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Axolotl be back
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Be a pirate, one that doesn’t sail the ocean, but instead travels the deep depths of space.

At one point pirates sailed the open seas, doing illegal acts for profit. Times changed and many pirates lived on land amongst the common folk. However, it has been multiple generations since that time.

Earth is a husk of its former self long abandoned and decayed after a large war (roughly 12 maxind ago) It has been reclaimed and overgrown by nature. Most animals of earth that are alive today are bred and domesticated as they needed to have a place to live where the air was not radiated.

it has been found that many creatures of fantasy were real, but long ago they fled the planet, hiding within the surfaces of other planets so the humans wouldn’t continue to try and ruin their lifestyles like they always seem to do. One creature for example, the dragon, doesn't stop growing until it dies. Nowadays there are some that can be found wrapped around planets like how the rings of Saturn used to be.

Humans are turning into a lost race as they have chosen to mate with other species and are becoming hybrids, they are very compatible with many humanoid races. The pure humans are thinning out as time goes by due to their planet’s near extinction and are used as exotic living trophies that are managed to be found for purposes of mating or as pets. In truth the humans don’t like this and consider it to be very humiliating and degrading, even though they have done the exact same to other species and races over the years.

There are flying ships commonly amongst the skies, space, and other planets. The way of the pirate has reverted back to the way it used to be: stealing goods transported from one planet to another in order to survive on their own. Then bartering the rest to make a profit. Though there is no single agreed upon currency, materials have value.

Technology is valued as a highly needed resource and many have chosen to go the route of body augmentations to improve their bodies beyond what it was naturally capable. However some still wish to keep their bodies free from electronics as to keep themselves ‘pure’

There is no large body of government as it is too difficult to keep watch of the vastness of space. However, there are many planet based governmental militias that are asked to watch the depths around the planets. They are usually paid through food and top notch augmentations in order to help them with their bounties.

Different magic origins

Jupiter: Enchanted Relics, mixed with science and mana charge creates mana weapons

Venus: mana body charge attacks, mixed with science makes modulations.

Mars: tomes and runes

Earth: Elemental Magic, mixed with science, creates other elements

Scrappers: kill others and take their body modifications to barter as whole items to other people.

Scavengers: take old broken down ships and sell/modify the parts for a higher value.

Looters: tend to leave the other ship’s crew alive while taking vital supplies.

Militias: bounty hunters that are sent after people by planetary governments in order to bring a form of justice. They may prefer to bring back the person, either dead or alive depending on the mission at hand.

Hostiles: tend to take in entire ships and use the crews electronics and flesh for their own use. They try to make use of everything and auction off the remains.

Friendlies: wonderers that can make their own supplies and don’t necessarily need to trade. They act friendly, yet cautious around other ships. They have no intent to harm or help others.

Marketeers: they are mostly friendly and only want to trade goods with others. They aren’t big on confrontation and prefer to stay amongst themselves, but dont mind occasionally trading with the other types. They may offer other services than just trading.

Adventurers: they do not steal and usually have a positive upbringing that gives them enough wealth to explore the universe. They may ally with the other types of pirates in order to get materials and food.

you must ask to be a hostile or a scrapper

making a space rp where the earth is gone, I quickly realized that most time measurement forms are relative to the cycle around the sun so they dont exactly make sense to use on other planets.

Had to come up with a standard measurement for time and space

Seconds minutes and hours work still but anything later does not, so I decided to have it continue with the trend of multiplying by sixty. Kinda like how the mentric system goes up by adding zeroes.

So im thinking

Second (as usual)

Minute (as usual)
(60 seconds)

Hour (as usual)
(60 minutes)

Magnute (big in latin but messed with a little)
(60 hours) (2.5 earth days)

Maiour (bigger in latin messed with a little)
(60 magnutes) (150 earth days) (roughly 5 earth months)

Maxind (biggest in latin messed with a little)
(60 Maiours) (300 earth months) (25 earth years)


Infinitum (literally infinity in latin.)
(Used to say its been so much time I lost track)

Im calling it the Standardized space time management system (not to be confused with spacetime)
Feel free to use it so long as you credit me for making it

