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Fantasy Pirates-Fantasy Role Play

  • "That's a rough sweetie," Moonfall said to Ria, she sighed lightly and just remained right in her own little cell. Listening to both of them. The both of them seemed to have a rather interesting story. Moonfall decided to lean against the wall for a bit, she searches herself, hoping to have something useful, but to no avail. All of her possessions were conversated upon arrest, even the herbs she liked to hide. "I'm just here because apparently, it's not legal to practice witchcraft." Moonfall sighed. The very room had a depressing atmosphere to it, and the howling of the spirits of dead prisoners really didn't help. Sometimes, the girl wished she couldn't speak, or talk to ghosts.

    "Do any of you know how to get out of here. Mr. do you know?" Moonfall turned to Jack, or more specifically, the direction she heard his voice coming from. She just assumed that he has some useful trick or something. When the witch looked forward, she took note that a couple of the guards were leaving the prison area. Leaving only a few to watch over the exits. "This place isn' heavily guarded at the moment, maybe we can get out of these cells. There's an evidence room that might have our stuff."