It's also worth mentioning, more people have chosen PS4, as they currently lead sales by around half a million units. They also have the most total sales as a company, but seniority factors in there, as the PS1 sold a ton of units. But most of their sales are from the PS2 which is the best selling console of all time. Both the PS1 & PS2 have sold more units than the 360 (even the Wii outsold the 360).

Sony has always, will always lead in sales, and there is something behind that.
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> "Sony has always, will always lead in sales"

> "Even the Wii"

> Wii outsold PS3 by about 15 million units. 360 was behind by about half a million last I checked, with Microsoft's system leading for quite a while after the FIVE HUNDRED NINETY NINE US DOLLARS meme was spawned.


I don't think leading in sales really means much. It's much more important that it's at a competitive level. If you're in second and only trailing behind by a small amount the software will still come so long as the interest in purchasing titles is there. Drove quite a few developers to put up with all the weird workarounds they had to put in for PS3's cell architecture, after all. Then there's Nintendo's weird scenario where the Wii sold gangbusters but software sales weren't great outside of first-party since so many people bought it for Wii Sports and shelved it. Console races aren't quite as black and white as people like to believe sometimes.

Poor Wii U never had a chance though. Sales definitely drove off the devs there, among multiple other reasons.
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Best just to the get the one with the most games you like/want on it or features like VR/ Kinect etc.. Probably a list on Wikipedia or on the internet somewhere and then just check reviews.
Who needs a ps4 when the best game ever is on ps2?

I got an XBOX, so... XBOX.

Honestly though, comes down what you're looking for in a console. I got the XBOX mainly for the Halo: Master Chief Collection and Halo 5. Plus I really like the online multiplayer experience on the XBOX. 
I would say Playstation. I own a PS4 and Xbox One, and in all honestly, I find my self using the PS4 far more than the Xbox. Not only for the graphics but also for the quick movement controller and touch pad.
Before I try and get some sleep, I'd like to point out how amazing it is that the PCMR has not taken over this thread with their stories of Steam sales and 1080p GPUs.

Here's a meme of mine, for the fools here.

Glorious Gaming Race.jpg

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