Astral hawk: one man ship mainly for travel purposes

Port craft: 3 or 4 man ship

Star Cutter: 5


Merchant quadrant: 15 people

Starts to have rooms

War quadrant: about 25 people fit on this

Merchant station: 30

War frigate: 50

Grand frigate: 75

Tzar: 125

Battleship: 175, heavily armed on deck

Starts carrying other ships
Starcraft Carrier: 300

Carries multiple ships at once
Dreadnaut: 500. Heavily armed on deck

Relay station: 3,000 people max, where people go to trade and do other things

Nomad Module: 50,000 people max, people live here to avoid living on a planet, they are highly protected.

the biggest ship you can start with is a scout, for others you will need special permission

everyone is equipped with a lightweight spacesuit built specifically for them with augmentations in mind
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//if you wish to inquire joining please take it to the character sheets thread linked Here
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Out in the depths of space lies an asteroid roughly a quarter the size of earths moon. On this asteroid lies a small banged up scout. Lights flicker and dust has settled for what seems like a while. Another ship, known as a port craft pulls up next to the ship. Dust flies and after a few minutes settles back to the position it was once in. The hatch opens up and a person climbs out of it with a smile on his face. He starts to whistle a tune as he boards the dustly old ship, though it cant be heard in the soundless depths.

he walks over and climbs aboard looking around the old thing, “this is a mighty fine piece of work.“, he admires the craftmanship and enters through the airlock, “The airlock is even working correctly.” He allows his face covering to open up as he breathes in the air. “Smells fresh too, so its working mightly fine. Could get something good for the purifier”, he puts his covering back on and allows his personal airlock to lock In place.

