
Lord Pug
Lord Pug
Omniscience: The ability to know anything everything AKA the ability to be overpowered af.

Honestly, it is really overpowered, in my opinion.
Yes. Your character is basically untouchable because he knows everything meaning he knows what anyone is thinking and as shuck what their going to do. 

F u autocorrect

and as *such*
Blaire Wisteria
Blaire Wisteria
Well, if you write a character well, you could make a character that has omniscience that's not stupidly broken.
Inner Power
I saw this on a powers page.

I'm trying to think of how this could be written well and nothing comes to mind except if a character has this ability there is a serious drawback for the use.
Lord Pug
Lord Pug
Perhaps actually used the ability drains the character of physical and mental energy for a large period of time?

I once had a character that had insane abilities but using those abilities completely drained the character for at least a week.
Inner Power
Yeah, that would work. That's something I would do. I would probably also throw in memory loss gradually or lasting effects. 

I enjoy making characters with abilities but it's a tricky situation, what's good versus the extreme.