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  • I didn't think anyone else knew about Tenchu, you got big props from me.
    Before the mic drops, Final Fantasy XV Platinum-done. 
    The feeling when someone disregards how you feel to criticize you but feel threatened and hurt because they can dish out crap but can't take it. I'm done.
    Don't be mad because I called you what you are, be mad because your behavior is childish and ridiculous. Sometimes the best method is to shut your mouth.
    I just realized your profile is stuck in 2016, lulz.
    Do you prefer to put your character's history in a CS or reveal it in a roleplay? Personally, I like to reveal history over the roleplay. Putting it in my character sheet seems like overkill.
    Omniscience: The ability to know anything and everything.

    A mental based ability. Over powered much?
    Blaire Wisteria
    Blaire Wisteria
    I mean, you probably won't be able to have a main character have that ability, that's for sure. One way I can see it working is the influx of information constantly flowing into the person pretty much destroyed their mind and they're stuck in a comatose vegetable state and they can in no way live without constant care from outside sources. The catch would be that once in a  blue moon they might mumble out a criptic prediction of the future that a certain good/evil organization would use to predict the future in order to try and stop something from happening and the opposite group of people would constantly try to obtain said person to use for themselves, or something like that.
    Inner Power
    Hey, that's good. Very good.
    Inner Power
    Oh by the way I was not thinking about making a character when I posted this status. When I said overpowered much, I meant that's very overpowered. Just clearing the air in case that's what you were thinking.
    Sometimes all it takes is one word, a feeling, music or a time and place to remind you of someone you've lost and the realization the pain is still there even to this day.
    It's nice being in a dungeon fighting a lvl 84 monster who is literally about to drop when you step on a transport thing that brings you back to the entrance of the dungeon. 

    lol, so you follow me on here and never talk to me then unfollow me? 

    You need some cake. 

    I shall say this to anyone who wishes to do the same, go ahead. If you find me boring, which I probably am, or not able to be on here 24/7 to talk please stop following me. I wouldn't want to give you any unnecessary notifications :)
    I had to clear my page to start fresh. I'm thoroughly happy with the results. A brand new year and brand new things :)
    So much hostility on here.
    Well, I meant stuck in 15 as in I cannot get back to Lucis like I could in Altissia.

    In 13 I mean the Alexander Eidolon battle where you have to poison him and defend against him... in which I always get almost there and the the doom counter kills me.
    Or wait, his was healing and protect?  Either way, I've tried playing the game through 3 times and the third time I RQ.
    Inner Power
    I'm sorry, I forgot about those eidolons. I think I kept Light, Hope, and Fang. Hope because he's good to do buffs and I cast protection on everyone. I don't remember the paradigm shifts except the aggressive one, rav I think. It was rav, rav, rav that is helpful to attack and heal when necessary but I think you can poison him too. I just don't remember.

    In 15 you can go back to Lucis. If you need tips send me a pm though I think you are doing fine.

    When someone you don't get along with continues to view your page.

    'In peace may you leave the shore. In love may you find the next. Safe passage on your travels until our final journey on the ground... May we meet again.' ~The 100 


    Just thought I could at least tell you that you will be missed by at least one person.
    Right now the understanding me is gone out the window. If you are strong cool, if you know stuff awesome! Stop talking about being a warrior as if you are above everyone or entitled or feel you can be arrogant. Life is about being humble not acting like a know it all.
    I know some people who act the way you've described, all I can say is; you're right and I agree. 
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