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Fantasy Pirates of the Abyss Characters (OPEN)



Axolotl be back
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Welcome to the Character sheets for “Pirates of the Abyss”, a space themed fantasy pirate Roleplay.

Be a pirate, one that doesn’t sail the ocean, but instead travels the deep depths of space.

At one point pirates sailed the open seas, doing illegal acts for profit. Times changed and many pirates lived on land amongst the common folk. However, it has been multiple generations since that time.

Earth is a husk of its former self long abandoned and decayed after a large war (roughly 12 maxind ago). It has been reclaimed and overgrown by nature. Most animals of earth that are alive today are bred and domesticated as they needed to have a place to live where the air was not radiated.

it has been found that many creatures of fantasy were real, but long ago they fled the planet, hiding within the surfaces of other planets so the humans wouldn’t continue to try and ruin their lifestyles like they always seem to do. One creature for example, the dragon, doesn't stop growing until it dies. Nowadays there are some that can be found wrapped around planets like how the rings of Saturn used to be.

Humans are turning into a lost race as they have chosen to mate with other species and are becoming hybrids, they are very compatible with many humanoid races. The pure humans are thinning out as time goes by due to their planet’s near extinction and are used as exotic living trophies that are managed to be found for purposes of mating or as pets. In truth the humans don’t like this and consider it to be very humiliating and degrading, even though they have done the exact same to other species and races over the years.

There are flying ships commonly amongst the skies, space, and other planets. The way of the pirate has reverted back to the way it used to be: stealing goods transported from one planet to another in order to survive on their own. Then bartering the rest to make a profit. Though there is no single agreed upon currency, materials have value.

Technology is valued as a highly needed resource and many have chosen to go the route of body augmentations to improve their bodies beyond what it was naturally capable. However some still wish to keep their bodies free from electronics as to keep themselves ‘pure’

There is no large body of government as it is too difficult to keep watch of the vastness of space. However, there are many planet based governmental militias that are asked to watch the depths around the planets. They are usually paid through food and top notch augmentations in order to help them with their bounties.

Different magic origins

Jupiter: Enchanted Relics, mixed with science and mana charge creates mana weapons

Venus: mana body charge attacks, mixed with science makes modulations.

Mars: tomes and runes

Earth: Elemental Magic, mixed with science, creates other elements

Scrappers: kill others and take their body modifications to barter as whole items to other people.

Scavengers: take old broken down ships and sell/modify the parts for a higher value.

Looters: tend to leave the other ship’s crew alive while taking vital supplies.

Militias: bounty hunters that are sent after people by planetary governments in order to bring a form of justice. They may prefer to bring back the person, either dead or alive depending on the mission at hand.

Hostiles: tend to take in entire ships and use the crews electronics and flesh for their own use. They try to make use of everything and auction off the remains.

Friendlies: wonderers that can make their own supplies and don’t necessarily need to trade. They act friendly, yet cautious around other ships. They have no intent to harm or help others.

Marketeers: they are mostly friendly and only want to trade goods with others. They aren’t big on confrontation and prefer to stay amongst themselves, but dont mind occasionally trading with the other types. They may offer other services than just trading.

Adventurers: they do not steal and usually have a positive upbringing that gives them enough wealth to explore the universe. They may ally with the other types of pirates in order to get materials and food.

you must ask to be a hostile or a scrapper

making a space rp where the earth is gone, I quickly realized that most time measurement forms are relative to the cycle around the sun so they dont exactly make sense to use on other planets.

Had to come up with a standard measurement for time and space

Seconds minutes and hours work still but anything later does not, so I decided to have it continue with the trend of multiplying by sixty. Kinda like how the mentric system goes up by adding zeroes.

So im thinking

Second (as usual)

Minute (as usual)
(60 seconds)

Hour (as usual)
(60 minutes)

Magnute (big in latin but messed with a little)
(60 hours) (2.5 earth days)

Maiour (bigger in latin messed with a little)
(60 magnutes) (150 earth days) (roughly 5 earth months)

Maxind (biggest in latin messed with a little)
(60 Maiours) (300 earth months) (25 earth years)


Infinitum (literally infinity in latin.)
(Used to say its been so much time I lost track)

Im calling it the Standardized space time management system (not to be confused with spacetime)
Feel free to use it so long as you credit me for making it

