment he steps inside behind Euly, a sudden feeling of despair drains him of his previous excitement— of all the other Pokemon that he could have stumbled upon today, he sees the one pair in Gamma that had a knack for really sparking Euly's fire. The fact of the matter was that Euly and Shade had some interesting history... Though Derrick always did his best to stay out of their affairs, their meetings would always incite some form of smart mouth remarks.

And right on cue, Derrick shakes his head and facepalms upon hearing Euly's introduction. He decided to wait to see how it would play out, nervously waving at the two while averting eye contact as he stood a few feet away from the Simisear

OOC: Sluggodile Sluggodile , before I forget, Derrick has both his own and Euly's badge for passing the Cherry Blossom barrier.

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