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Fantasy Plots anyone? (Always open, ignore prefix)


The fucking queen.
Ah yes. I'm back writing another thread, my last one wasn't that detailed so I thought I would try again with this one.

So what you can expect from me;

1. only RP in PMs, emails, or on Skype. (Threads maybe, but I don't have Kik or discord.)

2. I write about 1-4 paragraphs each post, more if I'm feeling creative.

3. I always like to have romance in RP's, but it doesn't have to be the main point.

4. I've only done MxF, but I'm willing to try FxF or MxM.

5. I'm extremely active, and will probably reply a couple of times a day (Unless I'm busy of course, or replying to others), though I will tell you if I'll be gone for a while.

6. I love anything with a supernatural feel to it, (Demons, vampires, you name it.) but I like realistic too. Anything really. Basically any genre.

7. I prefer to play female, but I don't mind playing male either.

8. I don't mind doubling, I actually prefer it

Alright so what I expect from you;

1. Help me keep the story moving.

2. No one-liners, please. (I understand writer's block, but at least come up with something I can work with.)

3. Don't be afraid to talk to me.

4. Always be honest if you're getting bored, or if you think my reply was confusing or wanna change things up or just leave completely.

5. Have good grammar. It doesn't have to be perfect, mine isn't always either, I just wanna be able to read what you're writing.

6. Let me know if you'll be gone for longer than a week, or I will probably assume you've left or gotten bored

7. I have little limits to almost none. (Dark themes) I would prefer if you had the same.

8. Minium of a paragraph please.

So now plots, (Some ideas are borrowed.) I haven't thought of too many, but here they are! If you have any additional ideas I'd love to hear them.

1. Human x Demon

Muse A is one of the highest ranking demons. Close to none other than, the Devil himself. But the Devil has decided to leave his duties for a life on earth. So that leaves the young demon on a mission to find the next human to take his place, but one of the rules is the demon can't come back to Hell until they've changed this human into the next Devil. Muse B is just a regular human, but something about them draws the demon to them. But what happens when the transformation from human to devil doesn't work? Now the Muse A is stuck on Earth and stuck with the human. Muse B

Sorry if that was messy.

2. Step Brother x Step Sister.

Muse A and Muse B met in a coffee shop a couple of weeks ago. You guys talked, flirted, even exchanged numbers in hopes of meeting again and maybe even starting a relationship. But then it turns out that Muse A's mother is getting married to Muse B's father. So are they just going to put their feelings aside for the sake of their parents? Or continue their relationship in secret?

3. Arranged Marriage.

Muse A and Muse B have always hated each other, ever since childhood. But you were still forced to hang out together because your parents were so fond of each other. As the years grew on, your resentment towards each other just seemed to grow. So finally it was Muse A's 18th birthday everything seems to be going perfectly. Your mingling, getting gifts, and just overall enjoying the party. Until Muse A's mom decides to announce that Muse A and Muse B are getting married. How are you suppose to marry your worst enemy? Or will they actually find love in this disaster of a situation?

4. Affair (Not thought out completely.)

Muse A had been miserable in their marriage months. Constant fighting, days without talking to each other, and growing resentment. Until one day, Muse B shows up in a bar Muse A just happens to be at, you two start talking and hitting it off. He/she is everything you want. But Muse B is still married.

5. Partners (Not completely thought out)

Set in an apocalyptic future, where humans (or some other creature.) are now struggling to survive in a war between (some other creature or other humans). In result, they've taken all the healthy kids, ages 15-18, away to begin training to be a soldier in a training camp. Each is graded for Endurance, Physical Strength, Ability to Work with Others, Intelligence, and How Well You're Able to Fight. That's where Muse A comes in. He's arrogant, rude, full of himself and cocky which makes him hard to work with but physically strong and skillful at fighting. Muse B on the other hand, is a sweet and caring, as well as smart but physically weak and not as skilled. Muse A has always gotten the best grades in everything, except the Ability to Work with Others. Muse B on the other hand, has failed in everything other than Social Skills and Intelligence. As a result, the two of them are forced to work together despite their differences.

6. Anything

Literally just anything.

Pairings, (The ones in bold I'm craving):

Assasin x Target

Angel x Demon

Human x Vampire

Newly turned Vampire x Vampire

Human x Werewolf

Human x Alien

Master x Slave

Waitress/waiter x Frequent customer

Stalker x Innocent

Kidnapper x Kidnapped

Goddess x Devil

Bad boy x Good Girl

Bad Girl x Good Boy

Bad Boy x Bad Girl

God/Goddess x Human

Succubus x Incubus

Succubus/incubus x Human

Succubus/incubus x Neko

Human (or anything other creature) x Neko

Thanks for reading. Pm me if your interested or if you have your own plot ideas/ pairings! :)
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Hullo! I found your Human/Demon plot quite interesting! Although I would not be able to reply to you as often as you would to me, sorry.
I'm interested in the human X demon plot or the Arranged marriage. I'd prefer the female role,if that's alright. Pm me?
Are you still looking for roleplay partners? If so I am interested in a couple of your plots, mostly on your arranged marriage and best friend/best friend's younger sibling.
I might have some vague ideas for master x slave or waitress/waiter x regular if you are still looking! Which do you prefer?
I would love to hear them! I'll pm you :) I usually prefer master x slave but I've never done waitress/waiter x customer. So I'm up for either.
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I am actually really kind of interested in your affair idea, or possibly your kidnapper/kidnapped idea (i've done a bit like that one before), could you possibly PM me to discuss?

Also, I will be able to reply about as frequently as you, yay for the no life squad!
You seem to have a lot of people already lined up to Roleplay with, but I'm craving a good RP-er who would do a vampirexhuman and play a male vampire... let me know if you're interested!

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