Other Phobias


Dracon Dancer
What are yours? I hope that this is an okay topic. If not sorry.

I'm agoraphobic, thalassophobic, as an extension of the prior megalohydrothalassophobic, and haphephobic. I have learned to deal with the last one a bit more than I used to and the second I can attribute to the first.
I'm afraid of heights and I can be a little pyrophobic... if that's even a word. Lol I am not your girl during kitchen fires!
Trypophobia!! Which extends to me being super freaked out by buttons bc of their tiny holes, some sponges and water plants, etc.

 When I was little my parents tried like home remedy exposure therapy based on their internet findings w/ me but they were bad at it and it probably had the opposite effect? Oops lol.

My mom said it originally stemmed from a nightmare I had about buttons when I was like four but I think it comes from the concept of tiny tiny parasites and bugs burrowing out/into your skin that I always imagine when I see them tiny hole clusters.  :S  
IV needles. Regular ones are fine, but anything involving veins terrifies me. 

Also, being up high on a structure that has something higher above me freaks me out. Like the deck of the USS North Carolina, where there's the conning tower above. Probably some past-life hanging/gallows thing. 
I'm horribly afraid of wasps. And heights. And looking directly up when outside. And clowns. And strangers. And being left alone with people I can't trust myself with. I don't trust my self-control so I always think I'm one day where I'm alone away from murdering someone. Oh, and commitment. Oh, and losing my hands or limbs. And falling down stairs.

I'm afraid of a lot of stuff.
I have a terrible fear of the ocean, and large water bodies where you can't see the bottom. I just keep thinking that there's something in there.

On a side note, I also have a rather embarrassing phobia of ringing bells. 

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