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Multiple Settings Partner Search! (OPEN)


Necessary Evil
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Work Working GIF

Hello, hello! Pleasure to meet you all, and I'm hoping this post could draw in some lovely writers for some long-term roleplays. I am fairly open-minded and leave myself open to any genre, pairing, and setting, meaning that even if something below doesn't intrigue you, feel free to bring whatever ideas you have to me as well. I've written on this site before and had to take a lengthy break because college was quite stressful. However, summer is here and I have more time than ever to engage in some fantastic roleplays. If we had a roleplay prior and you want to start it up again, reach out! Before we get into the nitty gritty about what I'm looking for and what I have in this hyperactive brain of mine, I just wanted to set a very minimal amount of ground rules. For one, as an adult, I would much prefer people who are 18+ simply just for comfort. Number two, I love people writing at their capacity and giving their best, but please no one-liners, it's just practically impossible to work off. Number three, let's be friendly and respectful! No room for asshats on the site, y'know?

Little Things About Me & You:
- As said before, I am a current college student! I just finished my sophomore year and I'm currently studying as a pre-law. Thankfully though, we are not in the midst of the academic year, so I'm free from the seemingly endless piles of papers and exams I had to deal with.
- I do love chatting OOC. I'm a bit of a social spark plug, so it's an enjoyable experience interacting with the people I write with. If you aren't that way... that's perfectly fine! I'm open to chatting on discord as well, for the folks who prefer that.
- Again, as mentioned prior, I'm open to any genre or setting, and definitely any pairing (MxF, MxM, FxF). If you have a specific preference in terms of what gender your characters are, make it known! I'll have zero issue with it.
- As a writer, I do recognize that the lengths and intricacies of a story can change. So, I always try to match post lengths with my partners. Don't be shy to specify if you want or expect a certain amount of writing though. Quality over quantity though at the end of the day.
- Anything within this post is definitely meant to be built upon. I love brainstorming and trying to make prompts/ideas more fleshed out or more creatively driven. I love being able to throw ideas off of my partner and for them to do the same. We're in this together! I will forever be open to my partners flexing their brain muscles and fabricating some stuff that I could have never thought of.
- When it comes to you, I don't have insanely high expectations! Every person is different in terms of writing, interacting, and plotting. The boundaries will change depending on the person, so, always aim to communicate with me to make the ship sail smoothly.

Anyways, let's get into some way more interesting (and fun) stuff!

Pairings: * Indicate Current Interest (Please forgive how basic some of these are...)

- Supernatural x Supernatural/Human ***
- Soldier x Soldier/Nurse ****
- Experiment x Scientist *****
- Royalty x Peasantry **
- Summoner x Summoned ****

- Wanted Criminal x Law Enforcement **
- Explorer x Extraterrestrial **
- Gods & Demons x Gods & Demons (or humans... duh) ***
- Your ideas too!

Again, these are a very select few, I'm sure there are so many more out there I'd be willing to write around. Definitely bring em' up if you'd like. c:

Fandoms: * Indicate Current Interest (There are soooo much more...)
Quick Note: I use strictly OCs for fandom based stuff. It's more fun for me that way. If you choose to use a canon character, that's okay. I also love AU ideas soooo... keep it in mind. <3
- Chainsaw Man (My favorite manga series ever!) ***
- Fear & Hunger (I LOVE Dark Fantasy) *****
- Persona 5 ****
- Demon Slayer ***
- Danganronpa (An old love of mine, I still have so many random OCs for this...) ****
- Fallout/Metro (Apocalyptic settings in general... chef's kiss) *****
- JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (This never goes out of style) ****
- Interview With The Vampire/Dead Boy Detectives **
- Horror Franchises (Silent Hill, Resident Evil, etc) ****
- And plenty others!

Original Plots:
These can all be added to and changed! Hope you fancy these more than anything else.

Character A's luck with romance can be described as a train wreck… Well, more like a train wreck that caught fire, only to be struck by another flaming train, then rolling off the rails into the ocean. They simply cannot catch a break. Soon after their most recent devastating heartbreak, a large box is suddenly shipped to their house, delivered straight to the front door. Once Character A decides to open said shipment, inside there is an actual person… Character B. However, Character B isn't a "normal" human. Character B is a genetically engineered human being, built and grown from the first cell, a marvel of science. This created human though was programmed to be the "perfect lover", made to have only a direct attraction, need to care for, and overall desire for Character A. Other than that, they know nothing about the normal world, only knowing specific things to aid Character A. It's all up to Character A to decide if they will accept the love of this odd individual and shoulder the responsibility of having to teach them the ways of society. All the while Character B grows into something much more than just the next step in evolutionary love.

Character A and B are both high-class mercenaries, being some of the most elite, feared people on the planet. Whoever their target was, that person would no longer be walking among the living, no question or doubt about it. Although they are infamous in the underground night scene, by daytime they resort to their normal lives, having to hide their true identities wherever they step. That is until one day, Character A gets a new target... their biggest yet: Character B. To make matters even worse, both end up getting a job at the same location! Going from coworkers in the day to combatants in the night, both characters have nothing but a sense of urgency, one desperately trying to kill the other. Being pitted against each other, the tension only rises every second they stand face to face, breathing the same air on a daily basis. The bridge between their normal and secretive lifestyles flickers with growing flame. How will either individual handle the pressure under these dire circumstances?

Character A is a part of a large-scale war that their kingdom has been a part of for years upon years, a war of attrition, neither side giving ground to the other. Bloodshed, despair, and hatred line both sides, seemingly no end to their desolate conflict. Character A is a hero of this grand war, a leader amongst the masses, a legend amongst the ranks, a symbol of fear to the opposition. The ruler of Character A's nation decides to go to a drastic tactic to change the tides of war. He summons Character B in ritualistic fashion, someone who so happens to be a normal person from an everyday life on Earth, now dragged into an unknown fantasy world. Character B is claimed to be the great legend that was described in stories of the past, a warrior that won the many wars of ancient history. Character A is put in charge to aid and be close with Character B, forcing two opposites to unite for separate causes. One wants to save their kingdom, the other wants to return to their home. Can they fight alongside one another? Will either achieve their goals? It's a fight of desperation for Character A and a game of survival for Character B.

To finish up this post and not make it too lengthy I do hope some of this had piqued your interest! If so, feel free to reply to the thread or DM me directly! While you're at it, let me know what your favorite song is (if you'd like). I'm excited to meet you all and I thank you dearly for your time that you took to read this.

Can't wait to hear from you.

~ Xeno
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