Astral hawk: one man ship mainly for travel purposes

Port craft: 3 or 4 man ship

Star Cutter: 5


Merchant quadrant: 15 people

Starts to have rooms

War quadrant: about 25 people fit on this

Merchant station: 30

War frigate: 50

Grand frigate: 75

Tzar: 125

Battleship: 175, heavily armed on deck

Starts carrying other ships
Starcraft Carrier: 300

Carries multiple ships at once
Dreadnaut: 500. Heavily armed on deck

Relay station: 3,000 people max, where people go to trade and do other things

Nomad Module: 50,000 people max, people live here to avoid living on a planet, they are highly protected.

the biggest ship you can start with is a scout, for others you will need special permission

Please wait for your character to receive a like from me before you begin roleplaying.

remember to follow the other 2 threads alo with this one so you know whats going on in it.

everyone is equipped with a lightweight spacesuit built specifically for them with augmentations in mind

you need permission to start as a human or a hostile.
Character sheet:


Age bracket:


Body type:





Pirate classification:


Other important info:

Faceclaim or description:
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Character sheet:

Name: Robert Green

Age bracket: younger adult

Height: 5’9”

Body type: semi muscular

Weight: 250lbs

Species: human-elf hybrid

Backstory: his great grandparents moved to mars along with 500 other humans shortly before the nuclear destruction of earth and came across a large tribe of elves. They blended in well so they were mistaken for another colony, the only differences between them were smaller ears, larger bodies, and rapid aging. His grandfather managed to find an elf that didn't mind spending the rest of her life with him and died peacefully after having a son. This son, (Robert’s father) seemed to be a prodigy among elves, though his age was still going by fast. He was with many women, including Robert’s mother who was a high elf. She was later banished from the tribe, as she broke the natural order of the martian elves and broke the royal line with a bastard child. She then raised robert on her own, they had to loot and scavenge to get by.

Alignment: chaotic neutral

Pirate classification: scavenger

Augmentations: detachable artificial ears, scanning eye, tool hands, bio jetpack, springboard ankles, shock resistant feet, artificial male organ,
Faceclaim or description:

Character sheet:

Name: Chrom

Age bracket: young adult

Height: 7’6’’

Body type: thick broad and muscular

Weight:850 lbs

Species: Arch angel

Backstory: after a large portion of his race was lost on Jupiter during the demon wars, chrom sought life away from his home planet and away from his horrid memories, crippling PTSD tends to surge his biological systems often making high risk situations even more dangerous. though being an arch angel, his brutality in war is often seen as ruthless aggression. On Jupiter as the demon wars started the arch angels experimented on living tissue in order to match and even exceed demonic strength, although all others died chrom survived his transformation and fought. As the only warrior surviving he left Jupiter in order to erase the horrific history of the war, knowing his lifespan would long surpass his friends and family.

Alignment: lawful good

Pirate classification: marketeer

Faceclaim or description:0A0EA757-3895-461A-BD00-D90B915CD9E4.jpeg

Augmentations: vastly increased reaction modules, high capacity strength, collapsible high velocity wings, high speed target acquisition, sixth sense sensors, extensive combat database. Organ regeneration nanites and a self sustaining antimatter heavily armored core, slight magic resistance but not much, and capable of puttin images of his memories into others minds. His armor has a slight diamond film over the top of it due to Jupiter’s rain being molten diamond offering extreme physical resistance. Hyper sensitive memory catalog
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-Character Sheet-
Name: Fauna Kanin

Age bracket: Young Adult

Height: 5"

Body type: petite Semi-muscular

Weight: 60kg

Species: Rabbitfolk

Backstory: Fauna comes from a secluded tribe of proud rabbit folk located in the forests of Elvira a lush planet located 3 solar systems from Earth. She has little knowledge of the universe outside her own planet and home village. One day a ship crashed into the planet near her home shattering its debree through the forest. Fauna came across it one day when she was out scavenging for edible plant life to bring back to her tribe, immediately it amazed her, filled with things she'd only read about. Her people do not travel the vastness of space so she had never encountered a ship before, her village receives electronics coming via shipments that only the doctors and mechanics were about to visit. She was immediately enchanted by all the beautiful machinery. Eventually she stumbled across scavengers' rummaging through her beautiful secret, they showed her a new way of life one she only dreamed about. She ran off in the night to join them, after that it was a pirates life of her.

