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Multiple Settings Plots to Peruse (mxm, semi-lit+)


New Member
Hello, welcome!

This is a place for me to post some plot ideas that keep rattling around in my brain. By no means is this a comprehensive or explicit list of what I am interested in - so if you think we match but none of these prompts do it for you, message me anyway! Maybe we can figure something out. Here are some things about me that may be helpful to know:
Some things to note:

Character preference:
If any clarification is needed, I am looking only for a mxm roleplay. I do enjoy a romantic flavor to every roleplay, but exactly how hard we lean into that is negotiable (e.g., becoming a couple vs. a couple of bros bonding)

Roleplay style: I only write in third person, past tense, and I prefer that my partner does, too.

Response length: I have always enjoyed some lengthier responses that help flesh out a plot, built character, all that good stuff. My goal is to write at least 500-700 words a post (I think have recently been hitting more in the roleplays I currently have), and I would love, love, love you if you did the same. That's not a hard rule, where I'll rip you one if you dip below every now and then, of course.

Roleplay location: I have no preference between PMs or threads.

Response Frequency: My frequency will range, but I will try to reply at least once every couple days (with more success on the weekends). I enjoy rps most when I get a post at least once a week. And if there is an occasion where I need more time away (at least a handful of days or a week), I will try to either PM or update my status to give rp partners a heads up.

*How long I'll wait before calling it quits: how I operate is I'll PM after a week of no posts if I haven't heard from you. I might do one more check in. Then, if there's been a month of no posts and no PMs, I will consider the rp abandoned and remove the roleplay from my bookmarks.
*If you have any additional questions or requests for clarification, please don't be shy! Sometimes I think of adding something and forget to.

Awesome, onward to the plot that have been plunking around in my head!

***Craving: A Dark Cleanse
Oracle x Prince/King (heads up, I am shamelessly stealing most of this plot from a videogame.)
Doom has befallen a fantasy-filled world of our choice. A darkness that had long been in slumber is unleashed, threatening to steadily creep over the land and eventually snuff out every flicker of life. Character 1 is a Prince or King of an old, strong kingdom that has ties to the legends. Scripture claims that in times of peril, the royal family can harness the power of the gods to restore peace to the world.

However, the gods are not to be woken for just any mortal problem. To protect themselves, and to also encourage humans to utilize their own agency, there is a perilous passage of Rites that must be passed before the power will be offered. The Oracle - a human who is spiritually tethered to the gods, a bridge between the world and the ethereal - is the key to the rites. Character 2, The Oracle, can either seek out the Royal himself or be approached. Together (willingly, or hesitantly), they begin to seek that which will restore their world.

One part of the rites is a closely guarded secret that only the Oracle knows. Seeking out the power is a double-edged sword that will force them both to make hard choices.

Crossing Lanes
Japanese slice-of-life, high school class, supernatural
Both our characters will be in high school. MC has been managing a secret for a long time: ever since he was a kid he realized that he could read peoples minds, given the right situations. It's something he can't control mostly - only certain things like avoiding eye contact and large crowds help. Thus managing it, he often shies away from certain people and is careful to begin friendships. And ever since he was little he thought he was the only person with a secret ability. That is until one day, when YC saves him from an accident waiting to happen, and MC realizes he's not alone anymore. Both characters are surprised and curious to find another. Eventually, they realize that they could even use their gifts to help their various classmates if they work together.
*Note: I wrote this with a thought of what sort of power the other character would have, but that is by no means set in stone. If you would like control over that, go for it!

A reluctant partnership
Non-human x human
The setting would be more fantasy-based - either medieval times or just an altered version of today's world. Humans are the dominant species and are at constant wars with monsters: creatures who have less than an established amount of consciousness and are a threat to people. Most monsters are off in the wild, but they clash often enough with villages and cities. C1, the human, would be a sort of a government supported bounty hunter, hopping from place to place to stamp out problems.

But one bad accident made him realize that even his weapons and training can't compete with the claws, size, and ferocity of some of the creatures he's tasked with killing by himself. This is where C2, the nonhuman, comes in. I am thinking there could be this sort of grey-area for species who are deemed monsters but are sentient, landing them in what's essentially prison/labor camps/what have you. C1, through either legal or illegal means, ends up striking a deal with C2. C1 will get him out of wherever he's stuck (and stuck through whatever reasons) and provide also the means to survive, in exchange for being a glorified attack dog. What starts off as a cold (perhaps C1 is a bit wary of anything non-human, given what he has seen, and C2 is wary of humans given how he's been treated) business transaction can develop into respect, trust, and eventually a romantic bond.

A Plagued Grace
Human x demon/monster (midieval/fantasy setting)
C1 is a prince, religious figure, or other high-ranking person in his village and gets a front-row seat as a sickness begins to spill over. It starts in the poorer districts, but eventually it shows no favortism: nearly every other person who gets sick dies, stone-cold to the touch in spite of fevers, curled into twisted and painful shapes in the end. Desperate, C1 decides to leave and follow the trail of an urban myth that might lead him to a creature that has the ability to cure the sickness. The only thing more surprising that C1 does indeed find C2, the creature that is his hope for a cure, but C2 is a sentient being that will not go easily.

*note: I do have a bit more of a plot thought out for this one if you are interested. Or, of course, we can build our own completely from scratch.

Human(initially) x werewolf/vampire/demon
YC was just as the wrong place at the wrong time. Whether freak chance - a drive-by shooting, hit and run, or something more man-made - or a calculated attack by a supernatural creature YC didn't even know existed, YC ends up mortally wounded and quickly fading from the world. MC discovers YC bleeding out just as he's drawn to the hubub. In a quick, desperate plea to stay alive, MC ends up using his natural abilities to change YC and safe his life. Now, YC must adapt to his new identify (i.e., being a wolf/vampire/whatever), and MC ends up as an impromptu mentor.

*Note: just like the others, we can keep this one simple and just focus on their relationship, or build it up to something more elaborate. Perhaps the attack on YC was just one of many, and now our characters both have skin in the game to find out whats going on.

Just a brief preview of the stuff I am thinking of! I will update with plots as they come to mind. As I mentioned, I love developing a world with my roleplay partner, and I would love to see what you think. These are not the only plots I am interested in either: If you have something you're craving, run it by me! I enjoy a lot of things.

Please do not hesitate to PM me! Thanks for taking the time to read all of this.
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Hi, there! I really like your idea of A Plagued Grace and would be super interested I'm it! Would you prefer to discuss over PMs?

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