he starts whistling again as he extends his fingers, causing his tool hands to unfold. he gets to work removing the air purifiers from the ship one by one. He notices an alarm going off and goes into one of the electronic panels to hack and disable it, “dont worry, you dont need this anymore, ittl go to a good home soon.”
Gabriel117 Gabriel117
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As chrom hears his alarm, checks his electrical panel and heads towards the air purifier, he notices the figure thinking he’s surprisingly small, follows quietly, quickly spinnin the man around,he stares down “ BLASPHEMY”! He snatches the purifier out of roberts hands “I haven’t wasted thirteen years on this forsaken rock to have a little elf boy ruin my pride and joy!” He states angrily slightly jabbing a large bio mechanical finger in his chest. Moving his new found acquaintance aside and replacing the stolen parts.
Robert yelps in fear as he was turned around. He didn’t expect anyone to be there, let alone this behemoth of a cyborg. As he looks up he sees the man‘s abdomen and then looks up to the guy’s face, “hey! I- uh... didnt know you were here... I thought this ship was abandoned. I-Im a scavenger, i meant no harm.”
Chrom looks back at the elf, looking him over once or twice, moving roberts head around looking at his features “where are you from boy?” He steps back looking at the augmentations, lifting the elf’s arms and looking at his hands “ such flimsy augments wouldn’t survive my planet, how far have you traveled?”
“if you mean my planet of origin, its Mars. And you were right about me being an elf”, he subtly tries to get out of the man’s grasp as he tilts his head. And when the large man steps back, he also steps back. “Ive been meaning to upgrade them and get an exoskeleton suit”, he rubs his shoulder and chin where his head was held, “but until then, Ive been just avoiding planets with a high enough gravity to crush me”, he looks up and down at the man and tries to look at his eyes, but only finds the glowing slits. He scans the man, “so where are you from”, he already knows the answer from the scan’s diagnosis, but he asks anyway to be polite.
“ Jupiter” chrom saddens slightly. “ sadly there are few of my kind left” he looks around the ship “ you said you are a scavenger, is there any chance you have an ion core for these engines, it’s the last piece I need but I have not the means to make it. I have a box of spare parts I am willing to trade.”
“An Ion core? Those can be hard to stumble across.“, he thinks for a second, “I have a mini synthesizer on my craft, but I dont know if it’s big enough to syth a core that large. If you have the materials, the least I could do is let you use it.”,
Chrom walks down the corridor and picks up a fairly large metal box “ there’s lots of plutonium in here, such parts were decommissioned from what I understand, leading me to believe that these parts would be worth a lot” he places the box on the ground revealing parts in pristine condition “ with this ship being an early model I bet there’s some collectors that would bid quite high in an auction.”
“Yes”, Robert agrees with the man, “when I first saw the ship, a few days ago. I thought i was crazy for a moment. Had to circle the asteroid a few times just to make sure i was seeing it right. I though I had finally hit the jackpot.”, he frowns, “I suppose it was too good to be true like I initially thought.”, he looks at the parts one by one, “I wouldnt break most of this down if I were you. You could be living rich on a planet with natural air if you sold this stuff. However, if you have some duplicates, of course, they could be broken down with a component module before i synthesize you a core..“, he looks at the engine where the core goes, “you said you’ve been here for 13 jupiteran years, thats quite a while. my mother was a child at the time of your arrival...”
“ I’m afraid I’ve never had fresh air, although I am curious I have no need for it. Perhaps breaking up these part would serve some good, except for the fact that I have no other way off this rock” he stops and thinks for a few seconds “ how old is your mother now?”
“roughly Sixty martian years. She is middle aged for an elf.“, he coughs as he thinks about the air quality of some planets he has been on, “why do you ask?”
Robert looks up at him in awe, “You are older than some of the gods my mother’s people used to worship.”, he stops for a moment, “you mentioned being from jupiter... there are not a lot of your people left, are there?”
“No, there was a war. We called the creatures we fought against ‘demons’ for that’s what we saw, depictions in our old legends told us about their arrival and we ignored it. My body is a product of experiments, and I am the only one to survive. Most of my planet was wiped out and our last city is embedded in rock. I left after winning the war so I could erase the memories of war throughout our history. When I return life will have gotten back to the surface”. He turns around and pulls a massive 6”5’ sword with a 5 inch wide blade an inch thick out of a hidden box “I’d prefer not to use this until it’s an emergency, I can emit incredibly large amounts of energy out of this blade, many people believe magic is dead yet this blade proves otherwise”
“It really has been a while since you have interacted with people hasnt it. Magic isn't dead.“, he pulls out a handle that looks like its missing a blade, “You might wanna try something more lightweight, like this.“, he tosses it to him, “it’s blade grows depending on how much energy you focus into it. They are quite common nowadays”, he pulls out a second one and begins to focus into it. The blade appears made of pure mana energy and grows to 2 ft long, “its quite easy to use”, he makes it fluctuate between 5 and seven feet. “Your relic might look cool and gigantic, and it might even sell to a museum for a lot, but its pretty much junk compared to the standard.”
Chrom touches the tip of is blade to roberts energy sword, emits pure lightning out of it and shorts it out “ancient yes” he holds the sword straight out in front of him arcing energy throughout the entire ship turning it on for about two minutes before stopping “junk? No..” and turns toward the exit “where is this synthesizer you spoke of”
Robert waves his hands at the mana lightning, “wow, a lot of energy leaks from that thing... you will see what i mean later I suppose..”, he makes sere his astral mask is secured before walking out to the deck and onto the asteroid. “This way to my ship”, he says jumping on his deck and using mini grappling hooks on his tool hands to pull himself to the ground, “Its right inside”, he presses a button that opens the door, “head on in”
Chrom walks watching Robert pull himself along “ interesting, if the machin I brought from home works I may be able to upgrade those for you” he thinks for a moment before watching the door open “ or perhaps I should wait to see what the universe has to offer”
“That would be nice, but i dont see why you should do that, i mean i just busted your ship a bit”, he walks in the ship leading the cyborg, “be careful not to bump your head”, he takes him over to a machine the size of a baby grand piano, “this is the synthesizer. It will create something using magic and base component, and this”, he points to a second machine, “is the component module. It will break down anything you put inside it to it’s base components”
“ these are new, I don’t recall the base components of an ion reactor” he puts a piece of his scrap parts into the component module. As the machine whirs and hums slowly putting it small parts into a metal tray Chrom stares “ when did this happen, is this machine recent?” He looks around the ship at all the gadgets he doesn’t recognize “ all this must be new”
“They’ve been around as long as I can remember. Ever since I was a child, these things have been on relay stations and nomad modules all around”, Robert thinks for a few seconds, “Though I guess my mere existence is new for you, so I guess you could call it that.” He smiles, “you are going to love going to a relay station.”
“If you are talking about a relay station, thats what they were mainly used for before the humans left the earth, or so I was told growing up.“, he starts to prep the synthesizer, “now they are used as a sort of massive trading hub where you can barter goods. There are still communicators all around them though, so if there is somebody you wanna talk to you just have to input their U.R.S or Unique Radio Signature.”, blueprints for an Ion Core appear on the synthesize’s screen, “you will seem to use most of the uranium, but you will have a lot of titanium left over, so that’s good. Do you need a reactor as well?”

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