Alignment: Chaotic good

Pirate classification: Scavenger

Augmentations: She was born blind so the doctors created mechanic eyes that allowed her to see, later she was able to hack into them so she could always find valuable items suited to her needs at the time. Since she was always planet bound her whole life her legs were not suited to space, she had to have her knees reconstructed and enhanced to allow her to maneuver the same way she could at home.

Other important info: She's still learning the wonders of space so some things she may not quite understand. However she's became the mechanics apprentice on board her old ship now knowing a vast knowledge on automany augmentation allowing her to modify and install mechanics onto people around her.

Face claim or description: On top of her head are two fluffy ears that for the most part lay softly around the sides of her face, she has wide hips and well build muscular legs that allow her to to maneuverer way like a rabbit would, large bounces, fast running speed, ect. She has the classic rabbit tail the same color as her ears. She wears a big cropped bomber jacker that looks a little too big, its got more pockets than you can imagine. She wears a pair of distressed shorts with a utility belt filled with little bags and tools, as well as straps along her chest and legs that allow for even more carrying compacity as well as a pair of worn down boots that look a little bit to big for her feet with calf socks that never seem to stay up. (I plan on maybe drawing her outfit if I can be bothered but for now I had to just describe it since I couldn't find anything similar to what I was looking for online.
183909493_4207819665929035_7141565982514933432_n.jpg tumblr_4409f2ae9d657f9e125beb3bb5a46791_90bf3f09_2048.png Some photo references for her general appearance
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Name: Demetrius Tau

Age bracket: Middle Aged

Height: 6'1''

Body type: Lean/Toned Muscular

Weight: 190

Species: Human

Backstory: Demetrius was born aboard a deep space trade port at the fringe of the milky way galaxy. His mother was a prominent merchant who instilled in her son a keen business sense and impeccable ability to read people. His father was a crack pilot who was away from home more often than not. Whenever he returned to port, however, he told Demetrius fantastic tales of his adventures in space. Shortly after his 10th birthday, Demetrius' mother fell ill and passed away while his father was in another sector. Not wanting his son to grieve for his mother alone, Demetrius' father paid for a friend of the family to escort the young boy to him so that the pair could travel the galaxy together. Sadly, the shuttle was attacked by slavers during transit and Demetrius was taken captive. He spent the next fifteen years of his life as a slave to a mob boss who used the human for everything from prostitution to smuggling as well as a guinea pig for untested augmentations. When Demetrius was twenty six, a gang shootout gave the slave his chance to escape on one of the bosses personal Star Cutters. Demetrius spent the next decade searching for his father and stealing what he needed to survive. With the help of Archie, an A.I interface installed within an implant attached to Demetrius' brain stem, he has stayed one step ahead of other pirate crews and local governments for years all while searching for information about his father.

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Pirate classification: Looter

Augmentations: Demetrius has an experimental implant attached to his brain stem that houses an A.I known as Archimedes 2 (He prefers Archie). Archie is able to connect to the ships systems for maintenance and navigation. It is also capable of not only enhancing Demetrius' reflexes and precision with weaponry, but can also take control of his movements if the A.I deems such an action necessary. Augmented ears work to enhance his hearing and also work as a translator for most known languages. Adrenal augments allow for short bursts of enhanced strength, though prolonged use can lead to organ damage.

Other important info: Demetrius had his augmented ears formed to look like elf ears as a means of hiding the fact that he is actually human. Archie's module is capable of being used as a communication device and has a port that allows for direct access to other computer systems.

Faceclaim or description:
Just imagine him with metal elf ears lol.
Character sheet:

Name: Irina

Age bracket: elderly

Height: 5’4”

Body type: frail

Weight: 120

Species: High Elf

Backstory: she once lived among other elves on Mars in a small tribe. When she was an infant, humans came from the dying planet of earth. she watched them grow two generations of hybrids while she grew to be middle aged. One of the fast growing hybrids caught her eye as he was a prodigy, and she went against the planet’s law to be with him. They ended up having a child out of wedlock, and because of this, she was banished along with the baby. She went on may adventures mostly trying to survive and now is taken care of by the child she raised, for she is now old and her child is a young adult.

Alignment: neutral good

Pirate classification: scavenger

Augmentations: retractable claws, cybernetic joints that turn 360°, replacement hips, detachable ears that increase hearing and translate languages, steady hands.

Other important info: mother of Robert Green. She is a great pilot and navigator.

Faceclaim or description:
Character sheet:

Name: Seraphina Green

Age bracket: older teen

Height: 5’6”

Body type: slim

Weight: 130lbs

Species: 3/4 human 1/4 elf

Backstory: was abducted at a young age by a hostile named Raymond and was chosen to live because she was human and would likely be able to bear him a child. After almost a Maxind, conception was successful, though it cost her a shattered pelvis, 2 broken femurs, and a few broken vertebrae in her spine, paralyzing her from the waist down. She was told that without augmentations, she would never walk again, however Raymond wouldnt allow it because he wanted her to stay ‘pure’ so she lived in pain for many Maiour Until she was rescued by her half brother, Robert With the help of Chrom.

Alignment: lawful neutral

Pirate classification:in between scavenger and scrapper

Augmentations: none at the moment.

Other important info: in need of leg and spine augmentations. She looks like a pure human, though she ages like an elf.

Faceclaim or description:
Name: james Williams

Age bracket: young adult

Height: 5'11

Body type: medium build

Weight: 210 lbs

Species: 1/2 human 1/2 orc

Backstory: was born into a pretty normal family until james was only 11, his dad died in accident when piloting a ship. ever sense then his family was poor, his mother had to work 2 jobs and almost was never home. when james was 15 his older brother left, he said he would come back with the money to help james and his mother live comfortably. after three years of waiting james finally decided to go looking for his brother and hopefully make some money along the way.

Alignment:chaotic neutral

Pirate classification: scraper

Augmentations: none right now

Other important info: learned not to trust others that easily

Faceclaim or description:1621055617201.png
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Sorry, Pyrotechnical1 Pyrotechnical1 but pure humans are rare to find in this rp and we already have a majority of characters with human dna, can you make it something similar to a human?
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Name: Daytona Montoya

Age bracket: middle age

Height: 5’5

Body type: muscular

Weight: 180

Species: drow

Backstory:he grew up planet Rhodes, a planet full of life with mountains deserts and the frozen tundra of the Arctic south. The planet has a odd western like look. Daytona’s parents died at a young age. He eventually found his way into a bandit camp at 12 and they accepted him in teaching him everything they knew. He followed them until one day they came to a village and slaughtered everyone there even the women and children. He tried to get them to stop killing till one child was left. As the leader drew the gun he stepped Infront and said he’ll have to shoot him to kill The child. As he pointed the gun at him he drew is revolver and headshot him watching his body fall. The rest of the bandits stared in shock. Daytona lowered his gun, Grabbed the child’s hand and ran out of there. After that he became a bounty hunter. And that child is now his daughter, her name is hope Montoya. Daytona is now on the hunt for a man named Raymond, his crimes are unspeakable but the reward is a elephant tusk.

Alignment:neutral evil

Pirate classification: looter scrapper

Augmentations: general eye scanner. Nitro booster speed mana powered legs, variable zoom right eye

Other important info: from planet Rhodes western cowboy mountain desert and arctic planet type home to mostly drow some tabaxi in the desert region

Faceclaim or description:

He has a long black beard down to his chest, long black hair down to his shoulders, wears black trench coat black shirt, black pants, a black cowboy hat with a bright vibrant red cobra wrapped around the hat, black boots with gold accents .his eyes are blood red. On his right arm he has a tattoo that’s maroon red that seems to be some kind of ancient writing.
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Name: Atom

Age bracket: does not age but is older than most life in the universes.

Height: 9 feet (normally)

Body type: Ergonomic

Weight: 500 Ib (fluctuates)

Species: Nanobots, (A’To made) was once created in a lab by one of the first civilizations and have since evolved, and no longer identifies with his creators or his original body.

Backstory: During the dawn of his existence, he strived to infect his homeworld and succeeded. since then, he has evolved to appreciate unpredictability and is no longer trying to infect things he still leaves his mark on every planet he visits, he now continues to explore the universe for fun.

Alignment: chaotic neutral.

Pirate classification: Friendlies

Augmentations: everything is comprised of nanobots

Other important info: he is a walking component module, and a synthesizer mixed together with the added bonus of being able to create organic materials. He has not designed himself for magic.

Faceclaim or description:

In order (a form he takes, size comparison, his nanobots, and his homeworld)
Ace or 26-1-0
Age bracket:
200-400 years
Body type:
210 lbs
Zul'Ra Remnant
26-1-0 was created as part of a new line of war machines called Remnants by the Zel'Ar Empire to help secure victory over the rebellion growing in their system, located 5 systems away from Earth. Made with the ability to think, but restrained to keep them docile, 26-1-0 and its siblings proved effective against the ragtag forces arrayed against their creator, forcing them to retreat from every encounter. However, victory was short lived as the war came to a close when the rebels detonated nuclear warheads inside every Zel'Ar city in the entire system. Within minutes, what was once known as the Zel'Ar and their empire became nothing more than dust and ashes floating in space. 26-1-0, having been on a solo patrol far from base, came back to find a crater for a home. For the next 200 years, 26-1-0 lived their life alone on the barren capital world of Zul'rar, trying desperately to find something to live for now that it was the last of not only its kind, but of the entire Zul'Ra civilization. In its search for purpose, 26 found ancient literature telling tales of those who would sail the once blue seas as some kind of lawless rebel. 26 found this to be exactly what it needed, a chance to restart, and become exactly what they wanted to be, not what they had been designed for. It took another 200 years to successfully find and repair a spacefaring vessel, one of the rebels ramshackle Star Cutters, and to find the remains of his siblings, giving them graves and names. It also made an extra grave, as 26-1-0 had technically died in the extinction. From then on, Ace would be the one giving the orders out in the void sea!
True Neutral
Pirate classification:
-Body is entirely synthetic and slightly projectile resistant, can be repaired
-Right arm is capable of shifting into a small fire cannon, though this is for emergencies and must be either replaced afterwards
-Face is a screen, able to project images onto its surface but can be shattered with enough force, causing a repair to be necessary
-Has an internal heads-up display, giving better accuracy when firing weapons, but is only a slightly better then normal. This also provides a link with a registered ship, but only for a certain distance from the ship.

The Hope of the Zul'Ra
Name: death aka the reaper

pirate type: scrapper/ militia

height 5’6”
Age bracket: very old yet young adult

weight 250

build: extremely muscular

alignment: chaotic neutral

race: nephillim ( known for unnatural strength and speed due to being the offspring of angels, also known as the fallen for their race being almost extinct for being a threat to the balance of light and dark. Only 4 remain alive.

weapons : swords and a scythe, prefers to keep the scythe hidden in a non material plane and can summon it

resistances: very high magic resistance, decent physical resistance

has a horse , undead shire with miss hanging over the skull hiding most of the bone around the body almost acting like skin

He wears a skeletal mask to hide his face
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Name: Valen Vice

Age bracket: Middle Age

Height: 5'8

Body type: Lean and Cut

Weight: 190lbs with gear

Species: Enclave (Rare humanoid species with gray/metallic colored skin, said to be quick as the wind.)

Backstory: Being an Enclave on his planet meant your life was going to be harsher than any other native. Often the Enclaves stayed out of war and other conflicts, however their settlement was the hotspot for both. The Enclave settlement is the center of a large continent, where the terrain was very rocky, pale and dry, apart from some springs. This is where every major war had taken place with no regard for the inhabitants. The Enclave settlement was surrounded by the warring factions, and constantly destroyed and disregarded as collateral, which left what people were left in poverty. By the age of 17, Valen was ready to leave his dump of a home. Many years of contemplation and planning lead him to venture out. The constant reminder of the Enclave settlement's horrible condition gave him few options. It was either dying out here, or dying up there. He left home and made his way to the more wealthy neighboring cities, where through 4 years of hardships, was given the body modification he needed to truly escape. With a new pair of lungs and a stolen ship, he was gone without a trace, and began his new life in the stars.

Alignment: Neutral Evil

Pirate classification: Friendly

Augmentations: Prosthetic lungs to breathe oxygen, whereas before he could not. Highly durable mechanical left arm, starting at the elbow.

Other important info: Being an Enclave, his reaction time and physical speed are increased dramatically. He has a southern cowboy-esque twang with a semi-deep voice. His handgun fires with more power than a typical weapon of its size. It can extend the barrel to increase exit velocity, and behave more like a sniper rifle by allowing it more range. He has a strong distrust for Scrappers, and calls Scavengers clunkers.

Faceclaim or description: Underneath his scarf is a gasmask with glowing lenses that he hardly ever takes off.
Port Craft (Stolen): Shoebox

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